The Development of MFT and Its Applications
Below you will find a little more information about the history and developments
within Magnetic Field Therapy.
The Concept of MFT
Firstly we would like to clarify the terms Magnetic Field Therapy and Magnetic
Resonance Stimulation Therapy
The term Magnetic Field Therapy is a generic term which covers everything
where magnets are used. This also includes for example solid magnets with
an intensity of approximately 750 Gauss (earth's magnetic field = approx.
0.5 Gauss) whose effects are not medically demonstrable and therefore do
not conform to medical product law.
The term Magnetic Resonance Stimulation Therapy refers to pulsating magnetic
fields of a low frequency with a maximum intensity of 5 Gauss (equivalent
to 10 times the strength of the earth's magnetic field). Our experiences
in the practice and the following reports refer to Magnetic Resonance Stimulation
However on this website we use the generic term Magnetic Field Therapy
mostly because this term is more familiar to readers.
Old knowledge - newly discovered
Magnetic Field Therapy (MFT) is one of the world's oldest forms of
healing. The first documented references to MFT in medicine were made
over 6000 years ago and make MFT one of the most traditional methods
of medical treatment.
MFT was used widely for healing by the ancient Greeks, Romans and in
particular the Egyptians as well as the highly advanced cultures of
Central America. It was central to the medical models of Paracelsius
and Messmer.
MFT declined during the Industrial Revolution and the further advancements
in chemistry and along with it went many other natural health practices
(herbal medicine, acupuncture etc). They were displaced by the developments
in the Pharmaceutical industry and some therapies have disappeared
into oblivion.
It was in the 60s and 70s that pioneers like for example Professors
Lechner and Ascherl dared to unite traditional knowledge of MFT with
modern technology and produced medical reports on MFT's effects. They
discovered the phenomenon of electrical bio magnetism in medicine.
These first steps in the science of MFT marked the beginning of decades
of research.
The progresses in this technology are reflected in continued medical
successes. MFT progressed through many stages from the use of natural
magnets in primitive times to today's widely employed technical devices
and further advancements in the scope of MFT are still being made.
Electromagnetic fields are the basis of all life. The earth possesses
a magnetic field which is the prerequisite for the survival of all
life forms. The human body, like every other organism, functions by
way of a finely co-ordinated network of electromagnetic fields and
forces. These regulate most bodily functions and keep them in their
natural equilibrium.
Knowledge of the healing properties of natural magnetic fields is nearly
as old as the history of medicine itself. However the benefits of MFT
were nearly lost to us following the development of pharmaceutics.
Medicine only rediscovered MFT as an effective and complementary treatment
method in the last few years and they have adapted it with the help
of modern technology to today's requirements.
Through actual research MFT has gradually succeeded in emerging out
of the shadows to where it was so wrongly banished and into the spotlight.
Principles of MFT
Magnetic fields are the basis of all life.
The natural magnetic field of the earth is dipolar with a strength
of 0.5 Gauss or 50 micro Tesla (µT). Although we do not actually
feel this magnetic field, it influences the daily lives of humankind
and nature in a decided way. We know for example that very many animals
are dependent on the earth's magnetic field for their sense of direction
(bees, termites, ants, beetles, migratory birds, storks, sharks, skate,
turtles, whales etc).
In 1998 the University of Frankfurt provided sensational proof for
the first time that pigeons oriented themselves by using the earth's
magnetic field. Their outstanding sense of direction can be accredited
to small magnetic crystals in their bills (carrier pigeons).The same
natural magnetic crystals can also be found in the brains of humans.
In principle all functions of the human body are based on electro-chemical-magnetic
phenomena. The Nobel Prize winner "von Klitzing" describes
the magnetic component of the body as the most effective one.
At the University of Giessen scientists successfully proved that even
magnetic fields of the lowest intensity (in the picotesla range) have
an undeniable effect on the well-being of humans. Similarly, the natural
phenomenon of weather systems is an example of the effects of even
low intensity magnetic fields.
Basis of Magnetic Field Therapy
In the last few years, MFT has crossed the line from alternative therapy
to a popular, widely used treatment. Why is pulsed electromagnetic
field therapy so versatile? How does it simultaneously bring about
long lasting health in the bones, skin, nervous system and other areas
in such a gentle yet effective way? At first sight it may seem impossible
but we know that the treatment supports the natural functions of each
individual cell. Each cell in the human body needs food and oxygen
and after metabolising them excretes its own waste materials, as does
the human body as a whole.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the correct dosage (ie. In
the right field strength, frequency and modulation, in each case dependent
on the circadian rhythm and condition of the patient) can return each
individual cell of the body to its intended state. The therapy treats
the whole body and can affect nearly all illnesses. This is why MFT
can positively support and assist the body in healing itself from such
a wide range of illnesses and conditions. Further positive effects
of MFT are derived from the way it improves blood circulation and oxygen
levels, influences nerve paths and so reduces pain and many others.
The Field of Magnetic Field Therapy
In principle a magnetic field works by way of three components:
- The electromagnetic effect which depends on the flux density (strength
of the magnetic field).
- The information content, which is transmitted to the human body through
specific pulses and oscillation frequencies
- Resonance
The Impact of Magnetic Field Therapy
Due to their physical characteristics, magnetic fields can penetrate
the human body almost unhindered and can thereby transfer their energy
or rather their information to the deepest cell in the body. This is
a characteristic unique to MFT as other therapies have a limited ability
to penetrate the body and therefore only affect the surface of the
The oscillations and resonance produced by MFT therefore perform an
essential role: by resonance we mean an oscillation phenomenon that
arises when an oscillation of a certain frequency comes across a receiver
with the same oscillations and basic frequency and this in turn strengthens
the original oscillation. The following two examples help to explain
how resonance works.
Example 1: The resonance phenomenon is best compared to an enormous
orchestra in which all the instruments have been tuned to the same
musical note and are therefore in resonance. This makes the vibrations
greater and the sound noticeably louder.
Example 2: Resonance can also be represented by the transmission of
signals to radios. Only if the correct frequency is chosen is the signal
picked up. This underlines the importance of choosing the right frequency
to bring about the desired reactions and resonances in our bodies.
These selected frequencies are responsible for the resonance.
Magnetic resonance stimulation systems operate at the optimum frequencies
for the body. Magnetic frequencies above or below these levels are
not effective.
It is important to note that with magnetic fields it does not hold
true that the higher the dose, the better the effect. With MFT the
right level is dependent on the individual's constitution. Unlike the
symptomatic treatment of illnesses where everyone is given the same
dose, here less can often be more with the weakest dose producing the
greatest results.
It is a matter of course that the strength of the magnetic field (flow
density=dose) must lie within a certain range for all body types. This
range in which the magnetic field strength causes specific reactions
in the body is called the amplitude window. The range in which the
frequency and the strength of the magnetic field together achieve the
desired results is called the biological window (comparable to the
therapeutic spread of pharmaceuticals).
Humans Are Magnetic Beings
Many people can hardly believe that MFT can have a positive effect
on such a wide range of illnesses. A non-invasive, painless and inconspicuous
form of treatment that alleviates joint pain, fractures, sleeplessness,
skin problems and many others all at the same time - it sounds too
good to be true!
On closer investigation it becomes clearer just how comprehensive and
fundamental the workings and effects of magnetism are on the body.
Some of the most important and basic mechanisms of our bodies are dependent
on bioelectric and biomagnetic processes. Magnetism is the lubricant,
the neurological messenger and the provider of nutrients to the cells
of the complicated machine which is our body. Let us consider some
of the most important areas where magnetic fields are essential to
the functioning of our bodies.
The Cell - Function and Nutrition
The body consists of organs which consist of cells. Altogether the
body of the average human being has 70 trillion cells (that is 70 million
millions!) The cells' type and property depends on the purpose they
serve within the body. However all cells have a uniform structure (the
same is true for plants and animals).
As the entire body needs nourishment, so each cell must also be nourished
and oxygen must be taken in and waste matter taken out. Sick cells
lead to sick organs. If there is a low level of energy in the cell
the electrochemical potential between the inside and the outside of
the cell falls. This drop affects the cell's ability to fulfil its
role in the body and it can only function at a reduced 'emergency'
level as a means of self-preservation. Pulsating magnetic fields of
the right dosage (frequency and strength) adjust the electrochemical
potential between the cell and the cell space to its normal levels
and the cell can return to its proper role in maintaining the health
of the organ of which it is a part.
This is the most important effect of MFT and has the most comprehensive
influence on our health. This explains the versatility of this type
of therapy and why it is so effective in health care.
Bone Growth
It is very interesting to look at the mechanics of bone growth in the
body: if bones are worked through movement or use a weak electric potential
develops on the surface. These can lead to increased metabolism and
cell division of the bone cells. Thus bones can grow "as required"!
You can obtain the same stimulation on the mechanism of bone growth
by the application of electromagnetic fields, e.g. with patients suffering
from osteoporosis or broken bones and who have restricted mobility.
This effect is relatively simple to reconstruct; MFT was documented
as being used for the first time in the treatment of difficult bone
fractures in the seventies by the pioneers of this therapy (Lechner
and Ascherl in Germany, Bassett in the USA). The very strict American
Health Authority (FDA) first licensed MFT for the treatment of fractures
in 1978.
The Vegetative Nervous System
Nerve cells do not merely react to electromagnetic fields, but they
also generate them. Above all else it is this that makes the nervous
system particularly susceptible to electromagnetic fields. The benefits
of MFT can be seen in both its pain-alleviating qualities (by raising
the pain threshold) and its calming and soothing effects which often
improve sleep.
Blood Circulation and Oxygen Supply
During their first treatment many patients report that their backs
feel warm after a few minutes of therapy. This is not because of the
direct flow of magnetic fields or electric current. Modern MFT devices
deliver infinitesimally small quantities of energy which cannot warm
our bodies by even a fraction of a degree Celsius.
The warmth we feel is generated by ourselves: it is the result of improved
blood circulation within a very short time of having MFT. The arterioles
dilate; these are small arteries which flow into the capillaries whose
main role is the regulation of blood pressure in the autonomous nervous
system. There is also an improvement in circulation in the blood vessels.
The fluidity (viscosity) of the blood is improved by, among other things,
the so-called "Hall Effect".
The oxygen supply to the body also improves as can be assessed through
the measurement of the oxygen partial pressure. This is one of the
best indicators of MFT's effectiveness.
Harmful Environmental Influences
In the healthy human, the internal and external functions are in harmony.
These healthy bodily functions rest in a natural equilibrium which
is subject, however, to many interference factors. Magnetic field therapy
(MFT) helps to maintain these internal automatic controls or rather
to re-establish harmony within them. There are many causes of disturbance
in these control centres of the human body:
External Interference Factors
- household and environmental pollutants with unavoidable impacts on
our food, air and drinking water
- electromagnetic smog, geopathic interference from electrical power
plants, high voltage transmission lines, neon tubes, hairdryers, computers,
televisions, radio alarm clocks, mobile phones, water pipes etc.
- toxins in the home (formaldehyde)
- jewellery, clocks, piercing, discos, motors, fine dust particles
from combustion processes of all types, polycyclic hydrocarbons, fertilisers
- heavy metals
- pesticides
- food additives, preservatives, colour-and-flavouring agents (e-numbers)
- plastics, canned goods
- microbal toxins: aflatoxin? , botulism
- detergents, household cleaners, toiletries
Internal Interference Factors
This covers all chronic inflammations like those of the sinuses, prostate,
teeth and tonsillitis as well as scars of all kinds, dysbiosis and
nutritional deficiencies etc.
Hidden Interference Factors
Psyche (family, work, socio cultural etc)
Further Interference Factors
Interference fields caused by a physician: 50% of all interference
fields are scars!
Electromagnetic Interactions - The Basis of All Life
The turn of the century saw a revolution in biological sciences. It
is becoming increasingly clear that electromagnetic forces are of fundamental
importance to all living systems. Consideration of the body as a self-regulating,
complex system with its own communication and control capabilities
is leading to an ever deeper understanding of life and the development
of completely new therapeutic approaches. Life is characterized by
metabolism, growth and reproduction.
In the meantime it is common knowledge that the metabolism is controlled
via electromagnetic processes. So, for example ions are "pumped" against
a concentration gradient via electrical potentials at the cell membrane
(active metabolism). The importance of the water and electrolyte balance
in the body is a well-known fact. Electrical stimulation (ES) controls
communication with the external world, transmission of information,
the activities and co-ordination of the internal organs and each muscle
contraction, including that of the heart muscle (Electrocardiogram).
Similarly, higher nerve functions and the faculties of the brain are
based on bioelectricity (EEG).
Bioeletromagnetic Phenomena
The vita life eMRS system generates magnetic fields which affect changes
within the body and these counter changes caused by movement. It therefore
supports normal biological sequences. The electromagnetic alternating
field generated by the system contrives the following biological effects
- Electromagnetic effect of the field on the ion streams in the body
(eg. Sodium and potassium pumps, calcium cascade)
- Magneto-mechanical effect of the magnetic field on the oscillation
amplitude of cells and organs (resonance)
- Ionic-cyclotronic resonance of anions and cations in body fluids
strengthen one's intrinsic impulses
- Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
- Electric Spin Resonance (ESR)
Biophysiological Effects
The bioelectrical effect normalises cell membranes. In pathological
cases, the potential drops following penetration of plus ions into
the interior of the cell, eg. from Na+. The cell requires energy to
reverse this process which it draws from ATP hydrolysis.
The biochemical effect is based on raising the enzyme activity and
activating the oxioreductive processes linked to ATP. The effective
ion, in this case, is Ca++ created from the calcium cascade.
The bioenergetic effect represents the factor that stimulates nutrition
and cell growth. This effect controls the intracellular processes that
lead to the regeneration of the body.
What is Magnet Resonance Stimulation?
MRS is the abbreviation for "Magnet Resonance Stimulation".
In principle MRS can be regarded as a further advancement on the conventional
magnetic field therapy.
By applying a specified repeated sawtooth wave the maximum effect on
the organism is achieved with the minimal use of energy.
To compare, a static magnet has a typical field intensity of 2000 Gauss,
an MFT device with sine waves has a typical top performance of from
60 to 100 Gauss and an MRS system needs only one peak value of from
2 to 4 Gauss (G).
Using a very complex model of the division of signals into impulse
packages, it is possible for the whole bundle of impulses to be transformed
into therapeutically effective frequencies; this "frequency cocktail" can
be adjusted at any time depending upon the time of day; in the morning
emphasising the more tonifying or activating frequencies whilst in
the evenings using sedative or relaxing components.
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