Healer heal thyself.

"As long as there is breath in my body
I will never ever cease to be a seeker after truth."

Todays thought

Create a Symphony
" We are the instruments, We are the orchestra, We are the music."
Each cell takes part in the symphony of our body. Our role as a conductor is to orchestrate harmony. When a musician (organ or system), produces a sour note, we bring them back into harmony by helping them to retune their instrument, or refocus their attention. We don't cover up their disharmony or remove them from the orchestra. Each musician (or part of the body), is important in its Divine Expression for the creation of the symphony.

Kondaa (Barry) Kapke, ACST,



Dear Altered States Customers
website visitors and Friends.


You may not hear it enough, but we want to make sure you hear it from us –
Thank you! for your support

Here are our Wishes for the New Year 2023

Hours of happy times with friends and family
Abundant time for relaxation
Plenty of love when you need it the most
Youthful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

Nights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
Everything you need
Wishing you love and light

Years and years of good health
Enjoyment and mirth
Angels to watch over you
Rembrances of a happy years

It’s truly a pleasure having you as one of our valued customers.

“A Sufi mystic who had always remained happy was asked…. For seventy years people had watched him, he had never been found sad. One day they asked him, ‘What is the secret of your happiness?’ He said, ‘There is no secret. Every morning when I wake up, I meditate for five minutes and I say to myself, ‘Listen, now there are two possibilities: you can be miserable, or you can be blissful. Choose.’ And I always choose to be blissful.’

“ All alternatives are open. Choose to be blissful. And then there are people who can be blissful even when they are imprisoned, and there are people who remain miserable even when they are living in marble palaces. It all depends on you.”

Altered States looks forward to helping you reach your goals in 2024 with new improved customer support and new and enhanced products...

Again, thank you for allowing us to serve you and have a happy and prosperous new year.with hopes that 2024 will bring you the best of health, prosperity and personal fulfillment!

Kind Regards

Lynne, Robbie, Brian , Barry and all the staff

Life is Awesome

Make this be the year for "Letting go" and Deep natural Healing, "Really living your Potenti:)"

Last Years five most Popular Products

BT Pro Deep Relaxation and mind Enhancement

Eyemate There has been some amazing clients feedback

Multipulser most users say wow

Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

Multiwave Oscillator Amazing (16 years ago this and the unit below helped save my life)

Rife Pro option 2h-3ah Now access Royal Rife's original frequencies

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never ever the same. "

Thank you for being you

Here is a new Rife page with Amazing info Click here

New Rife frequency information

"Are We here to awaken
from the illusion of our separateness.?"

"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is each of us."

~~Black Elk~~++

We live in a vibrational Universe
Joselito Laudencia

If you had the ability to peer into the atomic level of all things, you would see that all of life is vibrating. Atoms are in constant motion.

What looks like a solid table is actually a conglomeration of vibrating, moving atoms that actually have space in between each atom. It blows your mind, right?

In truth, though, physical objects aren’t the only things that are vibrational.
“ Everything in life is vibration,” says genius Albert Einstein. “Everything is energy.”

If all of life is vibration, it follows that your emotions and your thoughts vibrate as well, along with your words.

“In the beginning was the Word…,” starts the Bible.

The Word itself carries the power of creation, the vibratory gateway to unleash the potency of the Universe.

As you look at your life, what words are you using? What vibrational thoughts and energies do you carry with you? What power are you unleashing into the world?

Do you promote a vibrational energy of openness, lightness, expansiveness and possibility?

Or do you exude a vibrational energy of pessimism, complaining, heaviness and constriction?

Einstein goes on to say, “Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Whatever vibration you express, you’ll draw those experiences and people that match these vibrations.

Like attracts like. Your vibration attracts resonant vibrations.

As spiritual teacher Panache Desai teaches, “What you vibrate out into the world, the universe echoes back.”

All of life is interconnected, and who you are is an integral and indelible part of this greater thing called Life.

Your essence, and the essence of the Universe itself, are one and the same.

If you’re looking to change any circumstances in your life, first start by looking at the vibrational frequencies in your immediate environment.

And if you encounter anything that isn’t resonant with the kind of life you want to live, begin by shifting the words, thoughts, feelings and behaviors to vibrations that better match who you are called to be.


For example, if you find yourself being drawn into the negativity of the news, turn off the television or limit the amount of time you read the newspaper. Instead, get an uplifting, inspiring book from the library and spend some time reading that.

Or, if you are in an office environment where some co-workers tend to gossip negatively about other co-workers, excuse yourself from the conversation and put yourself in a more positive, supportive environment.

Regardless of circumstances, you have the power to shift your vibrations, which means that you have the power to change your reality.

As Panache Desai also states, “When we change our energy, the Universe bends to meet us in a brand new way.”

Let’s focus our vibrational energy today on expansion, lightness and possibility, and watch how the Universe responds in kind.

Abundant Blessings and Namaste.

Joselito Laudencia


Note: This article was originally published at www.AbundantGood.com.