Stainless Steel Magnetic Hematite Bracelets
Many studies have shown that
magnets are an effective, drug-free way
to reduce pain from arthritis, carpal tunnel
syndrome, sore joints and muscles and reduce
high blood pressure.
It is said to maintain the natural charge of the nerve cells,
thus reducing pain, increase the healing process, boost the immune
system and improve quality of sleep. Magnets help relieve pain
from ailments of the hands, wrists, and fingers, as well as pain
in the neck, back, and hips, and generally enhance physical energy
and vitality. It also is reported to help tension headaches and
light migraines. In some circumstances, people have noticed a
difference within 24 hours of wearing these.

"Hematite helps to absorb
negative energy and calms in
times of stress or worry. Hematite
is a very protective stone and
is great to carry to help you
stay grounded in many situations.
Hematite is also good for working
with the Root Chakra, helping
to transform negative energies
into a more positive vibration.
Those in relationships can benefit
from the cooperation vibe coming
from Hematite.
Hematite can help one to find
their own, unique gifts and to
release self-imposed limitations,
while still maintaining a healthy
amount of self-control. Hematite
aids in the Ascension process,
by facilitating the integration
of higher spiritual energies
into our physical 3-D existence.
This allows those who are doing
spiritual work to still be able
to function in the physical world
and relate to others.
Carry Hematite when in need
of balance and equilibrium, or
when having difficulty focusing
energies. Hematite is also said
to be useful in legal situations,
and is thought to strengthen
self-confidence. Meditation with
Hematite can integrate the higher
energies of the spirit into the
physical 3D world.
Physically, Hematite is also
used to protect against geopathic
stress and electromagnetic smog,
and is said to be a great detoxifying
stone, helpful for the liver
and the blood. "
Hematite magnetic bracelets
posses their own therapeutic qualities
and are totally hypoallergenic, this makes
a hematite magnetic bracelet an ideal gift
for people whom are searching to get natural
recovery alternatives.Hematite magnetic
bracelet is considered to be in close associate
to blood due to it's iron substances.Hematite
magnetic bracelet can aid the kidney's
blood for detoxification purpose, accelerate
tissue regeneration and help with the entire
health within the blood, hence can certainly
help with the overall health and energy
quantity of a human body.
In 1974, R. Blakemore at
the University of New Hampshire uncovered
that certain species of fresh water bacteria
creates within their single-celled bodies
nearly two-dozen pure cubical crystals
of magnetite as they grow. Like pearls
on a string, these magnetic crystals are
oriented along the axis of the bacterium.
By some evolutionary process primitive
organisms somehow grew a single crystal
of magnetite, perhaps as a byproduct of
ingestion. As these crystals accumulated
in the host, it became more efficient in
finding its way to new locations rather
than being lost in the dark. It is considered
that these lowly bacteria managed to discover
a bio-magnetic compass about 3 billion
years ago. (Ref = Sci Am, 245, p. 58 1981)
Using these magnetic clues,
scientists have examined many different
organisms under the microscope, and many
have been found to have some form of magnetite
embedded in them. Results indicate bio-magnetic
materials are found in homing pigeons,
tuna, honey bees, dolphins, whales and
green turtles. It is well known that homing-pigeon
rallies are note held during times when
geo-magnetic conditions are not stable.
But how does an organism
'sense' which direction magnetite crystals
are pointing inside them? How do you know
which way? The most telling examples seem
to be found in mammals. In 1982 an article
in Science magazine called "Magnetic
Navigation, an Attractive Possibility',
by Maugh (Science 215, 1492.) explains
how microscopic examination of the magnetite
crystals turned up some forms of "nervous
tissue". A book by Kirchvink, Jones
and Mac Fadden was written on "Magnetite
Biomineralization and Magnetoreception
in Organisms (Plennum Press, NY, 1985).
Further, in 1983 Baker, Mather
and Kennaugh of the University of Manchester
discovered "Magnetic bones in human
sinuses" as documented in their Science
journal article (301, p. 78). These are
where the considerations for hematite as
a magnetic equalizer and stabilizer have
been considered science. Humans may be
able to support their bio-magnetic balancing
act with the help of hematite magnets as
magnetic compasses that balance our central
nervous system and support the healing
The magnetic qualities and
beauty of hematite have made it a natural
bio-magnetic substance for magnetic therapy
jewelry, including magnetic hematite bracelets
and magnetic hematite necklaces
Hematite has been acknowledged
for helping with grounding one’s
energies, as well as for manifestation
of upper light energies on the earth plane.
Hematite is said to assist cultivate inner
Stainless Steel Magnetic Hematite Bracelets
approx 2.5-3.0 Gauss