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Temple of Prophecy

Temple of Prophecy

Meditation & Sleep Programming
By Tara Sutphen

Excerpt: “Between each of the massive columns of the Temple of Prophecy is a separate golden door -- each door is carved with heavenly symbols and in the center is a word. The first door says, “Relationships.” The second door says, “Career.” The third door says, “Health.” Each door offers a glimpse of your future as the future will unfold unless actions are taken to alter destiny.”

You choose one door, open it and enter the room where you will sit before a large quartz crystal and put on a special headset to enhance psychic awareness. Once your chakras are balanced and your aura expanded, you will be directed to begin perceiving psychic impressions of your future. Later, you will receive a special psychic message in regard to the life area you’re exploring. Trust your impressions and you will see the future.

Track 2: Sleep Programming. “In your dreams you will open one of the great doors to psychic awareness and perceive your future.” As you cross over into sleep, you’ll also hear suggestions such as, “You detach from worldly pressures and retreat to a calm inner space.” “You peacefully accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you can.”
One hour.

NZD $ 14.99

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