The important thing is never stop questioning
Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison of belief by
widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living
creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

CES-Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation

CES (cranial electrotherapy stimulation) treats a variety of ailments, but because of legal restrictions, the manufacturers are only allowed to say that it effectively treats anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia. To receive a “ treatment,” ear clips are placed on the earlobes or behind the ears or with earcloips. The user may feel a slight tingling sensation.

Some users report feeling light (or heavy then light), as their anxiety fades away. Unlike drugs used to treat mood disorders, the mind is left alert while the body is relaxed. Drs uses the analogy of having a Type-A mind with a Type-B body. (Type-A personalities are usually creative, hard working go-getters, but often suffer from stress-related ills. Type-B’s are more relaxed and laid back but tend to live with their parents until their 30’s.)

Anxiety reduction is usually felt during the first treatment although the effects are cumulative over time. Depression and insomnia are usually controlled, if not cured, in two to three weeks. Users also report feeling more energetic, focused, and, well. Although not its primary mechanism of action, microcurrent treatment Increases natural endorphin output.

Studies are still ongoing in many of these areas, but people are noticing marked improvements in the treatment of ADD, phobias, and drug and alcohol addiction (including prescription drug addiction) using CES.
Article by Chris Shugart from Testosterone Magazine.

Affectiveness of the NET or Brain Tuner device was established by a Chinese Acupuncturist, Dr. Wen, in Hong Kong in the 1970s by testing hundreds of patients at a clinic, most of whom were on drugs of one kind or another, alcohol, nicotine, heroin, etc, consciously or unconsciously trying to relieve stress, largely a mental condition?

It seems that the body -- or Brain -- gives up making its own pain-killers, Endorphins, when a person turns to drugs; but putting a weak EM signal into the; body, especially the head area, stimulates the brain into producing Endorphins again. Amazingly, the craving for the drug disappears in three to ten days and without withdrawal symptoms!


Dr. Wen found through experimentation that the most favorable place for the electrodes or contacts was the hollows under the ears. The EM signal does not have to be felt by the subject or patient, though in some devices with power controls the current can be turned up to where a slight tingle is felt. A stronger connection can be made if the contacts are moistened. They can be placed on other parts of the body if local treatment is desired there.

Benefits of BT-9
Ability to Focus
Deep Relaxation
Centering and Calmness
Reduced Nervous Energy
Deeper, more Restful Sleep
Better Sexual Performance
Improved Mental Abilities
Short Term Memory Improvement
Increased Mental and Physical Energy
Reduced Negative Behavior Patterns
Heightened Alpha Brainwave Patterns
Improved Attention Span and Concentration
Note: the possible range of benefits listed above are based upon 15 years of experience working with the BT9. Because there are currently no published research studies involving the BT-9 individual results will vary and must be considered personal and subjective. Typically, individuals will report a range of improvements - from very substantial - to very little.

Most individuals describe the experience as being one of focused deep relaxation, even when high emotional tension or stress have been present. Following the normal 2 to 4 week application routine, many individuals experience significant positive changes in their lives and in their relationships with others. Many users experience a more positive, energetic outlook, better mental clarity and feelings of improved self-esteem

Adult use of anti-depressants almost tripled from 1988 to 2000. Women and children experienced the most dramatic rise. In 1999-2000, 10 percent of women 18 and older reported taking anti-depressants in the previous month as compared with 4 percent in men. Use among children has seen a very sharp increase, especially with Ritalin used to treat attention deficit disorder. From 2000 to 2002, the government counted an average of 13.5 visits for every 100 boys ages 5 to 17, up from an average of 8.5 visits from 1997 to 1999. The comparable figures for girls were 5.3 and 3.3. By contrast, anti-depressants were prescribed at similar rates for boys and girls, and in both cases the rates increased sharply from 1994 to 2002. Dependence on prescribed tranquilizers has risen by 290% since 1962, a period during which the per capita consumption of liquor rose by only 23% and the estimated consumption of illegal opiates by about 50 percent, As noted by Ivan Illich in Medical Nemesis, "Medical addiction ...has outgrown all self-chosen or more festive forms of creating well-being."

The numerous benefits of BT-9 tend to be cumulative in nature and gradually reveal themselves over a period of 1 to 4 weeks.

The Brain Tuner (BT-9) uses a complex waveform that, according to Beck, produces many frequency harmonics simultaneously—"all known beneficial frequencies for the natural stimulation of the brain’s neurotransmitters." …

Since addiction and withdrawal, are the result of insufficient levels of certain brain chemicals, or undeveloped pleasure centers and pleasure pathways, the most direct way of eliminating them is to restore optimal levels of the brain chemicals, to stimulate the pleasure centers and pleasure pathways. One of the most exciting breakthroughs in the treatment of addiction has been the discovery that stimulating the brain with a minuscule electrical current (cranial electrostimulation, or CES) can cause the brain quickly to pour out large quantities of the neurochemicals that have been suppressed by addictive substances.

Many users experience a more positive, energetic outlook, better mental clarity and feelings of improved self-esteem. The many daily challenges of life seem easier to handle and negative reactions to everyday stress and tension are diminished

As electrotherapy researcher Bob Beck described , this was originally discovered when scientists analyzed the brains of rats that had been addicted to opiates: The rats that were addicted had been getting so much opiate that the little endorphin factories in the brain would shut down and say, "Look, our body’s got too much of this. Quit manufacturing it." And it would take anywhere from a week to three weeks before their rats’ brains would begin manufacturing beta–endorphin again. Whereas in the brains of the control rats that had never been addicted, you would find the normal, expected levels of beta–endorphin. And then they would take a third group of addicted rats, cold turkey cut them off of the heroin, clip little electrodes to their ears, and within 20 minutes of electrical stimulation … the rat brain would start showing that the endorphin production had started up again. So, those rats wouldn’t go through withdrawal symptoms!

This evidence quickly led to the use of CES in the treatment of humans. …

CES is the anti-drug—the non-pharmacological alternative for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It is a unique and viable "bioelectric" approach which seems to enhance the homeostasis of the biological central nervous system—the tendency for intrinsic balance within a system. Its ethic is that of self-regulation. Its goal, wellness—a state of proper alignment—the balanced interplay of body and mind attained through personal empowerment rather than dependency.

Reaserchers believe that increased reliance on external drugs interferes with that self-regulatory process, reducing our ability to cope. That to reclaim control of our life we have to learn how to alter that chemical composition and reorient that circuitry, not through dependency but by activating, strengthening, and effectively employing our own inner resources.

Self-regulation, autonomy, and no negative side effects are reasons enough to consider CES.

Most individuals describe the experience as being one of focused deep relaxation, even when high emotional tension or stress have been present.