By George Lakhovsky

A new and important application of very short wave-lengths

is described in this article by one of the leading French


The new application of short wave-length oscillations

described in this article is one of the most important ever

found, and we are pleased to present to our readers this article

by Mr. George Lakhovsky, the well known French scientist.

The experiments described were carried out in collaboration

with several doctors and scientists of high standing and it seems

from results obtained, that the very high frequency treatments

will play an important role in the future.

We shall publish in a later issue another article on this

new system, together with the effects of ultra radio frequencies

in the treatment of other diseases in human beings.

Since November, 1923, I have published in various technical

and radio publications, several papers in which I explained my

theory that the instinct or special feeling, which permits birds

to direct themselves in space, is only the results of the

emission and reception of rays by living beings.

While developing this theory, I explained how thoroughly I

was convinced that science will discover, some day, not only the

nature of microbes but the radiation which they produce, but also

a method of killing disease bacilli within the human body by

means of the proper radiations.

The researches I have made by means of special apparatus

have shown such results, that I believe my theory to be correct.

This theory is that life is born from radiations, kept going by

radiation and suppressed by any accident producing the

destruction of the oscillatory equilibrium, especially by the

radiations of certain microbes, which suppress those of the

weaker cells.

Before going any further in our reasoning, it is necessary,

in order to present the facts to the uninitiated reader, to

imagine what oscillations really are.

The motion of a pendulum will be used for this explanation.

When a pendulum is displaced from the position of equilibrium, it

moves back and forth producing what are known as synchronous

oscillations, until the energy stored is entirely exhausted. By

means of a motor, a spring, or an electro-magnet, it is possible

to keep the motion of the pendulum of constant amplitude,

producing undamped oscillations.

If, on the contrary, the source of power is removed, the

oscillations die down and it is necessary not only to re-apply

the power sustaining the oscillations, but also to furnish

additional energy to start the pendulum in motion. This

oscillation of a pendulum reproduces exactly what happens in the

cells of a living being.



Our organs are composed of cells formed of protoplasm

containing various mineral matters and acids, such as iron,

chloride, phosphorous, etc. It is by the combination of these

elements that the cells detect outside waves and vibrate

continuously at a very high frequency, probably higher than the

period of X-rays or over all other vibrations known and measured


The amplitude of cell oscillations must reach a certain

value, in order that the organism be strong enough to repulse the

destructive vibrations from certain microbes.

The astrophysicians are actually carrying out experiments of

great interest on the existence of vibrations, which have been

called penetration rays and of which the frequency is higher than

that of X-rays and of the alpha, beta and gamma rays of radium.

Such rays, according to the theory, are produced by the

earth itself and some others come from outside space (reflected

cosmic radiations are termed "noxious rays"....Vanguard).

Accurate measurements have proven the correctness of this

theory. Therefore, it is quite permissible to believe that these

penetration rays, or at least some of them, produce the vibratory

motion of living cells and consequently their life.

For instance, let us suppose a cell vibrates at a certain

frequency and a microbe vibrates at a different frequency; the

microbe begins to fight the cell through radiation, and sickness

is started.

If the cell cannot repel the stronger vibrations and if the

amplitude of its own vibration is forced to decrease, the microbe

gains in amplitude and its vibrations begin to decrease and stop

those of the cells, bringing on dangerous sickness or death.

If, on the contrary, the living cell is started vibrating

with the proper amplitude by inside or outside causes, the

oscillatory attack is repulsed. Such is my theory.

The problem is somewhat similar to the situation in which a

rescuer finds himself when, coming to help a friend in a

dangerous situation, finds himself fighting hand to hand against

strong aggressors. The rescuer does not dare to fire his gun,

fearing to harm his friend mixed up with the aggressors in the


Similarly, microbes and healthy cells are all exposed to

electric or radio-active action, which could be used to destroy

the unwanted rays and it is difficult to suppress them without

harming or killing at the same time the cells which are to be

treated. In fact, since Pasteur, scientists have been constantly

searching for a means of destroying microbes.

The great difficulty with all methods found was that in

destroying, the bacillae cell was attacked too. The experience

gained in cancer and tuberculosis treated with radium, X-rays, or

ultra-violet rays, shows how difficult is the world of the




The remedy in my opinion, is not to kill the microbes in

contact with the healthy cells, but to reinforce the oscillations

of the cell either directly by reinforcing the radio activity of

the blood or in producing on the cells a direct action by means

of the proper rays.

During January, 1924, I began to build, according to this

theory, and with the purpose of therapeutic applications, an

apparatus, which I have called the Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator, with

the firm belief that the cells vibrating at extremely short wave-

lengths would find their own in the Hertzian waves, which have

the properties of producing extremely short harmonics.

The cell with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field

of multiple radiations, finds its own frequency and starts again

to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of resonance.

This type of vibration are produced by the radio waves which

I propose to use, is harmless, unlike those of x-rays and radium.

Their application, therefore, does not present any danger for the


I exposed in front of my apparatus, during long periods, a

certain number of microbes in culture, which developed themselves

normally. I, myself, have never felt the effect of these ultra

radio frequencies, although I remained for a great many days near

the apparatus, during the treatment applied to the living cells.

It is only when two living beings such as a cell and a

microbe, are in contact, that the rays produced by the Radio-

Cellulo-Oscillator have any direct effect upon cellular


The experiments which I carried out at the Salpetriere

Hospital in Paris, in the service and with the collaboration of

Prof. Gosset, were made with plants inoculated with cancer, and

the results were described in a paper presented on July 26, last

year, before the Biological Society. The text of this paper


"One knows that it is possible to produce by inoculation

of Bacterium tumefaciens in plants, ütumors similar to

those of cancer in animals.

One of us obtained experimentally by this method, a great

number of tumors. These had various degrees of

development. Some of them dry up partially, but do not

die entirely until the entire plant or at least the limb

bearing the tumor dies.

Even removed by surgical methods, these tumors grew again

on the sick limb."



"We propose to describe in this paper, the action of

electromagnetic waves of very high frequency obtained by

means of the Radio Cellulo-Oscillator of George


This apparatus produces wave-lengths of the order of two

meters and less, corresponding to 150 million cycles per


A first plant was submitted to the effect of the

radiation one month after being inoculated with cancer;

at this time small tumors of the size of a cherry stone

were visible upon it. This plant was submitted to the

rays twice, for three hours each time.

During the following days, the tumors continued to grow

rapidly in the same ways as those on plants, which had

not been submitted to the effect of radiations. However,

16 days after the first treatment, the tumors began to

shrink and dry up.

A few days later the tumors were entirely dried up and

could be very easily detached from the limb of the plant

by merely touching them.

The drying action of the radio frequency radiations is

selective and affects only the sick part of the plant.

Even the inside sick tissues were destroyed, although

they were next to healthy cells in the center of the

limb, showing that the radiations had not affected the

healthy parts."



"Another plant was treated in the same way, except that it

was exposed 11 times, for three hours each time, to the

radiations of the oscillator.

Sixteen days after the first exposure the tumors, which

were rather large as shown in one of the photographs,

began to shrink and dry up and were easily detached from

the limb exactly as in the first case.

Again in this a case, the healthy parts of the plant were

not affected in the least.

A third plant exposed to the radiations for nine hours,

that is, three treatments of three hours each, was cured

in the same manner as the two others.

Sixteen plants also innoculated with cancer, were left

without treatment. They have tumors in full activity,

several of which are very large.

These experiments show conclusively that plants

innoculated with cancer an be treated and cured by means

of the ultra radio frequency vibrations, whereas surgical

treatment fails.

"In conclusion I wish to call the attention of the reader

to the fact that I have obtained very conclusive results

not only with a wavelength of two meters, but with longer

and shorter wave-lengths. The main thing is to produce

the greatest number of harmonics possible."

Such are the results of my researches with plants. At the

present time, similar experiments are being carried out with

animals and it seems that the effect on cancerous animals is the

same as on cancerous plants.

I am highly pleased to present my theory and the results of

my work in a scientific review of the United States, this great

country, which has always been in the lead in the fight against

this terrible sickness, cancer, and whose sympathy and help I

would greatly appreciate.