101 plus ReportedUses for Mild Silver Protien (Colloidal Silver)

Topical applications: May be applied as a liquid, lotion or salve for burns, cuts, skin fungus, nail fungus, rashes, sunburn, and wounds.
Internal Applications: May be taken oraly for infections, candida, mouth germs, halitosis, mouth sores, gargle, toothdecay, Escherichia Coli bacteria and the fungus Candida albicans. Water Purification: since the 1930's silver has been impregnated in water filtration systems to help reduce growth of germs and bacteria in water filters and water. Sterilization: Colloidal Silver may be sprayed on air filters, ducts, vents, and clean areas to help prevent germs from growing.

What can Colloidal Silver be used to assist Over 650 health disorders have been successfully healed with Colloidal Silver and more are being added to the list all the time.

Below are a few of the common ones: Acne, Allergies, Appendicitis, Arthritis, Athlete?s foot, Bad breath, Bladder inflammation, Blood parasites, Blood poisoning, Boils, Burns, Cancer, Candida, Catarrh, Colds, Colitis, Cystitis, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diphtheria, Digestive disorders, Dysentery, Eczema, Ear infections, Eye infections, Fibrocitis, Flu, Glaucoma, Glue ear, Hay fever, Herpes, Impetigo, Indigestion, Influenza, Intestinal trouble, Leukemia, Lupus, Malaria, Measles, Meniers disease, Meningitis, Mouth, nose and throat infections, Mumps, Nappy rash, Paget?s disease, Parasites, Pink eye, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Psoriasis, Rheumatism, Ringworm, Scarlet fever, Shingles, Skin cancer, Skin infections, Sunburn, Throat infections, Venereal
diseases, Whooping cough.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

Medical Disclaimer

Mild Silver Protien (Colloidal Silver) should not be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice nor is it intended as a substitute for professional medical opinion and/or as a cure. It is not a substitute for any medical treatment of any nature whatsoever. The buyer and/or user are advised to seek their own professional medical advice in the event they have any doubts in connection with the use of this product, prior to its use. The information contained herein has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable but no warranty, expressed or implied, is given that the information is complete or accurate nor that it is fit for a particular purpose. All such warranties are expressly disclaimed and excluded. This disclaimer should be read in conjunction with the manufacturer's disclaimer.

ABSCESS (internal), surgical intervention may be required, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
TID per day for 4 days, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until cleared. (topical), surgical
intervention may be required, spray CS on affected and surrounding area BID. Continue
until clear.
ACIDOSIS (topical), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver. Continue until cleared.
ACNE, most forms of acne are helped with silver usage. (Chemical exposure or food
allergy induced acne are not responsive to silver usage. Nor are androgen-estrogen
imbalance). 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 4 days, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day
until asymptomatic.
ACRODYNIA, (usually systemic virus in infants), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 4
days, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until asymptomatic.
ACTINIC BURNS, (from sun, x-rays, UV light), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day, GS to
burn area BID until asymptomatic.
ADENOFIBROMA, (often caused by staph infections), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver, 3-6
months, until asymptomatic.
ARDS (adult respiratory distress syndrome), oxygen therapy plus 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver during crisis, 1/8 ounce daily indefinitely.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID as an
adjunct with regular treatment of this disease indefinitely. Special preparations of silver
solutions have been tested on AIDS's patients i.v. In all trial cases, HIV viral load had been
ALLERGIES/INFECTIONS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day, 4 to 8 days, 1/8 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID until asymptomatic.
ALOPECIA (hair loss) if dandruff, rash, or sores on scalp - usually staph or viral infection,
1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID, 30 days. Spray GS on hair, rub into scalp one hour before
shampooing daily.
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's Disease) Most always a virus. 1/4
ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days. Reduce to 1/4 ounce per day for 14 - 28 days. Then
1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. (If condition does not improve i.v. Silver solution should
be considered).
AMEBIASIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per for 8 days, then 1/8 ounce BID. Also useful is
grapefruit oil extract.
ANGIOLARDITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID 12 days, then 1/8 ounce daily until
AORTITIS, (common cause of Aortic Aneurysm), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver daily for 16
days, then 1/8 ounce BID per day. (Always suspect aortitis in cardiac asthma).
ARBO VIRUSES, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver for 16 days, then 1/8 ounce BID. (Children 7
years old, or older, use same dosage).
ARTHRITIS, (infection related), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver for 30 days, then 1/8 ounce
BID. If effective continue treatment, if not discontinue after 60 days.
ASPERGILLOSIS (aspergillus infection [mold]). In bronchi, lungs, aureal canal, skin or
the mucous membranes of the eye, nose or urethra, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for
16 to 24 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until asymptomatic. Apply GS
topically, when possible, to mucous membrane sites, skin, etc. BID.
ASTHMA, (check for food allergies, especially eggs, shellfish, chocolate, dairy products,
gluten, corn, and MSG). Infection, allergens, weak heart muscle (cardia asthma or exercise
asthma), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until clear.
ATAXIA, locomotor (central nervous system infection), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day
for 16 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 60 to 90 days (Colloidal Silver will not
repair nerve damage, however, it will rid the body of the infection attacking the nerves
resulting in no further degeneration).
ATHLETE'S FOOT, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until asymptomatic, and then use for
an additional 30 days. Also apply GS topically BID until asymptomatic, then use for an
additional 30 days.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

BACTERIAL DISEASES, all bacterial diseases respond to Colloidal Silver therapy
including, but not limited to, the following bacteria: diplococci, staphylococci,
streptococci, bacilli, coccobacilli, sarcinae, spirochetes, spirilla, and vibrio.
BARBER'S ITCH (tinea barbae), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until cleared. Apply GS
topically BID.
BED SORES, apply GS topically BID to infection.
BEHCET'S SYNDROME, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day (if mouth ulcers are present,
have patient put Colloidal Silver in 1 ounce of water; use as a mouth wash and then
BITES (animal or human bites), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then 1/8
ounce Colloidal Silver BID until healed. Apply GS topically BID.
BLEPHARITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.
BOIL (usually staph infection), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until cleared. Apply GS
topically BID (if boil is draining, keep area around the abscess protected).
BRODIE'S ABSCESS (ETOL - usually tubercular or staph), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per
day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until clear.
BRONCHITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day for 32 days or longer.
BRONCHOPNEUMONIA, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 8 to 16 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID until gone.
BRONCHOSINUSITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day until cleared.
BUBO, axillary, indolent, inguinal, pestilential (see bubonic plague), venereal (see
venereal diseases), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day until cleared.
BURNS (1st, 2nd, and 3rd, degree). Apply GS to burned area to prevent infection. Do the
above BID until healed. Burns heal twice as fast if treated this way.
BURSITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver
BID until well.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

CANCER, Colloidal Silver is not a treatment for cancer. Medical literature suggests that
both bacteria and virus may be precursors to some types of cancer. Many people who have
cancer also have infections. To prevent infections in cancer patients the recommended dose
is 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Colloidal Silver IV has been successful in Leukemia.
CANDIDA ALBICANS, (systemic), Colloidal Silver is so effective for systemic candida
that if initial doses are too high, will produce severe symptoms. Start slow and monitor
patient. 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver for 5 to 7 days, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until
asymptomatic (When using the above protocol, most patients can consume fruits without
CANDIDIASIS (not systemic- skin, nails, mouth), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID in 1
ounce of water used as a ?mouthwash? and then swallowed. Apply GS topically BID,
where needed.
CELLULITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. Rub GS into skin where needed BID.
CEREBRITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until gone.
CEREBROMENINGITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until clear.
CERVICOVAGINITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/8 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day until clear. Also have patient douche daily with 1 part in 2 parts of
CHANCROID (non-syphilitic venereal ulcer), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until clear.
CHEILITIS, (exfoliative), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.
CHICKEN POX, (children or adults), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then
1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. Apply GS topically to eruptions and/or crusting BID.
CHLAMYDIA (trachomatous and psillaci), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day.
CHOLANGITIS, (bile duct inflammation), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Suspect
gallstones (a gallstone cleanse is indicated).
COLD, (common, chest, see bronchitis). At onset, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 3 or
4 days (this usually stops a cold). Advanced Symptoms, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver in 3
ounces of water, gargle & then swallow BID.
CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES, see systemic lupus erythematosus or scleroderma.
CROUP, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. Keep patient in a high humidity.
CRYPTOCOCCOSES (cerebral or meningeal forms usually are fatal), 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver TID (if ?die off? reaction is severe, reduce dose. Increase as able.) Apply GS
topically to abscesses BID.
CYSTIC FIBROSIS, fibrosis is usually accompanied by a viral infection. Colloidal Silver,
in these cases, can stop or slow the disease progression. 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.
CYTOMEGALIC INCLUSION DISEASE (cytomegalovirus), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
BID for 16 days 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until gone, GS topically BID. NOTE:
There are too many conditions to list them all. The rule to follow is to use Colloidal Silver
if you suspect infection (bacterial, viral or fungal) and to prevent infections.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

DERMATOMYOSITIS (usually viral), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 16 to 24
days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. GS topically, where indicated, BID.
DERMOPHLEBITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.GS topically BID.
DONOVANIA GRANULOMATOUS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

EBV (eppstein-bar virus), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 32 days then 1/8 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID for 32 days then test - if still positive repeat above.
ECTHYMA, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. GS topically BID.
ECZEMA (describes symptoms rather than a disease). See dermatitis for conditions most
eczema symptoms require SC topically TID plus 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver TID.
EHLERS (dunlos syndrome), GS topically BID, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID, Vitamin
C 4000mg BID.
ELEPHANTIASIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID.
ENCEPHALITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until clear.
ENDOCARDITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID until asymptomatic (usually 30 to 60
ENDOCERVICITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS topically to cervix
EPIGLOTTITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver in 2 ounces of water, gargle then swallow,
BID. Tracheostomy may be needed.
EPISCLERITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day.
ERYSIPELAS (staph), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS BID.
ESOPHAGITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver in 3 ounces of water, TID.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

FIBROMA (fibroid tumors are often caused by an unsuspected staph infection), 1/8 ounce
to 1/4 ounce of Colloidal Silver per day depending on severity of condition.
FIBROMYALGIA (see fibromyositis) 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until symptoms
abate then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 6-12 months.
FIBROMYOSITIS (fibromyalgia), usually virus 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until pain
is gone then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until asymptomatic (3 to 12 months).
FOLLICULITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. GS to scalp, let stand at least 20 minutes
before shampooing. Treat every day.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

GANGRENE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID. Apply GS to area including tissue adjoining
BID. Cayenne capsules - 3 TID.
to vaginal mucosa every other day. Douche - 1 part H2O2 in 2 parts H2O every other day
when not using GS.
GARRE'S DISEASE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day.
GASTRITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver 1 ounce water BID -empty stomach.
GINGIVITIS (usually a staph infection), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver in 2 ounces of water,
use as a mouth wash, then swallow, BID. Apply GS BID until cleared.
GLUTITIS (usually virus), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until clear.
GNATHITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.
GONORRHEA, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day until smears negative (female- 3 successive negatives).
GRANCHER'S DISEASE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 12 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day syn: splenopneumonia.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

HEPATITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 24 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day until testing negative (90 to 180 days).
HEPATITIS C, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 30 days. If symptoms improve,
continue for 90 to 180 days. If not asymptomatic after 180 days, IV Colloidal Silver might
be necessary.
HEPATONEPHRITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 60 days. Drink 2 liters of
water per day; also drink 4 ounces of cranberry juice BID.
HERPANGINA, labialis, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. GS topically to cold sore.
Ocular (if nerves have been severely damaged, will not help pain) 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID, also 2 or 3 drops, full strength, in eye (s) BID 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per
day. Pracputialis, apply GS topically BID, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. NOTE: a strain
of coxsackie virus.
HODGKIN'S DISEASE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID for 16 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS
topically BID.
HUNTINGTON CHOREA, (disease), Colloidal Silver as an infection preventative 1/4
ounce per day, increase to 1/4 ounce TID if infected. IV Colloidal Silver may be necessary.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

ICHTHYOSIS, congenita, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. BID.NOTE: Also dose
patient with Standard Process CATAPLEX-D: 6 Tabs TID, syn: fetalis, hystrix.
IMPETIGO, CONTAGIOSA (staph or strep infection), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.
Apply GS topically BID. NOTE: patient should be isolated, hygiene extremely important.
INFLUENZA, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 2 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
BID until asymptomatic.
INSULITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day.
INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/8 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID. NOTE: Dose with 4,400 mg MSM plus 2 liters of distilled water
ISTHMITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver in 1 ounce of water, gargle then swallow BID.
ITCH, barber's (fungus), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS topically BID. jock
see: barber's, syn: dhobie.
IXOMYELITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver
JAUNDICE, infectious, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID. NOTE: All other types of jaundice do not respond to Colloidal Silver

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

KALA-AZAR (sandfly protozoan infection) Attacks Liver and Spleen 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver TID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID OR 4 cc. per 40 lb. of body
weight, every 48 hours AND 1/4 ounce per day orally.
KAPOSI'S SARCOMA, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID, GS topically TID.
LARYNGITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
LETTERER-SIWE DISEASE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS topically to lesions BID.
LUPUS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 24 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver
BID. Apply SC topically on skin lesions BID. We have seen dramatic improvement in
these patients with Ag-therapy. Most patients have systemic virus.
LYME DISEASE, LYME ARTHRITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 30 days, if
improvement noted then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 60 days. If not asymptomatic
IV Colloidal Silver recommended.
LYMPHANGITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.
Do not use without your physician's advice

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

MARBURG VIRUS DISEASE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID and 4 cc per 40 lbs. body weight IV, every 48 hours. Found in lab
workers handling tissues and cell cultures from African green monkeys. One fourth die
between eight and sixteenth day of illness if not treated.
MASTITIS (all types), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID. Apply GS topically to nipple BID or TID.
MASTOIDITIS, SURGERY, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day.
MEASLES (Rubella virus), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 6 days then 1/8 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID. GS topically to eruptions BID. Above prevents complications ?
encephalitis, bronchopneumonia, etc.
MELANOMA (nonmalignant), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS topically
BID.Do not use for longer than 4 days without your physician's advice
MENINGITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
BID per day.Do not use without your physician's advice
MENINGOENCEPHALITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID and 4cc per 40 lbs. body
weight, IV, every 48 hours.Do not use for longer than 4
days without your physician's advice
MONONUCLEOSIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 16 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID for 60 days.
MUCOCUTANEOUS LYMPH NODE SYNDROME, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day
for 24 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 24 days.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (usually a virus), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 8 days then
1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8
days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 24 days. NOTE: When infection is cleared
the further destruction of myelin sheath may continue. Many physicians have had success
with apitherapy (bee venom) in 60% of cases.
MUMPS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per
day until asymptomatic.
MYCOSIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS topically BID.
MYELITIS, Start with low doses, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 7 days then 1/8
ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 7 days.
MYOCARDITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day.


BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.
Do not use without your physician's advice

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

NASITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day.
NEPHRITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
BID for 12 days then 1/4 ounce per day until cleared. Drink 2 liters of distilled water per
day and 2-4 ounce glasses of cranberry juice. Standard process arginex x3 BID and a mild
herbal diuretic.
NEURODERMATITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS topically where
indicated BID.
NOCARDIOSIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID (may require treatment for 3 or 4 months).

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.
Do not use without your physician's advice

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

ONYCHITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day, GS topically to nail-bed BID.
OOPHORITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID.
ORCHITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID 8 to 12 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day.
OSTEOMYELITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 to 8 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day. NOTE: aspirate abscesses.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.
Do not use without your physician's advice

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

PAGET'S DISEASE (syn - Osteitis deformans), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days
then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day.
PANCREATITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day.
PANENCEPHALITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 24 days then 1/8 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID.
PAPILLOMA, LARYNGEAL (virus) - remove tumors surgically, 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID for 24 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day.
PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/4
ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. NOTE: cure
is judged by negative culture of cervix and vagina
PERICARDITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day.
PERITONITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID while infection lasts.
PERTUSSIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day for duration of symptoms.
PHARYNGITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver in 3 oz. of water, gargle and then swallow,
PHLEBITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per
day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.
PITYRIASIS (all types), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. Apply GS topically to lesions
and scales. capitis see ? dandruff
PLAGUE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID until symptoms are under control then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day. NOTE: Also use streptomycin or tetracycline.
POST VIRAL FATIGUE SYNDROME, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 48 to 96 days.
There are cases when virus still present systemically.
PROSTATITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID till symptoms relieved then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver daily till clear.
PRURIGO, -agria, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day in child, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day in adult. Apply GS topically BID. -raitis, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 24
days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS topically BID. -nodularis, 1/4
ounce Colloidal Silver per day. GS topically BID.
PYELONEPHRITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day.
PHYODERMATITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.
PSORIASIS (infectious), 1/8 ounce BID to 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID depending on
severity of condition. GS topically BID. Always suspect infections, often environmental
factors irritate the infection causing a belief that outbreak is from the environment.
PURPURA - allergic, bacterial, or Schonlein-Henoch (vasculitis), 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID. Apply GS topically BID.

BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.
Do not use without your physician's advice

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

RELAPSING FEVER, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day. NOTE: tetracycline effective.
RHINITIS, 1/8 ounce BID or 1/4 ounce BID Colloidal Silver (depending on severity) for 8
days, then reduce dosage to 1/8 ounce BID daily until symptoms resolve. Apply GS
topically in nostrils BID
RINGWORM (fungus), apply GS topically TID. Works quickly.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then
1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID.
SALPINGITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID.
SANDFLY FEVER, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day.
SCRUB TYPHUS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day.
SCLERODERMA, -capiti - see dandruff, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID 16 to 32 days
then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS BID 1 hour before washing hair. -
congestive, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. Apply GS topically BID. -corporis, 1/8
ounce Colloidal Silver BID. Apply GS topically BID. ?facici, see congestive. -sicca, see
SEPTICEMIA, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
BID for 3 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day. -fungal, start with low dose 1/8
ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 5 days.
SHINGLES, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 16 days until asymptomatic. Apply GS
topically BID around pain area.
SINUSITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID first day then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID
until clear then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver daily for 7 to 14 days. Also irrigate BID with 1/4
ounce Colloidal Silver in 4 ounces of distilled water for nasal irrigation.
SJOGREN'S SYNDROME (systemic virus), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID or 8 days then
1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until muscle pains are gone then 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day for 48 to 72 days (longer if indicated). NOTE: Standard Process nutrition
Fen-Grc - 3 BID will lower viscosity of, and increase production of, saliva. This is a highly
effective treatment.
SPRUE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day
for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until asymptomatic.
STREPTICEMIA, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID for 6 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 16 days then 1/8 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID.
SUNBURN, Apply GS topically where needed BID.
SURGERY, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID to prevent infection. Start dose 10 days before
scheduled surgery, continue dose post-op for 12 days. Apply GS topically BID until are is
SYPHILIS, syphilis is on the increase all over the world. Penicillin is the treatment of
choice for all types and stages. If patient is allergic to Penicillin, oxytetracycline,
chlortetracycline or erythromycin can be substituted. Some individuals are allergic to all
anti-biotics, and at the present rate of pathogen mutation, the treponema pallidum
spirochete causing syphilis could produce a mutation resistant to anti-biotics. The
following suggested protocol is for all stages of Syphilis?1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver QID
for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 16 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver
per day until testing negative.


BID Twice daily - a.m. and p.m.
TID Three times daily - a.m., noon and p.m.
QID Four times daily - a.m., noon, p.m. and before bedtime.
Do not use without your physician's advice

1/4 ounce = 7.0 grams OnlineConversion

TELANGITIS, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID until clear.
THROMBOSIS, Dose patient scheduled for surgery with butcher's broom (l., aculeatus
ruscus) 2 capsules BID for 14 plus days before procedure to reduce post-op thrombosis
from 32 plus percent to under 3 percent. If infection is present with thrombosis 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver BID until infection cleared.
TONSILLITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver QID until clear.
TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME (Staph infection toxins), 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID
for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until asymptomatic. NOTE: Douche
daily with 1 part H202 to 2 parts H20.
TRACHELITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 8 days then 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver BID until asymptomatic.
TRENCH FEVER, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for 8 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day.
TUBERCULOSIS, Mutated tuberculosis micro-organisms are resistant to anti-biotics, or
are immune to them. Mutations do not seem to change the efficacy of Colloidal Silver
therapy. 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver QID for 4 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver BID for
20 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until testing negative.
UNDULANT FEVER, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until infection gone
VAGINITIS, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver per day until pain gone then 1/8 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day until symptoms completely resolve.
VERRUCA (warts), -acuminata, 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver BID. Apply GS topically BID
or TID.
WEIL'S DISEASE, 1/4 ounce Colloidal Silver TID for 16 days then 1/4 ounce Colloidal
Silver per day until asymptomatic.
ZYGOMYCOSIS (fungus), 1/8 ounce Colloidal Silver per day for 7 days then 1/4 ounce
Colloidal Silver per day until asymptomatic.

Mild silver protein MSP is an inhibitor and killer of bacteria, viruses and general infections. Yet MSP has been shown to be very safe in therapeutic doses with no toxicity or contraindications. MSP can be used to help treat all the following conditions; general infections, thrush, common colds (including flu), viral infections, Staph infections, E.coli infections, intestinal infections, sinus infections, leukemia, HIV, Lyme disease, herpes, gingivitis, vaginal infection, food poisoning and skin wounds or disorders. Silver is an age-old infection fighter and known to kill over 650 different viruses, bacteria and germs (compare that with an antibiotic that maybe kills 12). Hence the old saying born with a silver spoon in his mouth which means deriving from a rich family. But the real reason why rich people fed their children food on silver spoons is because they knew that an infection can't survive on silver!

Doses for the treatment of some of the above mentioned conditions are:
For oral use, take 1/4 ounce 3 times daily by rinsing the mouth and swallowing do not use
for longer than 7 days without your physician's advice.

For vaginal infection use 1/2 ounce twice daily and douche. Do not use for longer than 4
days without your physician's advice.

For topical infection, apply the gel liberally, 3 times daily. Do not use for longer than 7
days without your physician's advice.

For mouth, throat, ear or nose infection, the spray can be applied (each spray is 22.5mcg) several times a day to the affected area. Do not use for longer than 7 days without your physicians advice.
For general preventative purposes, the use of 1/4 ounce of Oral MSP as a mouth wash, (rinse and swallow) 2-3 times a week may provide considerable protection (a measuring cup is provided with the bottle). Several drops can also be added to a water pick for effective cleansing and protection.
MSP is also known to be effective if taken immediately at the onset of the common cold, but it is not effective once the cold has set in. However, Oral MSP is effective with most flu varieties after the flu has set in. In both cases, Oral MSP works better if taken as a preventive, or at the very first signs of symptoms.
The use of a topical MSP at the first sign of a cut, bruise or scrap will ensure that the wound heals much faster and help prevent further infection. There is virtually no end to the potential uses of MSP to help fight and treat injection of the
sinuses (ears, nose and throat), skin and internal injections, silver is nature's antibiotic.

How is silver used today in medical applications?

Typical Intestinal Worms
The W.H.O. say that 1 in 3 people in the Modern World suffer from some sort of Parasite Infestation, from intestinal worms to more insidious creatures that burrow and live in our organs. They are easily contracted by contact with pets and contact with people who have pets.
Infestations mostly go un-diagnosed as many Doctors insist that this is a Third World problem and do not accept that it exists in developed countries.

The problems are not usually caused by the parasite itself causing damage, but by their toxic waste products (excreta), from eating either you or your food. Because of this the symptoms are varied and range from just feeling "under the weather &
out of sorts" or tired, to being depressed or constantly ill and never being able to pin it down.
In tropical Africa, more people die from malaria than from any other disease. This section therefore focusses specifically upon malaria, although the advice for treatment advocated for malaria may apply to fevers in general; measles, typhoid, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, mumps, rubella, scarlet fever, streptococcal sore throat, etc. As can be noted in the section on Results, many of the service groups in Africa had very positive results in treating malaria. Results for other types of fever and infectious diseases are not so abundant, and so we are still exploring with them. The advice on treatment for malaria
can be applied to other types of fever, and also to many other types of diseases. This treatment is safe, non-toxic and eco-friendly, and has been provided free of charge by our service groups in Africa. We make no claim for healing effectiveness. For some types of illness the treatment is ineffective. Such treatment should not bypass consultation with a doctor, although as recorded in the Results section, many doctors have been impressed by the treatment and are now supportive of and most interested in it. We feel however that our research has now reached the point where it justifies a more scientific medical assessment of the healing value of this treatment for a broad range of fevers and infectious diseases. We feel that the advice given for malaria may apply to fevers in general, (not as an alternative, but as a supplement for medical treatment).
More people in First World countries are now dying from malaria, which is principally a
Third World disease. The UN's World Health Organisation (WHO) has an annual research
budget of only $5 million for malaria. Drug companies estimate that a new drug would cost
about $100 million to research, test and register and, since no Third World country could
afford to buy it, it is not profitable to develop it. Consequently First World tourists are still
using Chloroquine and Malopim on their exotic travels --- and risk encountering
mosquitoes which are now resistant to them. Malaria is one of the world's major problems -
-- but gets overshadowed by diseases which are far more prevalent in First World countries
(such as heart attacks). Malaria has killed more Australian soldiers this century than have
been killed in action in Asian/Pacific campaigns. Now First World civilians are being
exposed to it.

In recent years numerous reports have come in that malaria is reaching plague proportions
in Third World nations, especially in tropical Africa. It is in countries such as in Africa,
therefore, that we need to make a firm stand in effectively treating malaria.
We need therefore to urgently test the effectiveness of the zapper and colloidal silver to
treat malaria when used separately, and also when used together. Most service groups find
that optimum results come from using the zapper and colloidal silver together.
Treatment for Malaria and Fevers Generally
Recommended treatment for malaria and fevers involves;
a) Colloidal Silver.
Daily dosage of 5mls of colloidal silver prepared using distilled water, and electrolysing
the solution until the milliampmeter reading after stirring equals 1.0 mAmp. This solution
would be equivalent to approximately 5 or 6 ppm silver. (See preparation instructions for
colloidal silver). Colloidal silver is then stored in a dark bottle in a cool dark place away
from light, and electrical and magnetic fields. Never permit the colloidal silver solution to
come into contact with metal, which will deionise it. Administer a dose using a plastic
spoon or glass dropper. It is best to receive the colloidal silver with a dry mouth which
provides the optimal condition for adsorption (that is no drinking for a few hours before
receiving colloidal silver). The patient receives the colloidal silver sublingually (under the
tongue) and holds it there for a minute without swallowing. A child receives
proportionately a smaller dose compared with the child's weight. In cases of acute fever, up
to 5 doses may be given in a single day; do not give separate doses together, but wait a
minute before giving a subsequent dose and repeat until 5 doses have been given. Once
fever subsides, dosage to go back to 5 mls daily.

Extracts from reader?s letters to NZ author Max Crarer.
We hear a lot of tripe about no cure for flu. Tell that to anyone who uses Colloidal Silver. In the three years I have been using it I?ve never had so much as a sniffle. I also had Conjunctivitis that used to laugh at antibiotics. A friend sprayed some Colloidal Silver three times in half an hour and my eyes became brand new. Just magic!

Max Crarer author.

My two very old Yorkshire Terriers have had sore eyes for 3½ years . I have been to
several different vets including an eye specialist for animals and used dozens of little tubes
of eye ointments with no results from any of them. Since I have used Colloidal Silver they
have cleared up with no more pus. Unbelievable after all the stuff I?ve put in them before.

Well I took some of your Colloidal Silver and found I could get out of a chair or do
gardening without pain. It seems silly but I tried to remember today when I was last
without pain. It just becomes part of your life. So how can I thank you for what you have

My son Scotty had has had badly inflamed Eczema around his mouth but the Silver
cleared it up right away.

My spine and other moving parts of my body are so much more mobile and less painful. I
thank God he directed me to you.

Colloidal Silver is very good alright. helped everything I?ve used it for.

A minute ago I used the peak flow meter to measure my lung function and obtained a
reading of 330 l/m, already a major improvement from the 250 l/m, and after just two
weeks of Colloidal Silver.

Recently I had a dental X-ray and was told that I would have to have a root canal filling. I
quickly took Colloidal Silver and the dentist was very surprised when he saw the abscess
receding. Thank you for everything.

My Dad arrived with a new thing, Colloidal Silver. I tried it. Next morning my mastitis
was gone. My breast was not red or swollen. During this bout of mastitis I had to use hot
compresses to get even one drop of milk from my right breast, but my milk was free
flowing and I felt great.

After years of adverse reactions to Contact Lenses and having eye infections which
prescriptions didn?t solve, my eyes are now snowy white.

Colloidal Silver eased my eyes, even after the first use.

Throughout my life I have suffered with Colds, Flu and Ear infections. No prescribed
medicines have worked for me. Since taking Colloidal Silver I am a much healthier and
energetic person and able to work like never before.

The Psoriasis has faded. I don?t seem to be so tired either.

My daughter?s two biggest Warts have gone. I personally have been feeling much
healthier overall.

My Cystitis has been cured by Colloidal Silver. A friend?s terrible Catarrh type Sinus has
vanished. Colloidal Silver can perform miracles

The Sun Blemish on the back of my hand has cleared so dramatically that it is less than a
quarter of its size before I began putting Colloidal Silver on it each day. Great stuff eh??

From Everything You Need To Know About Colloidal Silver? by Max Crarer

Colloidal Silver Generators.