Scientific researchers informs us,that Hydrogen is extremely
unique since it has the capability to act at the cellular
level. Hydrogen is reported to cross the blood brain barrier,
to enter the mitochondria, and even the ability to translocate
to the nucleus under certain conditions. Once in these
ideal cell locations , studies have shown that hydrogen
exerts antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory,
and cytoprotective properties that are beneficial to the
cell. Source
Do a search on Google for "Hydrogen Breathing Benefits"
we foung over 6,500,000, here are just a few

"Molecular hydrogen exerts biological effects on nearly
all organs. It has anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and
anti-aging effects and contributes to the regulation of
autophagy and cell death. An increasing number of studies
have revealed that hydrogen may protect the lungs from
diverse diseases, including acute lung injury, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, lung cancer, pulmonary
arterial hypertension, and pulmonary fibrosis". Source
The anti-inflammatory effects of molecular hydrogen
were first identified in a study of Gharib et al. (2001)
in which parasite-induced liver inflammation was treated
by the inhalation of high-pressure hydrogen. Subsequent
studies of a variety of injury models have confirmed
that molecular hydrogen has anti-inflammatory effects.
In the lungs, acute and persistent chronic inflammation
underlies the pathogenesis of numerous pulmonary diseases,
such as ALI, COPD, asthma, and PF. The protective effect
of molecular hydrogen on lung tissues is mediated by
its anti-inflammatory effects. Source |

"You are mostly water, and water is made of two
parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. So, right there you
know that without hydrogen you have no water, and without
water, there is no life (as least no life as we know
it on Earth). Hydrogen, bound mostly to carbon and nitrogen,
is part of almost every molecule in your body: DNA, proteins,
sugars, fats. In fact, the hydrogen bond - which forms
between atoms that "share" a hydrogen, is one
of the most important interactions that makes biological
molecules behave as they do.
So, essentially everything that we see contains hydrogen,
atoms bound to other atoms as part of their molecular
structure... and we are no different. " Source
Inhalation and
Diabetes click here
Inhalation and
Tumors click here
Inhalation and
Heart Disease click here
Hydrogen Inhalation
"You can do hydrogen inhalation therapy while you are
working at the office, while you are reading, resting and
even sleeping.
Many users see the changes in the body when using hydrogen inhalation
therapy for a some time. But, the effect varies in individuals
It has been used in chronic fatigue issues with amazing results in individuals
Hydrogen Water Nobel Prize Nominee,
Garth Nicolson on the health benefits of Hydrogen

-Protect DNA
-Anti-aging effects
-Improve cognition
-Reduce inflammation
-Promote cellular health
-Increase energy
-Have better skin health and tone
-Improve sleeping patterns
-Enhance athletic performance + decrease recovery time
-Support healthy weight management
-Hydrate at the cellular level
Hydrogen is well-suited for the treatment of advanced
cancer. It significantly improves the physical status
of patients, reduces fatigue, insomnia, anorexia, and
pain, and decreases elevated tumor markers. Source |
Hydrogen is "the fuel of life"
Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Györgyi said in his
1937 Nobel Lecture:
A living cell requires energy not only for all its functions,
but also for the maintenance of its structure" ... "bring
out the fact that our body really only knows one fuel,
Dr. [Kim Young] Kwi (scientist and researcher for 25 years)
had the opportunity to test and subsequently provide insight
into the waters of Lourdes, France. Samples of the water
were analyzed and compared to ordinary water. Here is what
Dr. Kim Young had to say about the “miracle” waters
of Lourdes:

“The Lourdes water was found to have a higher concentration
of activated hydrogen than regular water, which may be
responsible for restoring health to cells damaged by oxidation”
Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy Saves Lives and Improves
Outcomes for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients
A study conducted across 15 emergency medical
facilities in Japan has shown that hydrogen gas (H2)
increased the possibility of neurologically intact
survival among patients who remain comatose following
the return of spontaneous circulation from out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest (OHCA). The multicenter, double-blind,
randomized controlled trial was conducted as part of
the activities of the Keio University Center for Molecular
Hydrogen Medicine and was led by Professor Masaru Suzuki
of the Tokyo Dental College (Specially Appointed Professor
at Keio University Global Research Institute) and assistant
professors Koichiro Honma (Emergency Medicine) and
Motoaki Sano (Cardiology) of the Keio University School
of Medicine, among others. Source |

Therapeutic Inhalation of
Hydrogen Gas for Alzheimer’s
Disease Patients and Subsequent Long-Term Follow-Up
as a Disease-Modifying Treatment: An Open Label Pilot
"This study suggests that H2 inhalation resulted in
marked improvements as assessed by ADAS-cog and DTI,
and importantly, provided not only temporary relief,
but also maintained the effect for at least 6 months
without H2 treatment." Source |
Real-World Effectiveness
and Safety of Hydrogen
Inhalation in Chinese Patients with
Type 2 Diabetes:
Reduced Diabetes Symptoms
In 2008, a team of Japanese researchers tested 30 subjects
who had either type 2 diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose
tolerance. After eight weeks, subjects who drank 900mL
of hydrogen-rich water daily showed significan improvements
in cholesteroal and other diabetes-related symptoms. The
results of this research led the scientists to believe
that hydrogen-rich water could help prevent type 2 diabetes. Source
"Molecular hydrogen (H2) has recently been reported
to function as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
agent for the treatment of several oxidative stress and
aging-related diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,
cancer and osteoporosis." |

Anti Ageing
"A study in Japan where a comparison was made
between people reaching past the age of 100 and people who
died at a relatively young age, they found that hydrogen
levels in the blood of the elderly group was much higher
than the younger group.
One of the major conclusions from scientific research is
that molecular hydrogen fights free radicals and consequently
protects the cells from aging and reduces wrinkles in the
skin. Molecular hydrogen supplementation can even contribute
to weight loss by activating certain hormones such as the
FGF21 hormone and improving metabolism."

H2 and Telomere Length
Telomeres are the caps on each side of a chromosome, which
is a DNA molecule, the stability of telomeres appears essential
for preventing cell death and cancer.
Telomerase is an enzyme that increases the strength of telomeres
Studies show molecular hydrogen positively affects telomerase
activity. Thus, this lends itself to molecular hydrogen’s
anti-aging benefits.
According to a study published in the American
Journal of Food and Nutrition, hydrogen increases telomerase activity.
Therefore, it shows great potential when it comes to anti-aging
Conclusion and Perspectives
"Although modern medicine has evolved rapidly in the 21st
century, many significant questions still need to be addressed
and many diseases still cannot be cured. As a “philosophical
molecule,” H2 may overcome intractable diseases and
ageing [41] and solve various problems via its use alone
or synergistically with other therapies. Moreover, H2 gas
has demonstrated a safety profile in a number of research
studies, which is pivotal for clinical trials. H2 modulates
ageing mainly via antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects.
In addition, it can regulate autophagy, mTOR, mitochondria,
and apoptosis. All of these factors contribute to the ageing
process and may take part in ageing-related diseases" Source
Latest Hydrogen
inhalation System
plus Hydrogen Water maker

type membrane

inhalation Pro
300ml per minute hydrogen concentration hydrogen
oxygen generator hydrogen breathing machine
Hydrogen Breather, Oxygen, Breather
and Hydrogen Water unit Pro 2

Breather, Oxygen, Breather
and Hydrogen Water unit Pro 2 |

Click on Picture for Short Video |
Heavy Duty Portable
Molecular Hydrogen Inhalator 1000ml Plus
H2 O2 Inhalation
plus Hydrogen Water maker
Pem SPE Hydrogen Inhalation
to Suit your Country
Oxygen for Breathing
Hydrogen Water
to use Short Video
not Included :)
Hydrogen inhalation
plus Hydrogen Water maker 2


plus Hydrogen Water
type membrane used
See pictures above
Hydrogen Water Flask
Provide strong antioxidant hydrogen-rich water.
Portable - Use it anywhere, anytime to produce fresh
Powerful "Membrane" H
Voltage: DC 5V/1A Rechargable
=5w Adapter included for your countries voltage
Bench Top Family Hydrogen water system
Voltage: 100-240v 50/60 HZ 1.8A
Capacity: 1- 2.5L
Timer 8 and 10 mintues
Hydrogen water producing: Basic/Strength way
Dissolved Hydrogen: 0.8ppm to 1.8ppm
PH balance: 7.6 (slightly more alkaline, stabilizing
the dissolved hydrogen)
ORP: -500 to -550 (reducing/antioxidant)
RH2 (Relative Hydrogen): 1 to 5 (reducing/antioxidant)

Hydrogen Detox foot Spa
The main effect of Negative hydrogen
Detox your body through soaking your feet in Hydrogen
Negative hydrogen ions has natural antioxidant biological
properties, to free the body of toxins, free radicals
and other waste into harmless water,
1x Hydrogen Detox spa
1x bamboo charcoal far infrared waistbands Slimming
1x Detox Array
1x Wrist Bands
Power supply 110-240v
More Information