The most
advanced, versatile Body/Mind enhancement CES Cranial
electro stimulation system
BTPro The most advanced CES
stim, The BTPro is a versatile Body/Mind healing
tool. It's not just a very powerful CES (Cranial
stimulation) system we have taken Rife, Bob Beck,
Hulda Clark, TENS, Memory,Speed Learning protocols
and the most popular healing systems from our web
site and put them into one unit. Everything in the
Palm of your Hand!!
in the Palm of your Hand

Like links in a
chain it all fits together
You can
now own $NZ2500.00 of Mind/Body enhancement
system for just
or you can buy the
BT Pro Master unit
and then come back
at a later stage and upgrade to any of the other
functions which include
At present, there are over 125
research studies on CES in humans and 29 experimental animal
studies. The overwhelming majority of the scientific
research is extremely positive. No significant lasting
side effects have been reported. Harvard University
School of Public Health, Department of Health Policy
and Management found: "The meta-analysis of anxiety
showed CES to be significantly more effective than
sham (P<.05)
A 386% increase in attention span test results
after just 20 minutes of a single CES treatment
in healthy volunteers - Southworth S, A Study of
the Effects of Cranial Electrical Stimulation on
Attention and Concentration, Integrative Physiological
and Behavioral Science, 1999, Vol 34:1, 43-53. |
CES has an unblemished safety record. A broad reading
of published literature on the subject shows no negative
effects or major contraindications from its use, either
in the U.S. or in other parts of the world. The National
Research Council has deemed CES a non-significant risk
The unit's sole source of current are three common
1.5 volt batteries. Its intensity is limited —no
more than is required to run a small toy or a penlight.
Even when turned to maximum intensity, it is not harmful.
It is suggested, however, that until you become fully
acclimated to your unit, you maintain the intensity
at a lower setting
Everything you wanted to know about CES..
Cranial electro Stimulation
CES Help with ???
Insomnia: |
Stress |
Learning |
Serotonin |
Normalize sleep
patterns |
Reduces tension-Blood
pressure |
Addictions |
Beta-endorphins |
Depression |
Elevates mood |
Meditation |
Euphoria |
Alpha |
Theta |
Delta |
Pain |
Panic |
Anxiety |
and make up you own mind
in the United States has received Food and
Drug Administration marketing clearance for
the treatment
of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. CES devices
are sold over the counter in Europe and other
parts of the world. Mood disordered alcoholics
have shown increased activity of the enzyme
MAO-B in the spinal fluid after 20 CES treatments.
(3) Patients with treatment-resistant depression
have shown significant (P < 0.0089) elevations
in plasma serotonin. (4) Increases in cerebrospinal
fluid levels of [beta]-endorphins up to 219%,
plasma endorphins (endôr`finz),
neurotransmitters found in the brain that have
pain-relieving properties similar to morphine.
There are three major types of endorphins:
beta endorphins, found primarily in the pituitary
and enkephalins and up to 98%, and cerebrospinal
fluid serotonin up to 200% have been demonstrated
in normal volunteers receiving 20 minutes of
CES. A recent annotated bibliography of CES
by Kirsch details 126 human and 29 experimental
animal studies of CES conducted over the past
40 years. More than half the studies cited
from the peer-reviewed literature. The majority
of the studies were double-blinded and conducted
at major American universities. In aggregate,
there were 6,007 patients treated under varying
research conditions, with 4,541 actually receiving
CES treatment. One hundred twelve (89%) of
the studies reported positive outcomes. Seventeen
studies followed up the patients to assess
continued results after 1 week to 2 years,
and all the patients showed at least some residual
effect after one or a series of treatments.
Source |
Electrotherapy Stimulation: A Non-Drug Neuromedical

micro current, delivered in a unique waveform, moves
electrons through the brain at a variety of frequencies,
collectively known as harmonic resonance. This normalizes
the electrical activity of the brain as measured by
an electroencephalogram (EEG).
This explanation sounds a little suspect and I can't vouch for the veracity
of the claim. We did a search in PubMed to see if any recent studies have been
performed using CES. Apparently they recently tested this device for generalized
anxiety disorder with some promising results.
pilot study of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for generalized
anxiety disorder.
82% of participants in one study suffering
from an anxiety disorder reported a significant
improvement in their symptoms after treatment
with CES.
- Kirsch D, Gilula MF, Electromedicine: CES in the Treatment of Anxiety
Disorders, Practical Pain Management, March 2007, pp 40-47. |
patients showed a 28% improvement in tender point scores,
and a 27% improvement in self-rated scores of general
pain level. The number of subjects rating their quality
of sleep as poor dropped from 60% at the beginning
of the study to 5%. In addition, there were significant
gains in the self-rated feelings of well-being and
quality of life, plus gains in six stress-related psychological
test measures.
treatment of fibromyalgia with cranial electrotherapy stimulation.
One study reported an average 67% effectiveness
in treating sleeping disorders among 648 patients,
while increasing daytime vigilance.
- Smith RB, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation, Oklahoma: Tate Publishing
and Enterprises, LLC. 2007, pp 37-43. |
have also done a study to reduce pain in patients with
spinal cord injury.
cranial electrotherapy stimulation to treat pain associated
with spinal cord injury.

In animal studies at the
University of Tennessee Medical Center, researchers
used drugs to deliberately upset the homeostatic
balance among the brain's neurotransmitters
in canine subjects. In this way they induced
Parkinson-like behavior in the dogs. Once all
drugs were removed from their bloodstream,
and the animals were put back on normal feeding
schedules, they returned to normal behavior
within 3-7 days. If CES treatment was applied
at the time the drugs were removed, all animals
returned to normal within 2-8 hours. The researchers
concluded that CES was effective in bringing
back to pre-stress homeostasis, neurotransmitters
that had become
If that were a mechanism
of action, then many kinds of medical conditions
should respond to CES, and research soon
found that CES was effective in the treatment
of addictions, (11-13) in head injury, (14)
in various types of cognitive dysfunctions,
(15-16) and more recently in reflex sympathetic
dystrophy. (17-18) In addition, the use of
CES in the treatment of many types of pain
patients has been documented, (19,20) and
ongoing studies are documenting the effectiveness
of its use in treating patients suffering
from the difficult fibromyalgia syndrome.
Still, it came as something of a surprise
when within the past 12 months, two testimonial
letters arrived in our office from MS patients
describing highly positive experiences with
CES. One woman noted, "I have used the
CES for about three weeks. It relieves intense
pain and puts me in a very relaxed state.
I use it at least three to four hours a day." A
man wrote regarding his wife's use of CES
for her MS, "My wife suffers from MS.
She is classified as a chronic progressive
patient. Within a few days of using the (CES
device), my wife was not getting tired as
fast as before. She could hold up to eight
hours of activity instead of 3-4 hours ...
my wife has cut back dramatically on the
amount of medication she used to take." (23)
Ray B. Smith "The use of cranial
electrotherapy stimulation in the treatment
of multiple sclerosis". |
My 95 year old mother has had restleg syndrome...for
over 8 years ,I constantly interrupts
her sleep.
She has other issues as well , but This is the
most bothersome..Even when she has to sit in her would disturb her. And she would
have to stop and get up. Then be re hooked onto
the dyaliss machine...very painful indeed....
I got the very strong urge to place her on
my BT unit on the BT11 setting...praying
something might
help her......and after 20 minutes on the first
Night.after using it .it seemed to assist her
as it was lessened. So we did it again
the following
night... And it was a complete full restful
night.sleep for her...she felt it was a has now
been 18 full nights of sleep and we kept it
on under 25 minutes. Again my intuition
was so strong
that I am so happy that I did listen and am
so grateful for that magic like BT unit...
MJP...Miami,Florida USA |
paper reviews the scientific literature on cranial
electro stimulation
(CES) as a non-chemical means to alleviate opiate withdrawal symptoms
electro stimulation (CES) use in the detoxification of opiate-dependent

Learning causes changes in synaptic connectivity
between one neuron and another. Dendrites
increase in length, change branching patterns,
and the number of spines alter. Connectivity
altered not only by increasing the actual number
of synapses but also by altering the size or
position of any particular synapse.
Johnson, George. In the Palaces of Memory: |
Effective Non drug Treatment of Chronic Depression:
A Review of Research on Low-Voltage Cranial Electrical
Stimulation and Other Adjunctive Therapies
What's 3 times better than Prozac?
CES was found to be two times more effective in treating depression than
the most effective antidepressant drugs on the market. In fact, CES
treatment is 3 times as effective as fluoxetine (Prozac) in the curing
of depression, compared to placebo (fake treatment).
- Gilula MF, Kirsch DF, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Review: A Safer
Alternative to Psycho pharmaceuticals in the Treatment of Depression, J
Neurotherapy, 2005: 9(2), pp 7-26.

Electrotherapy Stimulation Review: A Safer Alternative
Psycho pharmaceuticals in the Treatment of Depression
One study reported an average 92% increase
in beta-endorphins in the CSF after only 20 minutes
of a single CES treatment.
- Shealy CN, Cady RK, et al., Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Neurochemicals:
Response to Cranial Electro stimulation, J Neurol Orthop Med Surg, 1998,
18, pp 94-97. |

Click on picture to view source
Electrical Stimulation
One study reported an average 92% increase
in beta-endorphins in the CSF after only 20 minutes
of a single CES treatment.
- Shealy CN, Cady RK, et al., Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma Neurochemicals:
Response to Cranial Electro stimulation, J Neurol Orthop Med Surg, 1998,
18, pp 94-97. |
Fluid and Plasma Neurochemicals- Response to Cranial

Sing The Mind Electric
Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES), Chi,Homeostasis,
and the Bioelectrical System
The Research\ Studies section starts with an article on CES and chi, homeostasis
and the bioelectrical system. Following this are some articles by Ray Smith,
Ph.D. that are recently completed summary studies or meta-analyses of different
cogent CES topic areas. Following these articles are broad range database literature
search results. I hope you enjoy these readings.
And an extensive Research / Studies Section provides much of the solid scientific
documentation for the claims

range of benefits are based on 20 years of experience
and observation
Reduced Pain
Ability to Focus
Lucid Dreaming
Deep Relaxation
Alzheimer's Disease
Chronic headaches
Centering and Calmness
Reduced Nervous Energy
Deeper, more Restful Sleep
Better Sexual Performance
Improved Mental Abilities
Traumatic head injuries
Short Term Memory Improvement
Increased Mental and Physical Energy
Reduced Negative Behavior Patterns
Heightened Alpha Brainwave Patterns
Improved Attention Span and Concentration
The bt pro is the best purchase I have made.
If I have a broken nights sleep I can use the sleep
function either to have a catnap during the day
to refresh me or the sleep function for a deeper
longer sleep. I also use the bt pro at 10 Hz when
I am stressed to bring me into a state of calmness
and mental clarity. It is so effective every time
I use it.
Auckland NZ |
Cranial Electrical Stimulation (Limoge’s Currents)
Decreases Early Buprenorphine Analgesic Requirements
After Abdominal Surgery
A study done in Texas reported an 83% positive
response after CES treatment in patients suffering
from severe aggression attacks that could not
be managed by drugs. 67% of these severely aggressive
patients that had been permanently institutionalized
were well enough to be discharged after three
months of daily CES treatment.
- Childs A, Price L, Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Reduces Aggression
in Violent Neuropsychiatric Patients, Primary Psychiatry, 2007: 14(3),
pp 50-56. |

Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES):A Safe And
Effective Non-Pharmocological Treatment for Anxiety
" Imagine
how your life and career would improve if you
could learn faster
and retain much more without constant revisions
Research shows that the key to speed learning
is your state of mind before, during and
immediately after your learning session.
It is when you are in a state of relaxed alertness that you will achieve
the greatest improvement in memory together with increased concentration
and creativity.
You Can
Improve memory and retention of study material
Enhance understanding during learning sessions
Accelerate new language learning
Increase maths ability |
Other brain wave activity such as Alpha (8-12
Hz) and Delta (0-4 Hz) are generally not focused
on by ADHD-Neurofeedback research. Worth noting
is that in normal development, Alpha increases
between the ages of 12-14, while Theta levels
decrease at this time (Swartz, 1995). This maturational
stage is delayed in ADHD population throughout
the 12-14-age range. For example Mann, et al.
(1992) found that ADHD boys showed continued
increased levels of Theta representative of brainwave
activity in younger children. More |
cranial electrical stimulation

Click on picture to view source
Human Brain: How We Decide from Science
in Action on Vimeo.
does CES work?
As with a number of medicines, the mechanism of action
(how it works) of CES is not fully understood. Research
has led to the hypothesis that it has a mild effect
on the hypothalamic area of the brain. Researchers also
have noticed rapid increases in serotonin, also associated
with relaxation and calmness, and decreases in cortisol,
one of the primary stress-related biochemicals. Interestingly,
CES also increases levels of norepinephrine and dopamine,
both associated with alertness and feelings of pleasure.
This may be why so many CES users report feeling both
relaxed and alert and slight to moderate euphoria after

Click on picture to view source
The micro current, delivered in a unique waveform, moves electrons through the
brain at a variety of frequencies, collectively known as harmonic resonance.
This normalizes the electrical activity of the brain as measured by an electroencephalogram
The exact physiological mechanism by which CES works
is not fully understood and is still the subject of
research study. It is hypothesized, however, that CES
acts by indirectly stimulating brain tissue in the
hypothalamic area, causing the brain to manufacture
various neurohormones and restoring them to pre-stress
CES safe?
CES has an unblemished safety record. A broad reading of published literature
on the subject shows no negative effects or major contraindications from
its use, either in the U.S. or in other parts of the world. The National
Research Council has deemed CES a non-significant risk modality.
The unit's sole source of current are common 1.5 volt batteries. Its intensity
is limited —no more than is required to run a small toy or a penlight.
Even when turned to maximum intensity, it is not harmful. It is suggested,
however, that until you become fully acclimated to your unit, you maintain
the intensity at a lower setting. |

It appears that CES influences areas
of the brain called the thalamus, hypothalamus and
the reticular activating system. It also seems to stimulate
the vagus nerve, producing a state of parasympathetic
nervous system dominance. The parasympathetic nervous
system has a general calming effect on the body. This
is certainly consistent with the effects observed with
CES. CES has been documented to normalize the body’s
electrical fields. This has been measured on EEG (brain
wave tracing). For example, people with moderate to
severe pain from osteoarthritis were found to have
abnormal brain wave activity. After five minutes of
CES treatment, brain waves were virtually normal and
pain was reduced by more than fifty percent. It has
been found that individuals whose brain waves improved
the most had the greatest pain relief. It is postulated
that CES restores normal electromagnetic communication
between cells. This may have the effect of regulating
cellular differentiation, tissue repair, and immune

Click on picture to view source
Studies / Vignettes Section
The efficacy of CES has been demonstrated in many
different ways. Studies have used twenty-seven different
psychometric (pencil and paper) tests including the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the
State/Trait Anxiety Inventory. CES has consistently
demonstrated reductions in anxiety on these tests.
Other studies have measured the physiological manifestations
of anxiety before and after CES treatment. Slowing
of brain waves and respiration rate, as well as reduction
in blood pressure are physical signs of stress reduction
that have been documented with CES treatment. One placebo-controlled
study evaluated the effects of CES treatment in twenty
individuals with chronic stress symptoms of at least
a year’s duration. All of them had failed to
respond to medication. Muscle tension, heart rate and
finger temperature were measured before, immediately
after, and one week following a single twenty minute
CES treatment. Muscle tension and heart rate decreased
and finger temperature increased immediately after
treatment in those receiving active CES treatment but
not in the placebo (sham CES) group. One week after
treatment, those who had received active CES treatment
still had significantly reduced muscle tension and
heart rate! This is one of the many advantages of CES
over medications. Whereas medications only work as
long as they are taken, CES effects are long lasting
and cumulative.
Understanding Two important Brainwave Frequencies
and Their Effects
Homeostasis can be defined as
the tendency for intrinsic balance within a system.
Application of a range of CES appears to enhance
the Balance of the biological central nervous system.
A change in one system within the individual will
have correlative effects upon other systems. Improvements
in mood, cognitive function, self image, shift of
locus , control to oneself, and sense of well being
can be measured. When CES works, it enhances one's
ability to handle or deal with situations that were
previously beyond the range of one's control.
Pro Multi system
LED screen
in frequencies
Delta Brain
Hz Anxiety release
Hz Deep sleep
Hz Healing Of Nerves
Theta Brain
Hz Release Brain fog, retain recall release information
Hz Meditation
Alpha Brain
Hz Cell Rejuvenation
More Healing
Hz Lymph System Circulation
Hz Breast lumps
Hz Stimulate Clarity of Thought, Mental Function
Hz Feeling Down
Chronic depression
Hz White Blood Cell stimulation
Hz Red Blood Cell Stimulation
the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz
+ 111.00 Hz
700 Natural Harmonic frequencies
Rechargeable ...Batteries/Charger
: 5 - 60 mins
Quality Ear clips
pads and lead
more add on options
Latest BT
Pro Master
Master unit

Larger Screen with more information
bit Processor for faster more accurate settings
Amazing Add on Apps options
Very durable case
High quality Ear clips
option (Master unit) with Bio-feedback app
There is a relationship between Stress and the Electrical
conductivity of the skin. This is known as Galvanic
Skin Response or GSR. |
Free Option
allows one to measure GSR
Skin conducts electric current like a Resistor. The
resistance of Skin can vary from 25 Kilo Ohms to 2
Mega Ohms depending on the Emotional state (This varies
from person to person ).This variation is due to the
changes in the permeability of the skin. In a normal
fully relaxed person, skin resistance will be around
2 Mega Ohms. This is due to the low permeability of
the skin. Skin offers high resistance and restricts
the current flow. But if the same person is in stress,
his skin resistance reduces to 25 Kilo Ohms or less
due to leakage of water from the blood vessels and
subsequent sweating. This increases the electrical
conductivity of the skin. Thus the electrical conductivity
of the skin and Stress are directly related
App with BT Pro Unit |
Add on Apps.
Full Descriptions of ADD on Apps Options
Below !
Alzheimer's Rife Frequency set

Unlocking this App
gives you
Alzheimer's Frequency set,
these are frequencies from our own long experience
and the works of many
therapists world wide, we don't offer any cures just
practical experience
knowledge Frequency
High Quality Ear clips come with the BTPro
Add Alzheimer's
Rife Frequency App
Note: Only For BTpro Ver 5 and up
Rife Frequency App

this App gives you
(Click on the links
for interesting research)
Parkinson's Rife Frequency set,
these are frequencies from the works of many therapists
world wide, we
don't offer any cures just experience and knowledge Frequency
it has been suggested by users that the addition
of the magnastim headset (below) has greatly enhanced
the effects of these frequencies
High Quality Ear clips come with the BTPro
Add Parkinson's
Rife Frequency App
Note: Only For BTpro Ver 5 and up

DIBT (Diabetes)
3 Frequency sets
1, DIBT(Diabetes)
1Hz, 2, 6.8, 20, 35, 48, 95, 125, 72, 302, 440,
444, 465, 484,500,
727, 787, 800, 802,803, 880,
1550, 1800, 1850, 1865, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013,
2050,2127, 2128, 2080 ,2170, 2720, 4000, 4200,
5000, 10000, 32000 Hz Each frequencyruns for 3
min , Hz
2, DBAI (Diabetes
associated infection) 2020, 800, 727, 190, 80,
20 Each frequencyruns for 3 min , Hz
3, DBLO (Diabetic
loading) 35, 700 Each frequencyruns for 3 min
, Hz
4 PEMF Med Magnacoil and Adapter
5 Carbon silicon hand helds
6 Instructions
Note: Only For BTpro Ver 6 and up |
Mind Wave

this Option gives you complete frequency set
Gamma 40 hz 50hz 60 hz 70 hz 80 hz
Beta 14 hz 18hz 20hz 22hz 27hz 28hz 30hz
Alpha 9 hz 10 hz 11 hz 12 hz 13 hz
Theta 4 nz 4.5 hz 5 hz 6 hz 7 hz 7.83 hz 8.0hz
Delta 0.5hz 1 hz 2 hz 3 hz 3.9 hz
Mind Wave option
Note: For Btpro Ver 2 and up

CEF (Cranial electromagnetic fields) Stimulator
this App gives you the full potential of the
More Information here
code plus you will be sent these
Magnastim headset
Magnastim Driver
has 528 DNA frequency
Magnastim option
Note: For Btpro All Versions |
Eye mate

The use of micro current stimulation
to help eye problems
Frequency Specific Micro current Stimulator
5Hz, 292 Hz,, 292.7Hz ,30 Hz, 30.7Hz,,9.1 Hz 9.8Hz
and 0.3 Hz ,,10hz ,, 0.7 Hz,, 14Hz 1.5Hz, 3.6 Hz ,95hz
137 Hz, 18Hz 1.5hz, 3.6 hz 137Hz 1Hz
Each frequency will run for aprox 24 sec.
code plus you will be sent
mask with silicon carbon contacts
More information and pictures here
Eyemate option
Note: For Btpro Ver 2 and up

• Pain - from migraine headaches
. troubled feet ?
• Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscle Spasms ?
• Backache - Sciatica, Neck and Shoulder complaints, trauma ?
• Circulatory System - peripheral circulation problems ?
• Respiratory disorders - Hay Fever, Sinusitis, Bronchial spasm, ?
• Inflammation - Burns, Bruising, Lesions, Bed Sores, Ankle Joint Swelling
• Tendonitis - R.S.I., bursitis, ligament and muscle strains, ?
• Sports Injuries - Acute, Cramps (relief of), also pre-sport and 'pre-exercise
toning ? |
this Option gives you the full potential of the TENS
More information here
Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
Lead and two TENS pads
Lead and 4 TENS Pads

TENS option
Note: For Btpro All Versions |
harmony Option
Bring a little Miracle
into your Life

There is a special sound and color of love according
to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning
investigator. Broadcasting the right frequency can
help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. "We
now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the
six core creative frequencies of the universe because
math doesn't lie, the geometry of physical reality
universally reflects this music
this Option gives you the full potential of the
Sacred Harmony functions
Built in Frequencies
Hz -Red- Liberating Guilt and Fear 417
Hz - Orange - Undoing Situations and Facilitating
Hz - Gold - Love Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
Hz - Green - Connecting/Relationships
Hz - Blue - Awakening Intuition
Hz - Purple - Returning to Spiritual Order
plus the 7.83 hz - Schumann Resonance frequency
Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
Harmony Coil and Lead
Harmony coil Driver
Sacred Harmony can be played individually or as
a sweep of PEMF More
Information Here
Sacred Harmony option
Note: For Btpro All Versions |
balance Option

Which uses the powerful Magnetic fields of the Reiki
Practitioner and the Vibrational frequencies of Crystal
Built in Chakra Frequencies
Pulsed Magnetic Fields
Chakra frequencies Individually or
the Seven for total Balance
this Option gives you the full potential of the Chakra
Unlock code plus you will be sent these
balance Coil and Lead
Chakra balance Coil Driver
The Chakra system functions as a map of one’s
evolutionary challenges (Ballentine, 1999). Each
Chakra contains a spiritual life-lesson that we must
master in our evolution towards higher consciousness.
More information here
Built in Frequencies
Root/Muladhara - 194.18 Hz
Sacral/Svadhisthana -210.42 Hz
Solar Plexus/Manipura 126.22 Hz
Heart/Anahata - 136.10 Hz ( OM )
Throat/Vishuddha - 141.27 Hz
Third Eye/Ajna - 221.23 Hz
Crown/Sahasrara - 172.06 Hz
Add Chakra
balance option
Note: For Btpro All Versions |

What would you do to feel good and get a better
night’s sleep???????
Difficulty falling or staying asleep is a common problem. About half
of Americans report sleep difficulty at least occasionally, according
to National Sleep Foundation surveys. These woes - called insomnia by
doctors - have far-reaching effects: a negative impact on concentration,
productivity and mood. Most of us don't know much about sleep, not even
our own and to make it worst ---- sleep problems have a profound effect
on our sleeping and waking life. |
this Option gives you the full potential of the SleepMate
Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
Sleepmate Coil and Lead+
Catnap Takes you down into Delta
holds you there for 10 mins then brings you back
up |
Sleep Takes you down to 5hz then lets your
drop off naturally |
Insomnia Takes you way down to 0.05 hz very
low delta your body will do the rest |
Wake up Feeling Drowsy need to wake up, become
more alert |
information here
Add Sleepmate option
Note: For Btpro All Versions |
Beck Zapper Option

Dr Bob Beck obtained national attention during the
1990's for his health-expo lectures and public exposition
of a healing protocol known as "bioelectrification" or "blood
electrification", a simple electronic therapy
that was discovered to stop the replication of the
virus that causes AIDS.
this function gives you the full potential of the Bob
Beck Blood Zapper
Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
Silver Contacts
Wrist strap, Cotton Sleeves
Saline Bottle
Subsequently, Bob discovered that many other serious
health conditions, including malaria, responded favorably
to blood electrification. Many thousands, perhaps
hundreds of thousands, of people, worldwide, have
benefited enormously from the use of blood electrification
due to the lecturing efforts of Robert C. Beck.
Blood Electrification
Add Bob
Beck Zapper option
Note: For Btpro All Versions |
Colloidal silver Generator

Pennies-per-gallon, self-made perfected colloids
greatly assist in eliminating all known pathogens
and preventing opportunistic infections. This has
been known for a long time.
Uses of Colloidal Silver |
Unlocking this function
gives you the full potential of the Colloidal
Silver Gen
Unlock code, plus you will be sent these:
Pair of 99.9% silver wires plus leads
Scourer for cleaning silver rods
Home-made, pennies-per-gallon colloidal silver acts
as a "second immune system" according to
Bob Beck. It has been shown in numerous studies to
be the only substance known to eliminate hundreds
of viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc.,
Add colloidal
silver option
Note: For Btpro All Versions |
Stim Pro option

this function gives you the full potential of our
Famous LifeStim
option "Rife on your wrist"
The "LifeStim", transmits 270+ of the
best known Royal Rife, Bob Beck, John Crane, Hulda
Clarks,,tumor, parasite Candida fungus Lyme and detox
frequencies / harmonics etc directly to the two arteries
in the wrist,,for as long as you wish to wear it. The
option is an amazing addition for any Rife machine
users, or detox parasite protocols,,this unit allow
the most
effective frequencies we have used to be run 24/7 if
so desired.
code, plus you will be sent :
pads and leads for the wrist
More information on the frequencies and application
Note: For Btpro Ver 4 and up
Alpha Mind Option
this function gives you the full potential of the
Alpha mind set of programs
1 AlphaStim slowly takes you
down to an Alpha mind state then then after awhile
slowly brings you back up
2 ThetaStim slowly takes
you down to a Theta mind state then after awhile
slowly brings you
back up
3 Lucid
Dreaming This program
takes one down into the possible lucid dreaming mind
code, for all three programs:
be used with existing ear clips,supplied with the Btpro
Note: For Btpro Ver 4 and up
Clark type Option: Fully Auto Super
sweep frequency zapper
More |
this function gives you the full potential of the Hulda
Clark type: Super sweep frequency zapper
Unlock code plus you will be sent these: |
Copper Hand holds |
up and down the 26khz -34khz range,
up and down the 2.3-2.7khz range
sweep both ranges separately
sweep both ranges consecutively, complete
on Mode (7 minutes on, 20 minutes Pause,
7min on, 20min Pause,, 7min on,20min Pause, 7min on)
Hand held
for use
Add HC
Zapper option
Note: For Btpro All Versions |

More |
this function gives you the full potential of the Tinnitus frequencis
Unlock code plus you will be sent these: |
CES ear electrodes |
frequence sets ,
Ear Elecrodes
Add Tinnitus
frequency set
Note: For Btpro Version 8 only release
date 30-05-2020 |
Transend Broadcast Option
Send your Rife, Btpro, Earth or Sacred harmony
frequencies around your home or office.

Compatible with
Rife Pro all Models
Schumann Shield
Easy Plug & Play
AA Batteries (not included)
for use
Offer Save
Latest BTpro
and all add ons
BTPro Main Master unit
with all functions activated,
Bio feed back,
Sacred Harmony
Headset Driver and Power pack,
TENS Function,
Sleep mate,
Bob Beck Blood Zapper,
Chakra Balancer,
Hulda Clark Zapper.
Colloidal Silver Gen
Mind Wave
LifeStim Option
Alphamind Option
Parkinsons option
Alzheimers option
Tinnitus option
Diabetes option
All units use rechargeable batteries (included),,and
the charger is sent for the voltage of your country
Comparison Chart
terms of sale Please Read them before you order
To achieve both psychological and spiritual
maturity, we must heal the centuries-old split between East
and West, between science and spirituality, and between psychology
and religion. And if Western religions are to regain their
relevance, they must return to developing and teaching spiritual
technology -- those time-proven and culture-relevant techniques
for expanding human consciousness. The main point I'm making
is that neither religion nor science alone can help realign
people towards an upward course of human evolution. Science
has made profound contributions, but for all its wonders,
it has failed to find a solution for humanity's penchant
for war, nor for directing more love and empathy to our child
raising, nor for fostering compassion in our healers. Yet
it is my hope that by affirming the universal love and compassion
of the heart Chakra, we can reach a turning point in our
spiritual and evolutionary growth, reuniting us with our
Dr. John Nelson |