Filtered Hydrogen and Alkaline water in one Unit

Three in One System

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Hydrogen Rich Water or hydrogenated water contains active hydrogen ions that act as powerful antioxidants in your body. The ions help eliminate oxygen free radicals that contribute to the development of illness and ultimately are responsible for the aging process.

Benefits of Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen water, which is water enriched with molecular hydrogen (H2), is claimed to offer several potential health benefits. While research is ongoing, some of the proposed benefits of hydrogen water include:

Antioxidant properties: Molecular hydrogen is believed to act as a powerful antioxidant, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. This may help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.

Improved athletic performance: Some studies suggest that drinking hydrogen water may reduce lactic acid buildup during exercise, potentially improving athletic performance and reducing fatigue.

Enhanced recovery: Hydrogen water may help speed up recovery time after exercise by reducing muscle fatigue and improving muscle function.

Anti-inflammatory effects: Hydrogen water has been shown to reduce markers of inflammation in some studies, which could have benefits for conditions characterized by chronic inflammation.

Brain health: Preliminary research suggests that hydrogen water may have neuroprotective effects, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Skin health: Some proponents claim that hydrogen water can improve skin health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, leading to fewer wrinkles and a more youthful appearance.

More Benefits of Hydrogen-Rich Water

Hydrogen-Rich Water...
• Lubricates joints and muscles; our body is 70% water
• Keeps our minds alert; the brain is over 70% water needing hydration to function
• Helps the body absorb nutrients
• Aids in circulation and digestion
• Helps regulate body temperature
• Detoxifies cells and the whole body
• Improves blood pressure, decreases headaches, arthritic symptoms, back pain, and chronic illness symptoms

More on Scientic and Medical findings on Hydrogen

Benefits of Alkaline water

Sadly, our tap water can no longer be consumed without worry. If we learned that the water we are drinking is increasing our risk for disease and speeding up the aging process, would we continue to drink it? The human body can maintain optimal health with a balanced, alkaline diet. Ingesting too many acidic foods and beverages, most notably carbonated soft drinks, can lower the body’s natural pH levels to dangerously acidic levels, which can be a breeding ground for disease. By consuming alkaline, ionized water, a person may restore his or her body’s proper pH balance and perhaps even become more alkaline, which would be great for anyone’s health. Dr. Hiromi Shinya, developer of the Shinya method to remove polyps during a colonoscopy, and Chief of the Endoscopy Unit of Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, drinks and recommends alkaline, ionized water.

Alkaline water, which has a higher pH level than regular drinking water, is claimed to offer several potential health benefits. Some of the proposed benefits of alkaline water include:

Hydration: Alkaline water may be more easily absorbed by the body than regular water, potentially improving hydration.

Neutralizing Acid in the Body: Proponents claim that alkaline water can help neutralize the acid in your bloodstream, leading to increased oxygen levels and improved energy ,metabolism, and weight loss.

Antioxidant Properties: Some studies suggest that alkaline water may have antioxidant properties, which could help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body.

Bone Health: Some research suggests that alkaline water may help improve bone health by reducing the body's acidity levels, although more research is needed in this area.

Digestive Health: Some people believe that alkaline water can help neutralize stomach acid and alleviate acid reflux symptoms.

Are you Alkaline or Acidic Read more here

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Benefits of Filtered Water

Filtered water offers several benefits compared to tap water or other types of untreated water:

Removal of Contaminants: Filtration systems effectively remove potentially harmful contaminants such as chlorine, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals (like lead and mercury), pesticides, and pharmaceutical residues from the water, making it safer to drink.

Improved Taste and Odor: Filtering water can improve its taste and odor by removing impurities and chemicals that affect its flavor.

Healthier Minerals Retained: Unlike some other purification methods like distillation or reverse osmosis, filtration systems retain healthy minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are essential for good health.

Environmental Benefits: Using a water filter reduces the need for single-use plastic water bottles, helping to decrease plastic waste and environmental pollution.

Cost-Effective: While the initial cost of a water filtration system may be higher, it is more cost-effective in the long run compared to regularly purchasing bottled water.

Convenience: Having access to clean, filtered water at home means you don't have to rely on store-bought bottled water, providing convenience and peace of mind.

Reduction of Chlorine Byproducts: Filtration systems can reduce the levels of chlorine and chlorine byproducts in drinking water, which are potentially harmful to health.

Better for Cooking: Filtered water can improve the taste and quality of food and beverages prepared with it, such as coffee, tea, soups, and stews.

Overall, filtered water is a safe, convenient, and environmentally friendly option for ensuring that the water you drink is clean, safe, and free from harmful contaminants.


Hydrogen water maker
Alkaline Water
Filter Water
1.5 liters aprox 50 ozs or 2.6 pints
Hydrogen Content Above 1000ppb
Material Food grade PC free of Bpa
Net Weight 1.6KG
Voltage 120-240V

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