Mild Silver Protein -- lts Effectiveness against Internal and Topical Infections

Colloidal Silver.

by James South, MA.

Silver (Ag) is atomic element number 47, with an atomic weight of 108. is one of the so-called "heavy metals," along with lead, mercury, cadmium and gold. Unlike its heavy metal cousins, Ag is surprisingly non-toxic to humans and animals, and has a long history of successful medical and public health use dating back 6000 years!

Silver has been used to speed wound healing, treat infections, purify water and preserve beverages. The ancient Macedonians covered wounds with silver plates to speed healing. N.R. Thompson has noted that, "The germicidal properties of silver, although not recognized as such, have been utilized since the times of the ancient Mediterranean and Asiatic cultures, references being made to the use of silver vessels to prevent spoilage of beverages, and silver foil or plates in the surgical treatment of wounds and broken bones.

The modern era of Silver usage began in 1893, when C. Von Nageli reported the first systematic investigation into the lethal effects of metals [especially silver] towards bacteria and lower life forms. To primitive life forms, oligodynamic (solutions in which the metal ion concentration is many orders of magnitude below that which would be lethal to higher life forms) silver is as toxic as the most powerful chemical disinfectants. Its relative harmlessness to animal life gives it great potential as a disinfectant.

Silver was one of the mainstays of medical practice in Europe and America during the period from 1900 to the beginning of the modern antibiotic era which began in the 1940s with the introduction of sulfa drugs and penicillin. Various forms of Silver were used to treat literally hundreds of ailments: lung infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and pleurisy; sexual diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis;4 skin conditions such as cuts, wounds, leg ulcers, pustular eczema, impetigo and boils; acute meningitis and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis; infectious diseases such as Mediterranean fever, erysipelas, cystitis, typhus, typhoid fever, and tonsillitis; eye disorders such as dacryocystitis, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis and blepharitis; and various forms of septicemia, including puerperal fever, peritonitis and post- abortion septicemia. (This list does not even begin to exhaust the published medical uses for Silver in Europe and America, 1900-1940).

In 1939, Hill and Pillsbury listed 94 different proprietary Silver preparations in use up to that time. However, with the development of the antibiotic era, Ag rapidly fell into disuse and the medical "memory hole." It was replaced first by sulfa drugs, then penicillin (post WWII), and since then by hundreds of specialized antibiotics.

Under the onslaught of antibiotic warfare, the second half of the 20th century witnessed the seeming eradication, or at least control, of most of mankind's ancient plague scourges. Indeed, some major infectious diseases have been virtually wiped out in the modern world (supposedly) thanks to antibiotics. By the late 1980s, antibiotics had so succeeded in controlling/eradicating most germ diseases that medical researchers and pharmaceutical companies seriously slowed research into new antibiotics, thinking that there was no longer any need for (and not nearly enough "big bucks" to be made from) newer and better antibiotics. Yet by the 1990s the picture began to change again.

Due to an antibiotic-accelerated mutation of microbes, more and more germ species previously controlled by antibiotics began to develop ways to combat antibiotics. This, in turn, gave rise to so-called "super-germs," such as killer E. coli, "flesh-eating" strep A bacteria, multiple antibiotic- resistant tuberculosis bacteria, and chloroquine-resistant malarial parasites. The overprescription of antibiotics by doctors, under pressure from their patients for ailments where they are useless (e.g. against common viral diseases such as cold and flu); the failure of patients to take the full course of their prescribed antibiotics (allowing germs to recover and develop antibiotic resistance); and the widespread use of low-Ievel antibiotics in animal feed to increase farmers profits (40% of U.S. antibiotics go into animal feed), have all helped create antibiotic- resistant "super-bacteria."

Make your own colloidal silver

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Perhaps the scariest scenario that may present a need for a powerful, broad-spectrum antimicrobial such as Silver is the late 1990s threat of "bioterrorism." It is now widely expected by biowarfare and terrorism experts that, whether due to small groups of terrorists, or as a form of warfare by "rogue"/totalitarian nations such as China, Iran, Libya, N. Korea, Syria or Russia, or even by activities of the U.S. government against its own citizens, it is only a matter of time before "germ warfare" is unleashed in Europe or America.

If the supergerms released have been produced in sophisticated biowarfare labs, they will probably have been genetically altered to make them resistant to the antibiotics normally used to treat that species of germ, e.g. tetracycline/doxycycline normally used to treat Anthrax (the number one favorite of "biowarfare warriors" worldwide). It is interesting to note that silver -- both in liquid solution and as an airbome aerosol -- has been known since 1887 to be extremely toxic to Anthrax spores. It is widely reported in the medical literature that various forms of Silver, often at surprisingly low concentrations, routinely kill germs that are known to be antibiotic-resistant.

Most antibiotics have an optimal effectiveness against only a few different disease germs. Even broad-spectrum antibiotics may kill only 10-20 different types of bacteria. Also, most antibiotics that kill bacteria will not kill any fungi, protozoal parasites, or viruses. Nor will antifungal agents kill bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. Virtually all known viruses are immune to virtually all known antibiotics.

Silver is unique among antimicrobial agents in its broad spectrum of action. It has been claimed to kill some 650 different disease organisms. Unlike antibiotics, Silver is an "equal opportunity destroyer." It doesn't discriminate. It effectively kills micro-organisms of all major types: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, spore-forming bacteria, fungus/yeasts, viruses and protozoal parasites. Ag sulfadiazine (Silvadene) is used almost universally in hospitals to prevent serious burn infections. It kills dozens of different bacteria, as well as 95% of 72 strains of herpes virus as well as the protozoal parasite Plasmodium berghei (malaria). Silvadene also kills various yeasts, including several Aspergillus varieties, Mucor pusillus, Rhizopus nigricans and 50 different clinical isolates of Candida albicans.

Electrically-generated colloidal silver [Ag(e)] has been shown to kill dozens of bacteria, including Providencia stuartii, a germ already

the 1970s to all antibiotics except amikacin, as well as two strains of Enterobacter cloacae that were isolated from burn patients and were relatively resistant even to Silvadene. Ag(e) has also proved adept at killing various yeast/fungus species at very low Silver concentrations, including Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. pseudotropicalis, Torulopsis glabrata and Aspergillus niger. Ag(e) has been shown to kill cysts of the common water-borne protozoal parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Ag(e) has also killed the protozoa Paramecium when exposed to 2.2 PPM Ag, as well as the protozoa Varicella at 5.9 PPM Ag.1

Ag(e) was even somewhat effective in killing Polio virus in swimming

pool water, at the extremely low concentration of 0.015mg Ag per liter

of water (15 parts per billion!).

The proprietary silver compounds Certisil and Micropur, used to

disinfect water, are effective against Bovine Enterovirus, Vacciniavirus

(cowpox), Influenza A and Pseudorabies virus.

In short, as pioneering silver researcher Dr. Henry Margraf has stated,

"Silver is the best all round germ-fighter we have." Historically, Silver has been used in 20th Century medicine in a wide variety of forms. It has been used as silver salts (e.g. Ag nitrate, Ag phosphate, Ag iodide, etc.) and Silver compounds (e.g. Ag sulfadiazine, Ag arsphenamine, zinc-Ag allantoinate). Many doctors using silver in the first half of the 20th century preferred a colloidal form of Ag, either chemically or electrically pro- duced. Combining Ag with protein (Mild silver protein) results in an enhanced spectrum of action. Mild silver protein has been claimed to kill some 650 different disease organisms.

Silver salts never achieved widespread use in medicine for several reasons. As Grier notes, "Water-soluble ionized preparation [i.e. silver salts] are generally corrosive, irritating and astringent." Silver nitrate is notorious for being irritating to tissue and staining everything it touches. Also, silver salts are often not as effective as colloidal Silver or Silver proteins. For example, Simonetti and colleagues tested extremely dilute solutions of electro-colloidal Silver [Ag(e)] and Ag nitrate [Ag No3] against culture of two bacteria (E. coli and P. aeruginosa), a yeast (C. albicans) and a mold (A, niger). The levels of Ag ion tested were incredibly low: 108 PPB (0.108mcg/ml) and 108ppB (0.0108 mcg/ml). Simonetti, et al, concluded "Our experiments showed that the contact antimicrobial activity of Ag(e) was superior to that of AgNO3 against gram-positive and negative bacteria, C. albicans, and a filamentous mycete. Our contact tests confirmed the excellent antibacterial spectrum and the high potency of electrically generated silver demonstrated previously Anodic silver ions are very effective agents at low concentrations without any detrimental effect upon normal mammalian cells, and the [low] concentrations needed to inhibit the bacteria in in vitro experiments have been confirmed in clinical data."

Silver salts are more toxic than silver proteins and colloidal silver. Thus, when Hussein, et al, tested AgNO3 on fresh human lymphocytes, they found 90% lymphocyte destruction when exposed to 50 micromoles Silver as AgNO3 for two hours. Yet when lymphocytes were exposed to 1200 micromoles Ag as a Aqcysteine complex, there was no significant impairment of the lymphocytes at a silver dose 24 times greater than the AgNO3 provided.

Both modern science and early 1900s medical practice favor the use of either colloidal Silver or mild silver protein.

Electrically prepared colloidal silver [Ag(e)] is currently available from many sources, in potencies ranging from 3-5 PPM, up to 500 PPM. Equally (or more) important than the silver level is the particle size and degree of dispersion. In a liquid colloid, the Ag does not actually dissolve in the liquid, it exists as a suspension of microscopic particles floating around in the liquid medium. Properly made Ag(e) should contain particles approximately 0.01 to 0.001 microns in diameter (1 micron = one millionth of a meter, or 41100,000 inch). At this tiny size, each particle is a cluster of perhaps 5-20 Silver atoms with a positive electrical charge. Because the particles are so tiny (and thus light), and because the charged particles repel and "bounce off" each other, they can defy gravity and remain suspended in their water medium for months, even years when properly stored (away from light, at room temperature). However, over time the Ag particles may gradually adsorb onto the walls of the container, gradually lowering the amount of Ag in suspension. The most thoroughly dispersed Ag(e) should be yellow or dark brown in color, as colloid chemist H. Freundlich noted in 1992: "With increasing degree of dispersion the color of silver sols [colloids] changes from grey green through lilac and red to yellow." Because each Ag(e) particle contains 5-20 Ag ions, the particles act as a time-release mechanism to provide continuous germ-killing Silver ion availability, as single Silver ions gradually break off from their parent microclusters.

Make your own colloidal silver

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Silver may be dropped into the ear several times daily for ear infections. Ag may be snorted into the nostrils from a nasal squirt-bottle for sinus infections or to abort head-colds. MSP may be dropped into the eyes to treat conjunctivitis or to soothe inflamed, itchy eyes (there may be a brief initial mild stinging sensation). Ag may be sprayed or rubbed (possibly mixed with aloe-vera, onto minor burns, cuts, scrapes, wounds, etc., to promote healing and prevent/heal infection. Ag may be massaged into gums several times daily for dental infections. Ag is also useful to treat animal (farm or pet) infections as well, although the dose should be scaled down or up (compared to human weight/dose) depending on the weight of the animal.

Ag has also been used as a water purifier since 1900 or so. Ag has been used since the 1930s to impregnate water filters to kill germs in the water, or which might grow in the filter medium. The consensus of water treatment experts is that as little as 0.05 to 0.5 PPM is sufficient to kill most bacteria within several hours. Protozoal parasites (Giardia, Entamoeba, Paramecia, etc.) may require higher levels. e.g. 5-30 PPM.22 To germicidally purify water of doubtful quality, add 1 teaspoon of 400 PPM Ag to a pint of water. Stir thoroughly and let stand for several hours. This is only a general guideline-when in doubt, increase the Ag dosage as you see fit.

To conclude this report on a personal note: I have found Ag to indeed be a "master germicide."

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Make your own colloidal silver

Most Ag preparations express their Ag content in parts-per-million (PPM). 1 PPM = 1 microgram (mcg) Ag per cc. This equals 5 mcg Ag per teaspoon, or 15 mcg Ag per tablespoon. 30 PPM = 30 mcg Ag per cc = 150 mcg Ag per teaspoon = 450 mcg per tablespoon.

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Silver Therapeutic Protocols
Ag- Therapy is the use of Mild Silver Protein suspension in the control of infectious diseases-viral, fungal, and bacterial.

Make your own colloidal silver

Mutations of infectious microorganisms result in new strains that are ; immune to many antimicrobial drugs. Many physicians are predicting an end to the "antibiotic era." When present antibiotics are no longer effective, due to mutations, millions of people will die from infectious diseases that are now controllable.

Mild Silver Protein does not have the limitations of synthetic antibiotics. Administered properly, Mild Silver Protein appears to control all infections. No microbe has yet developed resistance to it. From our personal experience, and from reports from other physicians who have used Ag- Therapy with their patients, there have been no side effects noted. There have also been no drug interactions noted from its use.

Silver Protocols
The protocols suggested in this manual are based on a 400 ppm concentration of a Mild Silver Protein suspension. Physicians may add other nutritional approaches to the suggested protocols. The duration of treatment varies with the individual and the severity of illness.

For children -- ages 0-6, use 1/2 adult dose; 7 and older, use adult dose Abbreviations

MSP Mild Silver Protein
BID Two times per day

TID Three times per day

QlD Four times per day

HS Bedtime (hour of sleep)

TBL Tablespoon TSP Teaspoon

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MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day for 8 days then 2 TSP, per day until infection is gone (Also use grapefruit oil extract) (Note -MSP Liquid destroys all Amebae)

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MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day for 16 days then 2 TSP per day (Use adult dose in children 7 or above)

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Aspergillosis - (Aspergillus infection [mold]) a., in bronchi, lungs, ear canal, skin or the mucous membranes of the eye, nose or urethra

MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day for 16 to 24 days, then 2 TSP per day until asymptomatic MSP Oral/Topical -apply topically, when possible, to mucous membrane sites, skin etc., BID Also put a small amount in each nostril at bedtime (in eye infections use 1 or 2 drops of MSP Optic or MSP Liquid, full strength, in each eye, BID)

a., in birds

MSP Liquid -1 TSP in 3 oz of drinking water

MSP Oral topical -apply topically, where needed, BID

* * *

Bubonic plague
MSP Liquid -1 TBL OlD for 16 days, then 1 TBL BID until a symptomatic, then 1 TBL per day for 60 to 90 days. See IV protocol for Lyme disease.

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Chickenpox - (children or adults)

MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day for 6 days, then 2 TSP per day

MSP Oral/Topical - apply topically to eruptions and/or crusting BID
* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL in 8 oz of water TID. Vigorous fluid and electrolyte

replacement is needed. IV administration of a 2-to-1 mixture of normal saline and 1/6 molar sodium lactate. Use all means at disposal. Cholera can be fatal. (Add potassium to above in children.) See IV protocol for Lyme disease.

Make your own colloidal silver

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Ebola - (Marburg Virus disease) see Marburg d.

EBV (Epstein-Bar virus)

MSP Liquid. 1 TBL BID for 30 days, then 2 TSP per day for 30 days then test - if still positive repeat above and re-test. See IV protocol for Lyme disease.

* * *

MSP Oral/Topical -topically TID, plus

MSP Liquid -1 to 3 TSP per day etc

* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL BID until clear

* * *

Erysipelas (Staph)

MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day

MSP Oral/Topical -Rub into affected areas of skin BID

* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL TID Chelation Therapy

Gingivitis (periodontal disease)

MSP Liquid -2 tsp in 2 oz water, use as a mouth wash, then swallow, BID MSP Oralrropical -Apply topically to gums after flossing, BID. TID

MSP Liquid -1 TBL TID for 8 days, then 1 TBL per day until tests are negative

Hepatitis (A, B and C)

MSP Liquid -1 TBL TID for 16 days, then 1 TBL per day thereafter, until testing is negative (usually, 90 to 180 days). See IV protocol for Lyme disease.

* * *

Marburg Virus Disease
MSP Liquid -2 TBL TID for 8 days, then 2 TBL BID and 10 cc per 40 Ibs body weight IV, every 8 hours

NOTE - Found in lab workers handling tissues and cell cultures from African green monkeys. One four1h die between eighth and sixteenth day of illness if not treated.

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NOTE - If you are a Physician other than an M.D. or D.O., refer the patient immediately to a medical or osteopathic Physician, in addition to other therapies you may be using.

NOTE TO PHYSICIAN -The preferred modality in all forms of pneumonia is MSP liquid IV, 120 ml in 250 cc bag of saline for injection IV every 48 hours, and MSP liquid, 1 TBL TID alternating days with IV injections is.

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MSP Liquid -1 TBL TID
MSP liquid -4 cc. IV, per 40 Ib body weight dissolved in 250 cc saline, administered over two hours, every 48 hours and, 1 TBL TID orally on alternating days

NOTE - rabies immune globulin and vaccine should be administered immediately. Wound should be cleansed with H202 or alcohol. MSP Oral/Topical -apply to cleansed wound

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Appendix B

National Formulary Tenth Edition National Formulary X
Prepared by the Committee on National Formulary

Under the supervision of the Council

By authority of the

American Pharmaceutical Association

Official From December 15, 1955

Published by the

American Pharmaceutical Association

Washington 7, D.C. 1955

Distributed for the association by
J.D. Lippincott Company

Philadelphia and Montreal

Argentum Proteinicum Mite Mild Protargin

Mild Silver Protein is silver rendered colloidal by the presence of, or combination with, protein. It contains not less than 19 percent and not more than 23 percent of Ag. Caution: Solution of Mild Silver Protein should be freshly prepared or contain a suitable stabilizer, and should be dispensed in amber-colored bottles!

Description - Mild Silver Protein occurs as dark brown or almost black, shining scales or granules. It is odorless, is frequently hydroscopic, and is affected by light.

Solubility - Mild Silver Protein is freely soluble in water, but almost insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether.

Make your own colloidal silver

Identification -

A: Heat about 100 mg of Mild Silver Protein in a porcelain crucible until ail carbonaceous matter is burned off, warm the residue with 1 mL of nitric acid, dilute with 10 mL of water, and add a few drops of hydrochloric acid; a white precipitate is pro- duced which dissolves in ammonia T.S.

B: Ferric chloride T.S. added to a solution of Mild Silver Protein (1 in 100) discharges the dark color and a precipitate is gradually produced.

C: To 10 mL of solution of Mild Silver Protein (1 in 100) add a few drops of mercury bichloride T.S.; a white precipitate is formed and the supernatant liquid becomes colorless or nearly so.

Ionic silver - To 10 mL of a solution of Mild Silver Protein (1 in 100) add 2 mL of a solution of sodium chloride (1 in 100); no turbidity is produced.

Distinction from strong silver protein - Dissolve 1 gm of Mild Silver Protein n 10 mL of water. Add, all at once, 7 gm of ammonium sulfate, and stir occasionally for 30 minutes. Filter through quantitative filter paper into a 50-mL Nessler tube, returning the first portions of the filtrate to the filter, if necessary, to secure a clear filtrate, and allow the filter and precipitate to drain. Add to the clear filtrate 25 mL of a solution of acacia (1 in 100). In a second 50-mL Nessler tube dissolve 7 gm of

ammonium sulfate in 10 mL of water, and add to this solution 25 mL of the solution of acacia and 1.6 mL of 0.01 N silver nitrate. To each tube add 2 mL of nitric acid, 2mL of diluted hydrochloric acid, and enough of the acacia solution to make the volume of each solution 50 mL. Mix the contents of each tube thoroughly, and allow to stand for 5 minutes: the turbidity of the mixture containing the Mild Silver Protein is no greater than that to which no Mild silver Protein had been added. (Strong silver protein yields a much greater turbidity than the control.)

Assay - Ignite about 1.5 gm of Mild Silver Protein, accurately weighed, in a porcelain crucible until all of the carbon is burned off. Cool the crucible, place it in a 400-mL beaker, and fill it with nitric acid diluted with an equal volume of water. When the reaction has subsided, add water to immerse the crucible, cover the beaker, and heat on a water bath until all of the silver is dissolved. Remove and rinse the crucible, and filter the solution into an Erlenmeyer flask. Wash the filter and residue thoroughly with water and cool the filtrate. Add 2 mL of ferric ammonium sulfate T.S., and titrate with 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate. Each mL of 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate is equivalent to 10.79 mg of Ag.

Packaging and storage - Preserve Mild Silver Protein in tight, light-resistant containers.

Category - Local antibacterial



Ward Dean, M.D., and Joe Cardot, N.D., editors

Although we only sell books at this website, click here for the best sources of high grade, stabilized colloidal silver.

Important Notice / Disclaimer The clinical protocols in this book are intended for the use of Health Care Professionals. The suggested protocols are based on the personal clinical experience of physicians who have used Ag-therapy. The information is provided for educational purposes only.

Mild Silver Protein

A "Silver Bullet" for Infectious Illness

by Lane Lenard, Ph.D.

Ask physicians to name the gold standard in antimicrobial therapy -- the

treatment against which all others are measured-and it's likely they'll cite one antibiotic drug or another. It is true that for the last half of the 20th century, scores of high-tech drugs from ampicillin to Zythromax have worked wonders on an enormous scale, killing a wide variety of bacterial pathogens and saving countless lives in the process. But are they really the safest and most effective antimicrobial treatments available today?

The surprising answer may be, "No, they're not." In fact, the real gold standard among antimicrobial agents may turn out to be silver!

Stabilized mild silver protein atoms kill virtually all bacteria with which they come into contact, have no known side effects, and do not lead to the development of resistant organisms. Those who understand the mechanisms by which conventional antibiotic drugs work will understand how crucial these three points are. Every antimicrobial agent available today inactivates or kills only a limited spectrum of bacteria, viruses, or fungi; often causing side effects or allergic reactions at therapeutic doses; and not infrequently contributing to the development of resistant species.

How can something as simple as silver be so effective and so safe? And why do so few physicians know about it? To answer these questions, we need to know a little something about the history of silver-based therapies … In ancient Greece and Rome, those who could afford it stored their perishable liquids in silver containers because the metal helped retard the growth of microorganisms that spoil food and cause disease. Prior to the development of refrigeration, it was once common to drop a silver coin into a container of milk to retard spoilage.

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Silvers germicidal action was first documented during the late 1800’s. A few years after Louis Pasteur in France and Ignaz Semmelweis in Hungary began touting the antimicrobial benefits of high temperatures and hand washing, respectively, silver therapy pioneers such as Lea, Crookes, and Crede began developing early colloidal silver products that appeared to possess remarkable antimicrobial properties.

During the early years of the 20th century, as medical scientists searched in vain for a "magic bullet" that would destroy pathogens but leave healthy tissue unscathed, scores of scientific papers were published documenting the beneficial effects of silver-based products for treating bacteria of all types, including those that cause diseases like typhoid, gonorrhea, and various gynecologic and ophthalmic infections. We know today that these pioneering researchers came agonizingly close to finding their magic bullet, and … it was made of pure silver.

Beginning in the early 1900’s, it became common practice to place a few drops of silver nitrate solution in the eyes of newborn babies at birth to prevent ophthalmic infections that could cause blindness. When wires or other metallic devices had to be implanted in the body, the preferred metal was silver due to its inherent antimicrobial properties. Bacteria simply could not grow on it …

So confident were some turn-of-the-century physicians in the germicidal power of silver that they would perform what might be considered reckless stunts to demonstrate it. At a 1916 meeting of the American

Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, for example, one attendee, Dr. Baughman of Richmond, Virginia, described his encounter

with the pioneer silver researcher, Crede in Dresden, Germany: "He

Crede invited me to see him operate. He took a probe, stuck it into an

abscess, put some silver solution on it, and offered me to put it in my

mouth. I did not care to do so, but he did put it in his own mouth. He told

me that this silver solution would cure any sort of septic trouble."

By 1939, as penicillin and other antibiotic drugs began to replace silver colloids, the American Medical Association recognized at least 96 different proprietary silver-based products in clinical use at the time. Even today, silver sulfadiazine is considered by most medical experts to be the topical antiseptic of choice, i.e., the gold standard, in patients with extensive burns. This drug is known to inhibit the growth of nearly all pathogenic bacteria and fungi, including some species that are resistant to antibiotics.

Until 1938, silver-based products were the most widely used and most effective antimicrobial agents in medical practice. As penicillin and the other antibiotic drugs became increasingly available in the ensuing decades, silver-based products, which, by comparison, were prohibitively expensive, relatively slow-acting, sometimes crudely formulated, and often difficult to use properly (they tended to be very unstable, and had to be mixed immediately prior to use to prevent precipitation), soon fell into disuse, except for a few select applications, as noted above.

Recently, however, silver's antimicrobial properties have been enjoying a rebirth in interest among medical professionals for a variety of reasons.

First, the overuse of conventional antibiotic drugs has led to the development of widespread antibiotic resistance among many common bacteria. There is a very real fear among infectious disease specialists that any day now a common bacterial species will become resistant to all known antibiotics. Already, several common bacteria have been identified that are resistant to every antibiotic but one -- vancomycin. As this article was being prepared, the New England Journal of Medicine published the most recent incidence of this frightening trend, an outbreak of multidrug-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia and bacteremia. Silver may have an important advantage over conventional antibiotics in that it kills all pathogenic microorganisms, and no organism has ever been reported to readily develop resistance to it.

Second, silver-containing products are not only far less costly to produce than their pre-WWII ancestors, they are also more effective, safer, more stable, and easier to use.

Third, and most exciting of all, anecdotal and clinical use of stabilized Mild Silver Protein products indicate that they may be safe and effective for the prevention and/or treatment of a variety of general internal and topical infections, including:

1. Ear infections

2. Thrush (candida)

3. The common cold and other viral infections

4. E. coli infections

5. Intestinal infections

6. Sinus infections

7. Leukemia

8. HIV infection

9. Lyme disease

10. Herpes

11. Gingivitis

12. Food poisoning

Make your own colloidal silver

The FDA has begun playing up the negative side effects associated with the use of these products, particularly a condition known as argyria. This effect of an overdose of silver salts appears as a permanent ashen-grey discoloration of the skin, conjunctiva, and internal organs. However, argyria is not a recognized side effect of mild silver protein, nor are there any known side effects.

All Colloidal Silvers Are Not Created Equal
What makes Mild Silver Protein formulations so effective? There are three key reasons.

1. Atoms, Not Ions:

Mild Silver Protein colloids are composed of silver atoms, whereas

many colloidal silver preparations are composed of silver ions. While

silver ions are highly toxic at high concentrations, silver atoms are not.

2. Ideal Particle Size:

In order to kill bacteria and other microbes, silver particles need to fall within a narrow range. Mild Silver Protein particles made from silver atoms are exceedingly small and within the ideal effective range. Most importantly, the particulate size does not change, as it does with ionic colloidal silver.

3. Stability:

A colloid is a suspension of insoluble particles in a liquid medium. As one early 20th century colloid researcher described it, "A beam of light passed through a colloidal solution illuminates its path, just as a beam of sunlight in a darkened room is visible when the air contains dust or smoke." Most products today that are touted to be colloidal silver are actually not colloidal suspensions at all, but are, in reality, ionic solutions. These solutions are inherently unstable. The silver particles soon settle out, like the dust floating around a room.

Using a silver product that has settled out will be ineffective at best, or dangerous at worst. In contrast, Mild Silver Protein is a true colloidal suspension, produced using a patent-pending technique that results in a highly stable product. The atoms never come out of suspension.

Early versions of colloidal silver were made by simply grinding up metallic silver or a silver salt, such as silver nitrate, into a fine powder and suspending the resulting particles in an appropriate liquid medium. But there are serious problems with these methods.

Grinding up pure silver yields large particles that do not remain in suspension very long. Such suspension, properly used, could be effective but are difficult to use. They have to be prepared just before use, shaken vigorously to force the silver into suspension, quickly drawn into a hypodermic syringe and immediately injected intravenously.

An effective dose using such preparations required extremely high concentrations of silver. It was not uncommon for patients to receive an average dose of one gram of silver per day. Such doses were prone to cause argyria.

Most "colloidal silver" sold today in health food stores and over the Internet is made electrically by placing silver electrodes in water. Applying an electric current to the electrodes releases silver ions into the water. This resulting solution contains silver ions that can certainly kill a few pathogens, and in most cases does so safely. The problem is that the solutions so produced are extremely weak, containing silver ions at a concentration of only 3 to 10 parts per million (ppm). In order to be effective for treating infections, the silver concentration should be at least 50 ppm.

The particle size of these electrically-made ionic silver preparations is also problematic. Although the particles start out at a bactericidal level, the fact that they are ions, i.e., charged particles, means that they tend to attract each other and soon begin forming ever larger clusters that eventually become too large to kill bacteria and too large even to stay in solution.

The Breakthrough Discovery

This was the dilemma facing the developers of Mild Silver Protein: Colloidal silver suspensions made from pure metallic silver atoms (not ions) could be an extremely effective antimicrobial agent. However, the particles were often too large, the doses too high, and the particles would not stay in suspension very long.

Ionic colloidal silver made from silver salts could be effective but could also be toxic. While those solutions that were made electrically were generally safe, they were usually too weak to be useful. Neither of these silver solutions was stable.

The Ideal Solution

The ideal approach appeared to be a colloidal silver preparation made from silver particles (pure silver atoms) of the most effective antibacterial size that would stay in suspension indefinitely. Was such an ideal formulation possible? At first, it did not seem so. But then scientists made a breakthrough. They found a way to combine trace amounts of silver atoms (which are inherently safer than ions) with a protein in distilled water to form a colloidal dispersion of sufficient concentration to be effective against pathogenic organisms. So stable was this colloid that none has ever come out of suspension, including samples produced more than seven years ago!

The next question was, could this true colloidal suspension efficaciously and safely kill pathogenic organisms? Remarkably, when the clinical results started coming in, they were uniformly and overwhelmingly positive. The scientists found that their colloidal silver product was clinically effective against virtually every infectious organism tested, yet was completely non-toxic. It did not even cause argyria with prolonged use of high doses.

How Does It Work?
No one is quite sure why silver is lethal to pathogenic organisms. According to one theory, silver binds to microorganisms, which somehow causes the body to eliminate them. It is also possible that silver, which is a foreign body, is recognized as such, thereby causing a general activation of the immune system, which then kills all pathogens. A third possibility is that the rapid back-and-forth brownian motion, which is characteristic of colloidal silver particles, somehow literally pulverizes the pathogens.

An even more interesting question is that according to everything we know about silver, the atoms won't kill anything; only the ions are lethal. How then, could a colloidal silver preparation made from silver atoms have any clinical benefit? The answer, which stumped the researchers for several years, was actually quite obvious when they finally figured it out.

What happens when silver is exposed to oxygen? It tarnishes! That is, it becomes oxidized, forming silver ions. Its as simple as that. Unlike the injection of high concentrations of purely ionic colloidal silver, the production of silver ions with mild silver protein is slow and measured, because it only occurs when a silver atom comes in direct contact with a molecule of oxygen. Think of it as a natural, timed-release silver.

The safety and prolonged anti-microbial effect of this product has been demonstrated in studies in which enormous doses of mild silver protein have been administered intravenously to people with AIDS, chronic Lyme disease, or "flesh-eating" staph or streptococcal infections. It appears that medicine possibly has its "silver bullet," and it is Mild Silver Protein.


1. Simpson W, Aberd M. Experiments on the germicidal action of colloidal silver. Lancet. 1914; Dec.12:1359.

2. Roe A. Collosol argentum and its ophthalmic uses. Br Med J. 1913;

Jan 16: 104.

3. National Standard Dispensatory. In: Hare H, ed; 1916.

4. Brown G. Colloidal silver in sepsis. Trans Am Assoc ObstetGynecol. 1916; Jan-June:136-143.

5. Hill W, Pillsbury D. Argyria. The Pharmacology of Silver. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1939.

6. Mandell G, Petri W, Jr. Antimicrobial Agents : Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole, Ouinolones, and Agents for Urinary Tract Infections. In: Hardman J, Limbird L, eds. Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics - 9th Ed. CD-ROM. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies; 1996.

7. Harvey S. Antiseptics and disinfectants; fungicides; ectoparasiticides.

In: Gilman A, Goodman L, Rail T, Murad F, eds. Goodman and Gilman's

The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. New York: MacMillan

Publishing Co.; 1985:959-979.

8. Nuorti J, Butler J, Crutcher J, et al. An outbreak of multidrug-resistant

pneumonia and bacteremia among unvaccinated nursing home

residents. N Engl J Med. 1998;338:1861-1868.

9. Food and Drug Administration. Over-the-counter drug products

containing colloidal siiver ingredients or silver salts. Federal Register.


10. Clark A. The properties of certain "colloidal" preparations of metals.

Br Med J. 1923;Feb. 17:273.

Mild Silver Protein -- lts Effectiveness against Internal and Topical Infections

by James South, MA.

Silver (Ag) is atomic element number 47, with an atomic weight of 108. is one of the so-called "heavy metals," along with lead, mercury, cadmium and gold. Unlike its heavy metal cousins, Ag is surprisingly non-toxic to humans and animals, and has a long history of successful medical and public health use dating back 6000 years!

Silver has been used to speed wound healing, treat infections, purify water and preserve beverages. The ancient Macedonians covered wounds with silver plates to speed healing. N.R. Thompson has noted that, "The germicidal properties of silver, although not recognized as such, have been utilized since the times of the ancient Mediterranean and Asiatic cultures, references being made to the use of silver vessels to prevent spoilage of beverages, and silver foil or plates in the surgical treatment of wounds and broken bones.

The modern era of Silver usage began in 1893, when C. Von Nageli reported the first systematic investigation into the lethal effects of metals [especially silver] towards bacteria and lower life forms. To primitive life forms, oligodynamic (solutions in which the metal ion concentration is many orders of magnitude below that which would be lethal to higher life forms) silver is as toxic as the most powerful chemical disinfectants. Its relative harmlessness to animal life gives it great potential as a disinfectant.

Silver was one of the mainstays of medical practice in Europe and America during the period from 1900 to the beginning of the modern antibiotic era which began in the 1940s with the introduction of sulfa drugs and penicillin. Various forms of Silver were used to treat literally hundreds of ailments: lung infections such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and pleurisy; sexual diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis;4 skin conditions such as cuts, wounds, leg ulcers, pustular eczema, impetigo and boils; acute meningitis and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis; infectious diseases such as Mediterranean fever, erysipelas, cystitis, typhus, typhoid fever, and tonsillitis; eye disorders such as dacryocystitis, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis and blepharitis; and various forms of septicemia, including puerperal fever, peritonitis and post- abortion septicemia. (This list does not even begin to exhaust the published medical uses for Silver in Europe and America, 1900-1940).

In 1939, Hill and Pillsbury listed 94 different proprietary Silver preparations in use up to that time. However, with the development of the antibiotic era, Ag rapidly fell into disuse and the medical "memory hole." It was replaced first by sulfa drugs, then penicillin (post WWII), and since then by hundreds of specialized antibiotics.

Under the onslaught of antibiotic warfare, the second half of the 20th century witnessed the seeming eradication, or at least control, of most of mankind's ancient plague scourges. Indeed, some major infectious diseases have been virtually wiped out in the modern world (supposedly) thanks to antibiotics. By the late 1980s, antibiotics had so succeeded in controlling/eradicating most germ diseases that medical researchers and pharmaceutical companies seriously slowed research into new antibiotics, thinking that there was no longer any need for (and not nearly enough "big bucks" to be made from) newer and better antibiotics. Yet by the 1990s the picture began to change again.

Due to an antibiotic-accelerated mutation of microbes, more and more germ species previously controlled by antibiotics began to develop ways to combat antibiotics. This, in turn, gave rise to so-called "super-germs," such as killer E. coli, "flesh-eating" strep A bacteria, multiple antibiotic- resistant tuberculosis bacteria, and chloroquine-resistant malarial parasites. The overprescription of antibiotics by doctors, under pressure from their patients for ailments where they are useless (e.g. against common viral diseases such as cold and flu); the failure of patients to take the full course of their prescribed antibiotics (allowing germs to recover and develop antibiotic resistance); and the widespread use of low-Ievel antibiotics in animal feed to increase farmers profits (40% of U.S. antibiotics go into animal feed), have all helped create antibiotic- resistant "super-bacteria."

Make your own colloidal silver

* * *

Perhaps the scariest scenario that may present a need for a powerful, broad-spectrum antimicrobial such as Silver is the late 1990s threat of "bioterrorism." It is now widely expected by biowarfare and terrorism experts that, whether due to small groups of terrorists, or as a form of warfare by "rogue"/totalitarian nations such as China, Iran, Libya, N. Korea, Syria or Russia, or even by activities of the U.S. government against its own citizens, it is only a matter of time before "germ warfare" is unleashed in Europe or America.

If the supergerms released have been produced in sophisticated biowarfare labs, they will probably have been genetically altered to make them resistant to the antibiotics normally used to treat that species of germ, e.g. tetracycline/doxycycline normally used to treat Anthrax (the number one favorite of "biowarfare warriors" worldwide). It is interesting to note that silver -- both in liquid solution and as an airbome aerosol -- has been known since 1887 to be extremely toxic to Anthrax spores. It is widely reported in the medical literature that various forms of Silver, often at surprisingly low concentrations, routinely kill germs that are known to be antibiotic-resistant.

Most antibiotics have an optimal effectiveness against only a few different disease germs. Even broad-spectrum antibiotics may kill only 10-20 different types of bacteria. Also, most antibiotics that kill bacteria will not kill any fungi, protozoal parasites, or viruses. Nor will antifungal agents kill bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. Virtually all known viruses are immune to virtually all known antibiotics.

Silver is unique among antimicrobial agents in its broad spectrum of action. It has been claimed to kill some 650 different disease organisms. Unlike antibiotics, Silver is an "equal opportunity destroyer." It doesn't discriminate. It effectively kills micro-organisms of all major types: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, spore-forming bacteria, fungus/yeasts, viruses and protozoal parasites. Ag sulfadiazine (Silvadene) is used almost universally in hospitals to prevent serious burn infections. It kills dozens of different bacteria, as well as 95% of 72 strains of herpes virus as well as the protozoal parasite Plasmodium berghei (malaria). Silvadene also kills various yeasts, including several Aspergillus varieties, Mucor pusillus, Rhizopus nigricans and 50 different clinical isolates of Candida albicans.

Electrically-generated colloidal silver [Ag(e)] has been shown to kill dozens of bacteria, including Providencia stuartii, a germ already

the 1970s to all antibiotics except amikacin, as well as two strains of Enterobacter cloacae that were isolated from burn patients and were relatively resistant even to Silvadene. Ag(e) has also proved adept at killing various yeast/fungus species at very low Silver concentrations, including Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. pseudotropicalis, Torulopsis glabrata and Aspergillus niger. Ag(e) has been shown to kill cysts of the common water-borne protozoal parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Ag(e) has also killed the protozoa Paramecium when exposed to 2.2 PPM Ag, as well as the protozoa Varicella at 5.9 PPM Ag.1

Ag(e) was even somewhat effective in killing Polio virus in swimming

pool water, at the extremely low concentration of 0.015mg Ag per liter

of water (15 parts per billion!).

The proprietary silver compounds Certisil and Micropur, used to

disinfect water, are effective against Bovine Enterovirus, Vacciniavirus

(cowpox), Influenza A and Pseudorabies virus.

In short, as pioneering silver researcher Dr. Henry Margraf has stated,

"Silver is the best all round germ-fighter we have." Historically, Silver has been used in 20th Century medicine in a wide variety of forms. It has been used as silver salts (e.g. Ag nitrate, Ag phosphate, Ag iodide, etc.) and Silver compounds (e.g. Ag sulfadiazine, Ag arsphenamine, zinc-Ag allantoinate). Many doctors using silver in the first half of the 20th century preferred a colloidal form of Ag, either chemically or electrically pro- duced. Combining Ag with protein (Mild silver protein) results in an enhanced spectrum of action. Mild silver protein has been claimed to kill some 650 different disease organisms.

Silver salts never achieved widespread use in medicine for several reasons. As Grier notes, "Water-soluble ionized preparation [i.e. silver salts] are generally corrosive, irritating and astringent." Silver nitrate is notorious for being irritating to tissue and staining everything it touches. Also, silver salts are often not as effective as colloidal Silver or Silver proteins. For example, Simonetti and colleagues tested extremely dilute solutions of electro-colloidal Silver [Ag(e)] and Ag nitrate [Ag No3] against culture of two bacteria (E. coli and P. aeruginosa), a yeast (C. albicans) and a mold (A, niger). The levels of Ag ion tested were incredibly low: 108 PPB (0.108mcg/ml) and 108ppB (0.0108 mcg/ml). Simonetti, et al, concluded "Our experiments showed that the contact antimicrobial activity of Ag(e) was superior to that of AgNO3 against gram-positive and negative bacteria, C. albicans, and a filamentous mycete. Our contact tests confirmed the excellent antibacterial spectrum and the high potency of electrically generated silver demonstrated previously Anodic silver ions are very effective agents at low concentrations without any detrimental effect upon normal mammalian cells, and the [low] concentrations needed to inhibit the bacteria in in vitro experiments have been confirmed in clinical data."

Silver salts are more toxic than silver proteins and colloidal silver. Thus, when Hussein, et al, tested AgNO3 on fresh human lymphocytes, they found 90% lymphocyte destruction when exposed to 50 micromoles Silver as AgNO3 for two hours. Yet when lymphocytes were exposed to 1200 micromoles Ag as a Aqcysteine complex, there was no significant impairment of the lymphocytes at a silver dose 24 times greater than the AgNO3 provided.

Both modern science and early 1900s medical practice favor the use of either colloidal Silver or mild silver protein.

Electrically prepared colloidal silver [Ag(e)] is currently available from many sources, in potencies ranging from 3-5 PPM, up to 500 PPM. Equally (or more) important than the silver level is the particle size and degree of dispersion. In a liquid colloid, the Ag does not actually dissolve in the liquid, it exists as a suspension of microscopic particles floating around in the liquid medium. Properly made Ag(e) should contain particles approximately 0.01 to 0.001 microns in diameter (1 micron = one millionth of a meter, or 41100,000 inch). At this tiny size, each particle is a cluster of perhaps 5-20 Silver atoms with a positive electrical charge. Because the particles are so tiny (and thus light), and because the charged particles repel and "bounce off" each other, they can defy gravity and remain suspended in their water medium for months, even years when properly stored (away from light, at room temperature). However, over time the Ag particles may gradually adsorb onto the walls of the container, gradually lowering the amount of Ag in suspension. The most thoroughly dispersed Ag(e) should be yellow or dark brown in color, as colloid chemist H. Freundlich noted in 1992: "With increasing degree of dispersion the color of silver sols [colloids] changes from grey green through lilac and red to yellow." Because each Ag(e) particle contains 5-20 Ag ions, the particles act as a time-release mechanism to provide continuous germ-killing Silver ion availability, as single Silver ions gradually break off from their parent microclusters.

* * *

Silver may be dropped into the ear several times daily for ear infections. Ag may be snorted into the nostrils from a nasal squirt-bottle for sinus infections or to abort head-colds. MSP may be dropped into the eyes to treat conjunctivitis or to soothe inflamed, itchy eyes (there may be a brief initial mild stinging sensation). Ag may be sprayed or rubbed (possibly mixed with aloe-vera, onto minor burns, cuts, scrapes, wounds, etc., to promote healing and prevent/heal infection. Ag may be massaged into gums several times daily for dental infections. Ag is also useful to treat animal (farm or pet) infections as well, although the dose should be scaled down or up (compared to human weight/dose) depending on the weight of the animal.

Ag has also been used as a water purifier since 1900 or so. Ag has been used since the 1930s to impregnate water filters to kill germs in the water, or which might grow in the filter medium. The consensus of water treatment experts is that as little as 0.05 to 0.5 PPM is sufficient to kill most bacteria within several hours. Protozoal parasites (Giardia, Entamoeba, Paramecia, etc.) may require higher levels. e.g. 5-30 PPM.22 To germicidally purify water of doubtful quality, add 1 teaspoon of 400 PPM Ag to a pint of water. Stir thoroughly and let stand for several hours. This is only a general guideline-when in doubt, increase the Ag dosage as you see fit.

To conclude this report on a personal note: I have found Ag to indeed be a "master germicide."

* * *

Most Ag preparations express their Ag content in parts-per-million (PPM). 1 PPM = 1 microgram (mcg) Ag per cc. This equals 5 mcg Ag per teaspoon, or 15 mcg Ag per tablespoon. 30 PPM = 30 mcg Ag per cc = 150 mcg Ag per teaspoon = 450 mcg per tablespoon.

* * *

Silver Therapeutic Protocols
Ag- Therapy is the use of Mild Silver Protein suspension in the control of infectious diseases-viral, fungal, and bacterial.

Mutations of infectious microorganisms result in new strains that are ; immune to many antimicrobial drugs. Many physicians are predicting an end to the "antibiotic era." When present antibiotics are no longer effective, due to mutations, millions of people will die from infectious diseases that are now controllable.

Mild Silver Protein does not have the limitations of synthetic antibiotics. Administered properly, Mild Silver Protein appears to control all infections. No microbe has yet developed resistance to it. From our personal experience, and from reports from other physicians who have used Ag- Therapy with their patients, there have been no side effects noted. There have also been no drug interactions noted from its use.

Silver Protocols
The protocols suggested in this manual are based on a 400 ppm concentration of a Mild Silver Protein suspension. Physicians may add other nutritional approaches to the suggested protocols. The duration of treatment varies with the individual and the severity of illness.

For children -- ages 0-6, use 1/2 adult dose; 7 and older, use adult dose Abbreviations

MSP Mild Silver Protein
BID Two times per day

TID Three times per day

QlD Four times per day

HS Bedtime (hour of sleep)

TBL Tablespoon TSP Teaspoon

* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day for 8 days then 2 TSP, per day until infection is gone (Also use grapefruit oil extract) (Note -MSP Liquid destroys all Amebae)

* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day for 16 days then 2 TSP per day (Use adult dose in children 7 or above)

* * *

Aspergillosis - (Aspergillus infection [mold]) a., in bronchi, lungs, ear canal, skin or the mucous membranes of the eye, nose or urethra

MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day for 16 to 24 days, then 2 TSP per day until asymptomatic MSP Oral/Topical -apply topically, when possible, to mucous membrane sites, skin etc., BID Also put a small amount in each nostril at bedtime (in eye infections use 1 or 2 drops of MSP Optic or MSP Liquid, full strength, in each eye, BID)

a., in birds

MSP Liquid -1 TSP in 3 oz of drinking water

MSP Oral topical -apply topically, where needed, BID

* * *

Bubonic plague
MSP Liquid -1 TBL OlD for 16 days, then 1 TBL BID until a symptomatic, then 1 TBL per day for 60 to 90 days. See IV protocol for Lyme disease.

* * *

Chickenpox - (children or adults)

MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day for 6 days, then 2 TSP per day

MSP Oral/Topical - apply topically to eruptions and/or crusting BID
* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL in 8 oz of water TID. Vigorous fluid and electrolyte

replacement is needed. IV administration of a 2-to-1 mixture of normal saline and 1/6 molar sodium lactate. Use all means at disposal. Cholera can be fatal. (Add potassium to above in children.) See IV protocol for Lyme disease.

* * *

Ebola - (Marburg Virus disease) see Marburg d.

EBV (Epstein-Bar virus)

MSP Liquid. 1 TBL BID for 30 days, then 2 TSP per day for 30 days then test - if still positive repeat above and re-test. See IV protocol for Lyme disease.

* * *

MSP Oral/Topical -topically TID, plus

MSP Liquid -1 to 3 TSP per day etc

* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL BID until clear

* * *

Erysipelas (Staph)

MSP Liquid -1 TBL per day

MSP Oral/Topical -Rub into affected areas of skin BID

* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL TID Chelation Therapy

Gingivitis (periodontal disease)

MSP Liquid -2 tsp in 2 oz water, use as a mouth wash, then swallow, BID MSP Oralrropical -Apply topically to gums after flossing, BID. TID

MSP Liquid -1 TBL TID for 8 days, then 1 TBL per day until tests are negative

Hepatitis (A, B and C)

MSP Liquid -1 TBL TID for 16 days, then 1 TBL per day thereafter, until testing is negative (usually, 90 to 180 days). See IV protocol for Lyme disease.

* * *

Marburg Virus Disease
MSP Liquid -2 TBL TID for 8 days, then 2 TBL BID and 10 cc per 40 Ibs body weight IV, every 8 hours

NOTE - Found in lab workers handling tissues and cell cultures from African green monkeys. One four1h die between eighth and sixteenth day of illness if not treated.

* * *

NOTE - If you are a Physician other than an M.D. or D.O., refer the patient immediately to a medical or osteopathic Physician, in addition to other therapies you may be using.

NOTE TO PHYSICIAN -The preferred modality in all forms of pneumonia is MSP liquid IV, 120 ml in 250 cc bag of saline for injection IV every 48 hours, and MSP liquid, 1 TBL TID alternating days with IV injections is.

* * *

MSP Liquid -1 TBL TID
MSP liquid -4 cc. IV, per 40 Ib body weight dissolved in 250 cc saline, administered over two hours, every 48 hours and, 1 TBL TID orally on alternating days

NOTE - rabies immune globulin and vaccine should be administered immediately. Wound should be cleansed with H202 or alcohol. MSP Oral/Topical -apply to cleansed wound

* * *

Appendix B

National Formulary Tenth Edition National Formulary X
Prepared by the Committee on National Formulary

Under the supervision of the Council

By authority of the

American Pharmaceutical Association

Official From December 15, 1955

Published by the

American Pharmaceutical Association

Washington 7, D.C. 1955

Distributed for the association by
J.D. Lippincott Company

Philadelphia and Montreal

Argentum Proteinicum Mite Mild Protargin

Mild Silver Protein is silver rendered colloidal by the presence of, or combination with, protein. It contains not less than 19 percent and not more than 23 percent of Ag. Caution: Solution of Mild Silver Protein should be freshly prepared or contain a suitable stabilizer, and should be dispensed in amber-colored bottles!

Description - Mild Silver Protein occurs as dark brown or almost black, shining scales or granules. It is odorless, is frequently hydroscopic, and is affected by light.

Solubility - Mild Silver Protein is freely soluble in water, but almost insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether.

Identification -

A: Heat about 100 mg of Mild Silver Protein in a porcelain crucible until ail carbonaceous matter is burned off, warm the residue with 1 mL of nitric acid, dilute with 10 mL of water, and add a few drops of hydrochloric acid; a white precipitate is pro- duced which dissolves in ammonia T.S.

B: Ferric chloride T.S. added to a solution of Mild Silver Protein (1 in 100) discharges the dark color and a precipitate is gradually produced.

C: To 10 mL of solution of Mild Silver Protein (1 in 100) add a few drops of mercury bichloride T.S.; a white precipitate is formed and the supernatant liquid becomes colorless or nearly so.

Ionic silver - To 10 mL of a solution of Mild Silver Protein (1 in 100) add 2 mL of a solution of sodium chloride (1 in 100); no turbidity is produced.

Distinction from strong silver protein - Dissolve 1 gm of Mild Silver Protein n 10 mL of water. Add, all at once, 7 gm of ammonium sulfate, and stir occasionally for 30 minutes. Filter through quantitative filter paper into a 50-mL Nessler tube, returning the first portions of the filtrate to the filter, if necessary, to secure a clear filtrate, and allow the filter and precipitate to drain. Add to the clear filtrate 25 mL of a solution of acacia (1 in 100). In a second 50-mL Nessler tube dissolve 7 gm of

ammonium sulfate in 10 mL of water, and add to this solution 25 mL of the solution of acacia and 1.6 mL of 0.01 N silver nitrate. To each tube add 2 mL of nitric acid, 2mL of diluted hydrochloric acid, and enough of the acacia solution to make the volume of each solution 50 mL. Mix the contents of each tube thoroughly, and allow to stand for 5 minutes: the turbidity of the mixture containing the Mild Silver Protein is no greater than that to which no Mild silver Protein had been added. (Strong silver protein yields a much greater turbidity than the control.)

Assay - Ignite about 1.5 gm of Mild Silver Protein, accurately weighed, in a porcelain crucible until all of the carbon is burned off. Cool the crucible, place it in a 400-mL beaker, and fill it with nitric acid diluted with an equal volume of water. When the reaction has subsided, add water to immerse the crucible, cover the beaker, and heat on a water bath until all of the silver is dissolved. Remove and rinse the crucible, and filter the solution into an Erlenmeyer flask. Wash the filter and residue thoroughly with water and cool the filtrate. Add 2 mL of ferric ammonium sulfate T.S., and titrate with 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate. Each mL of 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate is equivalent to 10.79 mg of Ag.

Packaging and storage - Preserve Mild Silver Protein in tight, light-resistant containers.

Category - Local antibacterial

Make your own colloidal silver