Royal Rife Machine Frequencies

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Royal Raymond Rife Frequencies

"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever had the capability that this instrument had.. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is the fact that this new instrument could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."
Source Rife videos .com

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Still being researched

If you notice that some numbers are a negative that means that you should use a negative offset squarewave.. * The frequencies listed in parenthesis are still being researched.

Acne, Pimples 880, 787, 727
Acquired immune deficiency 5000, 2489, 880, 787, 727
Abdominal pain 10000, 5000
Adenoids 880, 787, 727
Adrenals (under basic research) (*24000 )
Alcoholism 10000
Alopecia, hair loss 10000
Allergies 5000
Amenorrhea, no menstruation 10000
Anemia 5000
Aneurism, large blood vessels 20
Antiseptic 880, 787, 727
Anus, itching 10000, 20
Appendicitis 880, 787, 727
Appetite (to increase) 10000
Arteries, hardening 5000, 20
Arthritis 10000
Asthma 880, 787, 727
Ataxia of muscles 5000
Aura builder 20
Autointoxication 10000
AIDS (*3475, 3375, 3275, 3175)
Backache 10000
Bacteria (*690)
Bad breath 5000, 20
Bad complexion 5000
Bad teeth 10000, 20
Bed wetting 5000
Bent back 10000
Biliousness 10000
Biting insects 880, 727
Bladder 880, 800, 787, 727
Blood diseases 880, 787, 727
Blood, plasma cleaner 800
Blood pressure, high 10000
Blood pressure, low 20
Boils 880, 787, 727
Boils, open 20
Boils, pus 5000
Bones, cut/broken 10000
Breast troubles 5000
Breast tumor 2127, 2008
Breathing 5000
Bronchitis 880, 727
Bronchopneumonia 880, 776, 727
Bright's disease, nephritis 880, 787, 727
Bruises 10000
Burns 10000
Burns (radium, x-ray, radioactive) 880, 787, 727
Bursitus 880, 787, 727
Cancer carcinoma, int/ext 2127, 2120, 7130
Cancer leukemia 2127
Cancer sarcoma 2008, 2000
Candida albicans 787, 465
Carbuncles (SEE Boils)
Cardiac depressant 10000
Cataract, not diabetic 10000
Catarrh (mucous) 787, 727
Catarrh, with inflammation 880, 20
Cerebral palsy 10000
Cerebro-spinal troubles 10000
Cervical land (lumps on side of neck) 5000
Cervicitis, womb 787, 727
Cervicitis, neck inflammation 880, 20
Chicken pox 880, 787, 727, 20
Chilblains 5000, 20
Cold feet/hands 5000, 20
Colds, coughing 10000, 727
Colds, head/chest 5000, 880, 787, 727
Colic, stomach and colon pain 800
Colitis, mucous catarrh of colon 10000, 800
Conjunctivitis 880, 727
Constipation 800
Contraction, arrests discharges 10000
Convulsions 10000
Corns, in feet 10000, 20
Coryza, nose disorder 880, 787, 727
Costalgia rib pain 10000
Cuts 5000, 20
Cystitis bladder inflammation 880, 800, 787, 727
Dandruff scales 5000
Deafness 10000, 5000, 800, 20
Diabetes 10000
Diarrhea, dysentary 5000
Digestion 5000
Diphtheria 880, 787, 727, 20
Distended organs 10000
Distended stomach 5000, 800
Dreams 10000, 20
Dropsy 10000
Drug addiction 20
Dullness, listlessness 5000
Dysmenorrhea, (painful menses) 880, 800, 787, 727
Dyspepsia, indigestion 800
Earache 5000
Ears, balance 10000, 20
Ears, discharges 10000
Ears, dizziness 880, 20
Ears, ringing 5000, 20
Easily depressed 10000
Easily fatigued 5000
Eczema, skin trouble (not herpes) 5000
Edema (Lung swelling, excess fluids) 880, 787, 727
Enlarged glands 10000
Epididymitis (infammation uppertestes) 1500, 20
Erysipelas (skin inflammation) 2000, 600
Esophagus 880, 787, 727
Eustachian tube (from nose to ear) 800, 20
Eye arteriosclerosis 10000, 20
Eye, bi-focal 5000, 20
Eye, blurred 5000, 20
Eye, degeneration 10000
Eye, glaucoma 1600
Eye, infected 10000, 5000
Eye, lacrimal 5000
Eye, near- or farsighted 10000, 5000
Eye, nerve pain 10000
Eye, ptosis (drooping lid) 10000, 5000
Eye, swollen lid 787
Facial cramps 10000
Facial paralysis 10000, 5000
Fainting 5000, 20
Falling hair 10000, 20
Fascia (fibrous tissue under the skin) 5000, 20
Fears 10000
Female disorder 880, 787, 727
Feaver, all kinds 5000, 20
Fistula, ulcer 880, 787, 727
Flashes, hot 10000
Flatulence (SEE Gastritis)
Flu, Grippe, influenza 880, 800, 787, 727
Food poisoning 10000
Foot, blisters 10000
Fractures (SEE Bones, cut/broken)
Frigidity, female 10000, 20
Frost bite 5000
Frozen shoulder 10000
Gall bladder 5000, 20
Gall stones 20
Gangrene, tissue 880, 787, 727, 20
Gastritis, gas pains in stomach 5000, 20
Giddiness, dizziness 10000, 20
Glandular fever, adrenals (*24000), 10000, 20
" " , parathyroid 10000, 20
" , pineal 10000, 20
" , pituitary 10000, 20
" , sex 10000, 20
" , thymus 10000, 20
" , thyroid (*16000), 10000, 20
Goiter (*16000), 5000, 20
Gonad, sex gland inflammation 880, 787, 727
Gonorrhea 660, 600
Gout 10000, 20
Gravel (deposits in urine, red or white) 5000
Gums, inflammation 5000, 800, 20
Hair, loss of 10000
Hallucinations 5000, 20
Hangover 10000
Hay fever 5000
Headaches 10000, 20
Angina pectoris 5000
Bradycardia 5000
Endocarditis 5000
Hypertrophy 5000
Myocarditis 5000
Palpitations 5000
Pericarditis 5000
Stenosis 5000
Tachycardia 5000
Hemorrhoids 880, 800, 20
Hemorrhage 10000, 800
Hepatitis, liver inflammation (*2189), 880, 787, 727
Hernia 5000
Herniated disc 10000
Herpes simplex I 1550
Herpes simplex II (*1900)
Herpes zoster (*1900), 1550
Hiccoughs 10000, 20
Hives, uticaria 1800
Hoarseness 880, 787, 727
Hyperacidity 10000, 20
Hydrocele 10000
Hypertension 10000, 20
Hypochondrium, upper abdomen 10000, 20
Hypotension 10000, 20
Hypoxia, low oxygen 10000
Hysterical symptoms 5000, 20
Ileocolitis colon inflammation 800
Impotence 10000
Indigestion 5000
Infantile paralysis 1500
Infections 880, 787, 727, 20
Injection allergies 10000
Injuries 5000
Insomnia 10
Insufficient lactation 5000
Intercostal neuralgia 10000, 800
Intestinal spasms 5000
Intestines 800
Intestines, inflammation 800, 787, 727
Intoxication 10000
Irritability 5000
Itching, anus, feet, toes 5000
Jaundice 5000
Joints, inflamed 10000
Kidney 10000, 800, 20
Lack of conductivity 10000, 20
Lassitude, weak, exhausted 20
Laxative, mild 800
Legs, if fever 10000
Leprosy 10000, 600
Leucocyte builder 5000
Leukemia (SEE cancer)
Leukorrhea (white Vaginal discharge) 880, 787, 727
Liver, enlargement (* 2489), 880, 787, 727
Locomotor (ataxia, muscle failure) 10000
Lumbago 10000
Lumbar vertebrae deformed 10000
Lungs, breathing 880, 787, 727
Lupus vugaris (* 2489), 10000, 800
Lymphatic depressant 5000
Lymph gland, (plugged overloaded) 10000
Malaria, (Chicken pox, German Measles,
Measles, mumps, Scarlet fever, Small pox,
Whooping cough, etc.) 20
Memory 10000, 20
Meniere's Syndrome 10000, 5000, 800, 20
Meningitis 5000, 20
Mental irritability 10000, 20
Metals, (removal from cell) (*30000)
Migraine 5000, 20
Moth patches 1800, 800, 20
Motion sickness 10000, 20
Mouth eruptions 10000
Mucous, mucus 800
Multiple sclerosis 5000
Muscle repair 5000
Muscles, hear, arm 5000
Muscular dystrophy 5000
Nausea 5000
Neuralgia 5000
Neurasthenia, fatigued 5000
Neuritis, nerve inflammation 10000
Neurosis 10000
Nicotine poison 10000
Nipples, sore 5000
Nocturnal emission 5000
Nose disorders 880, 787, 727
Numbness, arms, fingers 5000, 20
Obesity 10000
Obsessive fears 10000
Occipital neuralgia 5000
Operations (after surgery) 880, 787, 727, 20
Orchitis, testes inflammation 800
Osteoarthritis, joint trouble 1500
Osteomyelitis 5000
Ovaries 880, 787, 727
Pain, abdominal 10000, 5000
Pain, acute 10000
Pain, back 10000
Pain, bunion 5000, 20
Pain, elbow 5000, 230
Pain, hip 5000
Pain, knee 10000, 20
Pain, paralysis 880, 787, 727
Pancreas disorders 880, 787, 727
Pelvic disorders (Male/Fema1e) 1500, 660, 20
Pericarditis 5000
Peritonitis 880, 787, 727
Pharyngitis 880, 787, 727
Piles (SEE Hemorrhoids)
Pin worms, any worm or parasites 800, 120, 20
Pleurisy 5000, 20
Pneumonia 5000, 20
Poliomyelitis 1500
Polyps, growths 2127
Poor appetite 10000
Poor circulation 10000, 20
Prostate gland 5000
Psoriasis (skin trouble, red patches) 5000, (*2489), 20
Ptosis (eyelid droop) 10000, 5000
Pyorrhea, trench mouth 20
Parlomspm's disease 38000, 16000
Rabies 120, 20
Raynaud's disease, gangrene 880, 787, 727, 20
Rhinitis 120, 20
Rheumatism 10000
Rheumatoid arthritis 10000
Rickets 5000
Ring worm 120, 20
Scarlet fever 20
Sciatica, nerve inflammation 10000, 120, 20
Semi-paralysis 5000, 20
Sexual weakness (Male/Female) 10000, 20
Shingles, (SEE Herpes zoster)
Sinus disorders 120, 20
Skin hemorrhages 5000, 800
Skin trouble, (not psoriasis) 1500, 20
Sleeping sickness 120, 20
Smell, none (anosmia) 10000, 800, 20
Solar plexus pain 5000, 20
Sore throat 880, 787, 727
Spasms, muscle 10000, 20
Spleen enlargement 20
Spondylitis 1550, 880, 800
Spongy gums 10000, 800
Sprains, twisted ligaments 5000, 20
Stammering 10000, 20
Stiff shoulder 10000, 20
Stimulate ovarian elimination 5000, 20
Staphycoccus infections 727
Stomach cramps 10000, 20
Stones 10000
Stroke (Cerebral Vasculas Accident) 10000, 20
Streptococcus infections 880
Streptothrix 787
Sun stroke 10000, 20
Suprarenal stimulant 5000, 20
Surgery (SEE operations)
Swelling, legs and feet 10000, 20
Swelling, stomach 5000, 800, 20
Syndrome disorders 10000, 20
Syphilis (*660), 626, 20
Taste, none 10000, 20
Thalmus, (sensory relay center) 5000, 20
Thrombosis 5000, 800, 20
Thrush 880, 787, 727
Thymus gland stimulant 5000, 20
Thyroid stimulant (*16000)
Tissue nutrition 5000
Tonsil inflammation (Tonsilitis) 880, 787, 727, 20
Toothache 880, 787, 727
Trachoma, eye inflammation 880, 787, 727
Trauma, heart injury, shock 10000
Tuberculosis 1550, 800, 20
Tumors, any kind 2127
Tyhoid fever 1570, (*770), 690, 20
Ulcers: (chankeroid, dental, diabetic,
duodenal, gastric, gouty, peptic, etc.) 880, 787, 776, 727
Unconscious 20
Urethra inflammation 787, 727, 660
Urethritis 880
Urticaria (see Hives)
Weak stomach 10000, 20
Whiplash 10000, 20
Worms parasites 800, 120, 20
Yellow fever 10000, 20


Specific Rife Frequencies

Healing with Frequencies

Beneficial, ‘Normalizing', and Stimulating Rife Machine Frequencies