Have you ever wanted to learn to tap
your inner wisdom, read other peoples thoughts
and emotions, fine-tune your intuition, interpret
dreams, foresee future trends and events, contact
departed loved ones, see what's happening in
distant locales? Thats just the tip of the
Ice berg |
Perhaps Good and evil in maters of
phychic powers and developement are quality judgments,
just like hot and cold, light and dark, and near
and far are quality judgments. Quality judgments
are evaluations that we humans make relative to our
own experience as human beings. Hot is what is hot
to us. Far is what is far to us. Good is what is
good to us. Evil is what is bad to us. Good and evil
are quality judgments that we make relative to ourselves
and our experiences here on Earth. But if good and
evil are quality judgments, what's the quantity being
judged? And what's the phenomena being quantified?
Of course, the psychic being with
its psychic power eventually can grow into a most
powerful and most fulfilling being. Since the psychic
being evolves, the gradual increase of psychic power
is not only possible, but also inevitable. The manifestation
of psychic power is a subtle, delicate, soft and
lucid way of the divine manifestation in fairly advanced
With psychic power an individual can perform miracles.
With this power one acquires the capacity to identify
oneself with, and thereby see, the present, past
and future of others, as well as one's own. Although
it is a manifestation of divine power, psychic power
has tremendous beauty, like the beauty of a flower
or the beauty of the moon. This psychic beauty, in
itself, is a tangible power.
Follow the way of love and eagerly desire
spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy.
For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not
speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands
him: he utters mysteries with his spirit.
But everyone who prophesizes speaks to men
for their strengthening, encouragement and
Corinthians 14:1-5: |
Roughly speaking, psychic power is
the power of a child, although this power can become
boundless through its most intimate oneness with
the Source. Spiritual power is the power of a grown
man, although he may not use it wisely all the time.
Occult power is the power of a restless or dynamic
youth. Spiritual power is the power of a calm and
quiet sea. Occult power is the power of a sudden
mighty wave. Spiritual power is all.
The Drive to obtain psychic powers, so apparent
today, is nothing new. Nor is the appearance of such
powers a recent evolutionary development. The literature
of every people is full of references, historical
as well as fictional, to certain individuals who
can do things of a "magical" character,
which the laws of physical science, known today,
do not explain.
Such persons may be able to talk with "spirits":
they hear voices and see visions, and often they
are guided by angelic beings. They may be able to
see visions of the past, or of things happening at
a distance, or they can foretell the future. Sometimes
they are able to override the normal laws of nature
by handling red-hot coals and similar things without
being burned. Sometimes they are able under trance
to draw and write things that are ordinarily quite
beyond their capacities. Others may have the power
of exerting a sort of enchantment or fascination
over their fellows and of making these latter do
their bidding; or they can heal the sick by the "laying
on of hands," and in other ways.
The Greeks sometimes called this part of
us the psyche, and it is from this root that
words such as psychic, psychism, and psychology
have been formed. The use of this Greek root
is accurate because the studies with which
these words are associated all deal with the
nature of the psyche: its relation to the body-part
of man and to his spiritual nature, as well
as to the world about him, |
It is noted that in the presence of a certain type
of such individuals unusual happenings take place. "Raps" and
other sounds may be heard that are caused by no
known agency; or there are the ringing of bells
and sounds of musical instruments. Furniture perhaps
moves of itself, and other household objects become
disarranged. There may appear in the air what seem
to be human hands and faces and ultimately complete
The above examples, and many others that might be
enumerated, are all included under the general category
of psychic powers. In their essential nature these
powers are not evil, though they vary widely in quality,
ranging from those which are closely associated with
our physical nature to those which work more closely
with our spiritual nature.
Then, too, religious belief and custom has always
profoundly affected the status of such powers, and
it seems likely that their development along lower
or higher lines has run parallel with, and has been
a fundamental part of, the growth and influence of
religion among the people. For instance, at a time
when the Mysteries were still influencing the life
of ancient Greece, a high type of clairvoyant was
used in the sacred oracles, the priestess on the
tripod being considered holy, and cherished and protected
from contamination of any sort. The temples of Aesculapius
in Greece, where the art of healing was highly developed,
and where the most remarkable cures were performed,
were a recognized part of the Mysteries themselves.
On the other hand, during the Dark Ages in Europe
most "unwholesome" types of "psychic
epidemics" occurred, connected in some cases
with sorcery. And as late as the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries psychics were still believed
to be witches and were put to death by the Church.
There are, in fact, certain cyclic periods in history
when there occur unusual outcroppings of these psychic
manifestations. At such times the numbers of these
individuals increase. Others through curiosity and
the element of wonder are carried along on the psychic
The present cycle started in the middle of last
century with the rise of modern Spiritualism. The
movement spread like an epidemic, first through America
and later to some extent in the European countries.
About this time there had been a growing interest
in cures effected by means of hypnotism, and combined
with new possibilities these experiments suggested,
the spiritualistic movement was welcomed as a new
revelation. Reputed clairvoyants developed into mediums, "spirit
circles" were formed in many families, and it
was obvious that a great many people were entering
into experimentation and practices..
Her purpose (H. P. Blavatsky) herself in this
was to show the skeptics that beyond their
circumscribed sphere of physical matter was
an invisible world operating under its own
unerring laws which, for one who understood
them, could be made to act with definite and
demonstrable results. Further, as W. Q. Judge
says, she exhibited these marvelous feats
The Occult World by A. P. Sinnett |
The psychic waves that sweep over portions of the
earth at cyclic times are caused, we are told, when
through certain stresses and tensions in the earth's
constitution, the protecting veils between the two
planes grow thin, and contact with these finer substances
is more easily made by individuals.
like the universe, has an inner nature ranging
from the
purely astral to the highest spiritual.
Never were the phenomena presented
in any other character than that of instances of
a power over perfectly natural though unrecognised
forces, and incidentally over matter, possessed by
certain individuals who have attained to a larger
and higher knowledge of the Universe than has been
reached by scientists and theologians, or can ever
be reached by them, by the roads they are now respectively
pursuing. Yet this power is latent in all men, and
could, in time, be wielded by anyone who would cultivate
the knowledge and conform to the conditions necessary
for its development.
The portion of the universe
that we call visible is merely that aspect of it
for which we have developed organs of perception:
the eye, the ear, and so on. Those aspects of the
universe that we cannot perceive with our senses
are not far away, in some distant stretches of
space, but are right with us here and now, interpenetrating
our physical sphere and impinging upon our inner
selves at every moment of the day and night
It is a mistake to suppose that invisibility necessarily
implies spirituality. Assuredly spiritual energies
have their source in the unseen realms of nature,
but other energies do likewise. The physical world
is like a great arena for the enactment of the pageant
of life, which we as human beings are at one and
the same time taking part in and beholding.
Our spiritual nature provides us with the
power to develop and express in ever greater
degree our latent faculties. The ordinary person
is to a certain extent imprisoned within his
body. |
The fact is that for every one of our physical senses
we have an psychic counterpart which is the true
center of sense perception. It is through these psychic
centers that the ego within really hears, sees, tastes,
and touches. Without them, the physical senses would
be useless. But at present these psychic sense-centers
are in their turn dependent upon their physical replicas.
We cannot use them consciously and independently
as yet. This will come in the future as a further
stage of development. When that time comes it will
be natural for us to use these psichic senses at
will, and then we shall know at first hand a great
deal about the inner aspects of the universe which
are now hidden from us. We must wait, however, until "the
inner man has grown to maturity," as W. Q. Judge
expresses it (Culture of Concentration).
This sort of thing fascinates the average
person; but there is nothing more magical about
it than the fact that now we can look into the
heavens at night and catch with our physical
eye the light that started from the stars perhaps
millions of years ago -- a marvel truly!
The teaching of the ancient wisdom is that there
is indeed more to the universe than can be measured
by our physical senses -- or by our laboratory researches,
which are but an extension of the powers of our sensory
perceptions. Our physical universe is but a reflection
of a vast and invisible realm, filled full with many
grades of conscious living beings. It is their combined
activities which bring about what we call the laws
of nature.
It is necessary to study the subject of "psychic" in
order to put the matter entirely on a rational basis.
Too often the word "psychic" is veiled
in a sort of mysterious atmosphere which enhances
its attractions. People speak of having psychic experiences
as though they were set apart from the ordinary run
of mortals in some special, favored way. Or they
have a dread of the very mention of the word, saying
that it conjures up in their minds a host of vague
terrors. Neither of these attitudes is desirable.
As a matter of fact, when we speak of the psychic
world, we simply mean that invisible realm where
our mind naturally functions (subconscious). Here
our psychic nature is active all the time; and it
is this very psychic nature that provides us the
means by which we can act on this physical plane.
To be sure it is the seat of temptation and desire,
of mental and emotional illusion; but it can also,
when trained and controlled, be the transmitter of
the vitality of the spiritual self into active expression
in daily life
Helen Savage
and Occult Powers
by S Panchadasi
Written by Swami Panchadasi, and originally published
back in 1916, "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" is
a great introduction into the world of occultism
and gives you an authentic look into a phenomenon
that will keep you both spellbound and charmed!
Even if you’re one of those that feels
the practices mentioned below are dangerous,
do consider the fact that knowledge is power.
The more you know, the safer you are!
Swami Panchadasi (aka Walker Atkinson), December
5, 1862 to November 22, 1932, was a very important
and influential American figure in the early
days of the New Thought Movement. He was an
attorney, merchant, author, as well as being
an occultist and an American pioneer of New
Thought, which is in fact the title of a magazine
he edited at one time.
This EBook will provide you with a massive
amount of information regarding clairvoyance
and other occult powers including:
Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Premonition and
Impressions, Clairvoyant Psychometry, Clairvoyant
Crystal-Gazing, Distant Clairvoyance, Past
Clairvoyance, Future Clairvoyance, Second Sight,
Prevision, Clairvoyant Development, Astral-Body
Traveling, Astral-Plane Phenomena, Psychic
Influence – Personal and Distant, Psychic
Attraction, Psychic Healing, Telepathy, Mind-Reading,
Thought Transference, And More!
EBook PD0001 -
Cup Reading and Fortune Telling by Tea Leaves
by A Highlander
Inside this EBook you will find information on:
How to Read Your Fate in a Teacup - Divination
by Tea-leaves - Practice & Method of Reading
the Cup - General Theories - Divination as an
Amusement & as a More Serious Study - Hints
for Diviners - Writing in the Tea-leaves - Some
Frequent Symbols - Nelros Cup - Dictionary of
Symbols & their Meaning - Some Example Cups
- Illustrations.
This very same information is being offered
in a hardback edition for $94.00 and in paperback
for $17.90, at a very well known .com online
book store that begins with an A and ends with
an N.
And at another well known online bookstore
with the initials B&N, the paperback edition
sells for $22.95
EBook PD0002 -
Rapping and Automatic Writing
by Alexander Verner
"If a man dies, shall he live again?" Does
death end all - or is it merely "the gate
of life"? If there be a next world, can
we communicate with those that are in it?
These are questions that have agitated the
minds of millions. "Table Rapping and
Automatic Writing" answers the questions.
It also does more, it shows you how you can
answer them. It shows you how to prove there
is another life, and how to open up communication
with those who dwell therein. To the Materialist
it says: "Belief is unnecessary. You demand
evidence - here it is."
"Table Rapping and Automatic Writing" gives
full instructions on how to form a Circle for
receiving messages from spirit friends - How
to enable spirits to make themselves visible
to ordinary sight - How to get written messages,
drawings, etc., from those who have "passed
over," and more.
EBook PD0003 -
to Converse with Spirit Friends
by Alexander Verner
A medium is a person whose presence is necessary
before a spirit can communicate. "How to
Converse with Spirit Friends" tells you
how you may develop mediumistic powers, so as
to be able to receive messages from the other
side when sitting alone.
The book also tells you about different kinds
of spirits, including apparitions (ghosts)
and spirit guides (the spirit friends that
are constantly with each of us); about spirit
control (how spirits work through the organisms
of mediums); and about spirit given premonitions,
warnings, death-signs, etc. The work, moreover,
gives other interesting and valuable matter
related to communication with spirits. This
work is calculated to "comfort those that
EBook PD0004 -
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