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NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You now stop smoking.
  • You will never touch cigarettes again.
  • You now lose all desire to smoke.
  • Cigarettes disgust you.
  • You are a nonsmoker.
  • By quitting, you feel better mentally and physically.
  • You now have the willpower to do anything you desire.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You are at peace with yourself and your circumstances.
  • You feel very relaxed and peaceful.
  • You now view life as a tranquil oneness.
  • You are physically relaxed, emotionally at ease.
  • You now let go of all turmoil in your life.
  • You feel balanced and harmonious.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You now take control of your life, creating unlimited monetary abundance.
  • Every day in every way you become more successful.
  • Your creative thinking opens the doors to monetary abundance.
  • You are totally confident of your monetary success.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You remain in balance and harmony at all times.
  • Balanced and energized chakras assure greater health and vitality.
  • The prana life force regenerates your body and mind. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply.
  • Your chakras open naturally as you evolve spiritually.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You are ready to give and receive unconditional love.
  • You are ready for a warm primary relationship.
  • You draw the lover who is right for you into your life now.
  • A warm fulfilling soul mate relationship now manifests in your life.
  • You draw your lover to you

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • Every day you increase your ability to learn faster.
  • As you accelerate your learning ability, you remember what you learn.
  • You easily assimilate complicated information.
  • You are quick to learn and understand. You think faster and more precisely.
  • You learn rapidly.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • Every cell in your body is filled with divine healing light.
  • You have the power and ability to accelerate healing.
  • Your mind is all powerful, and you now use it to heal yourself.
  • You consciously and subconsciously choose perfect health.
  • You are healed.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • Every day you become more psychic.
  • You now become telepathic and clairvoyant.
  • You now rapidly develop your extrasensory and precognitive abilities.
  • Your thoughts have psychic validity and you trust them.
  • sixth sense now opens all psychic channels.