is always hope. Depression blinds us to that fact.
If we can somehow hold on to our hope, just
we can find a way to get through.

Without emotion, man would
be nothing but a biological computer. Love, joy,
sorrow, fear, apprehension, anger,
satisfaction, and discontent provide
the meaning of human existence.
Arnold M. Ludwig---1980 |
Lately Melissa hasn't felt like herself. Her friends
have noticed it, too. Lita was surprised when Melissa
turned down her invitation to go to the mall last Saturday
(Melissa could always be counted on for Retail Therapy!).
There was really no reason not to go, but Melissa just
didn't feel like it. Instead, she spent most of the
weekend sleeping.
Staying in more than usual isn't the only change
in Melissa. She's always been a really good student.
But over the past couple of months her grades have
fallen and she has trouble concentrating. She forgot
to turn in a paper that was due and is having a
hard time getting motivated to study for her finals.
Melissa feels tired all the time but has difficulty
falling asleep. She's gained weight too.
When her mother asks her what's wrong, Melissa
just feels like crying. But she doesn't know why.
Nothing particularly bad has happened. Yet she
feels sad all the time and can't shake it.
Melissa may not realize it yet, but she
is depressed.
What causes
Sometimes friends or family members recognize
that someone is depressed. They may respond with
love, kindness, or support, hoping that the sadness
will soon pass.
But not everyone recognizes depression when
it happens to someone they know.
Some people don't really understand about
depression. For example, they may react to a
depressed person's low energy with criticism,
yelling at the person for acting lazy or not
trying harder. Some people mistakenly believe
that depression is just an attitude or a mood
that a person can shake off. It's not that easy.
Sometimes even people who are depressed don't
take their condition seriously enough. Some people
feel that they are weak in some way because they
are depressed.

Being clinically depressed is very different from
the down type of feeling that all people experience
from time to time. Occasional feelings of sadness
are a normal part of life, and it is that such
feelings are often colloquially referred to as "depression." In
clinical depression, such feelings are out of proportion
to any external causes. There are things in everyone's
life that are possible causes of sadness, but people
who are not depressed manage to cope with these
things without becoming incapacitated.
As one might expect, depression can present itself
as feeling sad or "having the blues".
However, sadness may not always be the dominant
feeling of a depressed person. Depression can also
be experienced as a numb or empty feeling, or perhaps
no awareness of feeling at all. A depressed person
may experience a noticeable loss in their ability
to feel pleasure about anything. Depression, as
viewed by psychiatrists, is an illness in which
a person experiences a marked change in their mood
and in the way they view themselves and the world.
Depression as a significant depressive disorder
ranges from short in duration and mild to long
term and very severe, even life threatening.
Depression involves the brain's delicate chemistry — specifically,
it involves chemicals called neurotransmitters.
These chemicals help send messages between nerve
cells in the brain. Certain neurotransmitters regulate
mood, and if they run low, people can become depressed,
anxious, and stressed. Stress also can affect the
balance of neurotransmitters and lead to depression.

The most common drugs used
today to treat depression focus their attention
on the brain chemicals, serotonin and norepinephrine.
side effects of antidepressant drugs
Increasing evidence, however,
now indicates that another player in the brain,
corticotropin-releasing factor, should share
the spolight. Studies have shown that abnormally
high activity of this stress hormone is present
in many cases of depression. Furthermore, research
shows that drugs that block the action of corticotropin-releasing
factor have the potential to lift the dismally
low spirits of the depressed. The new insights
help explain how depression arises and may lead
to new options for prevention and treatment.BT9 |
It is important for people
to know that:
Depression is an illness that
can affect anyone at any age.
It is not connected with and does not develop into insanity |
An estimated one in
ten Americans suffer from depression, an
illness that affects both physical and mental
well-being. Often chronic in nature, depression
can be triggered by adverse life circumstances
or occur simply "out of the blue." Frequently,
a combination of genetic, psychological and
environmental factors contribute to the onset
of depression.
Depression is much misunderstood by the public, yet it affects
many people of all ages. It is estimated that one in five people
will suffer from depression at some point in their lives.
Scale |
Depression is an illness where the feelings of
hopelessness and helplessness, linkled to the inability
to concentrate, may make it hard for some people
to carry out normal daily activities.
Depression is an illness with a wide range of physical and psychological
symptoms, which sometimes make it hard to recognise and understand.
Personality may play a part in depression. Although anyone can become
depressed under particular circumstances, some people seem to be
more vulnerable than others. This may be because of things that have
happened in childhood, such as abuse, or because of our individual
make up (including body chemistry).
A lot of effective, intelligent and creative people suffer from depression
and yet make an outstanding contribution to life. Often, information
about their depression is only revealed after their death, as people
misunderstand the illness. Amongst such people are
Nightingale and
Winston Churchill, who used to call depression
his "black dog". Depression can effect
anyone and does not reduce your value as a
human being.
Q. Who could benefit most from the use of CES?
A. First and foremost, those suffering from
stress in the form of depression, anxiety,
and insomnia who seek an effective non- pharmacologic
alternative. Secondly, those suffering from
illnesses where stress constitutes a prime
According to the American Academy of Family
Physicians, stress-related problems account
for 80-85% of all visits to medical offices.
Research indicates that 80-85% of all diseases
are caused by stress which plays a major role
in aggravating up to 90% of all illnesses and
some part in the development of every disease,
from cancer to the common cold.
It has been estimated that 80% of the
populace of the United States react to life
problems with the "flight" or "fight" anxiety
reaction. And that a similar percentage of
our hospitals are filled with persons who have
channeled anxiety released energies into their
bodies resulting in psychogenic illnesses.
Among those illnesses are: substance abuse
withdrawal syndrome (alcohol, street drugs,
nicotine, prescription drugs), chronic fatigue
syndrome including fybromyalgia, pre-menstrual
syndrome, attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity,
migraine and tension headaches, TMJ dysfunction,
chronic pain, pre-competitive and performance
anxiety, panic disorders, tic dolereaux, bruxism,
stress induced asthma, hives, gastrointestinal
disorders, ulcers or gastritis, and irritable
bowel syndrome, to name a few.
We would underscore, however, that CES
is not a cure for these illnesses and does
represent itself as such. But by successfully
addressing the anxiety, depression, and insomnia
underlying these disorders, it can play a major
role in the healing process. |
The most common
symptoms are set out below . If these have been
experienced for more than two weeks it is essential
to seek help. People may suffer from two or three
of these symptoms but are unlikely to experience
them all.
of helplessness and hopelessness.
useless, inadequate, bad.
hatred, constant questioning of thoughts and
actions, an overwhelming need for reassurance.
vulnerable and "over-sensitive".
loss of energy and motivation, that makes even
the simplest tasks or decisions seem difficult.
or gain in weight.
with getting off to sleep, or (less frequently)
an excessive desire to sleep.
and restlessness.
of sex drive.
it impossible to concentrate for any length
of time, forgetfulness.
sense of unreality.
aches and pains, sometimes with the fear that
you are seriously ill.
In severe depression, these feelings
may also include:
to eat or drink.
and/or hallucinations.
may I measure my depression?
Get Your Life Back
On Track

Imagine plugging your brain
into a specially mastered Black box containing
a powerful (but absolutely safe) technology
that launches you into an incredible experience
of deep inner peace - an experience of deep
meditation so immediately begins
to create profound, positive changes in the
structure of your nervous system... |
Everyone has a threshold for what they
can handle coming at them from the world. When that
threshold is exceeded, we attempt to deal with being
pushed over it with a variety of coping mechanisms,
including anxiety, anger, depression, overwhelm,
sadness, substance abuse, and many others.
When a person has trauma during childhood,
this threshold ends up being lower than if the trauma
had not happened, and the person is more often bothered
by things in their environment that might not bother
other "normal" people. This means they
exhibit, and suffer from, the above feelings and
behaviours more often. But even the person with the
normal threshold can be pushed past their threshold
from time to time, depending on what’s going
on for them.
The solution to all of this? Raise this threshold
higher, and this is precisely what the BT 9 does.
As this happens, your dysfunctional feelings and
behaviours happen less and less often because it
becomes less and less likely that whatever is happening
in your environment will push you over it and trigger
these feelings and behaviours in the first place.
As a result, they fall away — for good.
This is a lot like an athlete who begins with a
certain physical threshold, but raises it by training
every day until what would have overwhelmed the person
in the beginning becomes easy.
"I noticed effects
from the first day od using my BT9. I experienced
a greater
sense of well being, I experienced a sense
of euphoria and also a sense that finally
I HAD found something that is making changes
to me and is living up to the facts.."
John Gardiner Utah |

Electrotherapy, a Profound Alternative Therapy
Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is an FDA
approved treatment for depression .. Over 100 human
and eighteen animal studies have demonstrated the
effectiveness of CES in treating these and other
disorders. CES involves the introduction of a very
weak electrical current into the brain. Before you
say, "No way! Not my brain!" understand
CES is not "Shock therapy". The electrical
current used in CES/BT11 is
typically less than one milliampere. To put this
in perspective, the current needed to power a light
bulb is about 11,000 times stronger. No serious side
effects have been reported with CES.
Q. Is CES then only for
the "sick" and
the "stressed-out ?"
A. You don't have to be "sick" or "stressed-out" to
use CES and realize its benefits. CES is a
life-enhancing instrument of potential value
to everyone. Its uses are wide ranging. Some
people use it as an adjunct to meditation practice
each morning. Others during peak stressor moments
that hit unexpectedly in the course of a day.
Who hasn't experienced those times when we
are about to "lose it?" Putting the
unit on in these situations even just briefly--perhaps
for as little as ten minutes-- can help curb
that anxiety and serve as a reminder that one
needs to be with ones self in a different way.
CES is not only a drug-free treatment of these
conditions but is more effective than drugs currently
on the market, with none of their frequently debilitating
side effects.
Homeostasis can be defined as the tendency for intrinsic
balance within a system. Application of a therapeutic
range of microcurrent intracranially seems to enhance
the homeostasis of the biological central nervous
system. A change in one system within the individual
will have correlative effects upon other systems.
Improvements in mood, cognitive function, self image,
shift of locus of control to oneself, and sense of
well being can be measured. When CES/BT11 works,
it enhances one's ability to handle or deal with
that were previously beyond the range of one's control.
Electromedicine (including BT11/CES)
is designed to primarily impact the electrical
nature of the body. The current used in CES
is very similar to the electrical fields naturally
present in the body |
People Wanted
The efficacy of CES has been demonstrated in many
different ways. Studies have used twenty-seven different
psychometric (pencil and paper) tests including the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the
State/Trait Anxiety Inventory. CES has consistently
demonstrated reductions in anxiety on these tests.
Other studies have measured the physiological manifestations
of anxiety before and after CES treatment. Slowing
of brain waves and respiration rate, as well as reduction
in blood pressure are physical signs of stress reduction
that have been documented with CES treatment. One
placebo-controlled study evaluated the effects of
CES treatment in twenty individuals with chronic
stress symptoms of at least a year's duration. All
of them had failed to respond to medication. Muscle
tension, heart rate and finger temperature were measured
before, immediately after, and one week following
a single twenty minute CES treatment. Muscle tension
and heart rate decreased and finger temperature increased
immediately after treatment in those receiving active
CES treatment but not in the placebo (sham CES) group.
One week after treatment, those who had received
active CES treatment still had significantly reduced
muscle tension and heart rate! This is one of the
many advantages of CES over medications. Whereas
medications only work as long as they are taken,
CES effects are long lasting and cumulative.
You don't have to be "sick" or "stressed-out" to
use the BT11/CES and realize its benefits. CES
is a life-enhancing instrument of potential value
to everyone. Its uses are wide ranging. Some people
use it as an adjunct to meditation practice each
morning. Others during peak stressor moments that
hit unexpectedly in the course of a day. Who hasn't
experienced those times when we are about to "lose
it?" Putting the unit on in these situations
even just briefly--perhaps for as little as ten
minutes-- can help curb that anxiety and serve
as a reminder that one needs to be with ones self
in a different way.
CES also represents a significant affirmation
that you have the power within to change your mental
state and that you are willing to take active steps
to create the time and the space to do so.
Using waveforms
at a level of current similar to the body's own,
MET bridge cellular communications help re-establish
the normal electrical flow.
(frequently asked questions)
and depression are the most widely experienced
negative states
One curious quality of anxiety is that,
since the external threat is not present, our attention
and fear become focused on the symptoms of the anxiety
itself. Thus we begin to fear that because our breathing
is constricted, we will stop breathing; that because
our heart is thumping, we will have a heart attack;
and so on. A quick way to stop anxiety is to turn
our attention away from it. You may have had the
experience of suffering anxiety and then being distracted
by something more urgent. By the time you remember
how anxious you were, your anxiety has gone. Anxiety
is a response to a perceived threat; it makes sense
that if we forget about or have our attention diverted
from the threat, then the physiological symptoms
will disappear quickly.
a BT11

Anxiety reduction
is usually felt during the first treatment although
the effects are cumulative over time. Depression
and insomnia are usually controlled, if not cured,
in two to three weeks. Users also report feeling
more energetic, focused, and, well. Although not
its primary mechanism of action, microcurrent treatment
Increases natural endorphin output
Affectiveness of the NET or Brain Tuner device was
established by a Chinese Acupuncturist, Dr. Wen,
in Hong Kong in the 1970s by testing hundreds of
patients at a clinic, most of whom were on drugs
of one kind or another, alcohol, nicotine, heroin,
etc, consciously or unconsciously trying to relieve
stress, largely a mental condition?
It seems that the body -- or Brain -- gives up making
its own pain-killers, Endorphins, when a person turns
to drugs;
but putting a weak EM signal into the; body, especially
the head area, stimulates the brain into producing
Endorphins again. Amazingly, the craving for the
drug disappears in three to ten days and without
withdrawal symptoms!
The Brain Tuner (BT-9) uses a complex waveform that,
according to Beck, produces many frequency harmonics
simultaneously—"all known beneficial frequencies
for the natural stimulation of the brain’s
neurotransmitters." …
C.E.S Tools