![]() Georges Lakhovsky, (1869-1942) |
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Lakhovsky's Georges
Lakhovsky, Bioelectric Pioneer Georges Lakhovsky
Source: [A] Jean-Pierre Lentin, 2001: Ces ondes qui soignent, ces ondes qui tuent (Albin Michel). Sources souhaitées: Georges Lakhovsky, 1927: Contribution à l'étiologie du cancer (Gauthier-Villars et Cie). Georges Lakhovsky, 1929: Les Ondes qui guérissent (Gauthier-Villars et Cie). Georges Lakhovsky, 1931: L'oscillation cellulaire. Ensemble des recherches expérimentales (Gaston Doin et Cie). Georges Lakhovsky, 1932: La Formation néoplasique et le déséquilibre oscillatoire cellulaire. Traitement du cancer par l'oscillateur à longueurs d'ondes multiples (Gaston Doin et Cie). Georges Lakhovsky, 1934: La Cabale: histoire d'une découverte, l'oscillation cellulaire (Gaston Doin). Georges Lakhovsky: Œuvres (J.B.G., 1979). Anastas Kotzareff, 1931: Traitements des cancers dits inopérables, incurables et abandonnés par la radon-colloïdothérapie interne associée à des ondes électromagnétiques, "ondes ultra-courtes" (Vigot frères). Michel Adam et Armand Givelet, 1936: La Vie et les Ondes. L'œuvre de Georges Lakhovsky (Étienne Chiron).
Né en 1869 en Russie, Georges Lakhovsky devient ingénieur, émigre en France avant la Première Guerre mondiale. [A:193] Vers 1920, il étudie les effets vitaux des ondes, car les pigeons voyageurs, désorientés, tournent autour des antennes d'émetteurs radiotélégraphiques. Et il remarque l'influence des tempêtes magnétiques causées par les éruptions solaires sur la végétation, en en comparant les mesures depuis 1848 et la qualité des vins de Bordeaux. [A:193] Il suppose que la cellule est un circuit électromagnétique oscillant qui émet et reçoit des ondes qui régulent ses processus. [A:193-194] En 1923, il crée son premier appareil thérapeutique: un radio-cellulo-oscillateur, qui, par le biais d'un tube à vide, émet dans la gamme des ondes ultracourtes, vers 150 mégahertz. [A:194] En 1924, il y a des tests à l'hôpital de la Salpêtrière sur des tumeurs du géranium causées par la bactérie agrobacterium tumefaciens. En quelques semaines, les plantes guérissent alors que les plantes témoins meurent. [A:194]. De 1924 à 1929, les inventions de Lakhovsky son testées à la Salpêtrière, dans la clinique du Pr Gosset, sur des malades considérés comme incurables. Leur état général s'améliore, les douleurs diminuent, l'appétit et le sommeil se normalisent et chez plusieurs cancéreux inopérables, il y a des réductions presque totales des tumeurs. Le Pr Gosset, qui devait présenter les résultats à l'Académie de médecine, y renonce. [A:195] En 1928, le Dr Anastas Kotzareff publie à Paris une thèse sur le traitement par les ondes de cancers "incurables, inopérables et abandonnés". [A:195] En Italie, des expériences sur des plantes et des animaux sont faites par Vincenzo Rivera, à Pérouse, et par les Pr Mazzadroli et Vareton, à Bologne. [A:195] À l'hôpital San Spirito de Rome, Sordello Attilj, directeur des services de radiologie, traite trois cents malades, dont vingt-quatre cancéreux, et obtient des améliorations et deux rémissions complètes. [A:195-196] En 1928, Lakhovsky invente l'oscillateur à ondes multiples. [A:196] En 1931, ont lieu ses premiers tests thérapeutiques à l'hôpital Saint-Louis de Paris, dans le service du Dr Achille Louste. La tumeur du premier malade, un vieil homme ayant un cancer de la bouche, disparaît en un mois. [A:197] En 1931, il publie son livre "L'Oscillation cellulaire" [A:195] En 1934, il publie son livre: La Cabale, histoire d'une découverte. En 1937, il soigne le pape Pie IX [A:198]. En 1939, il obtient le Prix international à Vienne et il reçoit sa médaille des mains d'Adolf Hitler. [A:198] Antinazi, il part à New York en 1941. [A:198] Un hôpital new-yorkais organise un test clinique durant sept semaines sur des arthrites sévères et des maladies incurables. [A:198] Un important urologue de Brooklyn utilise ses machines. [A:198] En 1942, il est renversé
par une voiture. Encore conscient, il supplie en vain d'être ramené
chez lui, et non à l'hôpital, où il meurt. Les oscillateurs
disparaissent peu après de l'hôpital qui les testait, ainsi
que les archives. [A:198]. George Lakhovsky ENGLISH
Source: [ A ] Jean-Pierre Lentin, 2001: These waves which look after, these waves which kill (Albin Michel). Desired sources: George Lakhovsky, 1927: Contribution to the etiology of cancer (Gauthier-Villars and Co). George Lakhovsky, 1929: The Waves which cure (Gauthier-Villars and Co). George Lakhovsky, 1931: The cellular oscillation. Together research experimental (Gaston Doin and Co). George Lakhovsky, 1932: Neoplasic Formation and cellular oscillatory imbalance. Treatment of cancer by the oscillator with wavelengths multiple (Gaston Doin and Co). George Lakhovsky, 1934: The Cabal: history of a discovery, the cellular oscillation (Gaston Doin). George Lakhovsky: ?uvres (J.B.G., 1979). Anastas Kotzareff, 1931: Treatments of the cancers known as inoperable, incurable and given up by radon-colloïdothérapie interns associated with electromagnetic waves, "ultra-short waves" (Vigot brothers). Michel Adam and Armand Givelet, 1936: Life and Waves. The?uvre of George Lakhovsky (Étienne Chiron).
Born in 1869 in Russia, George Lakhovsky becomes engineer, emigrates in France before the First World War. [ A:193 ] About 1920, it studies the vital effects of the waves, because the carrier pigeons, disorientated, turn around the radiotelegraphic antennas of transmitters. And it notices the influence of the magnetic storms caused by the solar flares on the vegetation, by comparing some measurements since 1848 and the quality of the wines of Bordeaux. [ A:193 ] It supposes that the cell is an oscillating electromagnetic circuit which emits and receives waves which control its processes. [ A:193-194 ] In 1923, it creates its first therapeutic apparatus: an radio-cellulo-oscillator, which, by the means of a vacuum tube, emits in the range of the waves ultracourtes, towards 150 megahertz. [ A:194 ] In 1924, there are tests at the hospital of Salpêtrière on tumours of géranium caused by the bacterium agrobacterium tumefacians. In a few weeks, the plants cure whereas the pilot plants die. [ A:194 ]. From 1924 to 1929, inventions of Lakhovsky its tested in Salpêtrière, in the private clinic of Pr Gosset, on patients considered as incurable. Their general state improves, the pains decrease, the appetite and the sleep is standardized and among several inoperable cancer patients, there are almost total reductions of the tumours. The Pr Gosset, which was to have the results at the Academy of medicine, gives up it. [ A:195 ] In 1928, Dr. Anastas Kotzareff publishes in Paris a thesis on the treatment by the waves of "incurable, inoperable and abandoned" cancers. [ A:195 ] In Italy, experiments on plants and animals are made by Vincenzo Rivera, in Perugia, and by Pr Mazzadroli and Vareton, in Bologna. [ A:195 ] With the hospital San Spirito of Rome, Sordello Attilj, director of the services of radiology, treats three hundred patients, including twenty-four cancer patients, and obtains complete improvements and two remissions. [ A:195-196 ] In 1928, Lakhovsky invents the oscillator with multiple waves. [ A:196 ] In 1931, take place its first therapeutic tests at the Saint-Louis hospital of Paris, in the service of Dr. Achille Louste. The tumour of the first patient, an old man having a cancer of the mouth, disappears in one month. [ A:197 ] In 1931, it publishes its book "the cellular Oscillation" [ A:195 ] In 1934, it publishes its book: The Cabal, history of a discovery . In 1937, it looks after the pope Pie IX [ A:198 ]. In 1939, it obtains the international Price in Vienna and it receives its medal of the hands of Adolf Hitler. [ A:198 ] Anti-nazi, it leaves to New York in 1941. [ A:198 ] A hospital new-yorkais organizes a clinical test during seven weeks on severe arthritis and incurable diseases. [ A:198 ] A significant urologist of Brooklyn uses his machines. [ A:198 ] In 1942, it is reversed by
a car. Still conscious, it in vain begs to be brought back at his place,
and not to the hospital, where it dies. The oscillators disappear little
after hospital which tested them, as well as the files. [ A:198 ]. Catalogue of the published books from the Center Di Ricerca "G. Lakhovsky"
Works of Georges Lakhovsky: ( Descr. of the works ) (the works are available all) The secret of the life , pp. 239, illustrated? 15,50 The cabala . History of one discovered (cellular L?Oscillazione). Pages 184? 15,50 The great problem. "null Nell?Universo comes created, all is reproduced for materialization". Pages 112? 14,45 L?eternità, the life and the dead women , pp. 142, illustrated? 12,40 Longevity . L?arte of living to along without suffering. Pages 194, illustrated? 15,50 Universal racism and l?orchestra , pp. 136, illustrated? 13,40
The waves of the thought . Practical handbook of induced telepathy. According to the studies of the Dr. Calligaris, teacher of Neuropatologia all?Università of Rome. Pages 200, illustrated? 23,25 All?avanguardia of the medicine. New methods of diagnosis and cure. Pages 276, illustrated? 25,80 Fabrizio Barbaresi, ( Descr. operates ) Vital energetic L?equilibrio and the infuences psiconucleari strangers. Vital L?energia and one of the more important causes than imbalance. Pages 130, illustrated? 7,75 Thomas Flenghi and Michele Pietropaolo, ( Signals biog. and descr. work ) The house nest. The planning dell?abitazione salubre. Pages 110, illustrated? 7,75 Paul Drinkers, ( Descr. operates ) The invisibile risk: electromagnetic
l?inquinamento. L?elettromagnetismo is one of the more important causes
than imbalance. Pages 174, illustrated, 9,30 Lakhovsky believed that living cells are batteries; the nucleus holds the positive charge and the cytoplasm carries the negative. If cells were irradiated with a range of electromagnetic oscillations, they could be "recharged" and thus rejuvenated. A range of frequencies is necessary because the cell and its parts respond to different frequencies