is associated with some of the worst health problems
out there including heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune
diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Inflammation is the body's attempt at self-protection;
the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged
cells, irritants, or pathogens - and begin the healing
process. When something harmful or irritating affects
a part of our body, there is a biological response to
try to remove it, the signs and symptoms of inflammation,
specifically acute inflammation, show that the body is
trying to heal itself.
Many experts now see inflammation as arising
from an immune system response that is out of control.
When you catch a cold or sprain your ankle, your immune
system switches into gear. Infection or injury trigger
a chain of events called the inflammatory cascade. The
familiar signs of normal inflammation — heat, pain,
redness, and swelling — are the first signals that
your immune system is being called into action.
Plaque in coronary artery disease
linked to inflammation - scientists from Stanford
University, California, linked 25 new genetic regions
to coronary artery disease. They found that people
with coronary artery disease, the leading cause
of death globally, are most likely predisposed
to the disease because they have gene variants
linked to inflammation |
Our bodies are not designed for the accepted
daily barrage of toxins, infectious agents and stresses,
. This Daily bombardment requires a lot of support to
maintain your immune’s systems resilience. Our
modern fast paced lifestyle just doesn’t make room
unless we pay attention — to everything: what we
breathe, eat, and drink. It all has a pro- or anti-inflammatory
effect, and for most of us, the factors are weighed towards
Well-documented research links depression
and stress to a rise in the inflammatory markers, such
as CRP, signaling an increased risk for atherosclerosis
and coronary heart disease (CHD). One study showed that
a depressive state can increases the odds of developing
CHD by 50%.
"Have you ever had a
panic attack? Woken from a scary dream in a cold
sweat with your heart pounding? These are vasoreactions
initiated by a perceived threat that dilates
your blood vessels — just like inflammation.
Wider capillaries mean more blood and nutrients
to your organs to better ward off an attack or
deal with a situation. This “fight or flight” response
is orchestrated by your HPA axis and triggers
the release of the stress hormone cortisol from
your adrenal glands.
Cortisol directly influences
your insulin levels and metabolism. It also
plays a role in chronic inflammation and your
immune system. I’m sure you’ve
seen this relationship in your own life: how
many times have you worked endless hours only
to go on vacation and get sick? Your body is
good at keeping a lid on things, but it can’t
do it forever. Coping with persistent stress
takes a steady toll on your immune system,
your adrenals, and your central nervous system." |
While the incidence of inflammation and
inflammatory disease is rising in all developed countries,
it’s important to remember just how our choices
affect our health

The root
of chronic inflammation is an imbalanced immune system
What is the
difference between chronic inflammation and acute
inflammation - Acute inflammation that
ebbs and flows as needed signifies a well-balanced immune starts rapidly (rapid onset) and quickly becomes
severe. Signs and symptoms are only present for a few
days, but in some cases may persist for a few weeks.
Examples of diseases, conditions, and situations
which can result in acute inflammation include: acute
bronchitis, infected ingrown toenail, sore throat from
a cold or flu, a scratch/cut on the skin, exercise (especially
intense training), acute appendicitis, acute dermatitis,
acute tonsillitis, acute infective meningitis, acute
sinusitis, or a blow.
Currently there is no definitive
test for inflammation — conventional medicine
can measure blood levels of C-reactive protein
(a pro-inflammatory marker) and the irritating
amino acid called homocysteine. Anything above
1 mg/dL with this test is too high in her book.
With the older tests a reading of between 2–5
mg/dL was considered normal. (If you’ve
been tested, be sure to ask your doctor for the
results.) Newer ways to assess risk early on
for future inflammatory disease include markers
such as the apolipoprotein B to A1 ratio (ApoB/ApoA-1).
This and other tests are in experimental use
and only available through a few labs. Marcelle
Pick, |
Are you inflamed?
Here is a list of symptoms commonly associated with low-grade chronic
body aches and pains
frequent infections
dry eyes
shortness of breath
skin outbreaks
weight gain/obesity

Chronic inflammation
inflammation doesn't go away, it is known as chronic
or systemic inflammation, and it is no longer a pro-healing
response, but rather a symptom that something has
gone wrong, this means long-term inflammation,
which can last for several months and even years.
It can result from:
Failure to eliminate whatever was causing an acute inflammation
An autoimmune response to a self antigen - the immune system attacks
healthy tissues, mistaking them for harmful pathogens.
A chronic irritant of low intensity that persists
Examples of diseases and conditions with chronic inflammation include:
asthma, chronic peptic ulcer, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic
periodontitis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, chronic sinusitis,
and chronic active hepatitis (there are many more).

Obesity may be a low-grade
systemic inflammatory disease. Overweight and
obese children and adults have elevated serum
levels of C-reactive protein, interleukin-6,
tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and leptin, which
are known markers of inflammation and closely
associated with cardiovascular risk factors and
cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular causes
of death. This may explain the increased risk
of diabetes, heart disease, and many other chronic
diseases in the obese. Source
Makes Fat Cells Act Like They're Infected
Hsueh added, "The bottom line
is, you're feeding and feeding these fat cells
and they're turning around and biting you back.
They're doing the thing they're supposed to do
-- storing energy -- but reacting negatively
to too much of it." |
As you may know,
parasites cause inflammation.
The Chemistry of Chronic
Inflammation To understand why chronic
inflammation happens, some of the biochemical processes
leading to all inflammation must first be understood.
If there is one thing to take away from this section,
it is that the four proteins listed below play key
roles in our immune response. While we may not understand
the full relationship they have to chronic inflammation,
they are known factors which act as biomarkers and
lead to a chronically inflamed state. More
Toxoplasma gondii, or T.
gondii can be found in almost a third of the
world’s population. Although in most people
it lies dormant, it can also cause toxoplasmosis.
People can easily catch it by consuming undercooked
meat, especially pork or lamb and by drinking
contaminated water. The parasite reproduces in
the cells of its primary hosts, all members of
the feline family.
Toxoplasmosis can have serious
effects on a fetus whose mother develops the
disease during pregnancy or on an immunocompromised
person. In time, brain inflammation may appear,
which will release metabolites into the organism,
damaging the brain cells Source |
In recent years, conventional medicine
has found or suspected that there are many disorders
actually caused by pathogens, and sometimes common ones,
that were not suspected before. Some cases of cirulation
dysfunction, heart disease, Parkinson's, lupus, MS, and
other illnesses are now suspected to be caused by chlamydia,
rather common bacteria that appears to get out of control
in some people. Inflammatory bowel
diseases like IBS are now known to some researchers
to be often caused by giardia. Lyme disease and spirochete
bacteria, Mycoplasmas are now being investigated as being
the cause of other chronic disorders, but there are no
conventional medical tests which detect them. (Update:
there was recently advertised a clinic in California
which tests blood samples for 4 types of mycoplasma using
a pioneer method.)
Does anyone recall the headlines in the New
York Times about blood vessels bursting like
"Microorganisms cause inflammation
within our blood vessels, and the inflammation
attacks the inside of the arteries. Besides
immune cells being sent to the site to fight
the inflammation, lipoprotein(a) is sent to
form a sticky patch over the damaged area;
a patch that that can grab onto cholesterol
(supposedly bad cholesterol) and a cholesterol
bandage is created over the site. However,
the inflammation is inside now. The patch grows
and bulges. The inflammation grows and bulges.
Eventually, “blood vessels explode like
popcorn.” See Dr Paul Ridker studies
Parasites like worms can cause a myriad
of problems throughout the body, especially if they "escape" the
intestinal tract. The typical test for parasites in the
US is a fecal swab. If it comes up negative, the patient
is declared to be free of parasites, although this test
probably is less than 1% accurate in detecting active
parasitic infection in the body
Unchecked inflammation is now thought to
be responsible for cardiovascular disease and cancers.
The elderly are especially vulnerable to this sort of
unchecked inflammation since the body looses the ability
to “down-regulate” inflammation with age.
You do not have to be old to have chronic inflammation. You
can have it and not know it, until it is too late.

Inflammation Caused
by Parasites

Some parasites live in the upper small
intestine where the inflammation they produce causes
both gas and bloating.
Macrophage colonies are an important causal
factor in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Fibromyalgia (FMS),
and Sarcoidosis inflammation.
It appears that the hidden locations of the suspected
RA and FMS bacterial inflammation generators have at
last been recognized and made visible. Pleomorphic (shape-changing)
microbe elements (1/10th to 1/100th the size of the blood-borne
forms of the bacteria) have been identified in colonies
inside the cytoplasm of more types of blood cells. Source
Certain parasites, primarily protozoa,
produce a prostaglandin (hormone-like substances found
in various human tissues), which creates a sodium and
chloride loss that can lead to frequent watery stool.
The diarrhea process in parasite infection is thus a
function of the parasite, not the body’s attempt
to rid itself of an infectious organism.
Reliable historic data shows
that a cancer researcher initiated cancer in
healthy laboratory animals by infecting them
with parasitic larvae from a worm found in horses.
He proved that parasitic larvae can cause cancer,
and that cancer starts with an infection of them.
Have you ever heard that someone was able to
prove that parasites cause cancer? Can you name
the researcher? If you refer to,
(1926) you will discover that a Dr. Fibiger of
Denmark initiated cancer in the laboratory in
1913. Mainstream medicine is fully aware of his
discovery because Fibiger received the Nobel
Prize in Medicine for this achievement. |
Parasites can irritate,
inflame and coat the intestinal cell
wall, leading to a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms
"Parasites are known to migrate to
encyst (become enclosed in a sac) in joint fluids; worms
can encyst in muscles. Once this happens, pain becomes
evident and is often assumed to be caused by arthritis.
Joint and muscle pains and inflammation can
also be the result of tissue damage caused by some parasites
or the body’s ongoing immune response to their
presence. "

"Intestinal worms can cause inflammation which
can manifest as hives, rashes, weeping eczema, and other
allergy-type skin reactions. Cutaneous ulcers, swelling
and sores, itchy dermatitis and a number of types of
lesions can all result from protozoan parasite invasion."
"Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia,
is a disease caused by parasitic worms.When adult worms
are present, the eggs that are produced usually travel
to the intestine, liver or bladder, causing inflammation or
scarring. Children who are repeatedly infected can develop
anemia, malnutrition, and learning difficulties. After
years of infection, the parasite can also damage the
liver, intestine, lungs, and bladder. Rarely, eggs are
found in the brain or spinal cord and can cause seizures,
paralysis, or spinal cord inflammation."Source
"We have another route
for inflammation to
set in: when our bodies are insulin resistant,
our brains are leptin resistant. The more body
fat we have, the more leptin we have in our blood
which triggers the immune cells in our body fat
to release Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha, which
is usually a good thing in that it helps consume
nascent tumors, but in this case it's highly inflammatory, and
it can set off a cascade of events ending in
chronic degenerative illness such as MS, arthritis,
cancer, and heart disease." |
Client Reported Rife
inflammation frequencies
Inflammation, general (also
see Infection general sets) - 1.5, 3.6
Abdominal inflammation - 380, 1.2, 2720, 2489, 2170,
1800, 1600, 1550, 802,
880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 1865, 146, 125,
95, 72, 20, 450, 440,
428, 660
Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations - 20, 727, 787,
Cholecystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the
gallbladder) - 432,
1551, 801
Colitis (inflammation of colon) - 10000, 1550, 880,
832, 802, 440
Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary
bladder and
ureters) - 246, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20
Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to
kidney) - 1385 More Clich here Rife Tools Click here |
Inflammation, general (also see Infection general sets)
- 1.5, 3.6
"Accidental ingestion of dog roundworm
(Toxocara canis) or the cat roundworm (Toxocara cati)
gives rise to toxocariasis which can affect the liver,
lungs, muscles, eyes and brain. The eye tends to be affected
in older children and in young adults where the larvae
migrate to the posterior segment of the eye. When the
larvae die, they disintegrate and cause an inflammatory
reaction followed by granulation which is when the patient
presents.[7] There are three clinical pictures:[1]" Source

Parasites can irritate and
sometimes perforate the intestinal lining, increasing
bowel permeability to large undigested molecules. This
can activate the body’s immune response to produce
increased levels of eosinophil, a type of the body’s
fighter cells. Eosinophil can inflame body tissue, resulting
in an allergic reaction. Just like allergies, parasites
can also trigger an increase in the production of immunoglobulin
A parasite thought to be harmless and found
in many people may actually be causing subtle changes
in the brain, leading to suicide attempts.About 10-20
percent of people in the United States have Toxoplasma
gondii, or T. gondii, in their bodies, but in most it
was thought to lie dormant, said Brundin, an associate
professor of experimental psychiatry in MSU's College
of Human Medicine. In fact, it appears the parasite can
cause inflammation over time, which produces harmful
metabolites that can damage brain cells."Source More
Specialized immune cells called intraepithelial
lymphocytes patrol intestinal walls. Upon encountering
invaders, they release messenger proteins that
call more immune cells to the battleground. "Too
many messenger proteins recruit too many immune
cells, causing inflammation that can devastate
the host's own tissue," Denkers explained. "Bad
balance between good bacteria, bad bacteria, and
immune interactions like inflammation cause Crohn's
disease." |
"We noticed that the initial intestinal
inflammation these parasites can cause looks very similar
to what happens during Crohn's disease," said Denkers,
one of the first to study this connection. "Our
lab has started using Toxoplasma to model Crohn's disease
in humans and help us find the pivotal perpetrator, which
has turned out to be a cell from our own immune forces"

"Parasitic metabolic wastes and toxic
substances can serve as irritants to
the central nervous system. Restlessness and anxiety
can be the direct result of a systemic parasite infestation.
Perhaps that is why after completing a parasite cleansing
program, many people swear that their persistently grouchy
mates or relatives have become a lot more pleasant and
HPV (the virus that causes genital warts)
causes ovarian cancer
"Even less obvious — but of
enormous interest to researchers — is the part inflammation plays
in cancer. For instance, chronic bladder inflammation due
to repeated urinary infections or cystitis may increase
risk of a squamous cell bladder cancer. In some areas
of the world, this type of cancer is linked to chronic inflammation caused
by infection with a parasite." Source
The Fungal Nature of Cancer
by R. Gdanski
By reference to information
posted on the Internet, I can demonstrate
Cancer tumors are composed
of fungal tissue called ergosterol.
The mechanism of chemotherapy
is to block or destroy ergosterol.
The fungal enzyme fumonisin
blocks normal growth, knitting and healing
Cancer, in the sense of rapid
and out-of-control growth, initiates from
an invasive fungal infection. The repair-of-injury
process initiates rapid doubling of mature
cells for repair. Fungi inside the cells,
or nearby, also multiply rapidly. Fungi produce
fungal enzymes that prevent knitting and
healing. As a consequence, the autonomic
repair-of-injury process becomes trapped
into a continuous rapid doubling of fungal
cells. That's cancer. |
Duodenal ulcer causing partial or complete
obstruction of the duodenum, pyloric obstruction, distension
and dilation of the stomach, gastric ulcer, cancer of
the stomach, adhesions of the omentum to the stomach
and liver, inflammation of
the liver, cancer of the liver.
Do you feel as if something "IS
As gross as it may sound, there
are parasites that can crawl under different
layers of skin and in the lymphatic system.
They can also literally bite at skin and mucus
membranes. Some people feel this at night while
lying in bed and particularly in the rectal
Internal parasites and their waste products
can reduce food absorbtion by causing inflammation of
the intestinal wall. Food might also get stuck resulting
in excessive toxins, smelly farts, bad breath and bloating.
If organs such as liver and kidneys cannot get rid of
the toxins, then poisons might get out through skin causing
skin problems and hair loss. Damaged nervous system and
stress hormones give origin to insomnia. Some bloodsucking
worms leave open wounds resulting in darker feces. The
loss of blood can cause iron deficiency, anemia and dizziness.
Other symptoms caused by parasitic infections include
(but are not limited to):
of the Order of Using the Bob Beck Protocol for Parasites
anorexia (loss of appetite)
dysuria (urinating problems or pain)
hematochezia (bloody feces)
hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
jaundice (yellowish eye whites and skin)
joint pain
memory loss
muscle pain and spasms
nausea or vomiting
rectal hemorrhage (bleeding rectum)
rectal prolapse (rectum coming out, when pushing hard)
shortness of breath
stomach pain
sweating and grinding teeth while sleeping.

Yes you probably have parasites. It's practically impossible
to not come in contact with them. Parasites are everywhere-
doorknobs, keyboards, restrooms, shopping carts, shaking
people's hands, fingernails, water, air, food, pets,
walking barefoot, etc. Once they are in you, they multiply
like crazy. Roundworms can lay a million eggs in one
day! Tapeworms can grow to be 60 feet long. Single celled
amoebas can start digesting brain and other organs. No
one is totally immune, not even the healthiest people
alive. Everyone should do a Bob Beck or Hulda Clark parasite
cleanse at least once a year. Parasites sometimes eat
more of your food than you ! Then they crap it into your
bloodstream, lungs, organs, making you sick. Parasites
could be the actual cause of most mysterious illnesses*.
Healing inflammation from parasites
Inflammation does not mean infection, even
when an infection causes inflammation. Infection is caused
by a bacterium, parasite, virus or fungus, while inflammation
is the body's response to it.
It's time you became aware what was going
on inside you. Out of sight- out of mind is no good.
What you don't know will catch up to you. Educate yourself
on true health. Drugs are NOT always the answer, because
they kill both good and bad bacteria inside you, and
there is no single drug that kills all kinds of parasite.
The first step in healing your
body is to stop the Inflammation by killing
off pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and parasites.
Pulsed Magnetic Fields (i.e. Magnetic Pulser)
The purpose of this treatment is to disable microbes that are not floating around
in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph system,
the stomach area, etc. This
is a very important part of the protocol for wellness.
Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy
Ozonator The forth element of the Dr Bob Beck
Ideal for purifying air, cleaning
fish tanks,
removing airborne dust, smoke, mold, and pet odors,
purifying drinking water, and enriching oils for skin therapy.
More info here
your life Energy
Demonstrate and Measure: The strength
of the human body field, the energy content of
foods, water, liquids and soils, the vitality of
plants, etc. The Experimental Life Energy Meter
features greater stability of readings at high
Energy Meter
Rife Tools
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