By Shawn Messonnier, DVM

In recent years, therapy for dogs using magnets has gained a large following among some pet owners. It is seen as a safe and simple method of treating various disorders, often producing positive results without side effects or much expense. This type of treatment is often used in conjunction or to replace other therapies include traditional medications, surgery, and of course complementary therapies such as acupuncture and herbs. You might ask, does this treatment method really work, and if so, can my dog benefit from magnetic field therapy?

At first glance magnetic therapy might seem a bit strange or new age, but it is by no means ‘quackish’. Keep in mind that the Earth has a normal magnetic field and the cells in our bodies also have a normal magnetic field that allows for proper functioning. In numerous NASA experiments it was determined that rats in space that were not provided with a suitable magnetic field perish due to a disrupted energy flow. NASA scientists have also noted that astronaut’s experience similar calcium deficiencies after long-term space flights. Some doctors attribute many illnesses to the decline over the centuries in the Earths normal magnetic field.

So how does magnetic therapy work? It is generally believed that magnets work by means of magnetic lines of force; units called gauss measure the strength of the magnetic field. The higher the gauss number the stronger the magnet (a 1000 gauss magnet is ten times stronger than a 100 gauss magnet)

Magnets can be used either as permanent magnets, also called static magnets or as pulsed electromagnetic field magnets (PEMF). Static magnets come in bars, beads, or strips. These are somewhat similar to the magnets on your refrigerator. PEMF use a pulsing current that flows through a wire coil to create a magnetic field around the wire: the greater the amount of current flow, and the greater the number of turns of the wire, the greater the magnetic field that forms. In people the Food and Drug Administration approve PEMF for treating various types of non-union fractures (fractures that have failed to heal). Other uses include treatment of hip disorders, osteoarthritis, and rotator cuff injuries. Even more promising news is that no toxic effects have been reported using magnetic therapy.

Magnets appear to heal the body removing inflammation and restoring circulation. By increasing blood flow to a diseased site on the body, increased nutrients become available to speed the healing process. In fracture healing, for example, the use of magnetic fields increases the adherence of calcium ions to the blood clot formed at the site of the break. This allows for the proper formation of the callus that is necessary for fractures to heal properly.

In the eastern view of healing, magnets help restore the energy flow of the body to allow healing and proper metabolism. This is similar to one of the theories used to explain the positive affects of acupuncture as well.

In canine medicine, magnets are often used to aid in fracture healing and in the treatment of many other ailments including arthritis, hip dysplasia, osteochondritis, epilepsy, pain relief, chronic organ disorders and vertebral disorders. Sprains and strains and other traumatic disorders may also benefit from magnetic therapy. Magnets should not be used in acute infectious conditions, on cancerous growths (although some doctors do find them useful in treating cancerous tumours), in acute injuries, pregnant animals, or in dogs with cardiac pacemakers.

Dr. Strazza, a well-regarded expert in the area of magnetic therapy has commented on his experiences treating animals using magnetic therapy. He stated that with regard to fracture healing, he found a reduction of 40-50% in the healing time of simple fractures by merely incorporating magnets into a bandage. This meant that dogs could resume weight-bearing sooner if the magnets were used along with conventional fracture repair methods. A problem often seen in fracture healing is non-union of the fracture. In a non-union, the ends of the fracture fail to heal and the ends of the bones remain. He also observed that in magnetic therapy treatment of over fifty different animal fracture cases, no cases of non-union developed.

In two specific cases of severe non-union referred for evaluation where the fracture had failed to heal, magnetic therapy allowed healing of the fracture sight. Dr. Strazza also reports good remarkable success in treating various types of arthritis with magnets. Included in the cases are dogs with spinal arthritis and paralysis, chronic disk disease, hip dysplasia and arthritis, older dogs that move stiffly or slowly, and stiffness that develops after a morning exercise routine. By using a combination of a magnetic mat for sleeping along with a spinning magnetic field, he has achieved positive responses in 60-70% of his cases.

Magnets are certainly not a cure- all for every medical problem. Still they are a safe and relatively inexpensive alternative for pets with the chronic problems and can be of benefit in healing fractures. Magnetic field therapy helps the body to heal by creating a favorable environment for repair. Magnets increase blood flow to the area, bring in essential nutrients, and help relieve pain and inflammation. As with so many facets of the complementary and alternative medicine market, dog owners should always consult with an experienced veterinarian before trying magnetic field therapy. This should always be done to determine an accurate diagnosis of your dog’s condition and in order to select the best possible treatment.


MFT in Veterinary Medicine - a Contribution by Klaus Voshegge

Research with animals is particularly informative and meaningful since animals as patients are not subject to the placebo effect. Although the most modern devices are used it is particularly important to ensure that specific factors are considered in the application of magnetic field therapy that could have a positive as well as a negative impact on the treatment.

The goal of treatment with MFT is attaining optimal success in healing. This is achieved by combining it with other treatment methods. These could be the classical school of medicine (eg. drugs) phytotherapeutic or rather homeopathic preparations (calendula-hamamelis, echinacea-pur-purea-ointment) and treatment with medical machinery eg. laser therapy.

Comparison with laser therapy is favourable in that MFT can penetrate deeper layers (like the musculature, bones) and not just on the skin. A further advantage of MFT is the fact that treatment is effective through bandages and dressings (eg. gypsum seal). Looking at all the factors it is clear that outstanding results can be achieved in the veterinary application of pulsed ELF magnetic fields.

The following therapeutic possibilities of MFT have emerged in veterinary practice:
- wound healing
- oedemas
- haematomas
- gangrene
- strains
- metabolic disorders
- broken bones (fracture`es)
- burns
- tendon injuries
- joint inflammations (arthritis)
- joint wear (arthrosis)

There is no doubt that the field intensities and frequencies used in human medicine can be similarly employed in veterinary medicine. The means by which MFT is applied in human medicine (whole body coil mat, coil cushion, magnetic field wand) lend themselves to treatment without restriction of animals of differing size.

Treatment of Horses in Sport
Horses are extremely sensitive animals that require careful handling. It is advisable, therefore, as with humans, to introduce MFT cautiously. The sensitivity of the horses to a suitable magnetic field therapy acupuncture means excellent results can be achieved without medicines.

The following areas apply particularly to horses:

- pulling/contusions
- tendon inflammations (acute and chronic)
- distortion
- confusion
- Sudeck's Disease
- stained muscles
- ankle injury
- arthritis
- arthrosis
- tendon tears
- flesh wounds
- fissures

Horses frequently exhibit strains in the musculature of their backs. Apart from manipulation therapy and physical handling, outstanding treatment success is obtained with the application of pulsating ELF magnetic fields. This procedure has proved useful in horse racing for avoiding strains. So putting the horses through the treatment shortly before a race works as the "secret ingredient" in ensuring they face the battle totally relaxed and are in a position to recover quickly from it.


The veterinarion Dr Prodinger reports on his experiences with MFT

Information below:



Totally Solid State Design,
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute. .
Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at 7 pulses per min
1-30 min Timer
Double the penetratioin of the sota pulser
You can hear the magnetic pulser pulse
Doesn't over heat after a short time

NZ$ 655.96

(approx USA$ 381.46)

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3 in 1 Multi System

Totally Solid State Design,
High Quality Capacitors
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute. .
Colloidal Silver Generator
Bob Beck Type blood zapper
Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at 7 pulses per min
1-30 min Timer
Intensity Control
Double the penetratioin of the sota pulser
You can hear the magnetic pulser pulse
Doesn't over heat after a short time

NZ$ 979.00

(approx USA$ 569.32)

click here for more info



Rife pro optio 2h-7h With PEMF


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