Circulation Feel the "Force"

Blood flow is the continuous circulation of blood in the cardiovascular system.It is an important part of your body's overall function and health.Your heart pumps blood through blood vessels within your circulatory system. Red blood cells have specific tasks of carrying oxygen to your body's vital organs, providing vitality and energy, explains the National Library of Medicine. When your vital organs and circulatory system work in unison, you have an adequate blood flowThis process ensures the transportation of nutrients, hormones, metabolic wastes, O2 and CO2 throughout the body to maintain cell-level metabolism, the regulation of the pH, osmotic pressure and temperature of the whole body, and the protection from microbial and mechanical harms

The Circulatory system is an organ system driven by the heart, to provide a constant supply of blood to the body through the blood vessels. Your circulation of blood plays a very important role in your health as it transports adult stem cells, red & white blood cells, hormones, plasma etc

"An increase in blood flow or circulation in the body can help benefit the heart and the body's muscles and arteries throughout the body. Increased blood circulation improves oxygen rich blood flow to extremities. You may experience an increase in blood flow to vital organs when you improve oxygen levels in your blood by exercising muscles and working out."

Blood circulation is essential for a healthy body. Every cell in the body needs to received oxygen and nutrients. Blood rich in oxygen is sent to the body organs, tissues and cells to nourish them, and the waste products that result are disposed of through the same system. The heart, lungs and blood vessels work together to complete circulation. The two major pathways are cardiopulmonary and systemic circulation. The three specialized routes are coronary, portal and fetal circulation. The body cannot function well without a strong circulatory system. Ozonated Water

The arterial doppler test is a blood pressure test for the arteries in your legs, arms etc. It's usually to see if there is a lack of blood flow through your legs, which may be caused by a blockage in your arteries. The blockage may be a result of plaque or cholesterol that has built up in the arterial wall

Circulation is affected by aging. As the body ages, the arteries lose some of their elasticity and become less pliable and smaller. This causes the heart to work harder to push the blood through the arteries to the body, resulting in decreased blood flow to the organs such as the brain, as well as an increase in blood pressure. Veins also suffer some changes that weaken the walls and valves of the vessels, making older people more prone to varicose veins. The smooth inner lining of all blood vessels becomes a bit rough as the body ages, leaving a body more prone to blood clots or thromboses.

If you have a disease or condition that affects the circulatory system, blood flow may decrease.

Diagnosing peripheral artery disease is simple and painless. Using a handheld ultrasound probe, the blood pressure at the ankle and upper arm is detected; it should be roughly equal. If the pressure in the ankle is significantly less, peripheral artery disease MAY be present.

Some of the common causes of poor circulation?
Smoking is a sure fire reason for this. It may not be easy, but you should quit.

The arteries bring oxygen and other nutrients to the cells of the body. The veins take away the blood after the cells have taken in the oxygen and nutrients and given up their waste products, such as carbon dioxide. If blood flow is decreased to any part of the body, that area does not get enough oxygen and nutrients and is unable to get rid of its waste products adequately.;

Years and years of no exercise can lead to bad circulation. It doesn't happen overnight but usually creeps up on a person. However, you can improve things fairly quickly if you DO something about it.

Eating too much junk food which usually leads to being overweight is also a prime reason. Start making some lifestyle changes. Even little ones at first can lead to quick improvements.

People who have leg pain when exercising may need an evaluation to make sure they have normal blood flow through their leg arteries. Normally blood pressure is similar whether it is measured in the legs or in the arms. If blood pressure is lower in the legs, it usually means that cholesterol buildup inside the leg arteries is interfering with circulation. By taking accurate blood pressure measurements at different locations along your legs, your doctors can determine if you have any arterial narrowing and, if so, where.

In order to get blood pressure measurements, your doctor uses a technique called Doppler ultrasound. Doppler ultrasound is a painless way to detect blood flowing through a small artery. It uses sound waves and a type of sonar detection system to make noise when blood flow is detected.


The most common Symptoms of poor circulation

Cold feet and toes - not just in winter time
Cold hands and fingers
Feeling numb in certain parts of the body especially the extremities
Feeling tired or having a lack of energy much of the time
Some hair loss can be because of bad blood flow
Having regular dizzy spells
If your skin gets dry even though you drink plenty of water
Swelling and water retention - especially in the feet
Lumps in blood vessels and varicose veins
Some headaches can be due to this
Cramps and pins and needles
Feeling short of breath at times
Blotches and blemishes in the skin
Poor blood flow to the brain may affect memory

Investigators discovered pre-menopausal women who aren’t interested in sex and are unhappy about it have distinctive blood flow patterns in their brains in response to explicit videos, compared to women with normal sexual function.
The study is reported in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

Decreased blood flow can occur in the arteries and veins anywhere in the body, such as the neck and brain. When the neck arteries (carotid arteries) become occluded, symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, headache, and/or a brief loss of ability to speak or move, may be the early warning signs of a possible stroke (brain attack).


.A water-soluble gel is placed on a handheld device called a transducer, which directs the high-frequency sound waves to the artery or veins being tested;

This technique is used to measure and assess the flow of blood through the blood vessels. The amount of blood pumped with each beat is an indication of the size of a vessel’s opening. Also, Doppler can detect abnormal blood flow within a vessel, which can indicate a blockage caused by a blood clot, a plaque, or inflammation.

Check the blood flow in in your legs arms finger neck toes reproductive organs etc,,is it strong or weak measure the "force"

MD520 Vascular Doppler Detector -

Detect the blood stream status of arterial/venous by 8.0MHz; Detect the blood flow average velocity, detect the result of finger/toes and part of body's vein anatomies operation. Bar LED can detect the blood stram status. Specifications:
Ultrasonic probe: 8.0MHz± 10%
Battery: 7.4V/900mAh rechargeable Lithium
Input voltage: DC 9V 1000mA
Doppler frequency: 100--7000Hz
Display: LED 20bit
CE Approved

MD520T Vascular Doppler Detector

Detect the blood stream status of arterial/venous by 8.0MHz; Detect the blood flow average velocity, detect the result of finger/toes and part of body's vein anatomies operation.
LCD can display the waveform and the detecting result of the blood stream.
Infrared port can transmit the data to computer.
Ultrasonic frequency: 8.0MHz± 10%
Battery: 7.4V/900mAhrechargeable Lithium
Input voltage: DC 9V 1000mA
Doppler frequency: 100--7000Hz
Ttwo modes: Undirection and Bidirection

CE Approved

Clean The Blood


Nasal Laser
Tens Pads
Power pack

TENS channel

1.Stimulate circulatory system, also good for slimming
2.Good for muscle growth, reduce pain in muscle and nerve
3.Eliminate fatigue
4 Good.for lymphatic massage
5 Improve blood circulation and promote metabolism
6.Help to relieve symptomatic intractable pain
7.No side-effects

Laser channel
1)Improve blood viscosity through laser blood irradiation
2)Improve blood oxygen carrying capacity through laser blood irradiation
3)Reduce blood-fat and total cholesterol through laser blood irradiation
4)Quickly and effectively correct the abnormal lipid metabolism and maintain balanced levels of the lipid metabolism in the human body through laser blood irradiation.
5)Improve the partial blood circulation around the nasal cavities and help functioning of the nasal mucosa membranes through irradiation of the nasal cavities
6)Therapeutic efficacy control on ischemic cardio-cerebrovascular diseases.


Multi Therapy System

Nasal Laser Blood Purifier
Ultrasound therapy
Infrared thermo therapy
Frequency Acupuncture foot Massage
Frequency Herb Delivery
Electronic Acupuncture

More Info click here


Your Bloods Oxygen Levels

FingerTip Oximeter

CE Approved Black only

Accurate oxygen saturation and pulse rate data in seconds
Easy to use; automatically turns on/off with finger insertion/removal Compact size fits easily into a pocket


Display Method: Color OLED display, two display directions.

The product is small in size, light in weight (total weight is about 50g including batteries) and convenient to carry

Power consumption of the product is low and the two originally-equipped two AAA batteries can be operated continuously for 30 hours

Low Voltage warning will be indicated in Visual window when battery voltage is so low that normal operation of the oximeter might be influenced

The product will automatically be powered off when no singnal is in the product for longer than 8 seconds

The product is suitable for use in family hospital and clinical , it can be used before or after sports .


Display 64K color OLED
SpO2 Measurement range: 35~99%
Resolution: ± 1%
Accuracy: ± 2% (70%~99%), unspecified (<70%)
Pulse rate Measurement range: 30~255 bp