What are the effects of free radical damage?

Health Threat Derived from Active Oxygen

"Tap water is really unnatural water if you consider where it comes from. It is simply natural water that has undergone processing at a water purification plant, where it is infused with chlorine or ozone gas to disinfect. The various kinds of bottled water sold in convenience stores and supermarkets, such as natural water, spring water, mineral water, famous waters from various regions all over Japan, famous name-brand water and so forth also fall into the same category. In other words, 99.9 percent of the water we drink on a daily basis is in fact nothing more than this water that produces disease. Why am I able to make this statement? And what on earth are the characteristics of " water that produces disease ?"

Put simply, the most important characteristic is the fact that such water hardly contains any hydrogen; in the water found in nature, there is almost no hydrogen gas. The reason for this, is that although water is composed of two hydrogens and one oxygen, the action of covalent energy operating between the hydrogen and oxygen makes it extremely difficult for hydrogen to exist on its in a form that is separate from oxygen and independent of the oxygen. Furthermore, water containing abundant hydrogen does not exist in nature because even water that starts out containing abundant hydrogen loses it immediately. This means that up to 99.9 percent of the water in nature is nothing but " hydrogen poor water."

It has long been established that reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause many types of damage to biomolecules and cellular structures, that, in turn result in the development of a variety of pathologic states such as diabetes, cancer and aging. Reduced water is defined as anti-oxidative water produced by reduction of water. Electrolyzed reduced water (ERW) has been demonstrated to be hydrogen-rich water and can scavenge ROS in vitro (Shirahata et al., 1997).

"Modern medical science regards active oxygen as one the major factor of 98% of diseases."

"All life forms were born in water.
Therefore, it should be a logiccal to conclude that every necessary condition for birth and existence (as well as health and disease) of them could be hidden in water. Water or H2O is a compound of hydrogen, a reductant, and oxygen, an oxidant. Therefore, it can be said that all living organisms are under the control of reductants and oxidants, (i.e.under
the control of reduction and oxidation). Redox reaction is the most universal, original and important principle on earth, regardless of its being organic or inorganic. In short, oxidation brings about sickness, and reduction restores us back to health again. "Hidemitsu HAYASHI, M.D.,

We cannot get away with active oxygen because it has naturally been accumulated by breathing or normal metabolism. When the OH level is in a normal condition, it helps to maintain the way of our lives. But if it is too excessive, it’d rather attack cells to distort DNA which leads to disease.

What are free radicals?
Free radicals are a by-product of normal cell function. When cells create energy, they also produce unstable oxygen molecules. These molecules, called free radicals, have a missing electron. This electron makes the molecule highly unstable and they are highly dangerous left to their own devices. The free radical bonds to healthy molecules stealing their electron, thus making the healthy cell into a free radical. Normally the body is able to deal with this natural process when a variety of antioxidants are abundant in our daily diet. However due to today's lifestyles most of us are producing far too many free radicals for the normal body processes to cope with. Free radicals are produced in the body upon exposure to stress, cigarette smoke, alcohol, toxins found in personal care products, pesticides in foods, radiation from the sun, viruses, germs or fungi etc.

What are antioxidants?
"Antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Antioxidant nutrients are naturally found in a varied diet of unprocessed grains, vegetables fruit and Hydrogem water. The antioxidant nutrients include vitamins A, C, E and several of the B vitamins, the minerals selenium, copper and zinc, bioflavonoids and various antioxidant enzymes. High concentrations of these antioxidant nutrients are found in wheat and barley grass, sprouts and dark green vegetables plus Hydrogen water. Fruit is another good source of antioxidants the best being blueberries, blackberries and strawberries,and hydrogen water. The body uses antioxidants to soak up free radicals like sponges. If your body has plenty of antioxidants available, it can minimize the damage caused by free radicals."

Free radicals and disease?
"Whenfree radicals overcome our body's ability to neutralise them, they attack the body itself. As a result free radicals disturb the action of cellular DNA, which directs key cellular activities. Cells with damaged DNA stagnate and are prone to developing cancer and growths. This kind of damage also accelerates the aging process, directly causing wrinkles and age spots and severely taxing the immune system. Other diseases such as heart disease, atherosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, inflammatory joint disease and degenerative eye disease to name a few are also attributed to free radicals. Different antioxidants work in different areas of the body, so the key is to use as wide a range of antioxidants as possible.".

What are the effects of free radical damage?
"Wrinkled skin, stiff joints and hardening of the arteries are general examples of what free radicals will do to us. The damage caused by free radicals accelerates the ageing process. Other conditions that are closely linked to free radical activity include Crohn’s disease, Gallstones, Pancreatitis, Ulcerative colitis, Cataracts, Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, Learning difficulties, Memory problems, Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Emphysema, Male infertility, Hair loss, Skin problems, and possibly many other conditions."

Active oxygen and free radicals are believed to be exacerbating factors in causing cell injury and aging in living tissue . Researchers are therefore interested in understanding the protective role of natural antioxidants.

Active oxygen is something like the exhaust fumes produced by automobile engines.
If we liken gasoline to food and air to oxygen, active oxygen would correspond to the exhaust fumes produced after the gasoline has combusted. It is believed that in burning up our food, around two percent of the oxygen we breathe in through our lungs becomes active oxygen. We breathe about twenty times per minute, and active oxygen is being produced in
our bodies each time we breathe. Since the volume of air we breathe in with each breath is aprox 500 cc, we are breathing in about aprox 10,000 cc of air per minute. As twenty percent of this air, or 2,000 cc, consists of oxygen, two percent of this amount, or 40 cc, becomes active oxygen. Thus, each minute about 40 cc of active oxygen is being produced in
our bodies. This amounts to 24,000 cc per hour and 57,600 cc per day of active oxygen.

Expressed metaphorically, if we compare the oxygen we normally breathe to
kerosine, active oxygen would correspond to gasoline. A simple explanation of the expression "active oxygen is the cause of all kinds of diseases" is that because active oxygen has a particularly strong oxidizing action ( oxidative damage ) on
genes(DNA),it damages the genes and causes diseases.

"Considering this moment-by-moment production of large amounts of active oxygen in our bodies, it is no wonder that we tend to fall prey to disease. We, on the other hand, have in our bodies several enzymes, such as SOD(superoxide dismutase), catalase and glutathione peroxidase, which remove this active oxygen.
As we get older, however, the function of these enzymes alone becomes insufficient to dispose of the active oxygen effectively. As a result, we fall to prey to various diseases. "

"This means that if we could dispose of the "active oxygen" effectively, we would be able to achieve beter health and more longevity. The functional mechanism of active oxygen is oxidation. In order to suppress the (particularly strong) oxidizing function of active oxygen, it follows that we require a substance that has the opposite function to oxidation.
The opposite function to oxidation is reduction, and reduction originally refers to the function of hydrogen. Consequently, we can say that the originator of reduction is possibly none other than hydrogen."

• Active oxygen is combined with hydrogen, then it turns harmless.
• Active hydrogen is dissolved in Healing waters such as Lourdes water and Tlacote Water.
• Hydrogen is outperforming Vitamin C as antioxidant.
• It is the most ideal way to detox your body.
• It helps to improve the immune system and to balance the body.

Recent studies have shown that hydrogen in its reduced form scavenges active oxygen species and protects DNA from damage by oxygen free radicals. Reduced hydrogen is considered to be an ideal reactive species to counter active oxygen free radicals. Since water is the medium in which all organisms are born, composes the matrix of life and sup-ports all molecular interactions, it is now understood that this is also part of its biologi-cal role. Various functions of water chemistry, its geological chemistry, even its genetically determined transport across the cell membrane and biochemical functions are now being investigated more extensively

Hydrogen in its ground state holds one electron. It can also be found in nature to hold a second electron, known as the hydride (H-) ion or reduced hydrogen. Hydrogen can be reduced (H-) such as when water is treated with electrolysis, or when other catalytic procedures are used. The hydrogen produced in the process is called active hydrogen because of its activated reducing potential as an antioxidant and it has a redox potential of 350-450 mV.

"Now, what happens when we incorporate Hydrogen Rich Water into our everyday lives ?
In a nutshell, there will be a huge decrease in our probability of getting sick. Why is it possible to make this statement ?
Because the thinking goes as follows: When Hydrogen Rich Water,( water rich in molecular hydrogen ),enters our body, this molecular hydrogen is broken down into atomic(atomic hydrogen) in the body. The active hydrogen bonds with active oxygen, to produce safe, non-toxic water that leaves the body in the form of urine and sweat. In short, we may consider that when Hydrogen Rich Water enters our body, it gets rid of the active oxygen that is produced in the body from moment to moment. Therefore there is a significant decrease in our probability of getting ill. "

ACTIVE HYDROGEN WATER SAVES MANKIND Hidemitsu Hayashi, M.D. Water Institute

It is reported that ‘WUNDERWASSER’ or water found in a cavern in Nordenau, Germany, several years ago is very effective in treating a variety of diseases, as well as traumatic injuries. Clinical improvements have been observed in eighty percent of the patients who took wonder water in Nordenau.
The Hygienics Institute of Gelsenkirchen, however, cannot elucidate as to why the water can bring such wonderful and rapid recoveries from various disorders. The water was brought to Prof.Shirahata, of Kyushu University ( Laboratory of Cellular Regulation Technology) for investigation.

Active hydrogen found in water in Nordenau.

Let us discuss why the water in Nordenau can be called ‘wonder water’. Active hydrogen was shown to exist in water in Nordenau by Prof.Shirahata. The finding implies that miraculous recovery from a variety of diseases obtained by the intake of water in Nordenau should be brought about by the scavenging ability of the active hydrogen contained in it.

This fact can be supported by the findings in paper of Happe and Bagley, as well
EXPLORE 6,28-31, 1995)

How to Use

• This device can turn about 500ml of drinking water into hydrogen water in just a few minutes.
( Be sure that it should be either purified water or bottled water )

• Because hydrogen molecules are so small, when time passes, the density of it is diminished, thus we recommend that you should drink it right after it is generated.

Introducing our Latest Hydrogen Water Generator at a realistic price

NEW - provide strong antioxidant hydrogen-rich water.

Portable - Use it anywhere, anytime to produce fresh hydrogen-water!

Power Source CD12V / 1A
Capacity: 0.380ml
Hydrogen water producing: 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 mins Dissolved Hydrogen : 0.6ppm
PH balance: 7.6 (slightly more alkaline, stabilizing the dissolved hydrogen)
ORP : -400 to -600 (reducing/antioxidant)
green light means standby and finished procution, blue color means producing water
rH2 (Relative Hydrogen): 1 to 5 (reducing/antioxidant)


Sanetaka Shirahata Graduate school of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University,
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