"As far back as 47 AD Scribonius Largus was credited with
inventing electrotherapy, first using it on headaches and then
treating gout with shocks from a live black torpedo fish. A great
deal of the efficacy of his treatment for gout could have been
attributed to the numbing which temporarily relieved the pain but
it is more probable that the brief shock of electricity enabled
the breaking down of uric acid crystals which would then be swiftly
eliminated by increased blood flow. In the 18th Century there was
a wave of enthusiasm for electrotherapy claiming cures for paralysis,
apoplexy, rheumatism and nervous disorders.
And then came Bob Beck, a highly respected research physicist who went
on to experiment with purifying the blood by electrification and was
astonished to find that it could kill all known viruses, including
HIV. He and many researchers proved that any disease caused by a virus
could be cured in this way, if the protocol is followed properly, including,
Hepatitis A and B, Herpes B, rheumatoid arthritis, prostate cancer,
cervical cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome as well as HIV."
How Does the
Bob Beck Protocol Work
This is well worth watching
The reason the Bob Beck Protocol is so superior
to many other electromedicine treatments is that it is the
direct result of an incredible discovery in medicine.
Two medical doctors, Dr. Kaali and Dr. Lyman, discovered,
in 1990, that a small electric current could disable microbes
from being able to multiply, thus rendering them harmless.
It was, in fact, the greatest medical discovery in the history
of medicine because virtually all diseases are caused by, or
enhanced by, a microbe. Their discovery was a cure for almost
every disease known to mankind.
But unlike the discoveries of Dr. Royal Rife; the Dr. Kaali
and Dr. Lyman discoveries have not been lost to science. In
fact, details of their discovery are very, very well preserved
and protected.
However, even though the technology is very well documented,
orthodox medicine is not interested in their discovery. Orthodox
medicine is interested in "treatments," not "cures," because "treating" a
person is far, far more profitable than "curing" them.
As Dr. Bob Beck used to say: "a patient cured is a customer
What the Bob Beck Protocol does is disable from multiplying,
every microbe in your body. When a microbe that is in the bloodstream
is disabled, the body will remove it. For many diseases that
is often all that is required .
Okay we have read this in many of these
newsletters eg:
What the Bob Beck Protocol does is disable from multiplying,
every microbe in your body. When a microbe that is in the bloodstream
is disabled, the body will remove it. For many diseases that
is all that is required for a cure.
So How do you use this
Dear Mr FDA man these are some suggestions made by
users and Dr Beck Himself, please
dont shoot
us :(
Taking vitamins: the FDA's raids on promoters of dietary
supplements seem designed to keep consumers in the dark
- Food
and Drug Administration |
The Bob Beck Protocol
includes four independent treatments, all
of which are designed to do one thing - disable microbes
in the body (i.e. stop their ability to reproduce) or kill
them (in the case of colloidal
silver and to a lesser degree ozonated

Blood Electrification
This treatment disables microbes as they
float through the bloodstream. This is an important part of
the protocol, even though most cancer cells, which contain
many of the microbes that need to be disabled, do not float
around in the blood.

Once the microbes are disabled, they are harmless and the
body will eventually excrete them.
#1:How to use Blood Purifier or Blood Electrification in
the Bob beck orotocol
Sciences Electroporation:
a general phenomenon for manipulating cells and tissues.
Pulsed Magnetic Fields (i.e.
Magnetic Pulser)
The purpose of this treatment is to disable
microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream, but
are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph system, the
stomach area, etc. This is a very important part of the protocol
, because to supercharge the immune system all of the microbes
outside of the Dis-eased cells need to be attenuated!!
Article #2:How
to use Pulsed Kilogauss Magnetic Fields (i.e. Magnetic Pulser)

Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver is an antimicrobial nutrient
and is perfectly safe for humans, pets and plants. If the colloidal
silver is absorbed by a cancer cell, it will probably kill
the microbe inside the cell, thus allowing the cell to revert
back into a normal cell. However, its main purpose is to kill
the microbes in the blood and most of those in hiding.
Article #3:How to use
Colloidal Silver in the Bob Beck protocol

Drinking Ozonated Water or Ozonated
Ozone is well-known for killing microbes and killing Dis-eased cells.
The only thing that is not known is whether there is enough ozone in
the water to kill the cells or the microbes inside the dis-eased cells.
However, like the colloidal silver, it is designed to kill the microbes
in the blood and those in hiding.
If you have root canals, it is important to let some of the
ozonated water sit inside the mouth. In other words, fill the
mouth with ozonated water two or three times per treatment,
then let it sit in the mouth covering your root canal teeth
(for a couple of minutes each time). In this way some of the
ozonated water will get inside the root canal teeth and kill
some microbes inside the root canal teeth and be a catalyst
for the Magnetic Pulser inside the teeth.
Since killing Dis-eased cells can create inflammation, swelling
and congestion, if you start to get inflammation, swelling
or congestion during this treatment (which becomes dangerous),
stop using the ozonated water and continue with the other items
which cannot kill dis-eased cells.
The official main purpose of the ozonated water is to detoxify
the body.
#4: How to use Ozonated Water
of the Order of Taking These Things
Standard Warning
It should be understood
that the Bob Beck Protocol should NEVER be mixed
with any other alternative cancer treatment (except
food-based treatments such as the Budwig Diet)
unless the patient is an advanced state and the
family feels that taking some risks is worth the
extra speed gained by mixing the treatments!!
1) NO orthodox cancer treatments
2) NO other alternative cancer treatments (see above),
3) NO prescription drugs (see above),
4) NO pain killers,
5) NO blood thinners (e.g. Coumadin),
6) NO herbs (including NO seasonings),
7) NO garlic or anything closely related to garlic!! (especially
no garlic)
8) NO strong over-the-counter medications (e.g. no aspirin, no
9) NO vitamins (especially no vitamin A),
10) NO supplements, including NO enzymes,
11) NO alcohol, "recreational" drugs, coffee, tea, etc.,
12) NO smoking,
13) NOT for pregnant women,
14) NOT for those with pacemakers,
15) etc. etc. |
It is important NOT to use the Magnetic Pulser
at the same time as the Blood Electrification equipment. The
Magnetic Pulser could damage the Blood Electrification equipment.
It would be best to use the Magnetic Pulser before using the
Blood Electrification equipment. The reason is that the Magnetic
Pulser may break apart colonies of microbes and release them
into the bloodstream where the Blood Electrification equipment
can disable them.
The Blood Electrification treatment should be started about 15
to 30 minutes after the end of the Magnetic Pulser.
Again, they should NOT be used at the same time.
It would be wise to take the colloidal silver about 15
minutes after finishing the two electromedicine treatments.
The reason is that the electromedicine items will "open
up" the cells and any colloidal silver in the bloodstream
may go inside of non-Diseased cells. This will not create
any kind of danger, but it is best to maximize the amount
of colloidal silver available to go inside of Dis-easedcells
when any serious side-effects are noticed, the treatment
should be stopped immediately and started over again from
the beginning, using a "smaller and slower buildup" (i.e.
the build-up doses should be smaller and the build-up times
should be longer). The reason for stopping the treatment
and starting over has to do with your key organs, especially
your liver and kidney.
Beck Protocol Tools