The human body is a network of different
forms of energy. It is this system of energy that sustains
the physical body. Each living cell in the body emits
electromagnetic radiation. All life is energy. Every
nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Every
cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90
millivolts – when healthy.

The Nature of Energy
All of the energy that we normally think of
is characterized by both particle and wavelike properties.
The waveform of all these energies can be graphed as
a hertzian wave (either in the form of a sine wave or
a step wave).We're talking about everything from electricity
to magnetism, from light to sound. The only difference
between all of these forms of energy is how fast the
waves rise and fall (the frequency) and how intense those
rises and falls are (their amplitude).
Energy for Peak Performance with Scalar Energy”,
written by Dr. Siva Poobalasingam MD and Nisha Lakshmanan MA
Understand, scalar energy has always existed – since
the beginning of time – however, it's only recently
that scientists have discovered and begun to make use
of it. The standard definition of scalar waves is that
they are created by a pair of identical (or replicant)
waves (usually called the wave and its antiwave) that
are in phase spatially, but out of phase temporally.
That is to say, the two waves are physically identical,
but 180 0 out of phase in terms of time. The net result
is that scalar waves are a whole different animal from
normal hertzian waves. They even look different – like
an infinitely projected mobius pattern on axis.
"Electric power is everywhere present
in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's
machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or
any other of the common fuels." Nikola Tesla |
"So the layman will need to understand that there
is a new kind of electromagnetic energy that is altogether
different from what he knows, e.g. radio, TV, cell phones,
etc. The ordinary EM waves that we have known about are
called transverse EM waves, to distinguish them from
the new longitudinal EM waves. These scalar waves do
not actually exist in our "material" world,
but exist only in the vacuum of empty space, or the time
domain. And we must keep in mind that this vacuum of
space we speak of exists all through everything. Even
our bodies are mostly empty space between atoms and molecules.
So the gateway to this seething ocean of energy can be
there at every point in the universe. This seething ocean
of energy is all around us and all through us."
"In recent years Harold Puthoff been popularising
the zero point energy from the vacuum from his
discoveries of quantum science. Although seemingly
and revolutionary to modern science, this zero
point energy has been discovered many times before
and has been given many names such as Orgone energy
(Wilhelm Reich) and Tachyon energy. This energy
has been known to mankind since time memorial,
the ancients called it ‘Chi’ (Chinese), ‘Ki’ (Japanese)
or Prana (Indian). Modern day science is just catching
up with ancient wisdom and rediscovering it as
zero point energy. Let’s call it the energy
of life, as Wilhelm Reich discovered it, it’s
the energy that animates and gives life to every
living specie on earth, whether it be plant,
animal or human." source |
Quantum Energy Pendant is made from natural minerals
that are fused and structurally bonded together at a
molecular level. It produces scalar energy that helps
to enhance the body’s biofield. The Nano Energy
Pendant promotes positive flow of energy and helps to
maintain energy balance. It helps to restore energy that
has become weak in the body. By restoring the energy
balance in the body this pendant helps one to maintain
health and well-being.
Tony Robbins Uses a Quantum
Energy Pendant!
“As a speaker, I’m often on stage
for 12 hours or more a day. Three-and-a-half
years ago, Dr. Herb Ross found that the electromagnetic
fields (EMF) emitted by my wireless headset were
creating a physical weakness in my body. When
I began utilizing the energy pendant, I noticed
an immediate recovery in my muscle strength and
a counteracting of the negative effects from
the headset’s low frequency waves. I have
certainly benefited from the energy pendant.”
Anthony Robbins, author of ‘Awaken the
Giant Within’ and other books.
Energy Healing
Point Wand
With free
leather case
Point Wand
Friends and Family Pack- 4 Wands
Point Energy Wand
Energy Water Flask
Energy Water Flask
Family Pack 3 units
Replacement Cartridge
This is the replacement cartridge
that goes in the Water Flask, once the original
wears out. The cartridge should last one year if
directions are followed.
Energy Water flask