Called a madman by some, a genius by others, and an enigma
by nearly everyone, Nikola Tesla was possibly the greatest inventor
the world has ever known. He was, without doubt, a trail blazer
who created astonishing, sometimes world-transforming, devices
that often were virtually without theoretical precedent. It was
Tesla who introduced us to the fundamentals of robotry, computers,
and missile science and helped pave the way for such space-age
technologies as satellites, microwaves, beam weapons, and nuclear
fusion. Yet, Tesla still remains one of the least recognized scientific
pioneers in history.
he was one of the strangest of scientists --
almost supernaturally gifted, erratic, flamboyant,
and neurotic nearly to the point of madness. A
dandy and popular
man-about-town, he was admired by man as diverse
as George Westinghouse and Mark Twain and adored
by scores of society beauties. Yet his
bewildering of compulsions and phobias extended
from such mundane subject as food and clean linen
to pearls and women's ears. He
was fond of creating neighborhood-threatening electrical
storms in his apartment laboratory and once nearly
knocked down a tall
building by attaching a mysterious "black box" to
its side. (He claimed he could have destroyed the
entire planet with
a similar device.) And because he kept so few notes,
to this day we can only guess at the details of
many of the fantastic scientific
projects that occupied his fevered intellect
"He created machines that flooded the
human body with electrical currents and strong
vibrations, intended to soothe aches and promote
healing. And Tesla wasn't just the inventor
of the "electrotherapeutic" device
-- he was also a client. He reportedly became
somewhat addicted to his MWO,(in
a good way) administering the treatment to
himself, insisting that a
session with the machine rejuvenated him on
his long stretches of work without food or
sleep. Tesla once let his friend Samuel Clemens
try out the healing MWO
machine. The author
is said to have enjoyed the experience tremendously." |
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
was a Serbian-American inventor and researcher who discovered the
rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current
machinery. He was born in Yugoslavia and worked as a telephone
engineer in Prague and Paris, where he conceived a new type of
electric motor which had no commutator, as direct current (DC)
motors have, but instead worked on the principle of a rotating
magnetic field produced by polyphase alternating currents (AC).
He produced a prototype, and finding no interest in Europe, emigrated
to the United States in 1884. He worked briefly and unhappily with
Thomas Edison, the champion of DC, then established his own lab
and continued his prodigious output of inventions. He obtained
patents on polyphase motors, dynamos, and transformers for a complete
AC power system.
He formed an alliance with George Westinghouse,
who bought polyphase patents for $1 million plus royalty. With
Westinghouse, he engaged in a struggle against Edison to convince
the public of the efficiency and safety of AC over DC. They succeeded
in getting AC accepted as the electric power system worldwide.
Also with Westinghouse, he lit the Chicago World's Fair, built
the Niagara Falls hydro-power plant, and installed AC systems at
Colorado silver mines and in other industries. By the turn of the
century, he was lifted to celebrity status comparable to Edison's
as the media promoted him along with the expanding electric power

Experimenting independently in his Manhattan
lab, he developed and patented electric devices based on the superior
capabilities of high-potential, high-frequency currents: the tesla
coil, the radio, high-frequency lighting, x-rays, electrotherapy.
When his lab burned to the ground, he rebuilt and continued. He
moved his lab to Colorado Springs in 1899, where he built a huge
magnifying transmitter. There, he experimented with wireless power,
radio and earth resonance and studied lightning. One of the most
famous photographs of Tesla shows him in his large lab surrounded
by giant bolts of lightning.
that, he returned to New York where, with the
encouragement of financier J.P. Morgan, promoted
a World System of radio broadcasting utilizing
magnifying transmitters.
He built a huge tower for a magnifying transmitter
at Wardencliff, Long Island as the first station
in the World System. He received
enough from Morgan to bring the station within
sight of completion, then funds were cut off
and the project collapsed. He continued
to invent into the 1920s, but the flow of patents
was meager compared to earlier torrents which
amounted to some 700 patents worldwide.
His high-frequency inventions were ignored by established
technology, as were the disk turbine, the free-energy
receiver, and others.
The media ignored him except for his birthday press
conferences. At these events he predicted microwaves,
the TV, beam technologies,
the cosmic-ray motor, interplanetary communications,
and wave-interference devices that have since
been named the "Tesla howizer" and
the "Tesla shield." In the 1930s, he
was involved in wireless power projects in Quebec.
His last birthday media appearance
was in 1940.
He died
privately and peacefully at the age of 87 in
a New York hotel room. His personal papers, including
copious lab notes, were impounded by the US government,
and surfaced
many years later at a Tesla Museum in Belgrade,
Yugoslavia. Of these notes, only a fragment, "Colorado Springs Notes",
has been published by the Museum.
from the "MWO Handbook",
by Tom Brown,

Lost Inventions of Nikola Tesla
Tesla Coil
Tesla's best-known invention takes the spark-gap oscillator and
uses it to vibrate vigorously a coil consisting of few turns of heavy
conductor. Inside of this primary coil sits another secondary coil
with hundreds of turns of slender wire. In the Tesla coil there is
no iron core as in the conventional step-up transformer, and this
air-core transformer differs radically in other ways. Recounting
the birth of this invention, Tesla wrote, Each time the condenser
was discharged the current would quiver in the primary wire and induce
corresponding oscillations in the secondary. Thus, a transformer
or induction coil on new principles was evolved Electrical effects
of any desired character and of intensities undreamed of before are
now easily producible by perfected apparatus of this kind. Elsewhere
Tesla wrote, There is practically no limit to the power of an oscillator.
The conventional step-up transformer (short primary winding, long
secondary on an iron core) boosts voltage at the expense of amperage.
This is not true of Tesla's transformer. There is a real gain in
power. Writing of the powerful coils he experimented with at his
Colorado Springs lab, coils with outputs in excess of 12 million
volts, Tesla wrote, It was a revelation to myself to find out that
... a single powerful streamer breaking out from a well insulated
terminal may easily convey a current of several hundred amperes!
The general impression is that the current in such a streamer is
How it works
A Tesla coil secondary has its own particular electrical character
determined in part by the length of that slender coiled wire. Like
a guitar string of a particular length, it wants to vibrate at a
particular frequency. The secondary is inductively plucked by the
primary coil. The primary circuit consists of a pulsating high-voltage
source (a generator or conventional step-up transformer), a capacitor,
a spark gap, and the primary coil itself. This circuit must be designed
so that it vibrates at a frequency compatible with the frequency
at which the secondary wants to vibrate.
The primary circuit's frequency is determined by the frequency and
voltage of the source, the capacity of the capacitor, the setting
of the spark gap, and the character of the primary coil, determined
in part by the length of its winding. Now when all these primary-circuit
components are tuned to work in harmony with each other, and the
circuit's resulting frequency is right for plucking the secondary
in a compatible rhythmic manner, the secondary becomes at its terminal
end maximally excited and develops huge electrical potentials, which
if not put to work, boil off as a corona of bluish light or as sparks
and streamers that jump to nearby conductors with crackling reports.
Unlike the conventional iron-core step-up transformer, whose core
has the effect of damping vibrations, the secondary of the Tesla
transformer is relatively free to swing unchecked. The pulsing from
the primary coil has the effect of pushing a child in a swing. If
it's done in a rhythmic manner at just the right moment at the end
of a cycle, the swing will oscillate up to great heights. Similarly,
with the right timing, the electrical vibration of the secondary
can be made to swing up to tremendous amplitudes, voltages in the
millions. This is the power of resonance.

A a whole branch of medicine was founded on the healing
effects of certain Tesla coil frequencies. Tesla understood the
therapeutic value of high-frequency vibrations. He never patented
in the area but did announce his findings to the medical community,
and a number of devices were patented and marketed by others.
At one stage we had planned constructing
a much higher-powered unit but the results
with the "lower power system" are
so gratifying that Model Two was shelved.
are scheduled with plants and animals, and
every effort is being made to remove any
element of "suggestion" from results.
A physician friend is cooperating with the
project by sending a few "problem" patients
for test. It is much too soon, however, to
make a finished statement concerning the
MWO's potential. No cures can be claimed
even if obviously demonstrated, since our
laws are controlled by medical unions forbidding
the use of the word except by MDs. But I
have satisfied myself with nearly twenty
miracles in these few weeks of tests that
the MWO might well be the most promising
device to come to light in many years.
The Russian Lakhovsky Rejuvenation Machine
By Bob Beck |
Patients, by focusing certain frequencies on afflicted
areas, or, in some cases, just sitting in the vicinity of vibrations
from a device like the Lakhovsky Multi wave Oscillator, which produced
a blend of specific frequencies, were said to have experienced
relief from rheumatism and other painful conditions. It was even
considered a cure for certain types of paralysis. Such radiation's
increase the supply of blood to the area with a warming effect
(diathermy). They enhance the oxygenation and nutritive value of
the blood, increase various secretions, and accelerate the elimination
of waste products in the blood. All this promotes healing. Electrotherapists
even spoke of broadcasting vitamins to the body. Reversals of cancer
tumor growths have been documented. Lakhovsky predicated science
will discover, some day, not only the nature of microbes by the
radiation they produce, but also a method of killing disease within
the body by radiation.

Electrotherapy devices were sold directly to the
public via ads in popular magazines and in the Sears catalogs.
Self-treatment was widespread. This easy access to treatment of
all sorts of conditions led to the eventual suppression of the
technology by the medical establishment. Electrotherapy, however,
is making a big comeback. In chiropractic and sports medicine,
low-frequency AC and DC pulses are being used to kill pain and
exercise muscles. High-frequency electrotherapy is coming back
in alternative healing practices. There is an increasing appreciation
of the electrical nature of biological functioning and that some
electric vibrations in the environment are harmful while others
are healing. Reprints of Lakhovsky's works are widely read. There
is a growing conviction that cancer can be effectively treated
with high-frequency therapies.
for your MWO
Our latest research into
Lakhovshy's papers reveal that your MWO
will work better if Grounded and Not Earthed,Apparently
earthing takes the energy out ,Grounding
brings the energy in,,(using steel wire
Place your steel spike outside in the
ground(the base of a tree or shrub is great),,if
thats not an option,find a large pot plant
pot fill it with
Sand and place a sand compatible
plant ,plant
,like a cactus etc , then place your
metal spike with the silver wire attached
into the pot plant, you are now grounded
. |
In his experimenting over an eight-year period, Tesla
made no fewer than 50 types of oscillating coils. He experimented
with lighting and other vacuum effects, including x-rays. He also
experimented with novel shapes for the normally cylindrical coils,
getting satisfying results from cone shapes and flat spirals. At
Colorado Springs Tesla achieved phenomenally increased outputs
by using a third coil resonantly tuned to the secondary. Observing
the tremendous magnification this achieved, he gave much of his
attention to integrating this extra coil, as he called it, into
an evolved outsize tesla coil called the magnifying transmitter.
MWO Theory of Operation
Lakhovsky pointed out that all cells
capable of reproduction contain in their
nuclei "filaments" of highly conductive
material surrounded by insulating media. This
filament, which may be the RNA-DNA complex,
is always in the form of a spiral
or helix, in other words, a coil. Therefore,
each will react as a tuned circuit if its
resonant frequency can be approximated
by an external oscillating coil.
did not carry this to its conclusion; however,
I postulate that by exciting
the nuclei with electromagnetic energy a "charge" can
be induced by the long established principle of electromagnetic
induction. This demonstrably raises the energy level and perhaps
the vitality of every call in the field simultaneously. Since
each cell is an individual, and of slightly different physical
dimensions, the exciting wavelengths must be multiple, and must
span a broad frequency spectrum. Diathermy machines, limited
to crystal-controlled single frequences in the 27.255 MC region,
can do nothing but heat the tissue; and yet this approach, abandoned
by Lakhovsky in the 1930s, can still be found in "modern" doctors
electromotive force (emf) produced by the MWO
and induced in the cell nucleus, can
raise the cell's metabolic rate by electrolysis,
and perhaps jog the RNA-DNA "memory" and reproductive capabilities
to their level at an earlier, younger age, thus the rejuvenation.
Even more subtle changes might be postulated, such as a magnetic "progression" of
effects as evidenced by heavy water in magnetic
Perhaps, in cancer, the
emf induced by the MWO raises the vitality and memory of marginal
cells to normal reproduction levels. In the case of other diseases,
perhaps cells given higher energy levels can more readily throw
off affliction.
MWO described here radiates a bandwith of radio
frequency energy from the audio
frequencies up beyond microwave frequencies.
By actual measurement with standard field strength
meters, this vast bandwidth of frequencies
and harmonics can be shown. In fact, a bluish
glow of "brush
discharge" surrounds the antenna when operating.
A fluorescent lamp held anywhere within several
feet of the subject glows brilliantly.
Within this multiple-wave range of frequencies,
every cell in the body can find its ONE resonant
frequency and absorb energy
at its own natural wavelength.
the electrostatic energy cannot penetrate the
body. This is known as the "skin
effect". However, the electromagnetic component of the energy
can and does permeate and will induce an emf in each cell. It
is precisely this energy to which Lakhovsky attributes his almost
miraculous "cures".

tumors with ultra high Frequencies
By George Lakhovsky
MWO's provide a full musical octave of resonating rejuvenation electromagnetic
energy to every part of your body's cellular structure.
If you have never experienced the total excitement of
a full body therapeutical electromagnetic charge that completely
saturates you, then I strongly suggest you do so. Its electromagnetic
rejuvenation energy resonates at many different cellular frequencies
that tune (by the process of resonation) each cell in your body back
to its original youthful cellular frequency.
In case you are wondering why you have never heard of the MWO before
now allow me to share with you my observation. They were introduced
to the public in the late 1930's. MWO helps the body automatically
return back to a state of health and, at the same time, assist the
body is overcoming its sicknesses and diseases.
Understanding the Lakhovsky Multi-wave
Oscillator click
here for more
What does it feel like to be sitting in-between the antennas
of a MWO? If you have ever imagined how a battery might feel while
being charged - it feels similar. Your skin can actually feel the
electrical charging effects from the antennas. It is an exciting
new experience to be charged by an MWO.
idea of "Resonance" is the key to understanding
the function of Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator.
The resonant frequency of cells and organs happens
to be the natural frequency of health
for that individual cell.
Exposure to the MWO field induces an detoxification effect/ experience
as the body attempts to shed itself of accumulated toxins. An example
would be the case of a cigarette smoker starting to cough more as
the lungs begin a process of self cleansing in response to repeated
exposure to the MWO field.
"Moving the damaged areas while on the machine
helps to increase the recovery speed of mechanical
injures. Many people meditate while on the
machine using the machine as the focal point.
Others just sit and watch TV or put on a movie.
Don't sit rigid like a statue, shrug the shoulders,
move your head around. Think pleasant thoughts,
negative thought patterns consume more energy
than you think." |

An additional effect
occurs when there is a pure Etheric component
of the Tesla Coil output independent of any frequencies.
This Etheric or Radiant Energy component was
noted by Nikola Tesla himself as
being therapeutic and rejuvenating. For the special Ætheric
or Radiant Energy effect to occur, the Tesla Coil must be tuned so
that it becomes a series "impulse" device
rather than an alternating current device.
Your only defense is your
immune system.
What is a Multi-Wave-Oscillator
and What can it do for me ? More Info Here
Latest Rife System
Are they Shattering Tumors with resonant
Info Here
Treatment Time Protocols
"From my experience a MWO , My findings strongly
suggest the follow protocol for treatment times:"
1. From 0 to 25% (Mild) onset of condition = a 30 minute
treatment time, each time
2. From 26 to 50% (Mild-Moderate) onset of condition =
a 1 hour treatment time, each time
3. From a 51 to 75% Moderate to Moderate-severe) onset of
condition = a 1:30 treatment time, each time
4. From a 76 to 100% (Severe) onset of condition =
a minimum treatment time of 2.0 hours, each time.