Understanding Two important Brainwave Frequencies and Their Effects

Understanding Two important Brainwave Frequencies and Their Effects

Alpha and Theta Brain waves

The quest to unlock human potential and achieve genius-level capabilities has long fascinated scientists, educators, and individuals alike. Recent advances in neuroscience have shed light on the pivotal role of brainwave activity in cognitive functioning and creativity. Among the various types of brainwaves, alpha (8-12 Hz) and theta (4-7 Hz) waves are particularly significant in fostering the mental states associated with genius. This newsletter explores the importance of alpha and theta brainwaves in enhancing cognitive abilities, creativity, and overall brain function, providing insights into how these brainwave patterns contribute to achieving extraordinary intellectual feats.

The human brain, with its intricate network of neurons firing in synchronized patterns, generates electrical impulses that can be measured as brainwave frequencies. These frequencies, categorized into different bands such as delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma waves, correspond to various states of consciousness and cognitive functions. Each band plays a crucial role in shaping our mental processes and physiological responses, influencing everything from our mood and creativity to our ability to focus and learn.

Alpha And Theta Brainwave Frequencies & Their Effects

Although exact frequency thresholds are still debated by researchers, those below are generally representative to within a few Hertz.

CES: A Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Technique

The BTPro utilising Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation represent cutting-edge technologies in the field of brain enhancement. These devices offer powerful tools for improving cognitive performance, emotional regulation, and overall brain health. As research continues to advance, the synergistic potential of BTPro and CES may unlock new possibilities for enhancing human potential.

Studies have shown that increased alpha activity can enhance the brain’s ability to process and store information. This makes alpha waves particularly important for academic and intellectual pursuits, where the ability to learn and recall information efficiently is essential.

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is another innovative technique designed to enhance brain function. CES involves the application of a small, pulsed electrical current to the brain via electrodes placed on the earlobes, mastoid processes, or scalp. The exact mechanisms are not fully understood, but it is believed that CES influences neurotransmitter levels, including serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, which play key roles in mood regulation and cognitive function.

Synergistic Benefits of Alpha and Theta Waves

The combined influence of alpha and theta waves can create a powerful synergy that enhances overall brain function. By alternating between states of relaxed alertness (alpha) and deep creative exploration (theta), individuals can achieve a balanced and dynamic mental state conducive to genius-level thinking.

The ability to seamlessly transition between alpha and theta states can lead to optimal mental performance. This dynamic balance allows individuals to harness the benefits of both relaxed focus and deep creativity, enabling them to tackle complex problems and generate innovative solutions.

The importance of alpha and theta brainwaves in realising your inner genius mind cannot be overstated. These brainwave patterns play a critical role in enhancing relaxation, focus, creativity, and emotional balance—key attributes of genius-level functioning. By understanding and harnessing the power of alpha and theta waves, individuals can unlock their full cognitive potential, paving the way for extraordinary intellectual and creative achievements. As neuroscience continues to uncover the intricacies of brainwave activity, the potential to stimulate your inherant genius through targeted brainwave enhancement becomes increasingly attainable.

Theta Waves:: ~ 4 – 7.5 Hz

Memory consolidation; creativity, imagery and visualization; free-flowing lucid thought; spatial navigation tasks; inspiration and intuition; REM; processing of new (episodic) information

Theta waves are often linked to deep states of relaxation, meditation, and creativity. When the brain is in a theta state, individuals can access the subconscious mind, where intuitive insights and creative ideas often emerge. This state is conducive to brainstorming, innovative thinking, and problem-solving, all of which are hallmarks of genius.


Theta waves range from 4 to 8 Hz and are prominent during light sleep, deep meditation, and states of creativity and intuition. They are linked to vivid imagery, daydreaming, and accessing deeper subconscious realms. Theta waves play a significant role in problem-solving, emotional processing, and fostering a sense of spiritual connection. Increased theta activity can enhance learning, memory recall, artistic expression, and achieve a deeper sense of inner peace.

1. Relaxation and Meditation
Theta waves are often associated with deep relaxation and meditation. When in a theta state, the brain is deeply relaxed, which can help in reducing stress and promoting a sense of inner peace.

"Access to Subconscious Mind: Theta waves facilitate access to the subconscious mind, allowing individuals to tap into a reservoir of untapped potential and hidden knowledge. This can lead to profound insights and breakthroughs that are not accessible during normal waking states. Many geniuses, including artists and scientists, report experiencing moments of inspiration and clarity during relaxed, theta-dominant states."


2. Creativity and Problem Solving
Theta brainwaves are linked to enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities. Many people report experiencing bursts of creative insight and inspiration when their brain is operating at these frequencies.

3. Access to Subconscious Mind
Theta waves are believed to facilitate access to the subconscious mind. This can be beneficial for uncovering repressed memories, enhancing self-awareness, and promoting emotional healing.

Emotional Healing and Balance

"Theta waves play a crucial role in emotional regulation and healing. By accessing deeper layers of the mind, individuals can process and release emotional traumas, leading to greater emotional balance and resilience. A stable emotional state is vital for sustained intellectual and creative efforts, as it enables individuals to navigate challenges and setbacks with greater ease" BTPro


4. Improved Learning and Memory
Theta states are associated with heightened learning abilities and memory retention. This is why they are often targeted in neurofeedback and brain training programs aimed at improving cognitive performance.

5. Visualization and Hypnagogic States
Theta waves are prevalent during the hypnagogic state—the transitional phase between wakefulness and sleep. This state can enhance visualization, making it easier to engage in mental imagery and creative visualization techniques.

6. Emotional Healing and Release
Theta brainwaves are often linked to emotional release and healing. They can facilitate the processing and release of emotional trauma, promoting overall emotional well-being.

7. Spiritual Experiences Many people report experiencing profound spiritual insights and mystical experiences while in a theta state. This can include a sense of connectedness to the universe, heightened intuition, and deep spiritual awareness.

Mindfulness and Meditation: BTPro can deepen meditation practices by promoting theta and alpha wave activity, leading to greater mindfulness and inner peace.

Geniuses and Theta Waves

1. Albert Einstein:Albert Einstein's creative genius is often attributed to his ability to think in unconventional ways. He reportedly relied on his imagination and intuition to develop his theories, including the theory of relativity. Einstein valued moments of relaxation and daydreaming, which likely facilitated theta wave activity and access to his subconscious mind, enabling his groundbreaking scientific insights.

2. Thomas Edison:Thomas Edison, one of the most prolific inventors in history, famously used a technique involving brief naps to enhance his creativity. He would hold a metal ball in his hand while sitting in a chair, and as he drifted into a light sleep (a theta-dominant state), the ball would fall and wake him up. This technique allowed him to capture the creative ideas and insights that emerged during the theta state.

3. Salvador Dalí:Surrealist artist Salvador Dalí also utilized a similar technique to Edison, using a key and a plate to wake himself from light sleep and capture the vivid images and ideas that arose in his mind. His ability to access and harness the creative power of his subconscious mind is evident in his imaginative and dreamlike works of art.

Alpha Waves:

Alpha waves range from 8 to 12 Hz and are associated with relaxed yet alert states of mind. They are prevalent during light meditation, daydreaming, and moments of wakeful relaxation. Alpha waves promote a sense of calmness and facilitate mental coordination, making them beneficial for stress reduction, creativity, and overall mental clarity. Enhanced alpha activity is often linked to improved focus and heightened learning capabilities.

Alpha: ~ 8 – 12 Hz
Information processing; relaxed, tranquil consciousness and inward awareness; creative flow states; the coalescence of different frequencies; improved, serotonin production, memory and dream recall;
Harnessing Alpha Waves: Understanding the benefits of alpha waves allows individuals to harness their potential through tools that promote their generation. Techniques such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, biofeedback, and even listening to calming music can help increase alpha wave activity. Additionally, brainwave entrainment methods utilizing CES Cranial electro Stimulation spped up the process in achieving desired mental Alpha states for relaxation, creativity, and peak performance.

Alpha activity may be more pronounced in creative, artistic and entrepreneurial people. It has been linked with the ‘aha’ experience of creative insight and ‘out of the box’ thinking. EEG monitoring of Alfred Einstein showed he produced consistent alpha-band activity while solving complex mathematical tasks.

1. State of Relaxation: Alpha waves are typically present when the mind is in a relaxed but alert state, such as during meditation, daydreaming, or light relaxation. They signify a state where the mind is not overly aroused or overly dull, but rather in a balanced and tranquil state.

2. Stress Reduction: Increased alpha wave activity is linked to reduced levels of stress and anxiety. When alpha waves are dominant, the brain tends to produce fewer stress hormones like cortisol. This makes alpha waves instrumental in promoting relaxation and fostering a sense of calmness and inner peace.

Peak Performance: Athletes, professionals, and performers can use BTPro to achieve peak performance. By enhancing brain waves, users can maintain focus during high-pressure situations, increasing alpha waves can also help manage stress and anxiety.

3. Enhanced Creativity: Alpha waves play a crucial role in enhancing creativity and facilitating creative problem-solving. Individuals often experience bursts of creativity when alpha waves are more prominent. This state allows for greater access to the subconscious mind, where novel ideas and insights can emerge more readily.

4. Improved Learning and Memory: Studies suggest that alpha waves are involved in improving learning capabilities and memory consolidation. When alpha activity is synchronized, it supports the brain's ability to integrate new information and retain it effectively. This is particularly evident during relaxed states when the mind is receptive to new learning experiences.

5. Mind-Body Connection: Alpha waves are associated with the mind-body connection, facilitating a deeper awareness of bodily sensations and promoting mindfulness. Practices like yoga and meditation often lead to an increase in alpha wave activity, fostering a harmonious relationship between mental and physical well-being.

6. Peak Performance States: Alpha waves are also linked to states of peak performance, where individuals experience heightened focus and concentration. Athletes, musicians, and performers often report being "in the zone" when alpha waves are optimized, allowing for optimal performance and flow experiences.

7. Healing and Recovery: There is evidence suggesting that alpha waves contribute to the body's natural healing processes. During deep relaxation states associated with alpha waves, the body can repair and regenerate more effectively, promoting overall health and well-being.

Alpha brainwave frequencies offer a gateway to a state of relaxed alertness, where the mind can experience heightened creativity, reduced stress, improved learning, and enhanced overall well-being. By using CES devices like the BTPro that promote alpha wave activity, individuals can optimize their mental functioning and achieve a balanced and fulfilling life. As research continues to unveil the intricacies of brainwave frequencies, the potential for harnessing alpha waves for personal growth and cognitive enhancement remains promising..

The concept of brainwave entrainment involves influencing brainwave frequencies through external stimuli such as binaural beats, rhythmic sound pulses, or visual stimulation. This technique aims to synchronize brainwaves to specific frequencies, potentially inducing desired mental states such as relaxation, improved focus, or enhanced creativity. While research on the long-term effects of brainwave entrainment is ongoing, anecdotal evidence suggests it may offer benefits for stress reduction, mood enhancement, and cognitive enhancement.

In conclusion, brainwave frequencies play a fundamental role in shaping our mental and emotional states, influencing everything from our ability to relax and sleep deeply to our capacity for focused attention and creative thinking. Understanding these frequencies and their effects can empower individuals to optimize their mental functioning, enhance learning capabilities, and cultivate overall well-being through the use of CES devices like the BTPro. As our understanding of brainwaves continues to evolve, so too will our ability to harness their power for personal growth and cognitive enhancement. Start now


BTPro, through CES stimulation, offers a powerful tool for enhancing brain function across various domains, including cognitive performance, emotional regulation, peak performance, and personal wellness. By targeting specific brainwave frequencies, users can achieve tailored improvements in mental and emotional health, leading to a more balanced and optimized brain function.

Some academics also note that, the study of brainwaves is very much an evolving field.

BT Pro Multi system

Full LED screen

Built in frequencies

Delta Brain Waves
0.5 Hz Anxiety release
1.5 Hz Deep sleep
2.0 Hz Healing Of Nerves

Theta Brain Waves
Deep Theta 5.0 Hz Release Brain fog, retain recall release information faster
7.83 Hz Meditation

Alpha Brain Waves
10 Hz Cell Rejuvenation

More Healing Frequencies

15 Hz Lymph System Circulation
20 Hz Breast lumps
35 Hz Stimulate Clarity of Thought, Mental Function
100.00 Hz Feeling Down
500Hz Chronic depression
1434 Hz White Blood Cell stimulation
1524 Hz Red Blood Cell Stimulation
Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz
Over 700 Natural Harmonic frequencies

Fully Rechargeable ...Batteries/Charger
Timer : 5 - 60 mins
Intensity Control
Very portable
High Quality Ear clips
Tens pads and lead
LCD Screen
Many more add on options

Latest BT Pro Master Unit

Master unit

Larger Screen with more information

16 bit Processor for faster more accurate settings

More Amazing Add on Apps options

Very durable case

High quality Ear clips
Basic option (Master unit) with Bio-feedback app

Bio-feedback App

There is a relationship between Stress and the Electrical conductivity of the skin. This is known as Galvanic Skin Response or GSR.

Free Option allows one to measure GSR

Skin conducts electric current like a Resistor. The resistance of Skin can vary from 25 Kilo Ohms to 2 Mega Ohms depending on the Emotional state (This varies from person to person ).This variation is due to the changes in the permeability of the skin. In a normal fully relaxed person, skin resistance will be around 2 Mega Ohms. This is due to the low permeability of the skin. Skin offers high resistance and restricts the current flow. But if the same person is in stress, his skin resistance reduces to 25 Kilo Ohms or less due to leakage of water from the blood vessels and subsequent sweating. This increases the electrical conductivity of the skin. Thus the electrical conductivity of the skin and Stress are directly related

Bonus App with BT Pro Unit

Additional Add on Apps.

Full Descriptions of ADD on Apps Options Below !


Alzheimer's Rife Frequency set

Unlocking this App gives you

Alzheimer's Frequency set, these are frequencies from our own long experience and the works of many therapists world wide, we don't offer any cures just practical experience and knowledge Frequency source

High Quality Ear clips come with the BTPro

Unlock code

Add Alzheimer's Rife Frequency App

Note: Only For BTpro Ver 5 and up

Parkinson's Rife Frequency App

Unlocking this App gives you

(Click on the links for interesting research)

Parkinson's Rife Frequency set, these are frequencies from the works of many therapists world wide, we don't offer any cures just experience and knowledge Frequency source

it has been suggested by users that the addition of the magnastim headset (below) has greatly enhanced the effects of these frequencies

High Quality Ear clips come with the BTPro

Add Parkinson's Rife Frequency App

Note: Only For BTpro Ver 5 and up

Diabetes App

DIBT (Diabetes) 3 Frequency sets

1, DIBT(Diabetes) 1Hz, 2, 6.8, 20, 35, 48, 95, 125, 72, 302, 440, 444, 465, 484,500, 660, 727, 787, 800, 802,803, 880, 1550, 1800, 1850, 1865, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2050,2127, 2128, 2080 ,2170, 2720, 4000, 4200, 5000, 10000, 32000 Hz Each frequencyruns for 3 min , Hz

2, DBAI (Diabetes associated infection) 2020, 800, 727, 190, 80, 20 Each frequencyruns for 3 min , Hz

3, DBLO (Diabetic loading) 35, 700 Each frequencyruns for 3 min , Hz

4 PEMF Med Magnacoil and Adapter

5 Carbon silicon hand helds

6 Instructions

Note: Only For BTpro Ver 6 and up

Mind Wave

Unlocking this Option gives you complete frequency set

Gamma 40 hz 50hz 60 hz 70 hz 80 hz
Beta 14 hz 18hz 20hz 22hz 27hz 28hz 30hz
Alpha 9 hz 10 hz 11 hz 12 hz 13 hz
Theta 4 nz 4.5 hz 5 hz 6 hz 7 hz 7.83 hz 8.0hz
Delta 0.5hz 1 hz 2 hz 3 hz 3.9 hz

Unlock code

Add Mind Wave option

Note: For Btpro Ver 2 and up

Magnastim Option

CEF (Cranial electromagnetic fields) Stimulator

Unlocking this App gives you the full potential of the Magnastim

More Information here

Unlock code plus you will be sent these
Magnastim headset
Magnastim Driver
Now has 528 DNA frequency

Add Magnastim option

Note: For Btpro All Versions

Eye mate Option

The use of micro current stimulation to help eye problems

Frequency Specific Micro current Stimulator


5Hz, 292 Hz,, 292.7Hz ,30 Hz, 30.7Hz,,9.1 Hz 9.8Hz and 0.3 Hz ,,10hz ,, 0.7 Hz,, 14Hz 1.5Hz, 3.6 Hz ,95hz 137 Hz, 18Hz 1.5hz, 3.6 hz 137Hz 1Hz

Each frequency will run for aprox 24 sec.

Unlock code plus you will be sent
Eye mask with silicon carbon contacts

More information and pictures here

Add Eyemate option

Note: For Btpro Ver 2 and up

TENS Option

• Pain - from migraine headaches . troubled feet ?
• Arthritis, Rheumatism, Muscle Spasms ?
• Backache - Sciatica, Neck and Shoulder complaints, trauma ?
• Circulatory System - peripheral circulation problems ?
• Respiratory disorders - Hay Fever, Sinusitis, Bronchial spasm, ?
• Inflammation - Burns, Bruising, Lesions, Bed Sores, Ankle Joint Swelling ?
• Tendonitis - R.S.I., bursitis, ligament and muscle strains, ?
• Sports Injuries - Acute, Cramps (relief of), also pre-sport and 'pre-exercise toning ?

Unlocking this Option gives you the full potential of the TENS

More information here

Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
Lead and two TENS pads
Lead and 4 TENS Pads

Add TENS option

Note: For Btpro All Versions

Sacred harmony Option
Bring a little Miracle into your Life

There is a special sound and color of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator. Broadcasting the right frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. "We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn't lie, the geometry of physical reality universally reflects this music


Unlocking this Option gives you the full potential of the Sacred Harmony functions

Built in Frequencies

396 Hz -Red- Liberating Guilt and Fear 417 Hz - Orange - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
528 Hz - Gold - Love Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 Hz - Green - Connecting/Relationships
741 Hz - Blue - Awakening Intuition
852 Hz - Purple - Returning to Spiritual Order
Bonus plus the 7.83 hz - Schumann Resonance frequency

Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
Sacred Harmony Coil and Lead
Sacred Harmony coil Driver

Each Sacred Harmony can be played individually or as a sweep of PEMF More Information Here

  Add Sacred Harmony option

Note: For Btpro All Versions

Chakra balance Option

Which uses the powerful Magnetic fields of the Reiki Practitioner and the Vibrational frequencies of Crystal Therapies


7 Built in Chakra Frequencies
Powerful Pulsed Magnetic Fields
Run Chakra frequencies Individually or
Ramp the Seven for total Balance



Unlocking this Option gives you the full potential of the Chakra balance

Unlock code plus you will be sent these
Chakra balance Coil and Lead
Chakra balance Coil Driver

The Chakra system functions as a map of one’s evolutionary challenges (Ballentine, 1999). Each Chakra contains a spiritual life-lesson that we must master in our evolution towards higher consciousness.

More information here

Built in Frequencies

1st Root/Muladhara - 194.18 Hz
2nd Sacral/Svadhisthana -210.42 Hz
3rd Solar Plexus/Manipura 126.22 Hz
4th Heart/Anahata - 136.10 Hz ( OM )
5th Throat/Vishuddha - 141.27 Hz
6th Third Eye/Ajna - 221.23 Hz
7th Crown/Sahasrara - 172.06 Hz

Add Chakra balance option

Note: For Btpro All Versions

Sleepmate Option

What would you do to feel good and get a better night’s sleep???????
Difficulty falling or staying asleep is a common problem. About half of Americans report sleep difficulty at least occasionally, according to National Sleep Foundation surveys. These woes - called insomnia by doctors - have far-reaching effects: a negative impact on concentration, productivity and mood. Most of us don't know much about sleep, not even our own and to make it worst ---- sleep problems have a profound effect on our sleeping and waking life.

Unlocking this Option gives you the full potential of the SleepMate

Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
Sleepmate Coil and Lead+
Sleepmate Driver

Catnap Takes you down into Delta holds you there for 10 mins then brings you back up
Sleep Takes you down to 5hz then lets your drop off naturally
Insomnia Takes you way down to 0.05 hz very low delta your body will do the rest
Wake up Feeling Drowsy need to wake up, become more alert

More information here

Add Sleepmate option

Note: For Btpro All Versions

Bob Beck Zapper Option

Dr Bob Beck obtained national attention during the 1990's for his health-expo lectures and public exposition of a healing protocol known as "bioelectrification" or "blood electrification", a simple electronic therapy that was discovered to stop the replication of the virus that causes AIDS.


Unlocking this function gives you the full potential of the Bob Beck Blood Zapper

Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
Silver Contacts
Wrist strap, Cotton Sleeves
Saline Bottle

Subsequently, Bob discovered that many other serious health conditions, including malaria, responded favorably to blood electrification. Many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people, worldwide, have benefited enormously from the use of blood electrification due to the lecturing efforts of Robert C. Beck.

Understanding Blood Electrification

Add Bob Beck Zapper option

Note: For Btpro All Versions

Option Colloidal silver Generator

Pennies-per-gallon, self-made perfected colloids greatly assist in eliminating all known pathogens and preventing opportunistic infections. This has been known for a long time.

Reported Uses of Colloidal Silver

Unlocking this function gives you the full potential of the Colloidal Silver Gen

Unlock code, plus you will be sent these:
Pair of 99.9% silver wires plus leads
Scourer for cleaning silver rods

Home-made, pennies-per-gallon colloidal silver acts as a "second immune system" according to Bob Beck. It has been shown in numerous studies to be the only substance known to eliminate hundreds of viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc.,

Add colloidal silver option

Note: For Btpro All Versions

Life Stim Pro option

Unlocking this function gives you the full potential of our Famous LifeStim option "Rife on your wrist"

The "LifeStim", transmits 270+ of the best known Royal Rife, Bob Beck, John Crane, Hulda Clarks,,tumor, parasite Candida fungus Lyme and detox frequencies / harmonics etc directly to the two arteries in the wrist,,for as long as you wish to wear it. The option is an amazing addition for any Rife machine users, or detox parasite protocols,,this unit allow the most effective frequencies we have used to be run 24/7 if so desired.

Unlock code, plus you will be sent :
Tens pads and leads for the wrist

More information on the frequencies and application

Note: For Btpro Ver 4 and up

Alpha Mind Option

Unlocking this function gives you the full potential of the Alpha mind set of programs

1 AlphaStim slowly takes you down to an Alpha mind state then then after awhile slowly brings you back up

2 ThetaStim slowly takes you down to a Theta mind state then after awhile slowly brings you back up

3 Lucid Dreaming This program takes one down into the possible lucid dreaming mind frequencies

Unlock code, for all three programs:
To be used with existing ear clips,supplied with the Btpro v4

Note: For Btpro Ver 4 and up

Hulda Clark type Option: Fully Auto Super sweep frequency zapper


Unlocking this function gives you the full potential of the Hulda Clark type: Super sweep frequency zapper


 Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
 Copper Hand holds

Sweeps up and down the 26khz -34khz range,
Sweeps up and down the 2.3-2.7khz range
Can sweep both ranges separately
Can sweep both ranges consecutively, complete coverage
Auto-timer on Mode (7 minutes on, 20 minutes Pause, 7min on, 20min Pause,, 7min on,20min Pause, 7min on)
Copper Hand held
Instructions for use

Add HC Zapper option

Note: For Btpro All Versions



Unlocking this function gives you the full potential of the Tinnitus frequencis


 Unlock code plus you will be sent these:
 Special CES ear electrodes

3 frequence sets ,
Meniere's dis_ease
Special Ear Elecrodes

Add Tinnitus frequency set

Note: For Btpro Version 8 only release date 30-05-2020

The Transend Broadcast Option

Send your Rife, Btpro, Earth or Sacred harmony
frequencies around your home or office.


Compatible with

Rife Pro all Models
Schumann Shield
Easy Plug & Play
AA Batteries (not included)

 More information

Instructions for use

Special Offer Save
Latest BTpro and all add ons

BTPro Main Master unit with all functions activated,
Bio feed back,
Sacred Harmony
Headset Driver and Power pack,
TENS Function,
Sleep mate,
Bob Beck Blood Zapper,
Chakra Balancer,
Hulda Clark Zapper.
Colloidal Silver Gen
Mind Wave
LifeStim Option
Alphamind Option
Parkinsons option
Alzheimers option
Tinnitus option
Diabetes option
LED Helmet

All units use rechargeable batteries (included),,and the charger is sent for the voltage of your country


I would like to buy or More info for this
Please call me: my phone number is

Frequency Comparison Chart

Fisher Wallace
Alpha Stim
Basic Frequencies

0.5 Hz
1.5 Hz
2.0 Hz Healing Of Nerves
5.0 Hz
7.83 Hz
10 Hz
15 Hz Lymph System Circulation
20 Hz
35 Hz
100.00 Hz
1434 Hz White Blood Cell Production
1524 Hz Red Blood Cell Production
Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz

15 Hz
500 Hz
15,000 Hz


Price $NZ399.95 @ $US258.54 $US699-$US799 $US1195
    while most people believe that the Fisher Wallace Stimulator® is FDA Approved, this is not the case. The Fisher Wallace Stimulator® is only FDA Cleared, which is quite different from approval.  
Power Source: Fully Rechargeable Batteries 2 x AA Batteries 2 x AA Batteries