Colloidal Silver
The Rediscovery of a Super Antibiotic?
Colloidal silver appears to be a powerful, natural antibiotic and preventative
against infections. Acting as a catalyst, it reportedly disables the enzyme
that one-celled bacteria, viruses and fungi need for their oxygen metabolism.
They suffocate without corresponding harm occurring to human enzymes or parts
of the human body chemistry. The result is the destruction of disease-causing
organisms in the body and in the food.

Early Research
Colloidal silver was in common use until 1938. Many remember their grandparents
putting silver dollars in milk to prolong its freshness at room temperature.
At the turn of the century, scientists had discovered that the body's most
important fluids are colloidal in nature: suspended ultra-fine particles.
Blood, for example, carries nutrition and oxygen to the body cells. This
led to studies with colloidal silver. Prior to 1938, colloidal silver was
used by physicians as a mainstream antibiotic treatment and was considered
quite "high-tech." Production methods, however, were costly.
The pharmaceutical industry moved in, causing colloidal research to be
set aside in favor of fast working and financially lucrative drugs.
The Food and Drug Administration today
classifies colloidal silver as a pre-1938 drug. A letter
from the FDA
dated 9/13/91 states: "These products may continue to
be marketed . . . as long as they are advertised and labeled
for the same use as in 1938 and as long as they are manufactured
in the original manner." Some of the manufacturing methods
used before 1938 are still used today. An electro-colloidal
process, which is known to be the best method, is used.
Contemporary Studies
While studying regeneration of limbs, spinal cords and organs in the late 1970s,
Robert O. Becker, M.D., author of The Body Electric, discovered that silver
ions promote bone growth and kill surrounding bacteria. The March 1978
issue of Science Digest, in an article, "Our Mightiest Germ Fighter," reported: "Thanks
to eye-opening research, silver is emerging as a wonder of modern medicine.
An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but
silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. Moreover, silver
is virtually non-toxic." The article ended with a quote by Dr. Harry
Margraf, a biochemist and pioneering silver researcher who worked with
the late Carl Moyer, M.D., chairman of Washington University's Department
of Surgery in the 1970s: "Silver is the best all-around germ fighter
we have."

How It Works
The presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any other
single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical
lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies, and
is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems.
Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, colloidal
silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different
from the enzymes of primitive single-celled life. Thus colloidal silver is
absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter.
Mortality rates of infections by antibiotic resistant/susceptible

Product Quality
The highest grade is produced by the electro-colloidal / non-chemical method
where the silver particles and water have been colloided, i.e., dispersed
within and bound to each other by an electric current. The super-fine silver
particles are suspended indefinitely in demineralized water. The ideal
color of colloidal silver is a golden yellow. The container and dropper
must be glass, as plastic cannot preserve the silver in liquid suspension
for any length of time.
High concentrations of silver do not kill disease germs more effectively than
the safe range of 3 to 5 parts per million (ppm.).
Ingesting Colloidal Silver
Taken orally, the silver solution is absorbed from the mouth into the bloodstream,
then transported quickly to the body cells. Swishing the solution under
the tongue briefly before swallowing may result in faster absorption. In
three to four days the silver may accumulate in the tissues sufficiently
for benefits to begin. Colloidal silver is eliminated by the kidneys, lymph
system and bowel after several weeks. If routinely exposed to dangerous
pathogenic germs, some recommend a regular daily intake as a protection.
In cases of minor burns, an accumulation of colloidal silver may hasten
healing, reducing the possibility of scar tissue and infection. It is believed
by many in the natural healing arts that the lives of millions of people
who are susceptible to chronic low-grade infections can be enhanced by
this preventative health measure.
Chronic or Serious Conditions
1 teaspoon of 5 ppm. colloidal silver equals about 25 micrograms (mcg.) of
silver. 1 - 4 teaspoons per day (25 - 100 mcg.) is generally considered
to be a "nutritional amount" and is reported to be safe to use
for extended periods of time. Amounts higher than this are generally considered "therapeutic
amounts" and should only be used periodically.
In cases of illness, natural health
practitioners have often recommended taking double or triple
the "nutritional
amount" for 30 to 45 days, then dropping down to a smaller
maintenance dose. Amounts from 1 - 32 ounces per day have reportedly
been used in acute conditions.

If your body is extremely ill or toxic, do not
be in a hurry to clear up everything at once. If pathogens
are killed off too quickly, the body's five eliminatory channels
(liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and bowel) may be temporarily
overloaded, causing flu-like conditions, headache, extreme
fatigue, dizziness, nausea or aching muscles. Ease off on the
colloidal silver to a smaller amount and increase your distilled
water intake. Regular bowel movements are a must in order to
relieve the discomforts of detoxification. Resolve to reduce
sugar and saturated fats from the diet, and exercise more.
Given the opportunity, the body's natural ability to heal may
amaze you.
Topical Uses.
Some have used colloidal silver in a nasal spray mister - to reach the sinuses
and nasal passages. Spray bottles have been used for topical use on kitchen
and bathroom surfaces, skin, sore throat, eyes, burns, etc. Colloidal silver
is painless on cuts, abrasions, in open wounds, in the nostrils for a stuffy
nose, and even in a baby's eyes because, unlike some antiseptics, it does
not destroy tissue cells. It's excellent as an underarm deodorant, since
most underarm odor is caused by bacteria breaking down substances released
by the sweat glands!

Some Common Uses of Colloidal
Natural health practitioners have for years recommended taking one tablespoon
daily, for four days, to establish a level, then one teaspoon daily for maintenance
(proportional to body weight for children). After six weeks, a pause of several
weeks has also been recommended by some natural healing arts doctors. Also, colloidal
silver can be applied directly to cuts, scrapes, and open sores, or on a bandage
for warts. It can be applied on eczema, itches, acne or bug bites. To purify
water, add one tablespoon per gallon, shake well and wait six minutes. Mixed
this way, it's tasteless. It is not an allopathic poison.

Veterinary and Garden
Colloidal silver has worked just as well on pets of all kinds. Used in proportion
to body weight, it should bring the same results. In the garden, field or greenhouse,
add enough to the water or soil - and the plants will do the rest.
Tolerance To Disease Organisms
We have all heard of the "super-germs" that are resistant to most
modern antibiotics. Some believe that single-celled germs cannot mutate into
silver-resistant forms, as happens with conventional antibiotics. Therefore
no tolerance to colloidal silver would develop through mutation. Also, colloidal
silver has not been demonstrated to interact or interfere with other medicines
being taken. Inside the body, silver apparently does not form toxic compounds
or react with anything other than a germ's oxygen-metabolizing enzyme. Colloidal
silver may truly be a safe, natural remedy for many of mankind's ills.
Additionally, there has never been a drug interaction
reported between colloidal silver and any other medication.
It's difficult to overdose - unless large amounts are ingested.
Colloidal silver has been reported by users to be both a remedy
and a prevention for numerous infections, colds, flus, and
fermentations due to various bacteria, viruses or fungi, even
the non-apparent low-grade, general body infections many people
have. Living organisms are in the colloidal chemical state,
not the crystalline state. Substances already in that form
may be more readily assimilated by the body. Colloidal silver
is the most useable form of a reputedly effective germ fighter.
A colloidal suspension is ultra-fine particles
of one substance, suspended by an electric charge in another
substance. Homogenized milk and aerosol sprays are colloidal
suspensions. Colloidal silver is pure, metallic silver (not
a chemical compound) of particles 15 atoms or fewer, each with
a positive electric charge, and attached to a molecule of simple
protein. This new particle floats in pure water. The electric
charge is stronger than gravity so the silver particles don't

Colloidal Silver in
Advance of Illness?
When the possibility of germ exposure is higher, colloidal silver can be taken
orally each day or applied topically when there is a skin problem. It's like
having a second defense system. The silver acts only as a catalyst and is stabilized.
It is non-toxic, except to one-cell plants and animals, and is non-addicting.
It also apparently kills parasites because they have a one cell egg stage in
their reproductive cycle.
Older folks reportedly feel younger because
their body energies are used for other uses than constantly
fighting disease. Digestion has also been reportedly better.
Medical research has shown that silver promotes more rapid
healing, with less scar tissue, even in the case of severe
burns. Successes have been reported in cases that previously
have been given up by established doctors. Colloidal silver
is tasteless and won't sting even a baby's eyes, and won't
upset your stomach.

More Than 650 Diseases
Colloidal silver has been reported to kill 650 micro-organisms,
many of which are associated with human diseases. This does
not automatically mean that taking
colloidal silver will "cure" diseases "caused" by these
germs. Colloidal silver only kills micro-organisms when they are in contact
with it for a sufficient period of time. The human body is a complex system
which may prevent high enough concentrations of colloidal silver from reaching
the "affected area".
The basic guideline that has been recommended
for using colloidal silver is that it usually "works" if
you can get a high enough concentration to the "affected
area". Some will want to experiment with "higher
amounts" (such as 8 or more ounces at a time) to find
out what it takes to accomplish this. Do not use colloidal
silver if you are allergic to contact with silver metals, or
if you notice any digestive upset after use.

The following is a partial list of the more
than 650 diseases that colloidal silver has been reputed to
be successful against: acne, AIDS (Reference 8), allergies,
appendicitis, arthritis, athlete's foot, bladder inflammation,
blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, burns, cancer (References
2, 4, 7), candida, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis,
dermatitis, diabetes (Reference 1), dysentery, eczema, fibrositis,
gastritis, gonorrhea, hay fever, herpes, impetigo, indigestion,
keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lyme disease,
malaria, meningitis, neurasthenia, parasitic infections: viral,
fungal and bacterial pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, pruritus
ani, psoriasis, purulent opthalmia, rhinitis, rheumatism, ringworm,
scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth,
and throat, seborrhea, septicemia, shingles, skin cancer, staphylococcus
and streptococcus infections, stomach flu, syphilis, thyroid,
tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, all forms of
virus, warts, whooping cough, yeast infection, stomach ulcer,
canine parovirus and other veterinary uses, and fungal and
viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted silver on the
leaves and add to the soil.

"Use of Colloids in Health and Disease." Colloidal silver has proven
particularly effective in cases of intestinal troubles. Dr. Henry Crooks found
that "silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless
to humans and absolutely non-toxic. Rather than in a chemical compound, the silver
in the colloidal state may be applied in a much more concentrated form, with
correspondingly better results. All virus, fungus, bacterium, streptococcus,
staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes
upon contact.
Dr. Robert Becker, "The Body Electric," recognized
a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said the
silver deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning
of the immune system. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver
works on the full spectrum of pathogens without any side effects
or damage to any part of the body. He also states that the silver
was doing something more than killing disease organisms. It was
also causing major growth stimulation of injured tissues. Burn
patients and elderly patients noticed more rapid healing. He discovered
that all cancer cells change back to normal cells. All strains
of pathogens resistant to other antibiotics are killed by colloidal
silver. Yet at that time he couldn't find a silver supplement on
the market.
"Silver, Our Mightiest Germ Fighter," ScienceDigest,
March 1978. As an antibiotic, colloidal silver kills over 650 disease
causing organisms, and resistant strains fail to develop. Silver is
the best all-around germ fighter we have and is absolutely non-toxic!
Doctors report that, taken internally, it works against syphilis, cholera,
malaria, diabetes and severe burns. Richard L. Davies, executive director
of the Silver Institute which monitors silver technology in 37 countries,
reports: "In four years we've described 87 important new medical
uses for silver."
Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom, of the Karolinska Institute,
Sweden, has used silver in his cancer treatment method. He
says the whole thing is quite simple. This brought rapid remission
in patients given up on by other doctors.
The FDA has stated that because colloidal silver is accepted as a pre-1938 medication,
it may continue to be marketed. Letter, 13 September 1991, received from consumer
safety officer Harold Davis, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
"Colloidal Preparations of Silver in Pharmacy," British
Medical Journal, February 1923: "Pure Silver is entirely non-irritant.
In tests at very high concentrations, it has been shown repeatedly
that the rapidly exerted disinfectant action is of considerable therapeutic
Dr. Otto Warberg (Nobel Prize Winner, 1932) stated that "Cancer
is caused
by the lack of oxygen and the fermentation of sugars."
Provo Herald, 13 February 1992, page D1: "Colloidal Silver as a Remedy for
American Drug Index, section on Inorganic Pharmaceutical
Chemistry, recognized silver for its germicidal action, calling
a stabilized form: Mild Silver Protein.
There are several concentrations of Mild Silver Protein.
The Condensed Medical Dictionary, 6th Edition:
Mild Silver Protein is listed for medicinal use. The 4s protein-2
is the trace used as a stabilizer.
Medicinal Silver Home Remedies, Maurice Worthington,
M.D., 1928.
"Colloidal Silver Preparations of Silver in Pharmacy," British
Medical Journal, 1932.
Royalty, worldwide, have been called "Blue Bloods," because of the
silver content in their blood, even from birth. They used real silverware, ate
from silver dishes, and stored their food in silver containers. There were no
doctors. The common people were often sick with something.
These statements have not been evaluated by
the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Nothing
stated here should
be considered as medical advice for dealing with a given problem,
or to diagnose / treat / prevent / cure any disease. All information
posted on this web site is provided for educational purposes
only. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed
medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United
States. Consult your health care professional for individual
guidance for specific health problems. This article on colloidal
silver is simply a collection of information that is in the
public domain, and is presented strictly for informational
and educational
use only. Information conveyed herein is based on pharmacological
and other records both ancient and modern. No claims whatsoever
can be made as to the specific benefits that might result from
the use of colloidal silver. Anyone with knowledge of additional
information on colloidal silver is highly encouraged to e-mail
that information so that it can be shared with others who may
be interested.
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