100/120/465 FOR AIDS
2000/2008/2127/2489/Ca, Sa
(1) = standardized
(3) = reported READ HERTZ
------- PAGE 1 -------
Align/Individual (1) 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k
Acidosis (see Hyperacidity) 959 colors 020 727 787
880 10k
Abcesses(3) 727 787 880
Acne 727 787 880
Actinormcosis(2) 020 727 787 880
Abdominal Pain 959 colors, etc. 880 10k
Acute Pain 959 colors, etc. 880 05k 10k
Adenoids 959 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Adhesions 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
AIDS/+2489 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Alcoholism 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Allergies 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Alopecia (hair loss) 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Amenorrhea (no menstration) 959 colors 727 787 880
Anemia 959 colors etc. 05k
Aneurysm 959 colors etc. 020 05k
Anthrax(2) 727 787 880
Antiseptic 727 787 880 05k
Anus Itch 959 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Appendicitis 959 colors etc 727 787 880
Appetite, skinny 959 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Arteries, hardenin 959 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Arteriosclerosis 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Artery Stimulator 960 colors etc. 727 787 800 880
Arthritis 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Asthma 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Astrocytoma(3) 2008/2127/Negative magnets 727 787
Ataria of Muscles 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Athlete, Foot(3) 787 020 727 787 880 05k
------- PAGE 2 -------
Aura Builder 960 Colors etc. 020 05k 10k
Autointozication 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Aranthae Thrush 959 colors etc. 727 787 880
B&E Coli,rod,virus(1) 803 Hertz 727 787 800
Cancer,carcinoma(1)/2127 960 colors etc 727 787
Cancer,leukemia (1)/2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Cancer, sarcoma (1)/2OO8 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Cancrum Oris(3) 020 727 787 800 880 05k
Candida albicans/465 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Carbuncles 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Cardiac depressant 961 violet, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Cataract(3) 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Catarah (mucous) inflammation(2)961 color 020 727
787 880
Cerebral Pa1sy Color yellow 961 color 727 787 880
Cerebro-spinal trouble 961 Lemon, Yellow 727 787
880 10k
Cervical gland trouble 961 Purple etc. 727 787 880
Cervicitis, womb neck 961 colors etc. 727 787 880
Chicken pox 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Chilblains 961 colors etc. 020
Child disorders 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Cholera(2) 100/ 450 727 787 880
Chronic tired feeling 961 colors etc. 727 787 880
Cleans blood plasma 961 lemon, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Cold feet 961, red scarlet, magenta 020 727 787 880
Cold hands 961 scarlet magenta, purple 020 727 787
880 05k
Cold in head,chest,etc(3)Lemon,Magenta 961 020 727
787 880 05k
Colic, stomach & colon pain 961 etc. 020 727
787 800 880
Colitis, mucous/colon(3) 961 colors etc. 020 727
787 800 880 10k
Conjunctivitis eyelid(2) 961 colors etc. 727 787
800 880
Constipation(3) Yellow/2 hrs, 961 etc. 020 727 787
800 880
Contractions,arrests,discharges 961 Indigo 020 727
787 880 10k
---- PAGE 4 -------
Convulsions 961 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Corns in feet 961 Indigo, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Coryza(nose) 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Costalgia(rib pain) 961 colors, etc. 727 787 880
05k 10k
Cramps 961, orange, etc. 727 787 770 05k 10k
Cricks in the neck 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Cuts 961 + to heal 020 727 787 880 05k
Cystitis(bladderinflam) (3)961 colors etc. 020 727
787 800 880 05k
Dandruff, scales 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Deafness 961 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k
Diabetes 961 lemon then yellow etc. 020 727 787 800
880 05k 10k
Diarrhea & Dysentary 961 colors, etc. 727 787
800 880 05k
Digestion 962 + over stomach & colon 727 787
880 05k
Diptheria(2) 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Distended organs 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Distended stomach 962 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880
Dreams 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k 10k
Dropsy 961 colors, etc. 727 787 10k
Drug addiction 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Dysmenorrhea,painful menstrat'n 962 colors 727 787
800 880
Dyspepsia(indigestion) 962 colors, etc. 727 787 800
880 05k
Dullness 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Duodenal ulcer 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Earaches 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Ears, balance 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Ears, discharges 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Ears, dizziness 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Ears, hard to hear 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Ears, ringing 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
----- PAGE 5 ------
Easily depressed 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Easily fatigued 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eczema, all skin troubles, herpes/+1550/+++ 727 787
Edema lung swelling excess fluids 963 Color 727 787
Elbow pain 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Enlarged glands 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Enuresis, bed wetting 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Epilepsy ,fits/+12O 962 Colors, 20, etc. 020 727
787 880
Epididymitis:Inflam-Up'rTesticle/+1500 962 020 727
787 880
Epstein-Barr/465, 787 Hertz 727 787 880
Eruptions, mouth 962 Colors etc. 05k
Erysipelas/600,2000 963 Colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Esophagus 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Eustachian tube 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800
Eye,arteriosclerosis 962, 960 colors etc. 020 727
787 880 10k
Eye,bifocal 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Eye,blurred 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Eye,cataract 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,crossed 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,degeneration 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,droop of lid 963 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,diplopia 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,glaucoma(3)/1600 962 colors etc. 727 787 880
Eye,infected 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,lacrimal 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,near & farsighted 962 colors, etc. 727 787
880 05k 10k
Eye,nerve pain 962 colors, etc. 727 787 10k
Eye,strained 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Facial paralysis 967 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
----- PAGE 6 --------
Facial cramps Color 963, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Fainting Color 963, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Falling hair Color 963, etc. 020 800 10k
Fascia:FibrousTissue under skin Color 963 020 727
787 880 05k
Fears Color 963 727 787 880
Female disorder Color, 963 etc. 727 787 880
Fever, all kinds Color, 963 etc. 020 727 787 880
Fibroma(2) 2008, 2128, Magenta 800
Fissures Color 963 etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Fistula ulcer Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880
Flashes, hot Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 10k
Flatulence 963, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Flu(see Grippe & Influenza)Colors 963 etc. 020
727 787 800 880
Food poisoning + distilled water 727 787 880 10k
Foot, blisters Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 10k
Fractures: Bones 960 color yellow +++ 727 787 880
Frostbite 963 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Frozen shoulder colors 963, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Gall Bladder 963 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gall Stones 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gangrene 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gas pains in stomach & colon(astritis)963 020
727 787 880 05k
Giddiness 963 colors etc 020 727 787 880 05k
Glanders(2) 020 727 787 880
Glandular fever 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Goiter 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gonad(sex gland inflammat'n) 964 colors 727 787 880
Gonorrhea/66O 964 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Gout 964 colors etc. + UP 2X 020 727 787 880 05k
---------- PAGE 7 ---------
Gravel:Deposits in urine See 963 gallstone 727 787
880 05k
Grippe (see Flu & Influenza) p. 964 Colors 727
787 880
Gums, inflammation See 964 & colors 020 800 880
Hair:loss of See 964 colors etc. 727 800 880 10k
Hallucinations See 964 & colors etc. 020 727
787 880 10k
Hangover p. 964, colors, etc. 10k
Hay Fever p.964, colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Headaches p. 964 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Head injuries Colors p. 964 727 787 880 10k
Head, pressure in colors p. 964 020 727 787 880 05k
Heart, disorders(3) colors p. 964 727 787 880 05k
Heart, fast, Palpitations(3)Color indigo 727 787
880 10k
Hemorrage p. 964 colors etc. 800 10k
Hemoroids(3) p.964 colors etc. 727 800 880
Hepatitis, liver inflammation colors 964 727 800
Hereditary sex derangement 965 purple 05k
Hernia Colors p. 964 727 787 05k
Hernia of disc p. 964 colors etc. 727 787 10k
Herpes, water blisters(2)/1550 Colors 964 727 787
Herpes, Zoster (shingles)2/l550 Color 964 727 787
Hiccoughs Color 964 etc. 020 10k
High fever,acute pyrexia Color 964, 965 020 727 787
Hip pain Color 964, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Hives(urticaria)/18OO Color 964, etc. 727 787 880
Hoarseness Color 964, etc, 727 787 880
Hydrocele:Fluid in testicle,etc.Color 964 727 787
880 10k
Hyperacidity Colors 964 etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Hypertension Colors 965, etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Hyperchondrium, upper abdomen Color 965 020 727 787
880 10k
------- PAGE 8 ---------
Hyperia:low oxygen,labored breathin p.965 727 787
880 10k
Hysterical symptoms + on spleen 020 727 787 880 05k
Ileocolitis, colon inflammation 020 727 787 800 880
Increasing height 10k
Impotence Color yellow & see p. 965 10k
Indigestion Color yellow see p. 965 727 787 880 05k
Infantile Paralysis/1500 Color p. 965 727 787 880
Infections 020 727 787 880
Inflammation, breast 727 787 880 05k
Influenza(see Flu & Grippe) Color p.965 020 727
787 800 880
Infection allergies 10k
Injuries 05k
Insomnia + on spleen see p. 965 727 787 880 10k
Insufficient lactation See 965 05k
Intelligence, to increase See colors p.965 020 10k
Intestines, inflammation + distilled p 965 727 787
Intestines, spasms Color p.965 orange 727 787 05k
Intestines, to release Use + Colors p. 965 727 787
800 880
Intercostal neuralgia Colors p. 965 727 787 800 880
Intoxication 10k
Irritability Colors p. 965 05k
Itching of anus, toes, & feet Color blue 727
787 880 05k
Jaundice Colors 965 727 787 880 05k
Joints, inflamed Colors 965 727 787 880 10k
Kidney Colors p. 965 020 727 787 880 05k
Knee, pains(see Pains in Knee)p. 754; 756 020 727
787 800 880 10k
Lack of conductivity Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880
Lassitude, weak, exhausted Colors p. 966 020 727
787 880
Laxative, mild Colors p. 966 020 727 787 800 880
------- PAGE 9 ------------------
Legs 727 787 800 880 10k
Leprosy(2)/+600 727 787 880 10k
Leucocyte builder 020 727 05k
Leukemia/2127 727 787 880
Leukodermia, white skin patches 020 727 787 880
Leukorrhea, white vaginal discharge 727 787 880
Liver enlargement 727 787 880
Locomotor atazia, muscle failure 727 787 880 10k
Lumbago,back pain 727 787 880 10k
Lumbar vertebrae deformed 727 787 880 10k
Lungs, breathing 727 787 880
Lupis vulgaris 776/1550 727 787 800 880
Lymph glands See Index for Colors 727 787 880 05k
Lymphatic depressant COLOR VIOLET 727 787 880
Malaria See Colors Index p.966 020
Measles,small pox,German measles,mumps,
whooping cough, fever, diptheria, chicken
pox Color 727 787 880
Melancholia Color v. 966 05k
Memory Memory color p. 966 020 10k
Meniere's, Ears-hard to hear Color 962 020 727 787
880 05k 10k
Meningitis(2) Color v. 966 020 05k
Menses, stoppage(see a menorrea) Color 959 727 787
880 10k
Mental irritability Positive on spleen 020 727 787
880 10k
Mentally retarded P.965 Intelligence 10k
Migrane Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880 05k
Mongoloidism Colors etc. p. 966 020 05k
Motion sickness colors p. 966 020 10k
Mouth eruptions Lymph p. 966 glands 020 727 787 880
Multiple sclerosis(2) colors . 966 020 727 787 880
------ PAGE 10 --------------
Moth patches, urticaria 020 800
Mucous 727 787 800 880
Muscles, heart, arm 05k
Muscular Dystrophy 05k
Nausea 727 787 880 05k
Neck 020 727 787 880 05k
Nephritis, kidney inflammation 020 727 787 800 880
Nerves, inflammation 727 787 880 10k
Nerve, motor depressant COLOR YELLOW
Neurasthenia, fatigued 727 787 880 05k
Neuritis, nerve inflammation 727 787 880 10k
Neurosis 727 787 880 10k
Neuralgia, arms 020 727 787 880 10k
Neutralize acids
Nicotine poison 10k
Nipples, sore 727 787 880 05k
Nocturnal emission + on spleen 05k
Nose, disorders 727 787 880
Numbness, arms, fingers 020 727 787 880 05k
Obesity 5 Min.B/4 ea. meal Trampoline 10k
Occipital Neuralgia 727 787 880 05k
Operations, before 020 727 787 880
Oral inflammation 727 787 880
Orchitis, testis inflammation 727 787 800 880
Osteoarthritis/1500 + POLARIZER 20 Min. 727 787 880
Osteomyelitis 727 787 880 05k
Ovaries 727 787 880
Pain, paralysis, to remove COLOR YELLOW 727 787 880
Pains after operations COLOR GREEN 727 787 880
------ PAGE 11 ----------
Pains in the knee(see Knee Pains) COLORS 020 727
787 880 10k
Pancreas, disorder 727 787 880 10k
Parasites/+ 120 020 727 787 800 880
Parathyroid 727 787 880
Pelvic, disorders/+660, 1500 020 727 787 880
Pericarditis, inflamed heart covering 727 787 880
Peritonitis 727 787 880
Persist disorders/phagocyte builder/+120 020 727
787 880 05k
Pharyngitis 727 787 880
Placenta, to expel or afterbirth 727 787 880
Pleurisy (3) 020 727 787 880
Pneumonia(1) 776 020 880
Poison, botulism, ptomaine, drugs
Polyps, growths/2128
Poor appetite 800 10k
Poor circulation 020 727 787 880 10k
Prostate 727 787 880 05k
Pruritis, anus itching 020 727 787 880 10k
Psoriasis, skin trouble 020 727 787 880 05k
Ptosis, drooping eyelid 727 787 880 05k 10k
Pyorrhea(3) 727 787 05k
Rabies/+ 120 020 727 787 880
Raynaud's disease 020 727
Rheumatism 727 787 880 10k
Rheumatoid arthritis 727 787 880 10k
Rhinitis/+ 120 020 727 787 880
Rickets Vitamin D and sunlight 880
Ring worm/+120 020 727 787 880
-------- PAGE 12 ------
Scarlet fever 727 787 880
Sciaticia, nerve inflammation/+l20 020 727 787 880
Scurvy lack of Vitamin C 05k
Semiparalsis Yellow color therapy 020 05k
Sexual diseases/+625, 660, 1500, 1850 020 727 800
Sexual weakness, male & female 020 727 880 10k
Sex polarity balance 10k
Shingles (see Herpes Zoster)/1550 020 727 787 880
Shell Shock/+120 020 727 787 880
Sinus disorders(3)+120 020 727 787 880
Skin hemorrhages 800 05k
Skin trouble thrombosis(3)/+l500 020 727 787 880
Sleeping sickness/+120 020 727 787 880
Slipped disc (see hernia of disc) 727 787 880 10k
Smallpox (see Measles) 727 787 880
Smell, morbid, hyperosmia 727 787 800 880 10k
Smell, none, anosmia 020 10k
Sneezing (see convulsions) 727 787 880 10k
Solar plexus 020 727 787 880 05k
Sore throat 727 787 880
Spasm, muscle contraction 020 10k
Spleen, enlargement 020
Spongy gums (see pyorrhea) 727 787 800 880 10k
Sprains, twisted joint,sprained muscles 020 05k
Stammering 020 727 787 880 10k
Stiff shoulder 020 727 787 880 10k
Stiff neck 020 727 787 880 10k
Staphyloccus infections 1 020 727 800
Sterility (see Impotence) 2008, 2127 05k 10k
------- PAGE 13 ------
Stomach cramps 020 727 787 880 10k
Stones, gallbladder, kidney 727 800 880 10k
Streptococcus infections(1) 727 787 880
Streptothrix(1) - soil bacteria 787
Stroke 020 787 880 05k 10k
Sty (see droop of lid) 020 727 880 05k 10k
Sunstroke 020 10k
Suprarenal stimulant 020 05k
Surgery 727 787 880 05k
Swelling, legs, feet 020 727 787 880 05k
Syndrome disorders, many symptoms 020 727 787 880
Syphills (see Treponema)(1)/+625 020 10k
Taste, morbid (Hyperosmia) Tabs Malt 020 10k
Taste, none (Anosmia) Tabs Vanilla 020 10k
Tetanus(1) 600 727 787 880
Thalamus, sensor relay center 020 05k
Throat inflammation (see esophagus) 727 787 800 880
Thrombosis, heart blood clot 020 800 05k
Thymus gland stimulant 020 727 787 880 05k
Tissue nutrition 727 787 880 05k
Tonsillitis, tonsil inflammation 020 727 787 880
Toothache 727 787 800 05k
Trachoma, eye inflammation 727 787 880
Trauma, heart injury, shock 727 787 880 05k 10k
Trench Mouth(3) 727 787 880
Tuberculosis rod, virus(1)/ +1530 020 800
Thyphoid fever(1)/+690, 1570 020
Ulcers, all(3)/+776 727 787 880
Unconsciousness 020 800 05k
--------- PAGE 14 --------
Urethritis urethra inflamrnation/+660 727 787 880
Urticaria (see hives)/1800 727 787 880
Weak stomach,heartburn 727,787,880 020 05k
Yellow Fever 5k,880 020 05k
Warts (3) 787,2008,2127 787
Worms (parasites)/+100 (main)120,20 020 800 05k
---------- PROOFED AND CORRECTED --------------
Frequencies (4 min. each) Total Time
General Program: 20, 60, 95, 125, 225, 427, 440,
660. 32 min.
Cancer: 663, 727, 778, 787, *802,880,1050,
1550, 2008,2050, 2127. 44 min.
Candida Albicans: 20, 60, 95, 125, 225, 427, 727.
28 min.
Cystic Fibrosis: 660, 727, 778, 787, *802,880. 24
Epstein Barr Virus: 428, 660, 727,778, 787. 20 min.
Parasites: 20, 60, 95, 125, 440. 20 min.
*802 Hz. should not be used if a healthy colon is
involved, as it will
kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria. |