Ideal for purifying air, cleaning
fish tanks,
removing airborne dust, smoke, mold, and pet odors,
purifying drinking water, and enriching oils for skin therapy.

Ozone is 3 atoms of oxygen bound together instead of the
normal 2. It is created artificially as the result of ultraviolet
light acting on oxygen to break up and recombine as threesomes.
Ozone destroys algae, viruses, bacteria, and fungi on contact
and it breaks down harmful chemicals into simpler less
damaging molecules. Ozone kills microorganisms by rupturing
their cell walls. Healthy cells are not damaged because
of their self protective mechanisms. Ozone has a half life
of 20 minutes and thus should be used within the first
5-10 minutes to assure its strength. It can cause an initial
drop in energy and feeling 'sickly' due to the die-off
of pathogens it killed. It is especially damaging to cancerous
cells. Ozone in water as dilute as 1ug/ml is anti-microbial.
It increases the phagocytic (pathogen eating) action of
white blood cells. With the use of it (usually injected)
doctors in the U.S. and Europe have reported 100's of cases
of HIV blood count reversal, loss of AIDS symptoms (Carpendale
et al. 1991), tumor shrinkage and dissappearance and cure
of systemic infections such as Hepatitis, staphylococcal
infection, and meningitis (Paulesu et al. 1991, Rilling
et al. 1986).
While using ozone therapy one should supplement with
vit E, N-Acetyl-Cysteine, and Selenium in order to support
the glutathione detoxification system. Ozone activates
both monocytes and lymphocytes. It increases the oxygen
supply to the brain. It improves oxygenation and metabolism
(by accelerating the Citric Acid Cycle which is the main
cycle for the liberation of energy from sugars). In Russia
and Cuba, ozonated water is used to treat many types of
intestinal & gynecological problems including ulcerative
colitis, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, diarrhea, and vulvovaginitis.
Ozone also changes the electrical charge of blood cell
membranes so that they won't clump together (which decreases
their ability to absorb oxygen and release it to tissues).
"Ozone: inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus
and protozoa. stimulates the immune system cleans arteries
and veins, improves circulation' purifies the blood and
lymph normalizes hormone and enzyme production reduces
inflammation reduces pain, calms the nerves stops bleeding
prevents shock prevents stroke damage reduces cardiac
arrhythmia improves brain function and memory oxidizes
toxins, allowing their excretion chelates heavy metals;
it works well in conjunction with EDTA prevents and reverses
degenerative diseases prevents and treats communicable
diseases prevents and eliminates auto-immune diseases."

The Story of Ozone
Because it increases oxygenation + metabolism and breaks
down harmful chemicals and debri (such as dead microbes)
this is being recommended by Bob Beck to offset the uncomfortable
feelings one can get from the increased 'toxicity' that
happens from killing microbes using blood electrification.
I just started using ozonated water (10-3-97) to see what it's like.
The first impression gotten is that it makes the water taste awful just
like hydrogen peroxide makes it taste. Second impression is that it is
somewhat harsh on the stomach because it is such a strong oxidizer. (always
drink it on an empty stomach so it can pass into the intestines quicker
and then into the bloodstream). Of course, I'm just geussing how long
to ozonate the water because the only recommendations are for just treating
water to make it healthier to drink which is 5-10 minutes per gallon.
I've started at 15 minutes with 2 cups water and have been drinking 1
cup every morning. That's probably too much treatment time but I wanted
to see if I'd throw up or get sickly from too much effect. I'd rather
experience what's 'too much' instead of my customers. The first two days
was easy going with no bad side effects but then on the third I started
feeling more tired like I normally do when cleansing or killing candida
(which I think it was doing). I think that if someone didn't have an
intestinal infection that they might only feel more energy from taking
it. (I had also taken 2 baths with 1 gallon of water put in that had
just been ozonated for 30 minutes.)
Author Unknown

Story of Ozone
Ozonated Oil
For topical uses on conditions such as
Eczema, Acne, Bites & Stings...
Using Ozonated Oils for Topical Skin Therapy: When ozone is bubbled
into olive oil for long periods of time, the oil eventually thickens,
holding the ozone contained. When kept refrigerated, this gel
will hold its ozone for years. Applied to the skin, it is beneficial
for cuts, scrapes and burns, insect bites, rashes, eczema, herpes,
etc., acting as a natural oxidant. To achieve the minimum concentrations
for an effective Ozonated oil, you will just need to accumulate
24 total hours of ozonation of the oil.
Ozonated Oil has been reported useful for
Insect bites and stings (including Mosquito bites)
Athletes foot
Chicken pox
Dry skin suitable for very dry, cracked or flaky skin condition
Pimples, spots & acne
Gynaecological infections
Many types of wounds from minor cuts & lesions to bed sores
and leg ulcers |
Ozone at higher levels in the atmosphere helps protect
our planet. Ozone in the air at ground level, however,
has a bad name as it is associated with air pollution.
When air is heavily polluted ozone forms in an effort to
clean the air. Remember ozone is nature’s most powerful
cleanser. Ozone is hard on lungs so it is not a good idea
to breathe in too much ozone.
"…oxygen is the most important healing substance,
the most effective detox agent, the premium blood cleanser,
the most potent antibiotic, a versatile hormone, a blood
clotter and declotter, and the conductor of the orchestra
of the immune system."

MRSA had nearly always been connected to health
care but is now spreading into communities such as
schools, athletic facilities, health clubs and hospitality
industries at about 15 percent of MRSA cases in the
United States per the CDC report. |
Ozone Kills MRSA “Super Bugs”
Paul Overbeck
Nov 1, 2007
Scottsdale, AZ -- Sanitizing towels, linens, and
surfaces with ozonated water has been shown to be
extremely effective in the reduction of Staphylococcus
aureus (staph) bacteria and its more drug-resistant
and harder to treat strain known as methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is spreading
rapidly in the US population.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
just reported in the Journal of the American Medical
Association that in 2005, 94,000 people contracted
serious, or invasive, staph infections and 19,000
of them died; rates three times the previous estimates.
Both staph and MRSA can cause more-serious skin
infections or they can lead to pneumonia, or infections
of the bloodstream, ear, urinary tract, or the lining
of the brain. |
Why then is the use of ozone so controversial? Ozone’s
extra electron makes it suspect in some circles as a free
radical. Free radicals are formed naturally within our
bodies to clean up toxins and carry them out of our systems.
Free radicals are often formed in excess today as a result
of environmental pollutants as well as diets heavy in sugars
and rancid oils. These excess free radicals snatch electrons
from healthy molecules and are considered a primary cause
of aging. The body needs help to supply these free radicals
with electrons. Once satisfied with an electron, they can
be eliminated from the body before they do further harm.
Ozone satisfies free radicals by providing the needed electrons.
Ozone is a free radical scavenger
Certain vitamins and minerals have been named ‘antioxidants.’ This
makes it sound like it is a good idea to reduce oxygen!
We need all the oxygen we can get as the amount of oxygen
in the air is much reduced today than it was: "Many
scientists were stunned recently when it was revealed that
air bubbles trapped in fossilized amber had been analyzed
and found to contain oxygen levels of 38%. Yet today it
is well known that the average oxygen content of air is
only 19% to 21%. In other words, since the early history
of the earth, it appears there has been a whopping 50%
drop in the average oxygen content of air we breathe!"
Vitamins and minerals do help protect the body from harmful
free radicals but it is misleading when they are referred
to as ‘antioxidants.’ Free radical protectors
would be a more accurate term—and remember excess
free radicals are created by pollution not oxygen.
Ozone findings:
*Research staff of Medical College of Washington University in the
United States discovered that ozone could restrain the growth of
tumor cells
*More than 200 US drinking water plants use ozone to treat the
*Japan Company testified that ozone is the best vegetable disinfectant.
Ozone is used to sterilize the jars before baby food is put in
them. The FDA approved ozone in 2001 to kill food borne pathogens
by applying it directly to food.
*China Medical Academy of Science testified that ozone could
get rid of gonococcus and decomposes heavy metals in the water.
*Ozone oxides poisonous materials rapidly; sterilization ability
is 600--3000 times stronger than Chlorine. Ozone kills E-coli
3125 times faster than chlorine. Some swimming pools/spas use
ozone because it is a strong disinfectant, but converts back
into oxygen so does not have the harmful effects like chlorine.
* Some washing machine manufacturers are planning to add an
ozone generating mechanism to their machines, to increase the
dirt, odor, and bacteria removal from laundry. |

Ozone: A Wide-Spectrum Healer
To repeat, ozone helps mop up free radicals. Dr. Majid
Ali has extensive experience with oxygen therapies—including
ozone. He has discovered that ozone is effective as a medical
therapy because it acts to protect in the same way the ‘antioxidants’ do.
He describes this process in his latest book, Oxygen and
Our bodies desperately need more oxygen. Cancer cells,
for instance, can only grow in an anaerobic or oxygen–deficient
environment. In Ozone, The Eternal Purifier of the Earth
and Cleanser of All Living Beings, H.E. Sartori describes
the results of live–blood analysis using phase contrast
and darkfield microscopy after ozone was injected into
a terminal lung cancer patient. Red blood cell membranes
were strengthened; the immune system was strengthened;
all pathogens including bacteria, viruses and fungi were
removed. He concludes, "Ozone purifies blood by eliminating
foreign materials."
the Bob Beck videos
The Beck Protocol includes adding ozone to a glass of
cold water to increase the amount of oxygen in the water
before we drink it. This is not a medical procedure. The
purpose is to simply flush toxins from the system more
we have brought you the Beck Zapper,
The Beck magnetic pulser,
Colloidal Silver generators
the beck pulser now heres an amazing Water ozone unit
Purify gallons of drinking water in several minutes with
gray diffuser (maximum ozone delivery). Clean water in
an aquarium with the white diffuser (fine bubbles). Enrich
massaging oils, lotions, and even olive oil for amazing
skin treatments and personal care procedures.
Features: Ultra-quiet operation with powerful ozone production
to take on any office, household, and personal care jobs
in air, in water, and even in oil. Large clear LED screen
displays selected time setting. Easy (+) and (-) buttons
change this setting from 5 to 30 minutes in 5 minute increments.
Soft pads on the bottom to protect your furniture and screw
holes for wall mounting. Energy efficient design saves
lots of energy at only 20 Watts, and the ultra durable
design ensures long life for the entire unit.Ozone Output:
Freshly ozonated water, consumed within
10 minutes of making it, will boost your entire
immune system, because the extra molecule of oxygen
is still in the water, and available for your body
to absorb |
Treatment of Fruits & Vegetables
The shelf life of fruits and vegetables can be extended by
ozone treatment. Not only will they keep a more attractive
appearance, but they will also taste fresher! To help keep
your produce fresh, fill your sink with water and place
the ozone generators’s dispersion stone in the bottom
of the sink. Place the vegetables and/or fruit to be treated
in the water and operate...

Since ozone kills bacteria and viruses, it
can aid in the destruction of bacteria found on raw foods
and cooking utensils. Pathogens
of most concern Soaking uncooked chicken parts, for
example, in ozone treated water will help retard the growth
of salmonella. For best results, follow the same procedure
described above for produce. For utensils, rinse off food
debris and treat in clean water with ozone for fifteen minutes OZONE IN WATER
Which is better: adding ozone, reverse osmosis, filtering, or distillation
of water? All these methods perform different functions in water. No
matter what method you choose it is still a great idea to ozonate water
as the last stage to ensure water is free from bacteria and viruses.
The FDA has approved the use of ozonated water to help cleanse food,
and all bottled water in the United States is ozonated.
Ozone is a neutral gas that does not affect water pH.
Ozonation of water does not add any chemicals. Ozone is 100% Oxygen.
That is all it is adding to the water.
Ozone can be used to control unpleasant tastes and smells.
Ozone does not create carcinogenic by-products during water treatment.
Ozone generators need no chemical refilling.
Ozone production is an organic process, thus environmentally friendly.
Eliminates color from water caused by iron, manganese and tannins.
Reduces cloudiness (solids in suspension) in water treatment.
Reduces the chemical and biological demands of oxygen.
Eliminates detergents and other non-biodegradable chemicals from water.
*Japanese Company testified that ozone is the best
vegetable disinfectant. Ozone is used to sterilize the
jars before baby food is put in them. The FDA approved
ozone in 2001 to kill food borne pathogens by applying
it directly to food.
*China Medical Academy of Science testified that
ozone could get rid of gonococcus and decomposes
heavy metals
in the water."
*Ozone oxides poisonous materials rapidly; sterilization
ability is 600--3000 times stronger than Chlorine.
Ozone kills E-coli 3125 times faster than chlorine.
Some swimming pools/spas use ozone because it is a
strong disinfectant, but converts back into oxygen
so does not have the harmful effects like chlorine. |
Is a powerful disinfectant in water, killing pathogenic
bacteria, inactive viruses and chlorine-resistant micro-organisms.
Ozone will break apart chlorine, leaving water safer for
the environment and for you, and more pleasant to taste.
Because ozone will kill bacteria and viruses and gives
you an extra level of protection.
Ozone should be the final stage in water treatment to ensure
your water is bacteria free.
In higher concentrations, ozonated water is an amazing
surface cleaner/disinfectant, especially in areas where
meat is handled, or medical/laboratory levels
of cleanliness is required.
Ozone in Personal Care: Legally no one is allowed to make
claims that there is a medical or therapeutic value in
using ozonated water. However,
there is information available from a variety of sources,
including the Internet, that suggest drinking ozonated
water, treating skin with ozonated
oils and lotions, applying pure ozone to wounds, and bathing
in ozonated water may be good for you. We encourage you
to seek out this information
on your own.

Water Ozenator Negative Ionizer Combo Unit
Water Ozenator Negative Ionizer Combo Unit -
Air stone
Silicone Tubing

Water Ozonator
500 mgh Ozone Generator
Air stone
Silicone Tube
Power Adapter
Some Symptoms of low blood oxygen levels
Woman sitting on sofa suffering shortness of breath, holding
hand to chest.
Shortness of breath and a rapid heartbeat are potential symptoms
of low blood oxygen levels.
Low blood oxygen levels can result in abnormal circulation
and cause the following symptoms:
shortness of breath
rapid breathing
chest pain
high blood pressure
lack of coordination
visual disorders
sense of euphoria
rapid heartbeat
Ozone and Oxygen Starvation?

FingerTip Oximeter
CE Approved assorted colors
Accurate oxygen saturation and pulse rate data in
to use; automatically turns on/off with finger insertion/removal
Compact size fits easily into a

Ionic Collodial Silver
Portable or Mains capable Colloidal Siver Generator (Bob Beck
Rechargable Batteries
Low Battery level LED
Portable or Mains Powered
Advanced charging circuitry
Colloidal Silver generator
Slimmer more portable case
5 min to 3 hr Timer options
State of the art circuitry
Simple and easy to use instructions
More Information here
Whole Bob Beck Protocol in one Package
The Bob Beck Protocol Apr 18 very
good video
3rd video on the page at the bottom