You or Your Family Members Suffer from
Pain - from
migraine headaches . troubled feet ?
Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscle Spasms ?
Backache - Sciatica, Neck and Shoulder complaints, trauma ?
Circulatory System - peripheral circulation problems ?
Respiratory disorders - Hay Fever, Sinusitis, Bronchial spasm, ?
Inflammation - Burns, Bruising, Lesions, Bed Sores, Ankle Joint Swelling
Tendonitis - R.S.I., bursitis, ligament and muscle strains, ?
Sports Injuries - Acute, Cramps (relief of), also pre-sport and 'pre-exercise
toning ? |

"Magnetic fields affect pain perception
in many different ways. These actions are both direct
and indirect. Direct effects of magnetic fields are:
neuron firing, calcium ion movement, membrane potentials,
endorphin levels, nitric oxide, dopamine levels,
acupuncture actions and nerve regeneration. Indirect
benefits of magnetic fields on physiologic function
are on: circulation, muscle, edema, tissue oxygen,
inflammation, healing, prostaglandins, cellular metabolism
and cell energy levels. "
Sustained stimulation at low levels
of pulse intensity has a strong effect on managing
chronic nagging
pain. Experience has shown that for the management
of chronic pain, an endorphin release is by far
the most effective application of VARIABLE FREQUENCY
TENS/CES and PEMF.. Endorphins flow through the circulatory
system acting like pain medication, inhibiting
pain message transmission at nerve junctions throughout
the body.

"Several authors have reviewed the experience
with PEMFs in Eastern Europe and the West.
PEMFs have been used extensively in many conditions
and medical disciplines. They have been most
effective in treating rheumatic disorders.
PEMFs produced significant reduction of pain,
improvement of spinal functions and reduction
of paravertebral spasms. Although PEMFs have
been proven to be a very powerful tool, they
should always be considered in combination
with other therapeutic procedures. "
Pain Facts & Figures
Incidence of Pain, as Compared to Major Conditions
A hallmark of many chronic conditions, pain
affects more people than diabetes, heart disease
and cancer combined.

Pain – 76.2 million people, National
Centers for Health Statistics
Diabetes – 20.8 million people (diagnosed and estimated
undiagnosed), American Diabetes Association
"In diabetic neuropathy, PEMF treatment
every day for about 12 minutes, improves
paresthesias and vibration sensation and
increases muscular strength in 85% of patients
compared to controls. "
Heart Disease (including heart attack and
chest pain) and Stroke – 18.7 million
people, American Heart Association
"Chronic pain is often
accompanied with or results from decreased
or perfusion to the affected tissues, for
example, cardiac angina or intermittent claudication.
PEMFs have been shown to improve circulation.
Skin infrared radiation increases due to
immediate vasodilation with low frequency
fields and increased cerebral blood perfusion.
Pain syndromes due to muscle tension and
neuralgias improve."
Cancer – 1.4
million people, American Cancer Society
Highlights from the National Center for
Health Statistics Report: Health, United States, 2006,
Special Feature on Pain1

More than one-quarter of Americans (26%)
age 20 years and over - or, an estimated 76.5 million
Americans - report that they have had a problem with
pain of any sort that persisted for more than 24 hours
in duration. [NOTE: this number does not account for
acute pain].
Adults age 45-64 years were the most likely to report pain
lasting more than 24 hours (30%). Twenty-five percent (25%)
of young adults age 20-44 reported pain, and adults age
65 and over were the least likely to report pain (21%).
More women (27.1%) than men (24.4%) reported that they
were in pain.
and General Pain
A challenge for us in life
is to use the tools available to naturaly
balance the yin and yang in our health. The
better we are in finding equilibrium, the
more healthy we can be.
Back injuries are a common cause of disability.
Back pain ranks second only to headaches as the
most frequent pain location. More than 65 million
Americans experience low back pain every year.
Four out of five adults will experience at least
one bout of back pain at some time in their life.
 Back pain can occur for no apparent reason and
at any point on your spine. The most common site
for pain is your lower back because it bears the
most weight and stress.

By Gerald H. Smith D.D.S.
We now know the body has a micro-current "circulatory
system" that provides intercellular communication
through electromagnetic signaling. Becker has documented
that our bodies present a positive polarity along
the central axis and a negative polarity in the
peripheral structures. He has also shown that this
polarity is reversed in hypnosis, during anesthesia
and following an injury which creates a positive
potential at the site of trauma. Becker has speculated
this polarity reversal sets up a current of injury
that initiates and signals the beginning of tissue
repair and regeneration. Doctor Becker believes
this current of injury is conducted by means of
direct micro-current signals past along the Schwann
and Glial cell sheaths that surround the neurons.

The internationally known radiologist and researcher,
Bjorn Nordenstrom, describes tissues as biologic
batteries in our body. This concept is well known
and accepted by many researchers. Nordenstrom believes
that an electrical voltage potential difference
exists in the body that is created by a separation
of oppositely charged ions. He states that the
electrical energy of this biologic battery can
be tapped once its closed. The closed circuit permits
the flow of electricity between oppositely charged
areas. In his book on bioelectricity, Nordenstrom
describes the activation of these biological semiconductor
circuits following muscle activity and injuries
both of which cause a build-up of positively charged
ions. Researchers have benefited greatly from the
discovery that the body functions in a micro-current
level. Scientific studies utilizing micro-currents
have documented its ability to reduce pain, stimulate
and even shorten the healing process.
Medical PEMF Applications
Endorphins, because of their analgesic
medication type action, induces an analgesic
effect that relieves other aches and pains,
as well as the primary pain for which VARIABLE
FREQUENCY TENS/CES. is applied. It is worth
noting that Morphine is a clone of endorphin
and acts on the same reception center in
the CNS.
The strong pain management effect of
morphine is also available from endorphins,
which have a more powerful pain management
effect than non-opiate advanced medication.
An endorphin release occurs at a slow,
deferred function similar in effect to
medication in the blood stream, so repeated
three times daily doses of VARIABLE FREQUENCY
tens/ces. pain management may be required.
The effect of an endorphin release may
last much longer in the elderly. |

Research by Cheng, at the university
of Louvain in Belgium, have shown that a current
of 500 micro-amperes can raise the adenosine triphosphate
(ATP) level almost 500% and increase protein synthesis
and membrane transport. The Bourguignon study documented
the intracellular influx of calcium within the
first min. Of micro-current stimulation followed
by an uncapping of insulin receptors on the cell
membrane and enhancement of protein and DNA synthesis.
Nessler and Mass in their study used seven micro-amperes
of direct current to speed tissue repair and regeneration
of excised rabid tendon. Histologic examination
confirmed the tenoblastic repair had been enhanced
by electrical stimulation.

Pressure exerted on nerve tissue is the major
cause of pain. Pain is an exceptionally strong
signal that warns us that something is wrong. It
may be a signal recorded from our skin touch receptors
and from internal receptors located in our muscles,
joints and organs. Pain warnings are necessary
for our survival, as they activate our body to
protect us from danger.
PEMF of 10-15 single treatments every other
day either eliminates or improves, even at 2
weeks following therapy, 80% of patients with
pelvic inflammatory disease, 89% with back pain,
40% with endometriosis, 80% with postoperative
pain, and 83% with lower abdominal pain of unknown
cause. |
However, when pain persists
and we know its cause, we are able to apply therapy
to the pressure causing the problem, and stimulation
to alleviate the pain we are caused to feel from
the pressure upon nerves. As many people develop
cycles of "pain-spasm-more pain," the
breaking of a pain cycle enables the body to recover
more rapidly.
or Your Family Members
Medical PEMF Applications "Osteoarthritis (OA) affects about
40 million people in the USA. OA of the knee is a
cause of disability in the elderly. Medical management
is often ineffective and creates additional side-effect
risks. The PEMF has been in use for about 20 years
in Europe. The PEMF applied 8 min twice a day for
6 weeks improves knee function and walking ability
significantly. Pain, general condition and well-being
also improve. Medication use decreases and plasma
fibrinogen decreases 14%, C-reactive protein ( a
sign of inflammation) drops 35% and the blood sedimentation
rate 19%. PEMF has also been found effective in
degenerative arthritis, pain syndrome and inflammatory
joint disorders. Sleep disturbances often contribute
to increased pain perception. PEMF has also been
found to improve sleep. 68% report good/very good
results. Even after one year follow-up, 85% claim
a continuing benefit in pain reduction. Medication
consumption decreases from 39% at 8 weeks to 88%
after 8 weeks."
Even small, low powered PEMF devices with
very weak field strengths have been benefit musculoskeletal
disorders. Because of the low strength used treatment
at the site of pain may need to last between
11 to 132 days, between 2 times per week, 4 hours
each or, if needed, continuous use. Use at night
could be near the head, e.g., beneath the pillow,
to facilitate sleep. Pain scale scores are significantly
better in the majority of cases. Conditions that
can be considered are arthritis, lupus erythematosus,
chronic neck pain, epicondylitis, femoropatellar
degeneration, fracture of the lower leg and Sudeck's
atrophy |
"Repetitive magnetic stimulation
(rMS) has been found to relieve musculoskeletal pain.
Specific diagnoses were painful shoulder with abnormal
supraspinatus tendon, tennis elbow, ulnar compression
syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, semilunar bone
injury, traumatic amputation neuroma of the median
nerve, persistent muscle spasm of the upper and lower
back, inner hamstring tendinitis, patellofemoral
arthrosis, osteochondral lesion of the heel and posterior
tibial tendinitis. Patients receive rMS for 40 minutes.
Mean pain intensity is 59% lower vs. 14% for controls.
Those with upper back
muscle spasms, rotator cuff injury and osteochondral
heel lesions showed more than 85% decrease in pain,
even after a single rMS session. Pain relief persists
for several days. None have worsening of their

Electromagnetic energy directed through
damaged cells causes the cells to regenerate, a principle
that has been applied for accelerating the rate at
which broken bones mend.
Becker, Cross Currents , P. 42 "240 patients treated with PEMFs in
a conservative orthopedic practice had decreased
pain, increased functionality and increased point
pressure thresholds, disappearance of swelling and
pathological skin coloration, less need for orthopedic
devices and less reaction to changes in the weather.
Treatments were daily for an hour. Conditions treated
were: rheumatic illnesses, delayed healing process
in bones and pseudo-arthritis, including those with
infections, fractures, aseptic necrosis, loosened
protheses, venous and arterial circulation, reflex
sympathetic dystrophy all stages, osteo-chondritis
dissecans, osteomyelitis and sprains and strains
and bruises. The success rate approaches 80%. Even
X-rays may show improvement. cartilage/bone tissue
may reform, including the joint margin. About 60%
of loosened hip protheses have subjective relief
of pain and walk better, without a cane. Perthes’ disease
rarely completely reforms the articular head of the

Patients suffering from headache
treated with a PEMF after failing acupuncture and
found that , 20 min/day for 15 days
get effective relief of migraine, tension and cervical
headaches. At about one month after treatment they
have at least a 50% reduction in frequency or intensity
of the headaches and reduction in analgesic drug
Vision Exposure to pulsed electromagnetic
fields enhanced the speed and degree of peripheral
nerve regeneration twofold. Effects of a Soviet PEMF
low-frequency magnet therapy device used to administer
approximately 10 mT for approximately 10 minutes
in patients with optic nerve atrophy. Patients underwent
10-15 sessions per course. Results showed that vision
acuity in patients with low acuity values (below
0.04 diopters) improved in 50 percent of cases. It
was also found that the treatment improved ocular
blood flow in cases of optic nerve atrophy. Optimal
benefits were experienced after 10 therapy sessions.
H. Ito C.A. Bassett, Effect of Weak, Pulsing Electromagnetic
Fields on Neural Regeneration
L.V. Zobina, Effectiveness of Magnetotherapy in Optic
Nerve Atrophy. A Preliminary Study, Vestn Oftalmol,
Powerfull PEMF
powered pulsed Magnetic fields for Pain and
enhanced Healing
Medical PEMF Applications
"If you have a pacemaker, or a Cochlear
hearing implant, you cannot use the MAGNETIC PULSER/MWO
fear of destroying their electrical circuits.Hearing
can be removed and placed at least ten feet away
from the treatment area"
Pro Multi system
LED screen
in frequencies
the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz
+ 111.00 Hz
500 Natural Harmonic frequencies
Rechargeable Batteries/Charger (included),,and
the charger is sent for the voltage of your
: 5 - 60 mins
Quality Ear clips
Screen |
Pro Master

"Homeostasis can be defined
as the tendency for intrinsic balance within
a system. Application of a range of CES appears
to enhance the Balance of the biological central
nervous system. A change in one system within
the individual will have correlative effects
upon other systems. Improvements in mood, cognitive
function, self image, shift of Focus , control
to oneself, and sense of well being can be
measured. When CES works, it enhances one's
ability to handle or deal with situations that
were previously beyond the range of one's control."
Option for the BTpro

• Pain - from migraine
headaches . troubled feet ?
• Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscle Spasms ?
• Backache - Sciatica, Neck and Shoulder complaints, trauma ?
• Circulatory System - peripheral circulation problems ?
• Respiratory disorders - Hay Fever, Sinusitis, Bronchial spasm, ?
• Inflammation - Burns, Bruising, Lesions, Bed Sores, Ankle Joint Swelling
• Tendonitis - R.S.I., bursitis, ligament and muscle strains, ?
• Sports Injuries - Acute, Cramps (relief of), also pre-sport and 'pre-exercise
toning ? |
this Option gives you the full potential
of the TENS
More information
code plus you will be sent these:
and two TENS pads
and 4 TENS Pads

TENS option
Sources Pain Management with Pulsed
Electromagnetic Fields - by William Pawluk, M.D.,
A.A. Pilla: "State of the Art
in Electromagnetic Therapeutics: soft Tissue Applications," Second
World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology
and Medicine, Bologna, Italy