Mineral Details
- Minerals
- Minerals are necessary to regulate body functions and to maintain tissues. Minerals, as well as vitamins, must be supplied daily either in the diet or through supplements.
Minerals are necessary for the body to be able to use vitamins. Minerals are the spark plugs of vitamin use. You can see that this chain of digestive chemical reactions is complicated and interrelated. Without vitamins and minerals you could eat everything in sight and still be malnourished.
To complicate things further, minerals cannot be used by the body unless they have been broken down into a digestible form. This process is called chelation (pronounced key'lation ), and it frequently costs you up to half the amount of minerals you take. Because of this, it is both cheaper and wiser to purchase mineral supplements in chelated form. Cutting this one step out of the work your body has to do to use the fuel you feed it makes a big difference in the effectiveness of the nutritional process.
Research done in Poland has shown that vitamins and minerals put in a base of herbs will raise the body's ability to use those vitamins and minerals four-to-five times better than it would be able to without the herbs. This is a form of natural chelation; any vitamin and mineral product assembled this way is naturally chelated.
Vitamins are organic. That is, they are built of chemical structures based on carbon. But minerals are not basically carbons (with the exception of a few organic irons). Just the right combinations of vitamins and minerals are very important. Keep the following guidelines in mind as you plan your balanced diet.
- Calcium
- Calcium and phosphorus should be balanced two-to-one in the human body.
Vitamin D is necessary for proper use of calcium.
Growing children and hypoglycemics benefit from increased calcium intake.
Calcium helps the body use iron.Benefits
• prevents rickets
• promotes growth and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones
• maintains cardiovascular system, including regulating heart beat
• supports nervous system, particularly transmission of nerve impulses; calms nerves
• increases a person's ability to withstand pain
• relieves muscle spasms
• relieves menstrual cramps
• helps treat insomnia
• eases "growing pains"
• nothing heals without enough calcium
Natural sources
Milk and dairy products, cheese, peanuts, sunflower seeds, walnuts, soybeans, dried beans, green vegetables, salmon, sardines.
- Chromium
• helps prevent diabetes
• deters arteriosclerosis
• aids growth
• helps prevent and correct high blood pressure
Natural sources
Meat, shellfish, clams, chicken, corn oil, yeast.
- Chlorine
Most people who eat an average amount of sea salt each day get adequate chlorine.
Those whose water is chlorinated should eat yogurt to restore intestinal bacteria. They should also increase their intake of vitamin C and vitamin E.
• promotes healthy teeth and hair
• aids digestionNatural sources
Sea salt, olives, kelp.
- Cobalt
Very strict vegetarians are likely to need supplementary cobalt.
• helps prevent anemia
• builds red blood cellsNatural sources
Meat, kidney, liver, clams,oysters, milk.
- Copper
Most people who eat balanced diets get adequate copper Supplementary copper is rarely prescribed and care should be taken not to over-treat oneself with it. Excessive amounts of copper can keep you awake at night, cause irregular menstrual periods, bring on depression, or increase hair loss.
Copper is required for the body to make proper use of iron and vitamin C.
• maintain high energy level
• helps prevent anemia and edemaNatural sources
Whole wheat, dried beans, peas, liver, shrimp, most seafood, prunes.
- Fluorine
Synthetic fluorine is a toxic poison in water, vitamins, and toothpaste. Natural fluorine is beneficial to the body. An excess of either natural or synthetic fluorine can cause mottling or discoloration to the teeth. Fluorine is an essential trace mineral concentrated in the teeth and bones. It helps the body in the use of calcium.
• strengthens bones
• builds resistance to tooth decayNatural sources
Seafoods, gelatin, whole wheat, garlic, beets, lettuce, cabbage, radishes, egg whites.
- Iodine
Sufficient iodine for most people is supplied in regular multivitamin and mineral tablets. Those who live in regions where the soil is iodine-poor (the Midwest of USA, for example) and women who are pregnant or nursing might need more.
• helps prevent goiter and hypothyroidism
• encourages growth
• boosts energy level
• helps system burn excess fat
• aids in maintaining mental alertness and the ability to think quickly
• promotes healthy hair, skin, teeth, and nails
• promotes healthy tonsils, which are part of the lymphatic and immune system.Natural sources
Seafood, kelp, vegetables grown in rich soil.
- Iron
Iron is necessary for the body to absorb and use B vitamins.
In turn, vitamin C and copper, cobalt, and manganese must be present for the body to use iron.
Those who should take extra iron include menstruating women and those who drink large amounts of coffee or tea.Benefits
• prevents and helps treat anemia
• promotes growth
• builds resistance to disease
• restores healthy skin tone
• guards against fatigue
Natural Sources
Red meat, organ meats (liver, kidney, heart), egg yolks, clams, oysters, dried peaches, nuts, beans, asparagus, oatneal.
- Magnesium
Magnesium is essential for the body to be able to use calcium and vitamin C.
It helps convert blood sugar into usable energy.
Women who take birth control pills and anyone who drinks alcohol should increase their magnesium.
Since magnesium neutralizes stomach acids, it should not be taken directly after a meal.Benefits
• helps prevent heart attack and keeps the cardiovascular system healthy
• relieves indigestion
• aids in resisting depression
• helps prevent calcium deposits and kidney stones and gallstones
• improves dental health
• relaxes muscleNatural sources
Yellow corn, dark green vegetables, lemons, grapefruit, figs, nuts, seeds, apples.
- Manganese
Those who drink a great deal of milk or eat a large amount of meat may need additional manganese.
• promotes proper development and function of cental nervous system, thyroid hormones, and skeletal and reproductive systems
• required in digestion and metabolism of food
• improves reflexes
• reduces irritability
• eliminates fatigue
• improves memory
Natural sources
Whole-grain cereals, nuts, peas, green leafy vegetables, beets, egg yolks.
- Molybdenum
Molybdenum helps the body convert food into usable energy.
It also contributes to the utilization of iron.
Most people get adequate molybdenum in their diets.Benefits
• helps prevent anemiaNatural sources
Dark green leafy vegetables, peas, beans, nuts, whole grains.
- Phosphorus
Phosphorus requires calcium (ratio l-to-2) in order to work.
Vitamin D is also necessary for phosphorus to be effective.Benefits
• prevents rickets and pyorrhea
• builds healthy bones and teeth
• aids regular heartbeat and normal kidney function
• decreases arthritis pain
• promotes general growth and healing of tissuesNatural sources
Fish, poultry, meat, eggs, seeds, nuts, whole grains
- Potassium
Conditions which may indicate need for additional potassium include hypoglycemia, severe diarrhea, mental or physical stress, long periods of fasting or dieting. The increase of the use of salt as a preservative has increased the need for potassium.
• aids in skin's elasticity
• helps keep heart rhythms normal
• aids in regulating body's water balance
• encourages clear thinking
• helps control allergies
• aids in disposal of body wastes
• helps reduce blood pressure
• aids in slowing agingNatural sources
Citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, watercress, mint leaves, sunflower seeds, bananas, potatoes.
- Selenium
Selenium works best in combination with vitamin E.
In general, men need a little more selenium than women do.Benefits
• slows down aging process
• prevents heart disease
• maintains elasticity in tissues
• helps treat and prevent dandruff
• provides protection from certain cancers
• combats harmful metals in our environment
Natural sources
Bran, wheat germ, tuna, tomatoes, onions, broccoli.
- Silicon
Found in high concentrations in the hair, skin and nails.
• promotes healing
• promotes growth of nails and hair
• stops splitting of nails and hair
• aids in the retention and utilization of calcium
• aids in the retention of B vitamins
• aids in sweatingNatural sources
Skins of fruits and vegetables, horsetail, gelatin.
- Sodium
Most people eat much more salt than they realize or than they need to eat. It is easier to add sodium to your diet than to eliminate or cut down on it.
An excess of sodium may contribute to high blood pressure.
It is recommended that most people cut their salt intake. However, for those few who need extra salt, kelp is an ideal supplement.Benefits
• prevents sunstroke and heat prostration
• aids in proper function of muscles and nerves
• promotes digestion of carbohydrates
• in some cases helps prevent neuralgia
Natural sources
Sea salt, shellfish, carrots, beets, artichokes, dried beef.
- Sulfer
Most people whose diet includes adequate protein are also getting enough sulfur.
• promotes healthy hair, skin, nails
• applied creams, helps treat various skin problems
• maintains oxygen balance for proper brain function
• supports the liver in bile secretion
• helps combat bacterial infections
Natural sources
Beef, fish, eggs, dried beans, cabbage.
- Vanadium
Vanadium taken in synthetic form can easily be toxic. However, it is rarely needed as a supplement.
• cuts down formation of cholesterol in blood vessels
• helps prevent heart attack
Natural sources
- Zinc
Alcoholics, diabetics, and those who take large doses of vitamin B6 need to increase their zinc intake.
Those who take extra zinc should also take extra vitamin A.Benefits
• prevents prostate problems
• helps control cholesterol deposits and so prevents arteriosclerosis
• contributes to the formation of insulin
• aids in healing of wounds both internal and external
• promotes growth and mental alertness
• restores sense of taste and smell
• helps treat infertility
• eliminates white spots on fingernails
• may help regulate menstrual periods
• combats against impotency
• fights against tinnitus
• helps prevent hearing loss
• helps prevent hair loss
• helps to make fragile nails stronger
• fights against adult acne
• helps to make rough skin smoother
Natural sources
Eggs, yeast, wheat germ, nonfat dry milk, ground mustard, pumpkin seeds, fish.