
Sadly the Testimonials on this page have been FORCIBLY Removed by the Australian TGA under Threat of Prosecution, for allowing clients to tell their Truth

Whenever we put up information on alternative treatments that have not been "properly/Scientifically tested", we receive a few angry emails. They say" we are trying to prevent people with Disease from getting effective treatment".
That is really not what we wish to do.
What concerns us is that potential treatments, like these on this page, are often sold for a great deal of money. And people with Disease can be vulnerable. It is understandable that patients or relatives will try anything if they think it might work. And that people really do want to believe that they work. But some alternative 'therapies' are just money making businesses targeting people who are sick and very vulnerable.
Our message is
Be careful Make sure you look into all the information that is available
Talk to your own doctor before you buy

Please be Aware

In the 1950’s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission, to investigate allegations of conspiracy and monopolistic practices on the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of the son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less than two years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr., discovered options in the alternative field, received alternative treatment and fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That is when he learned of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part of orthodox medicine. He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles Tobey, who initiated an investigation. The final report clearly indicated there was indeed a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug industry and to eliminate alternative options. * "Royal R. Rife" by Gerald F. Foye ISBN 0-9659613-3-8

The "Fitzgerald Report" was submitted into the Congressional Record Appendix August 3, 1953

After having read the above please do not ask for any of these clients private details,
we take great care in protecting their privacy and freedom

We have many hundreds of testimonials some bordering on the miraculous
but we feel that many people grasp at things
when desperately looking for a cure
and now your not allowed to view them,,sorry


Multi-Wave Oscillator Use In A New York Hospital

Geroges Lakhovsky publication of the English version of The Secret of Life at the very outbreak of World War II went unnoticed and little reviewed, but Lakhovsky's reputation for obtaining dramatic results with his amazing Multi-Wave Oscillator gained world wide attention nevertheless. By 1941, he had made his way to New York, escaping the Nazi occupation of France. Mark Clement, in The Waves that Heal, describes how Lakhovsky was approached by many people and organizations hoping to capitalize on his MWO therapy. A film was made by an " enterprising beautician" which featured several cases following treatment with the MWO that "proved to be both interesting and convincing" . Lakhovsky was also approached by several hospitals in New York hoping to test his apparatus experimentally. Remarkable results were obtained from a seven week clinical trial performed at a major New York City hospital and that of a prominent Brooklyn urologist in the summer of 1941. Later editions of The Secret of Life detailed many of these cases. What seemed like a promising development in the use of the MWO in America quickly faded after Lakhovsky unexpectedly died in New York in 1942 at the age of 73. His equipment was removed from the hospital and patients were told that the therapy was no longer available. Except for this brief trial in New York, Lakhovsky's work remained completely unknown to the American public. Even the spectacular success of the New York cases were quickly forgotten; an unlikely lapse of memory in the natural scheme of things. It seems that hidden hands were at work when it came to obliterating the memory of Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator in America.

Georges Lakhovsky crossed the Atlantic to New York City in 1941, there to observe the effects of his MWO under controlled, technical conditions in a New York Hospital .  A brief report of the positive and beneficial results of MWO treatments is appended to the English translation of his book, “The Secret Of Life”, by Mark Clement, on page 201.  These treatments were given from July 1st to Aug. 21st and the name of the hospital and of  each patient are withheld for ethical reasons.  










Arthritis, both knees


Good improvement


Endocervicitis. Abdominal pain


Condition good


Periarthritis of shoulder


Marked improvement after first treatment, condition good




Marked improvement after two treatments, stiffness diminished


General Chronic Arthritis


Slight Improvement


Arthritis of ankle


Results good


Post-operative fracture


Results good


Arthritis, both knees


Marked improvement


General arthritis


Marked improvement


Epicondylitis of elbow


Results good


Chronic arthritis


No cough, no soreness, marked improvement


General arthritis


Marked improvement


Arthritis and circulatory disturbances




Arthritis of ankle and knee


Improvement, no recurrence


Arthritis of shoulder


Marked improvement


Tenosynovitis, hand




Arthritis, both knees




Congenital hip dislocation


Marked improvement


Fracture, both ulnae.  Synovitis, both knees


No pain

    Additional Cases

  Case 1.  G.D., Female, aged 25:  Patient complained of pain in the chest and muscles of the right arm and back, and constant couch. She did not respond to medical treatment and massage.  Treatment with Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator was instituted.  After the fourth treatment coughing stopped, pain in the chest became infrequent, and the tired feeling in the back disappeared.  At the end of  12 treatments the patient no longer complained of the previous symptoms.

Case 2. M.M., Female, aged 51: Patient complained of pain and stiffness in the right hip. X-ray examination disclosed a marked narrowing of this articulation associated with large spurs at the margin of the acetablum which appeared to ankylose the joint.  There were proliferative changes to the upper margin of the femoral head.  Diathermy and massage failed to relieve the pain and stiffness.  After 10 treatment with Lakhovsky’s  M.W.O. the stiffness markedly reduced.

Case 3. F.T,. female aged 38: For two months the patient complained of pain in both shoulders. Abduction of the right humers was limited to 45 degrees.  A diagnosis of periarthritis was made and treatment with Lakhovsky’s M.W.O was started.  After three treatments the patient said she felt much better.  The improvement continued.  After a  series of 11 treatment the patient did not return.  Apparently  permanent relief had been obtained.

Case 4. A.B., male, aged 60: Patient gave history of pain in both knees beginning  in 1940. Diathermy and massage for one year gave only slight relief.  Treatment with LAkhovsky “s M.W.O was instituted.  After one treatment patient stated that he felt better.  After four treatments patient felt so much better that he took only one treatment in two weeks.

Case 5. M.M., female aged 42: Patient complained of pain in lower left back  and hip.  X-ray examination of  lumbar spine and pelvis showed calcification at the anterior margins of the inter-vertebral discs between the ninth and tenth and the tenth and  eleventh vertebrae.  There was also a slight scoliosis of the lumbar spine. with LAkhovsky “s M.W.O was instituted . after the first treatment patient felt better.  After the fifth treatment improvement was very marked.  Patient did not return after nine treatments.

Case 6. S.N., Female, aged 59:  Patient complained of pain in the right shoulder and inability to extend the arm more the 5-10 degrees, accompanies by severe pain.  X-ray examination disclosed irregular calcification in the region of the greater tuberosity of the right humerus.  Treatment  with lakhovsky’s M.W.O. was instituted.  After one treatment patient said she felt much better.  The improvement continued steadily until the 10 treatment we completed.

Case 7. C.P., Female, Aged 38:  Gynecological examination showed uterus slightly enlarged and hard.  Right para-metrium tender.  Diagnosis---Parametritis. Treatment with lakhovsky’s M.W.O was instituted on July 17, 1941.  After four treatments patient felt better, and after 12 treatments patient was found to be much improved.  Examination on Oct.  7th showed the adnexa  and parametrium to be painless. 

Report of Cases treated with Lakhovsky’s Multiple Wave Oscillator by a  prominent Brooklyn Urologist

The following results were obtained by a prominent Brooklyn urologist whose name must be omitted for ethical reasons.  He is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons and enjoys a great reputation as a skilled specialist.  He treated hundreds of patients with Lakhovsky’s MWO but only a few typical cases can be given here.










Acute urinary retention to due enlarged prostate


Retention ceased


Bleeding from uterine fibroids of two years standing


Bleeding ceased


Mild multiple sclerosis with halting gate


Marked improvement, was able to run on several occasions


Cellulitis of nose with pain


Cleared completely after two treatments of ten minutes each in one day.


Acute urinary retention due to enlarged prostate


Retention ceased.


Bleeding from cancer of the bladder


Bleeding checked.  The tumor cleared up nicely and was reduced in size when seen again on cystoscopy three weeks later.


Chronic aczema of Axilla


Cleared entirely.


Severe pains from duodenal ulcer


Greatly improved.

In addition to the above cases this Brooklyn specialist treated six cases of enlarged prostate with nocturnal frequency (three to five times per night).  After two treatments with Lakhovsky’s M.W.O. frequency was reduced “to only once a night or did not occur at all…..”

The above American reports were not included in the first edition of George Lakhovsky’s “The Secret of Life”, published in 1935, but were added by the English translator, Mark Clement, to later editions.  We are quoting from the 1963 edition published by Health Science Press, Sussex , England .  Health Research, ( P.O.Box 70 Mokelumne Hill , California 95245 ) offers this same book.

  This early (1941) research with the Lakhovsky equipment seems to have been ignored by the American Medical Authorities, who are still concentrating on cure by surgery or medicine.  If you want to discover the effects of weak radio waves on living organisms you’ll have to dig for yourself.  The brochure, “The Lakhovsky Multi-Wave Oscillator”, will give you some hints .

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