One of the most Amaing electrical engineers was a Russian
emigrant, Georges Lakhovsky who made observations of the
effects of electricity and radio waves on living organisms.
His first book, THE
SECRET OF LIFE, was first published in 1935 . The book
also appeared later in Spanish, French, Italian, and finally
in English.

Georges Lakhovsky, actually had hospital cooperation
in the eastern United States and Paris for his work with
electricity in the early part of the 20th century.Lakhovsky's
device was used in the USA until 1942 and in Europe for
about another 15 years. It was ordered removed from the
US hospitals that were using it shortly after Lakhovsky
died in 1942. He was hit by a car. Coincidence? You be
the judge.
He published a book, The Secret of Life, in 1935 to
describe the variety of disease conditions that were
cleared in humans, animals and plants with his Multiple
Wave Oscillator. He affirmed, “the cell, essential
organic unit in all living beings, is nothing but an
electromagnetic resonator, capable of emitting and absorbing
radiations of very high frequency.”
One scientist explains it this
way. A NORMAL cell has an electrical potential
of 70 millivolts, an AGED cell at 50 mV, and
a CANCER or ill cell is 15 mV. When a cell is
in electrical difficulty the mV and the sodium-potassium
balance are out. The high potential brings the
cells to an equal level basically resetting them.
This allows healing to occur at a higher pace
without stressing the cell. And the additional
energy restores cell integrity by reorienting
it's molecular structure to allow for easier
potential movement. Basically it bolsters the
field of each cell individually so they support
each other more easily... |
Many of Georges theories Like Tesla were,
ignored in conventional medicine as in 1938, the Flexner
Committee reported to the US Congress it report on medical
education and branded electrotherapy as "quackery".
Many of Lakhovsky's theories were only recently confirmed
by Becker in his book THE BODY ELECTRIC, published in
Inside the body, our organs are kept apart
by slick membranes. Inside our smallest components,
our cells, a similar separation is upheld with
the help of electrical charges. In the same
way that reversed magnets repel each other,
gauzes of negative charges prevent proteins,
genetic material, and fats from sticking to
each other in the wrong way.
Human Cells
have Electric Fields as Powerful as Lighting
Bolts -A Galaxy Insight More

Our body consists of a quantity of organs
that are in turn are made up of tissues. These
tissues are in turn made up of cells. When
all cells cooperate with each other by being
arranged in the right order (correctly polarized),
then a bundling of energy happens and the organ
will function optimally and strongly. If there
are cells that are not correctly arranged or
in the wrong order, then these cells are working
against the correctly arranged cells and as
such the organ performs weaker. When the amount
of cells in the wrong order is extremely large
and in a state of disorder, the organ will
as such perform very weakly and most probably
perform in the wrong way.
The Italians were the first investigators
to seriously study his new science, RADIOBIOLOGY, and
put it to the test in laboratories and clinics. It resulted
in astonishing photographs of regenerated tissues in plants and human
beings. It became indisputable fact that Lakhovsky
was the first serious, scientific investigator on the
use of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in biology.
The first international Congress of Radiobiology was
held in Venice in 1934. A leading authority on electrotherapy,
Dr. E.P. Cumberbatch wrote: Although it had frequently
been observed that the short Hertzian waves could produce
heat at a distance from the transmitter, the first scientific
investigation from a biological point of view was made
by Lakhovsky and his colleagues who published a paper
in 1924 on the effects of very short waves on cancer
in plants
According to Another
Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg,We have cell voltages
of minus 70 to minus 90 millivoltsWhen we are born
a healthy cell will have an electrical charge of
between -70millivolts and -90 millivolts. As we
age the electrical charge around the cell decreases;
to as little as -35 millivolts by age 70 or so. |
Diseased or weakened cells tend to vibrate out of harmony
with the rest of the body and with a lower electrical
charge. In the early 1920's, French engineer, Georges
Lakhovsky, developed a frequency instrument known as
the Mutilple Wave Oscillator. This device used an elaborate
antenna system to broadcast millions of radiowave harmonic
frequencies into the system. Lakhovsky viewed the filamentous
material within the cells as behaving like resonating
structures or antennas that could be stimulated with
the proper external frequency (radiowaves) to help regain
their normal vibratory rate, thus assisting the body
to restore a state of equilibrium or health.
"Lakhovsky pointed out that all cells
capable of reproduction contain in their nuclei "filaments" of
highly conductive material surrounded by insulating
media." This filament, which may be the
RNA-DNA complex, is always in the form of a spiral
or helix, in other words, a coil.
Therefore, each will react as a tuned circuit
if its resonant frequency can be approximated
by an external oscillating coil. I postulate
that by exciting the nuclei with electromagnetic
energy a "charge" can be induced
by the long established principle of electromagnetic
This demonstrably raises the energy level
and perhaps the vitality of every call in the
field simultaneously. Since each cell is an
individual, and of slightly different physical
dimensions, the exciting wavelengths must be
multiple, and must span a broad frequency spectrum.
Marco: Biophotonen. Das Licht in unseren Zellen,
1995, Zweitausendeins
Popp, F.A./Nagl, W./Li, K.H./Scholz, W./ Weingärtner, O./
Wolf, R.: Biophoton
emission: New evidence for coherence and DNA as source (1984) |

I would like
to get some info regarding a device my oncle
Nikolas v.. Gu.............
(aged 96) bought at your company. He is located
in the US is telling his sister, who is my mother
and who is located in Europe, Austria – aged
92) about the success he is having with that machine
and that he is at least feeling 10 years younger.
So my mother also wants to buy this “miracle” machine.
Tina P..............
Steinwandgasse ....
Austria |
According to the 17th Annual World Congress
on Anti-Aging Medicine If you use electromagnetic frequency
which is matching the spinning frequencies of hydrogens
of a particular aging tissue, its atoms and electrons
will be collectively excited by resonance. So the electrons
will emit their photons together and will produce an
enormous bundle of coherent laser light in the cells.
Since these photons can circle between molecules without
loss of energy over a long time, for hours, their coordinated
actions exert the astounding order and repair effect. Using
pulsating specific electromagnetic fields is a true anti-aging
process and explains the dramatic pain
improvement in osteoporosis, non-jointed bone fractures
as well as improvements of numerous health disorders.17th
Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine
"Any challenge to the
cell, such as oxygen/nutrient deficiency, toxicity,
or inflammation can degrade
the gradient from its optimal -70 mV. As the
gradient falters, sodium is less efficiently
pumped out
of the cell, resulting in edema (fluid retention)
and inflammation. As the gradient falls lower,
oxygen delivery across the cell membrane into
the interior of the cell is compromised. Without
the cell cannot generate ATP energy; the sodium-potassium
ion pumping mechanism cannot be fueled, and the
gradient falls further. A downward cycle of disordered
cellular physiology will follow, which can ultimately
lead to cell degeneration. " |
A change in mineral content of the cell,
particularly an increase in the intracellular concentration
of positively charged sodium ions and an increase in
negative charges on the cell coat (glycocalyx) are two
of the major factors causing cancerous cells to have
lower membrane potential than healthy cells (Cure, 1991).Cancer
cells exhibit both lower electrical membrane potentials
and lower electrical impedance than normal cells (Cone,
1985; Blad and Baldetorp, 1996; Stern, 1999).This idea
may mean that certain chemicals, viruses and bacteria
create cancers by modifying the electrical charge of
the cell surface resulting in alterations in: cell membrane
and organelle membrane electrical potentials, the functions
of these membranes, intracellular mineral content, energy
production and genetic expression.
also means that therapeutic methods that manipulate
the electrical charge of cell membranes, the
composition of cell membranes and the content
of intracellular minerals can result in alterations
in genetic activity.
A healthy cell membrane potential is strongly linked to the control
of cell membrane transport mechanisms as well as DNA activity,
protein synthesis and aerobic energy production. Since injured
and cancerous cells cannot maintain a normal membrane potential
they will have electronic dysfunctions that will impede repair
and the reestablishment of normal metabolic functions. Therefore
a key component of cell repair and cancer treatment would be to
reestablish a healthy membrane potential in the body’s cells" (Nieper,
1966a, 1966b, 1966c,
1967a, 1967b, 1968, 1985; Alexander, 1997b; Nieper et al., 1999). |
The electrical
charge of inflamed cells causing pain changes to
approximately +30 mV. When exposed to a pulsed magnetic
field, these cells are changed to a charge of approximately
-90mV alleviating pain in the process. Cells that
are scarred or fibrotic with adhesions have a charge
of approximately -15 mV. Due to the density of the
cell tissue, change requires stronger pulsed magnetic
fields to be able to restore them to the optimal
-70 mV. Degenerative or immune-compromised cells
average -30 mV.

Nikola Tesla, and others, showed that high voltage
static electricity caused ionization. This causes
disassociation of structure and charging of particles
in positive and negative polarity effects.
- Dr. George Crile
discovered that electricity is the key
to growth and health of all living organisms.
Recognized as one of the top ten surgeons
of all time, he could explain why and
how life functions and why illness develops.
Time period was the 1930's |
Dr. George Crile, in a fabulous
research that he devoted his life to, established
that every living cell was a battery, a transducer,
and a condenser. In his book "The Phenomena
of Life", printed in 1936, he states, "Electricity
is the energy that drives the organism." He
further states, "It
is clear that in the second half of life the
electrical potential of the elderly patient as
a whole or of this or that organ, has been very
much reduced and that by so much, the margin
of safety has been dangerously diminished." Hugo
Fricke, working with Dr. Crile in his laboratory,
found that the film which surrounds red blood
cells is on the order of 3/10,000,000 of a centimeter
in thickness and that this lipoid structure has
an electric capacity of high order, viz., 0.8
microfarad per square centimeter. Dr. Crile further
stated, "The unit of structure and of function
of the living organism is the cell. Plants and
animals are disperse systems of cell suspension.
The nucleus of the cell is comparatively acid.
The cytoplasm of the cell is comparatively alkaline.
The nucleus and the cytoplasm are separated by
a semi-permeable membrane. Therefore
the cell is a bipolar mechanism or an electric
battery, the nucleus being the positive element,
the cytoplasm the negative element."
C. Beck, D.Sc., a distinguished physicist,
brought Lakhovksy’s
Multiple Wave Oscillator to public attention.
It became known among those who continued
to research electricity for health as the ‘Beck
antenna’. In a paper published in
1963, Beck reported: “Within this
multiple-wave range of frequencies, every
cell in the body can find its ONE resonant
frequency and absorb energy at its own
natural wavelength.”23 |
These cell batteries of the body
are what we are planning to charge with the Integratron.
Each cell has a capacity like the battery in
your car. The human body is composed of over
100 trillion of these cells. Our principle of
operation is as simple as applying Lakhovsky's
multiple wave oscillation to Barnothy's magnetic
fields saturated with Tesla's ionization to charge
Dr. George Crile's cell batteries.

Nikola created machines that
flooded the human body with electrical currents
and strong vibrations, intended to soothe aches
and promote healing. And Tesla wasn't just
the inventor of the "electrotherapeutic" device
-- he was also a client. He reportedly became
somewhat enthusiastic to administering the
treatment to himself, insisting
that a session with the machine rejuvenated
him on his long stretches of work without food
or sleep. Tesla once let his
friend Samuel Clemens try out the healing machine.
The author is said to have enjoyed the experience
tremendously. |
Clement later wrote: "In this country, owing
mainly to the inauspicious time at which Lakhovsky's
major work was published, very little interest has
been shown on the part of those best qualified to judge
of its merits.
Wave Genetics has been researched
principally in Russia, by a group of scientists
around Dr.
Peter Gariaev, the discoverer of the DNA phantom
effect. That research has recently come to an
abrupt halt, as a result of heavy handed intervention
by some high level "skeptics" in the
Russian Academy of Sciences. Skeptics are the
watchdogs of orthodoxy. Those operating in the
field of medicine
call themselves quackbusters,
but every scientific endeavor has their dedicated
'skeptics' who watch that no new paradigms should
evolve and who attack anyone coming even close
to changing the status quo in science. Source |
The medical profession, whose conservatism
is the most formidable barrier to progress, has been
notoriously slack in investigating the new radiobiological
methods of treating disease as originated by Lakhovsky."
Every atom in the Universe
has a frequency. Whether it's a grain of sand,
a piece of steel,
a plant, animal or an organ in your body, each
cell resonates, or vibrates, at a specific frequency
or oscillation. Your body consists of a variety
of atoms, which contain photons, electrons & an
overall bio-electric energy that runs through it.
The way you take care of your body physically,
emotionally and mentally determines how many negative
frequencies or toxins are being built up in it.
There are four general ways imbalance in the body
is created. Through toxic substances we eat, pollution
we breathe, exposure to a negative energetic environment,
and how we process information in our thinking & feeling |

Lakhovsky built a device called the multiple
wave oscillator, which today is the basis of for electrotherapy
technology. Lakhovsky's first units were built on the
basis of the Arsonval effect, low voltage, high current
coil transmission. The units were bulky and naturally
ran hot. In 1931, frustrated with the design, he asked
Tesla for help in design, which he complied. Tesla traveled
to Europe where the friendship was established.
George Lakhovsky MWO from
which the original design has been established
came from Nikola Tesla, has in turn elaborated
on his design and has done many experiments on
plants, animals and people with stunning results.
He has furthermore in his book “The secret
of Live, Electricity, Radiation and your Body” (ISBN
0-939482-08-8) stated that cells from living
organism behave themselves as small radio transmitters
and receivers. When cells are irradiated with
a correct polarized electromagnetic field(which
has a broad range of frequencies) , each
cell will pick up on a frequency and assimilate
the energy out of that field. This has a tremendous
stimulating and harmonizing action on the cells
and thus interacts with surrounding tissues and
He viewed disease or illness
as a battle of vibrations between the cells
of the body versus viruses and bacteria. If
the pathogenic organisms won this vibrational
contest, the cells would become energetically
weakened and more susceptible to disease. According
to Lakhovsky, the way to counter this vibrational
attack was to introduce a broad spectrum of
RF (radio frequency) harmonic energies into
the system and then, through the principle
of sympathetic resonance,each
cell would pick out exactly the proper frequency
needed to reinforce its own internal vibration
and the healthy cell would be more resistant
to vibrational attack from virus and
bacteria. His method of achieving this
was by means of his invention that is known
today as the MWO |
Ten years later Lakhovsky traveled to New
York City to visit his friend Tesla. Lakhovsky was mysteriously
hit by a limousine and knocked high into the air. The
three men in the limousine took Lakhovsky to a hospital
against his demands to be left alone. Three days later
he died in the hospital. ?
What is Life? It is the dynamic
equilibrium of all cells, the harmony of multiple
radiations which react upon one another.
What is disease? It is the oscillatory disequilibrium of cells, originating
from external causes. It is, more especially, the struggle between
microbic radiation and cellular radiation. For the microbe, unicellular
organism, acts also by virtue of its radiation. If microbic radiation
is predominant, disease is the result, and when vital resistance
is completely overcome, death occurs. If cellular radiation gains
the ascendant, restoration of health follows. [H: This is extremely
important, readers.] The
Secret of Life |
When your immune system cannot ward off
a problem in your system in time, something fails. Your
only defense is your immune system. By raising the oscillating
frequency of every cell in your body, we are increasing
the rate at which the immune system operates as well
as eliminating the negative toxins that your body is
trying to fight off.

The quantum fluctuations (vibrations)
that make up the memory of the cells of our body start
creating different "memories." This type of
frequency reprogramming allows the body to remember the
natural effectiveness of the immune system and regenerate
back to its original state"

Genetic studies have recently shown that even tiny disturbances
in this balance of charges are one of the factors that
cause the hereditary form of ALS. The disease is basically
tied to the SOD1 protein suddenly starting to aggregate
in small lumps in the nerve cells of the spinal cord
and at the same time withering and dying. When this happens
the musculature becomes paralyzed," says Mikeal
Oliveberg. Similar mechanisms underlie several other
feared protein disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
The discovery that charges play such a critical role
in ALS is
an important step toward understanding these processes
in a broader perspective.>>> More
In a nutshell –All cells have small electrically
powered pumps inside of them whose function is
to bring in nourishment, and take out toxins. Imagine
going into a house where the power is out. The
water pumps wouldn't operate so the toilets wouldn't
work. The would be no running water, therefore
no showers or baths or doing dishes. The refrigerator
wouldn't work so there wouldn't be any food to
eat, and the food that was in there would go bad.
Add to that a garbage man strike, and now garbage
is piling up. As you could guess, anyone living
in that house would probably get sick.
It is the same for the cells of the body. Without enough energy
to operate, the cells become toxic and malnourished. Then, when
presented with an infectious organism, whether it is the virus
that causes cancer, or the common cold, they have lost the vitality
to resist.

A state of wellness requires that our cells maintain
an optimal electrochemical gradient of -70 mV. We know
that the gradient is compromised in unhealthy cells.
Research has shown that pulsed magnetic fields have a
beneficial effect on the cell membrane’s ability
to regain its optimal electrochemical gradient which
supports healthy cellular functions.

There is no doubt any
more that specific electromagnetic fields and their
frequencies have enormous
healing power. As
seen in successful treatment of osteoporosis and
numerous other health disorders.
Lakhovsky believed that living cells are batteries;
the nucleus holds the positive charge and the cytoplasm
carries the negative. If cells were irradiated with a
range of electromagnetic oscillations, they could be "recharged" and
thus rejuvenated. A range of frequencies is necessary
because the cell and its parts respond to different frequencies.
What Lakhovsky discovered was simply mind boggling:
He postulated that all living cells (plants, people,
bacteria, parasites, etc.) possess attributes which normally
are associated with electronic circuits. These cellular
attributes include resistance, capacitance, and inductance.
These 3 electrical properties, when properly configured,
will cause the recurrent generation or oscillation of
high frequency sine waves when sustained by a small,
steady supply of outside energy of the right frequency.
When these outside sources
of oscillations are in sympathy, that is they are
exactly the same frequency as that produced by the
cell, the strength and vigor of that cell will be
reinforced and become stronger. If,
on the other hand, these outside frequencies are
of a slightly different frequency, rather than reinforce
the cell's native oscillations, they might dampen
or weaken them, resulting in a loss of vigor and
vitality for that cell. The cells of disease causing
organisms within an infected person, produce different
frequencies than that of normal, healthy cells. For
people or plants suffering from disease conditions,
Lakhovsky found that if he could increase the amplitude
(but not the frequency) of the oscillations of healthy
cells, this increase
would overwhelm and dampen the oscillations produced
by the disease causing cells, thus bringing about
the demise of the disease causing cells trying to
set up shop in the body.
Do Yoiu have a Rife machine a magnetic pulser
Hulda clark or Bob Beck Zapper or any other alternative
therapy device,,add an MWO to your healing protocol
and watch the differnce eg
Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators
are claimed to complement each other based
on the principle that life forms absorb energy.
A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle
to strengthen cells within the body to resist
disease while a Rife machine uses this principle
to destroy microorganisms with an overdose
of frequency energy. |
The MWO described here radiates a bandwith
of radio frequency energy from the audio frequencies
up beyond . By actual measurement with standard field
strength meters, this vast bandwidth of frequencies and
harmonics can be shown. A fluorescent lamp held anywhere
within close proximity of the subject glows brilliantly.
Within this multiple-wave range of frequencies, every cell in the body
can find its ONE resonant frequency and absorb energy at its own natural
wavelength. the electromagnetic component of the energy can and does
permeate and will induce an emf in each cell. It is precisely this energy
to which Lakhovsky attributes his almost miraculous "cures".
Everyone’s cells need exercise. The stresses of
everyday life, toxicity from pollutants, oxygen and nutrient
deficiency have compromised our cellular biochemistry.
We all can benefit from the kind of total body cellular
exercise that the MWO delivers.

Time Needs to Be Invested to Normalize Cell Electrophysiology
The foundation of a long-term investment in your health should include
the following fundamental philosophy: Optimize the electrical charge
and related nutritional status of the cell; ensure that the cells get
all the oxygen and hormonal support that they need; and exercise dysfunctional
cells to aid in the removal of cellular toxins. If we support the cellular
electrophysiology and biochemistry, energy generation will improve,
the sodium-potassium pump will begin to function normally, the cell
will thrive – and so will the suffering individual!
your self an MWO NOW,
lay away it, or use your credit card. no matter what way, we will help
you aquire one of these amazing units.
here to read more about the MWO
There are many net "experts" on
the "MWO", extolling the virtues of "theirs" and
criticising the "others"... We have tried many
of these expensive systems in the past 25 years in our
free Alternative Clinic... the results were,,,
we had to make
our own Multiwave Oscillators, we, and many many others,
are very happy with the results |