Super learning
Rhythm is the nature of the universe,
rhythm is Creation. Everything is moving to
it's own beat. From the micro-orbits of electrons
and protons to the macro-orbits of planets,
stars and galaxies. In lifeforms rhythm is even
more obvious, from the continuous beating of
the heart, to cycles of the breath. Another
word for rhythm is "periodicity",
which means that the activity of something falls
into cycles. The cadence of human beings is
intricately woven into the web of cosmic pulsation.
In theta, learning is extremely rapid,
and there probably is also a lot of subliminal
learning from other dimensions.
In the under seven age group, children
often see imaginary playmates and
talk to them. Perhaps these are not
imaginary, but are really a link with
another dimension of intelligence.
Interesting thought, is it not?
Some hypnosis and some past life
regression experiences also occur
in the theta range of brain activity.
William Hewitt
Do you ever wonder why as children
we learn more in our first few years of life?
The answer lies in the mysterious and elusive
Theta brain wave state. Up until the age of
six, children are predominantly in Theta. This
frequency allows the brain to absorb and retain
massive amounts of information that gets stored
in long-term memory. You can restore this magical
ability through daily Theta brain wave training.

When you need to study and assimilate
new information, slip on yourGlasses and headphones,
relax and listen to your
subject of choice,Within minutes, memory receptors
are gently stimulated as precision-engineered
frequencies shift your brain into a balanced
theta state. In this state of heightened receptivity,
the clarity and speed with which you can concentrate,
study, and integrate and store information is
profoundly improved. Theta brain waves are associated
with long-term-potentiation.
Memory receptors and neural pathways
are gently stimulated as theta frequencies balance
and relax your mind. Groundbreaking research
has revealed that theta brain wave activity
triggers the formation of new, more complex
connections between neurons. This effect, known
as "Long-Term Potentiation," is key
to forming memories and retrieving information
from the subconscious. You'll find that the
clarity and speed with which you can concentrate,
study,integrate and store information is profoundly
If external stimulus is applied
to the brain, it becomes possible to entrain
the brain frequency from one stage to another.
For example, if a person is in beta stage (highly
alert) and a stimulus of 7.82 Hz is applied
to his/her brain for some time, the brain frequency
is likely to change towards the applied stimulus.
The effect will be relaxing to the person. This
phenomenon is also called frequency following
response. After a while the person can
bring the entrained states to mind at will, the
same as any remembered song can be brought to
The electroencephalograph (AKA. EEG) is a machine
that monitors brainwave-activity. Laboratories
around the world have done studies and experiments-using
these tools to better understand the four main
brainwave patterns:-BETA, ALPHA, THETA and DELTA.
Each frequency has a characteristic blueprint-and
produces a distinctive state of consciousness.
BETA waves (14 cycles per-second and above)
dominate the normal waking state of consciousness
when-attention is directed towards the outside
world. ALPHA waves (8-13 cycles-per second)
are present during dreaming and light meditation
when the eyes-are closed. THETA waves (4-7 cycles
per second) occur in sleep and are-dominate
in the highest state of mediation.In deep meditation
and deep-sleep, DELTA waves (.5 to 3 cycles
per second) are experienced.
The theta stage (4hz - 8Hz) has been found
to increase learning capabilities. In fact,
children spend more time in theta stage
than adults, which probably explains the
accelerated learning capabilities of children.
Alpha frequencies are also useful for learning purposes. You can
play language cassettes, subliminal tapes, etc. during an entrainment
session for a maximum effect. |
Each of-these brainwave frequencies serves
an important function. The optimum level-for
deep thought is in the realm of THETA. When
in THETA, the senses are-withdrawn from the
external world and focused on then inner one,and
provide the most profound feelings-of peace.
Like sound waves, the brain has its own set
of vibrations it uses to-communicate with itself
and the rest of the body. EEG equipment-distinguishes
these waves by measuring the speed with which
neurons fire in-cycles per second.

Lead author Michael Kahana, Ph.D.,
says the Nature paper bridges the gap between
scientists' understanding of theta's role in
animals and its role in humans. "Hundreds
of papers have linked theta oscillations to
spatial learning in rats and other animals;
our study is the first to seal the link between
theta and spatial learning in humans," says
Kahana, assistant professor of psychology and
neuroscience at Brandeis.
Theta rhythms are very strong
in rodent hippocampi and entorhinal cortex
during learning and memory retrieval, and
are believed to be vital to the induction
of long-term potentiation, a potential cellular
mechanism of learning and memory. A putative
functional role of the theta rhythm has been
put forth by Dr. Michael Hasselmo in a series
of papers (Hasselmo et al. 2002, Hasselmo
and Eichenbaum 2005). Based on evidence from
electrophysiological studies showing that
both synaptic plasticity and strength of inputs
to hippocampal region CA1 vary systematically
with ongoing theta oscillations (Hyman et
al. 2003, Brankack et al. 1993, Pavlides et
al. 1988), it has been suggested that the
theta rhythm functions to separate periods
of encoding of current sensory stimuli and
retrieval of episodic memory cued by current
stimuli so as to avoid interference that would
occur if encoding and retrieval were simultaneous.
Neuroreport. 14(9):1221-1224,
July 1, 2003.
Egner, Tobias; Gruzelier, John H
Biofeedback-assisted modulation of electrocortical activity has been
established to have intrinsic clinical benefits and has been shown
to improve cognitive performance in healthy humans. In order to further
investigate the pedagogic relevance of electroencephalograph (EEG)
biofeedback (neurofeedback) for enhancing normal function, a series
of investigations assessed the training's impact on an ecologically
valid real-life behavioural performance measure: music performance
under stressful conditions in conservatoire students. In a pilot study,
single-blind expert ratings documented improvements in musical performance
in a student group that received training on attention and relaxation
related neurofeedback protocols, and improvements were highly correlated
with learning to progressively raise theta (5-8 Hz) over alpha (8-11
Hz) band amplitudes. These findings were replicated in a second experiment
where an alpha/theta training group displayed significant performance
enhancement not found with other neurofeedback training protocols or
in alternative interventions, including the widely applied Alexander
(C) 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
Theta Rhythm
In a 1999 study, Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D
worked with 8 struggling college students.
After undergoing audio-visual brainwave
stimulation, the students outperformed a
control group and significantly increased
their GPA. GPA for the 8 students continued
to rise even after treatment was discontinued!
Psychologist Michael Joyce used brainwave entrainment with a group of 30 children.
He observed improvements in reading and a half year advancement in grade level
as well as substantial improvements in attention, reaction and a reduction in
impulsivity and variability.
Harold Russel Ph.D. and John Carter, Ph.D., of the University of Houston, did
several studies in which they used brainwave entrainment to treat ADHD and other
learning disorders, testing their IQ before and after treatment. Astonishingly,
after treatment the subjects showed a 5 to 7 point increases in IQ score.
Michael Tansey used a similar protocol to treat dyslexia and other learning disorders,
reporting a 19 point average increase in IQ score post-treatment.
Drs. Siegfried and Susan Othmer found that neurofeedback brainwave training in
the 15-18 Hz range can produce significant shifts in IQ score, particularly with
people who are suffering from ADD/ADHD and other disorders. In cases where the
starting IQ value is less than 100, the average IQ increase was 33 points! They
also found significant improvements in memory, reading and arithmetic. In a one
year follow-up, trainees showed major improvements in self-esteem, concentration
and self-expression. |
Super Learning
Theta has been-identified as the gateway
to learning and memory.
Horse and buggy learning isn't going
to cut it
on the information superhighways of the 21st Century.
You can start to remember effortlessly
You will realize your mental potential is unlimited
You can start to integrate massive amounts of information
You will start to believe"I am brilliant, I enjoy learning"
I am learning all the time
You can absorb information effortlessly
You can become more confident of your abilities
I feel intelligent, I am intelligent
You may soon realise how your mind works perfectly
You will be able to concentrate easily, stay focused
You canl have an excellent memory
Being clear and lucid is easily achieved
You can have an mind that is organized
You can expand horizons with new knowledge
You can be relaxed, alert, and aware
You can be focused, centered, and clear
You can activate your mental potential
Your life can be enriched with knowledge
Learning using Mind Machines
" Imagine how your life and career
would improve if you could learn faster and
retain much more without constant revisions
Research shows that the key to speed learning is your state of mind
during and immediately after your learning session.
It is when you are in a state of relaxed alertness that you will achieve
the greatest
improvement in memory together with increased concentration and creativity.
you start using your light and sound machine you will start
memory and retention of study material
understanding during learning sessions
new language learning
maths ability
If you're wide awake and alert at the moment , your brain is probably
operating at 13 to 25 cycles per second - the beta level.
But that's not the best state for learning and studying. Research has
shown that deeper levels of brain activity lead to speed learning.
Deeper levels are reached at the alpha and theta brainwave
patterns, which are characterised by feelings of calmness and a relaxed
is in the theta states that the greatest feats of super-memory,
along with heightened powers of concentration and creativity
are achieved.
The gentle pulsating
rhythms act in a similar fashion,-if the
frequencies are computer generated, they
are precise,-consistent and can be targeted
to induce highly specific and desired
brain-states. Just as we can tune a radio
to get a particular station, with-this
technology we can tune our consciousness
to dial-in a wide variety of-brain states. |
Using Light and Sound tools for
Speed Learning
Using Light and Sound tools before you study
will help lead you into the perfect state of
relaxed alertness for speed learning . It will
automatically produce the alpha and theta brain
wave patterns that are essential for greater
understanding and memory. .
You can continue using Light and Sound tools
without the light-glasses during your learning
session. The audio signals provided through
the headphones will keep your mind at the deep
levels you need for increased concentration,
creativity and retention.
The AVS machine will take you
into the deep theta states and make the CD/Tape
your listening to hundreds of percent more effective
Just Play your CD through your
Light and sound machine(AVS)
Subject can be enhanced When played
through a light and sound unit and the
mind taken to the Deep Theta mind states
Brain pattern studies were recently
conducted by researcher Melinda Maxfield-into
the (SSC) Shamanic State of Consciousness. She
found that the steady-rhythmic beat of the drum
struck four and one half times per second was
the-key to transporting a shaman into the deepest
part of his shamanic state of-consciousness.
It is no coincidence that 4.5 beats, or cycles
per second-corresponds to the trance like state
of theta brain wave activity. In direct-correlation,
we see similar effects brought on by the constant
and rhythmic-drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants,
which transport the monks and even other-listeners
into realms of blissful meditation.
Until recently, entering extraordinary
states of heightened receptivity and peak performance
have been predominantly attained by a disciplined
few, practicing ancient techniques such as meditation,
chanting, yoga and new re-vamped versions of
the mystical traditions- such as progressive
relaxation, auto-suggestion, hypnosis and biofeedback.
The only problem is that these techniques take
long periods of practice, discipline and often
a leap of faith, to produce results.
But now there is an easier pathway,
a new technology that can guide us directly
into those beneficial states of deep meditation
and heightened receptivity - where we can leverage
the powers of the mind-body connection to attain
optimal mental and physical performance. This
new path uses light and sound waves to carry
its listeners into the higher frequencies of
where profound transformations take place.
Aftanas L, Golosheykin S (2005) Impact of regular meditation practice on
EEG activity at rest and during evoked negative emotions. Int J Neurosci.
2005 Jun;115(6):893-909.
Bland, B. H., & Oddie, S. D. (2001). Theta band oscillation and
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Brankack J, Stewart M, Fox SE (1993) Current source density analysis
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Buzsaki G (2005) Theta rhythm of navigation: link between path integration
and landmark navigation, episodic and semantic memory. Hippocampus
Buzsaki G (2002) Theta oscillations in the hippocampus. Neuron 33(3):325-40.
Hasselmo ME, Bodelon C, Wyble BP (2002) A proposed function for hippocampal
theta rhythm: Separate phases of encoding and retrieval enhance reversal
of prior learning. Neural Computation, 14(4): 793-817.
Hasselmo ME, Eichenbaum H (2005) Hippocampal mechanisms for the context-dependent
retrieval of episodes. Neural Networks, 18(9):1172-1190.
Hyman JM, Wyble BP, Goyal V, Rossi CA, Hasselmo ME (2003) Stimulation
in hippocampal region CA1 in behaving rats yields LTP when delivered
to the peak of theta and LTD when delivered to the trough. J Neurosci
Manseau F, Danik M, Williams S (2005) A functional glutamatergic neurone
network in the medial septum and diagonal band area. J Physiol. 566(Pt
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Pavlides C, Greenstein YJ, Grudman M, Winson J (1988) Long-term potentiation
in the dentate gyrus is induced preferentially on the positive phase
of theta-rhythm. Brain Res 439(1–2):383–387.
Vanderwolf, C. H. (1969). Hippocampal electrical activity and voluntary
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Vertes RP (2005) Hippocampal theta rhythm: a tag for short-term memory.
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