The discovery and naming of ozone
is attributed to Christian Friedrich Schonbein
in 1840. Its value in medicine was debated for
many decades and references to its use were sporadic.
Dr. Albert Wolf, a German physician wrote in
1915. "As regards the medical usability
of ozone, the viewpoint of experimental science
may be considered as being in direct opposition
to the practical experiences gained by industry." He
used ozone successfully in the treatment of decubitus
ulcers. During the First World War (1915) ozone
gas was used to purify the drinking water of
major cities since 1901. The first was Vienna
and the most recent was Los Angeles. It does
not give water the disagreeable taste that chlorine
does. Although many authorities refer to it as
poisonous and a hazard to life, like anything
else on this planet, if used properly it is beneficial
- in fact life would become extinct without ozone
in our atmosphere.

Ozone is 3 atoms of oxygen bound
together instead of the normal 2. It is created
artificially as the result of ultraviolet light
acting on oxygen to break up and recombine as
threesomes. Ozone destroys algae, viruses, bacteria,
and fungi on contact and it breaks down harmful
chemicals into simpler less damaging molecules.
Ozone kills microorganisms by rupturing their
cell walls. Healthy cells are not damaged
because of their self protective mechanisms.
Ozone is Oxygen. We breath in O2
oxygen from the air around us. Ozone is O3, so
it has an extra electron looking to pair itself.
This unstable electron is what makes ozone a
wonderful Cleanser. When we have a Lightening
storm Ozone is created in the atmosphere and
Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is created in the water.
They both will return O2 and H20 and at the same
time Cleanse the the earth.
"Many scientists were stunned recently
when it was revealed that air bubbles trapped
in fossilized amber had been analyzed and found
to contain oxygen levels of 38%. Yet today
it is well known that the average oxygen content
of air is only about 19%. In other words, since
the early history of the earth, it appears
there has been an estimated 50% drop in the
average oxygen content of air we breathe!"
A new study revealed that only the relatively
low current oxygen level impedes insects to
gain huge proportions. "The study adds
support to the theory that some insects were
much larger during the late Paleozoic period
because they had a much richer oxygen supply," said
Alexander Kaiser, insect physiologist at Midwestern
University, Glendale, Arizona
Depending on its oxygen content, blood
is either oxygenated
( = blood enriched with oxygen) or deoxygenated. Oxygenated
blood is bright red whereas deoxygenated blood is dull
red |
Oxygenated |
low Blood Oxygen |
Dr Otto Warburg, twice Nobel Laureate,
is credited with proving that cancer cells
cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. “Cancer,
above all diseases, has countless secondary
causes, but there is only one prime cause:
anaerobic respiration”.
In other words, lack of oxygen in
the body at cellular level makes it
more conducive for cancer cells to
grow. Dr Warburg stated that when there
is insufficient oxygen for normal aerobic
respiration, cells go into “fermentation
mode”. Cells grow out of control,
becoming cancerous. Further research
proved that this can be reversed by
saturating the cells with oxygen
more: |

Health is dependent almost entirely
upon a pure, healthy blood and general humoral
circulation. Every organ, nerve, tissue and cell
depends on vital blood and humoral fluid for
nourishment and elimination of wastes. When these
vital fluids are impaired, the system begins
a general degeneration and alteration from the
norm. The object of respiration is to bring atmospheric
oxygen in close relationship with the hemoglobin
of the blood and permit the interchange of oxygen
with carbon dioxide, thus eliminating this end
product of oxidation along with other products
in minute quantities. In the process of respiration,
waste products are exposed to the action of oxygen
and they are combusted, producing body heat.
In the living organism, heat is continually being
generated through the chemical action of oxygen
upon carbon. When the blood receives sufficient
oxygen to unite with the carbon, carbon dioxide
is formed, which is in a suitable state to be
eliminated. The process of oxidation is complete,
the body temperature is maintained at normal,
the organs perform their functions properly and
the system is in a condition to resist the influence
of microbes.
When, however, an insufficient amount of oxygen
is received by the blood, carbon is incompletely
burned, and carbon monoxide is produced. Through
its poisonous influence, the system becomes debilitated,
or 'run down.' Carbon monoxide is an irritant
to the nervous system, it attaches to the hemoglobin
in red blood cells, and it interferes with organ
functions. The body temperature is reduced below
normal which renders the system incapable of
resisting the influence of various bacteria,
viruses and yeast. Disease is the result. Subnormal
temperatures indicate under-oxidation, or hypoxia.
The under oxidized person will present a host
of symptoms: headache, backache, insomnia, vertigo,
constipation, asthenia, anemia, and non-specific
gastro-intestinal upsets. Under-oxidation renders
the system susceptible to a multiplicity of disorders,
which will worsen and become chronic over time.
Scientists long ago recognized the great oxidizing
and antiseptic properties of ozone,
Importance of Oxygen
Like oxygen, ozone is a healthful
gas. It has, however, much greater oxidizing,
antiseptic and germicidal power and for this
reason is being used with great success for the
relief of various diseases.
Oxygen is the most important substance
on earth, the most effective detox agent,
our best blood cleanser, antibiotic, and
immune system builder. Why wouldn't we
need more of it? The level of our oxygen
in the atmosphere is decreasing so are
we getting enough? |
Recently, the FDA and EPA have
been telling the public that ozone is poisonous,
and detrimental to the body. This is not so!
For years physicians around the world have used
ozone for bringing palliative and curative results
to many, many individuals: eg
Ozone is one of the most energetic
and useful agents known to science. Its therapeutic
action is due to oxygenation of the blood by
the loose molecule (free radical) of oxygen in
the O3 compound. It is carried to the various
organs and tissues of the body and absorbed,
thus oxidizing the waste products, and facilitating
their elimination. In other words, ozone increases
the metabolism without the expenditure of vital
energy and special stress should be laid on the
fact that ozone is a NATURAL remedy.
Dr. William Turska
The clinical thermometer is the best
means of determining the existence of under
oxidation and should be used routinely.
The temperature of one who is under oxidized
will be found to run from a fraction to
several degrees below normal. |
The under oxidized and subnormal temperature
person will present one of more of the following
symptoms: headache, dizziness, insomnia, constipation,
faint-feeling, loss of appetite, palpitation
of the heart, liver and kidney problems, menstrual
problems, cold hands and feet, anemia, gastrointestinal
problems, chlorosis, etc., all of which are due
to an impoverished blood supply.

The symptoms or conditions that rise from a
subnormal temperature are not necessarily in
proportion to the degree of subnormal temperature.
A person showing a fractional part of one degree
of subnormal temperature may present as severe
problems or conditions of disease as one who
is several degrees below normal.

A sufficiency of oxygen for the blood means
better blood, better circulation, better assimilation,
better equilibrium of body temperature, better
vasomotor activity, better digestion, better
elimination of waste products, less chance of
autointoxication or toxemia, and less chance
of infection and disease.
careful analytical investigation of disease,
it has been demonstrated:
1. That one of the most common important conditions
that the person is called upon to correct is
weakness produced by an impoverished or diminished
blood supply.
2. That under-oxidation produces bad health
primarily because of an insufficient supply of
oxygen that makes certain the formation of carbon
monoxide, which is at once a de-oxidizer, a hemoglobin
destroyer and an irritant poison devitalizing
the blood and paving the way for a multiplicity
of acute troubles, many of which run into chronicity.
It has been suggested that a subnormal temperature
may be a normal condition with some people. This
deduction can be disproved by placing anyone
with a subnormal temperature under active influence
of ozone and the temperature can be made to rise
back to normal.
Almost all forms of nervous, functional, respiratory
and blood disorders can be successfully corrected
by oxidation restoration. The effects are perfectly
natural, the nerves being left calm and toned
with a feeling of buoyancy and exhilaration.
It stimulates the vasomotor system through the
nerve centers, which fact is clearly shown in
the increased redness of the skin, a feeling
of warmth in the whole body, and waste products
being more freely eliminated. The ozone treatment
show that poor oxidation is the cause of many
disorders, by reason of the fact that when the
temperature is brought up to normal, the problems

Air Treatment-Kill Bacteria and Remove Pollen
Aquarium-Make Water Crystal Clear
Basement-Remove Mold and Odor
Bedding-Sanitize Bedding
Car and RV-Remove Odor 100% & Create Fresh Smell
Dental and Doctor Office & Clinics-Remove Biofilm, Sanitize
Air &water
Dentures & Tooth Brush-Disinfect
Fish Tank-Make Clear Crystal Water in Large or Small Fish Tank
Gargle-For Gum Health & To Prevent Bad Breath
Home-Air & Water Treatment
Hotel-Remove Odor, Sanitize Pillow, Sheets, Draperies
Kill Bacteria-in Water and Air
Kitchen Sterilization-Remove Food Odors such as Onion (No Burning
Eyes), Spices & Burnt Oil Odor
Sports Locker Room.
Mold-Kill and Remove Mold Odor
Office-Air treatment
Olive Oil-Add Ozone to Olive Oil (Natural Oil) for Lotion, Medical
and Dental Application
Remove Second Hand Smoke and Odors
Restaurants-Remove Cooking Oil Odors and Kill Bacteria, Refresh
Restroom-Refresh the Air and Remove the Odors Instantly
Pet Odor Removal
Smoke Removal-Remove Smoke and smoke order right away
Washing Feet with Ozonated Water-Kill Bacteria, Fungus & help
to heal the wound faster
Washing Fruit & Vegetable-Kill bacteria
Washing Baby Bottle-Sanitize baby bottle with ozonated water
And many more applications
Ozone in water as dilute as 1ug/ml is anti-microbial.
It increases the phagocytic (pathogen eating)
action of white blood cells. With the use of
it (usually injected) doctors in the U.S. and
Europe have reported 100's of cases of HIV blood
count reversal, loss of AIDS symptoms (Carpendale
et al. 1991), tumor shrinkage and dissappearance
and cure of systemic infections such as Hepatitis,
staphylococcal infection, and meningitis (Paulesu
et al. 1991, Rilling et al. 1986). While
using ozone therapy one should supplement with
vit E, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, and Selenium in order
to support the glutathione detoxification system.

Ozone activates both monocytes and lymphocytes.
It increases the oxygen supply to the brain.
It improves oxygenation and metabolism (by accelerating
the Citric Acid Cycle which is the main cycle
for the liberation of energy from sugars). In
Russia and Cuba, ozonated water is used to treat
many types of intestinal & gynecological
problems including ulcerative colitis, duodenal
ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea, and vulvovaginitis.
Ozone also changes the electrical
charge of blood cell membranes so that they
won't clump together (which decreases their ability
to absorb oxygen and release it to tissues). More

Shortly after patenting his his first
ozone generator, Nikola Tesla ( in 1900
) began marketing an ozonated olive oil
to medical doctors. Nikola Tesla created
his ozonated oil by bubbling ozone through
pure olive oil in the presence of a magnetic
field for eight weeks. By 1904, ozonated
olive oil, also known as Glycozone, began
appearing in medical literature, such as "The
Medical Uses of Hydrozone and Glycozone",
9th Edition, by New York Chemist Charles
Marchland. Ozone, as a very reactive gas,
is difficult to stablize for long periods
of time in a useable form. However, by
bubbling ozone through an ozone resistant
container ( such as a glass container ),
the ozone gas is trapped, and begins to
react with the oil. In essence, what is
occuring is a catalytic reaction that actually
burns the olive oil. One of the resultant
compounds is C10H18O3, with the hydrogen
and carbon complex. Some of the terpene
gas remains trapped within the oil, and
some is released into the environment.
While some people may believe that fully
ozonated olive oil is an ozone carrier,
the oxygen is actually bound and released
as a peroxide ( O-O-H bond ). Ozonated
olive oil will hold actual ozone gas for
a limited amount of time, but in its "free
form" state.
For topical uses on conditions
such as
Eczema, Acne, Bites & Stings...
Using Ozonated Oils for Topical Skin Therapy: When ozone
is bubbled into olive oil for long periods of time, the oil
eventually thickens, holding the ozone contained. When kept
refrigerated, this gel will hold its ozone for years. Applied
to the skin, it is beneficial for cuts, scrapes and burns,
insect bites, rashes, eczema, herpes, etc., acting as a natural
oxidant. To achieve the minimum concentrations for an effective
Ozonated oil, you will just need to accumulate 24 total hours
of ozonation of the oil.
Ozonated Oil has been reported useful for
Insect bites and stings (including Mosquito bites)
Athletes foot
Chicken pox
Dry skin suitable for very dry, cracked or flaky skin
Pimples, spots & acne
Gynaecological infections
Many types of wounds from minor cuts & lesions to
bed sores and leg ulcers
According to research conducted by Dr
Hulda Clark, lightly or partially ozonated
olive oil may be utilized for ingestion.
The oil may be ozonated from as little
as 20 minutes to 12 hours for her protocols.
Dr. Clark recommends the use of lightly
or partially ozonated olive oil for internal
use, as a part of a parasite mop-up program
for ascaris and tapeworms and to remove
PCB's from the body
When ozone is bubbled through olive oil
continuously for weeks, the oil starts
to change. First it loses its color, then
it begins to foam, and eventually it becomes
a stiff gel. If it is kept refrigerated
at 40 degrees F, this gel will retain its
effectiveness for more than ten years.
This gel applied to the skin has many uses:
on cuts, scrapes and burns; insect bites,
diaper rash, eczema, impetigo, herpes,
etc. Ozonated gel is 95% as active as ozone
The ozonated gel liquefies as soon as
it reaches skin temperature. It is an excellent
lubricant for intercourse and provides
more protection the highly touted condom
for the prevention of disease, due to the
bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal
action of ozone.
It is an excellent product for your pet
as well. If it is spread on the backs of
a cat's paws, the cat will lick it off
and ingest it that way.
Suggested Dosage:
Take 3 tablespoons of lightly ozonated
olive oil in either two doses of 1 1/2
tbs morning and night, or one dose of 3
tbs in the morning followed 1 hour later
by 1000 mg L cysteine. 1000 mg of L-cysteine
should be taken twice more during the day.
This protocol is done for a total of three
weeks. One tablespoon equals 15 ml, so
for a full three week mop-up, 945 ml of
lightly ozonated olive oil will be required.
This is just under one litre of lighly
ozonated olive oil.
Items Needed:-
Olive oil, preferably Extra Virgin Olive
Ozone Generator - at least a 500mg/hr output
Aerator / air stone - must be made of ozone-resistant material
1 metre of Silicone Tubing - to connect aerator to ozone
outlet on ozone generator
1 metre of Silicone Tubing - to connect air pump to ozone
generator ( if required )
Small Glass Jar with a screw on lid - approx 250ml
the controversy of ozone?
This extra electron in ozone is considered
by many as a free radical. Free radicals are
formed when we have diets heavy with sugar, over
cooked oils, and environmental pollutants. This
causes too many free radicals in our bodies.
When this takes place all those excess free radicals
look for electrons in our bodies. Ozone has an
extra electron and can satisfy these free radicals
by providing that needed electron. Ozone will
hunt these free radicals and eliminate them from
our bodies.

The chart Above outlines the formation of free radicals .
Notice that even basic metabolism causes a production of these
"The different modes of action
of ozone on a living organism are now well
understood. The production of peroxides
is responsible for the remarkable bactericidal
and fungicidal effects of ozone. The virus
inactivation is enhanced by a peroxide
intolerance of weakened infected cells.
Normal cells are protected from the effects
of ozone by enzymes in the cell wall -
glutathione peroxidase, catalase and superoxide
dismutase. Ozone stimulates the production
of these enzymes, thus enhancing the cell
wall resistance to invasion."
Fritz Schellander
We recommend you take time to read Dr. Majids
book "Oxygen
and Aging". Ozone helps mop up free
radicals. Dr. Majid Ali has extensive experience
with oxygen therapies?including ozone. He shows
that ozone is effective as a medical therapy
because it acts to protect in the same way the
?antioxidants? do.

Since ozone kills bacteria and viruses,
it can aid in the destruction of bacteria
found on raw foods and cooking utensils.
Soaking uncooked chicken parts, for example,
in ozone treated water will help retard
the growth of salmonella. For best results,
follow the same procedure described above
for produce. For utensils, rinse off
food debris and treat in clean water
with ozone for fifteen minutes
H.E. Sartori describes the test of live-blood
analysis using phase contrast and darkfield microscopy
after ozone
was injected into a terminal lung cancer
patient. Red blood cell membranes were strengthened;
the immune system was strengthened; all pathogens
including bacteria, viruses and fungi were removed.
He concludes, "Ozone purifies blood by eliminating
foreign materials."Our bodies desperately
need more oxygen. Cancer cells, for instance,
can only grow in an anaerobic or oxygen?deficient
environment. In Ozone, The Eternal Purifier of
the Earth and Cleanser of All Living Beings.
Healthy Blood Cells |
Unthealthy Bood Cells |
Oxygen is the most important substance on earth,
the most effective detox agent, our best blood
cleanser, antibiotic, and immune system builder.
Why wouldn?t we need more of it? The level of
our oxygen in the atmosphere is decreasing so
are we getting enough?
Ozonating Strawberries |
The shelf life of fruits and vegetables
can be extended by ozone treatment. Not
only will they keep a more attractive
appearance, but they will also taste
fresher! To help keep your produce fresh,
fill your sink with water and place the
Portable Purifier’s dispersion
stone in the bottom of the sink. Place
the vegetables and/or fruit to be treated
in the water and operate... |
Why is ozone used in many places
though out the world and not in the US? In Europe
Ozone is widely used for purifying drinking water
and swimming pools. Ozone is also used to purify
bottled waters. Ozone is used extensively in
medicine in Germany and Cuba by either infusing
it or injecting it directly into the blood stream.
In medical applications: "It is the aim
of ozone-oxygen therapy to stimulate or reactivate
oxygen metabolism, without damage to the protecting
oxidative enzymes?"
Drinking Ozonated
water is a great way to detoxify your system.
Ever day we are being bombarded with chemicals
and pollutants. . Drinking ozonated water
is said to be one of best ways we can detoxify
our system. Cleaning your food by soaking
it in ozonated water is a powerful way of
reducing the amount of pesticides, bacteria,
etc which enters your system. |