Access deep Theta Brainwaves
Change your Reality

Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use neurotransmitters to communicate with each other.

The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once produces an significant amount of electrical activity in the brain, which can be detected using sensitive medical equipment such as an electroencephalogram (EEG).

This electrical activity of the brain is commonly known as a Brainwave pattern, because of its cyclic, ‘wave-like’ nature.

Theta waves are high-amplitude but slow-cycling brain waves – only 4-8 times per second. That’s really slow brain activity. A theta wave cycle lasts about as long as the human eye blinks, or about 4/10 of a second! Only Delta waves, associated with extremely deep (non-dreaming) sleep, are slower.

Theta waves are associated with dreaming sleep, super learning, creativity, daydreaming and deep meditation. They are also associated with emotional surges, self-reprogramming and spiritual experiences. If you’re interested in becoming better at problem-solving, be more spiritually connected, intuitive, imaginative, creative and physically relaxed, you’ll want to spend more time in theta.

Do you remember how, when you were a little kid, you were highly imaginative, like little sponges, open to all new ideas. You didn’t pre-judge an idea based on their past, like adults do. You were not afraid to try something new, because to kids, everything is new!

"In general, we are accustomed to being in the beta brain rhythm. We are in a Beta brainwave pattern when we are consciously alert. It is the default and dominant brainwave for most of us most of the time. We are in Beta when we feel agitated, tense, hurried, pressured, afraid and stressed. The frequencies range from 13 to 60 pulses per second in the Hertz scale."

"In the theta state of awareness, brain waves are oscillating between 4 to 8 cycles per second. This is a state of mind where excellent psychic experiences can occur, astral projection and extended remote viewing. We generally experience the theta level in deep meditations and in our sleep state. Here we can transcend time and space, obtain remote perceptions, and obtain information from the highest source.

With each brain state level that we descend, the closer we get to our Source, higher self, or the universal mind. While beta is highly exterior in focus, this is still very much an inward state. The beta state of awareness is related to our conscious thoughts; the theta state is related to our subconscious mind. "


When we alter our brain rhythm to Theta, we are slowing our brainwaves down. The benefit of this is that we put ourselves in the ideal brain state for optimal performance.

10 More Benefits of Theta Brain Waves

Very high levels of creativity Often artists, musicians, and very creative people will have high levels of Theta waves.
Heightened intuition Everyone has intuition but often it can get blocked by your Beta waves.
Ability to tap into the subconscious When you experience the total relaxation of Theta meditation you are able to put your conscious mind aside and tap right into your subconscious mind.
Reprogramming of the subconscious mind Once you have put our conscious mind aside you can make positive suggestions to our subconscious and re-program it for positive change in your life.
More intense emotional connections Theta brain waves will produce a very high level of emotional sensitivity and allow for deeper emotional connections.
Overall sense of calmness It has been shown that people with high levels of Theta brain waves are much more relaxed with very low levels of stress and anxiety. Theta waves can greatly help with producing a very balanced and calm state of being.
Improved problem solving skills and learning ability Theta meditation allows you to lower your Beta waves and therefore remove the mental blocks that are hindering you thus allowing your creative abilities to take over. At this point you are able to retain much larger amounts of information in a shorter period of time.
Better focus and concentration We often hear of athletes talking about being in the “zone”. This zone is the Theta brain wave zone. It allows you to become extremely focused and able to solely concentrate on what you are trying to achieve.
Healing of the body Theta waves can actually communicate to your brain to produce positive chemicals such as epinephrine as well as lower your amounts of cortisol. This in turn creates a much stronger immune system which helps the body to fight illness and disease. Theta waves can actually help bring your body back into balance and therefore allow it to heal. They can also help to balance your serotonin and melatonin levels which will help to aid depression as well as insomnia and jet leg.
Far more energy After your body has had the chance to heal and renew itself you will experience far more energy then you have had before. The Theta waves are extremely relaxing but also allow you to be far more energetic in your daily life

And amazing benefit of theta is “getting into the Zone“… oh yes, that incredible Zone where you completely shut out the world, and become immersed in what you’re doing, just like a little kid pretending to be Luke Skywalker. The Zone is achievable by anyone, not just Jedi masters and munchkins! “The Zone” goes beyond focus – it’s a complete melding of physical reality and imagination. Athletes get in the zone all the time; so do artists, musicians, inventors and anyone who has had to integrate an idea with physical application.

They found that people who accessed theta brain waves had "new and valid ideas... not primarily by deduction, but springing by intuition from unconscious sources..." Menninger Foundation

"during the chance moment in which a difficult... concept suddenly 'made sense' (the subject) showed an abrupt change in brainwave patterns in the theta range…" Professor Thomas Taylor from the Texas A&M

Mind and body healing During theta brainwave activity, both the body and mind experience enhanced rejuvenation, growth, and healing. Due to the deep levels of relaxation that theta brainwaves bring, the body and mind are easily able to restore themselves during and after illness, as well as after mental burnout and physical exertion.

Boosted immune system
Increasing your theta brainwaves helps to optimise your immune system’s function due to the fact that theta brainwaves are associated with vitality and the elimination of stress. Stress and anxiety can do harm to the immune system by releasing a surplus of harmful chemicals such as adrenaline, including the hormone cortisol, which in oversupply will damage the immune system. Theta brainwaves activate the release of neurotransmitters to help keep your immune system at its peak.

Do you want to learn a new language or complex skill? Try learning when you’re in theta.

"Increase of the learning ability It has been said that as your brain enters the frequencies of the theta range, you will be able to retain over 300% more information than you can while in your normal daily (beta brainwave) state. Theta brainwaves allow people to learn large amounts of information in a much quicker time than beta brainwave state".

Research has been done on language learning and development, claiming that the reason why children are able to pick up new languages so quickly is because of their increased amount of theta brainwaves. Adults and students of a new foreign language may greatly benefit from shifting their brainwaves to the theta range.

Improve long-term memory As theta brainwaves increase, the ability of the brain to recall and store long-term memories increases. The hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in storing and processing memories, normally has a theta brainwave rhythm. With increasing levels of stress, beta brainwaves ‘disrupt’ the hippocampus. This is why stressed people often have a poor ability to recall long-term memories. One of the reasons why CES is effective is because , through having theta brainwaves induced, are able to recall “forgotten memories” as part of certain healing processes.

Emotional connection Blocked or suppressed emotions can be experienced when theta brainwaves are stimulated. In this way you can learn to feel and understand your emotions better.

Think of Your Mind as a Muscle

"Research has shown that individuals who can sustain their attention for long periods of time perform better on all sorts of cognitive challenges than those who cannot. A man with a scatter-shot attention span will only be able to experience one plane of existence; he can skim across the surface of the world’s vast knowledge and wisdom, but is unable to dive deeper and discover the treasures below. The man with an iron-clad focus can do both; he is the boat captain and the pearl diver and the world is truly his oyster."


Bridges the spiritual connection Many consider the peaceful and blissful state associated with theta brainwaves to be the bridge between the physical body and the spiritual realms. In the theta brainwave rhythm people sense a deep spiritual connection. According to some, the theta brainwave range provides enhanced spiritual awareness and profound insight. Many spiritual experiences and phenomena are commonly experienced in the theta brainwave state.

Paranormal experiences For those who are open to it, theta brainwaves are also associated with psychic experiences, such as Out Of Body Experiences, remote vision, ESP, and other phenomena. Even though most paranormal and psychic experiences can be argued to be real or fake, there is evidence that most people tend to have them when their mind has theta brainwave dominance..

Many people try meditation systems and spend years battling with circling thoughts and imaginings,,
now you can instantly and effortlessly reach THETA mind states, and stay there for as long as you like.

"One exciting benefit of Theta Waves is the ability to improve skills that truly require good mental and spiritual powers: lucid dreaming, astral projection, out of body experiences, and profound spiritual experiences. It has been shown in studies that people produce Theta Waves when they lucid dream, experience astral projection or an OBE, and during deep spiritual activities, with the last one commonly the reason why meditation sessions are often used when looking to seek out a deeper understanding of one’s religion or faith."

How can you get into theta and still be awake and able to direct your imagination?

CES (cranial electro stimulation)! If you meditate – you know that meditation is not always easy to get into, and very difficult to stay in. Even after years of practice, it’s a constant struggle to get the brain to avoid wandering back to beta (the normal alert brainwave state). Today, you can take advantage of brainwave technology to help with deep mind states. The technology synchronizes brain activity using CES (cranial electro stimulation) that creates the brainwave frequencies you want to be in. This makes it effortless to get into deep Theta mind states, and stay there for as long as you like.

BT Pro Multi system

Full LED screen

Built in frequencies

Delta Brain Waves
0.5 Hz Anxiety release
1.5 Hz Deep sleep
2.0 Hz Healing Of Nerves

Theta Brain Waves
5.0 Hz Brain fog retain recall release information Deep Theta
7.83 Hz Meditation

Alpha Brain Waves
10 Hz Cell Rejuvenation

More Frequencies

15 Hz Lymph System Circulation
20 Hz Breast lumps
35 Hz Stimulate Clarity of Thought, Mental Function
100.00 Hz Feeling Down
500Hz Chronic depression
1434 Hz White Blood Cell stimulation
1524 Hz Red Blood Cell Stimulation
Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz
Over 700 Natural Harmonic frequencies

Fully Rechargeable ...Batteries/Charger
Timer : 5 - 60 mins
Intensity Control
Very portable
High Quality Ear clips
Tens pads and lead
LCD Screen
Many more add on options

Latest BT Pro Master Unit (Ver 6)

Larger Screen with more information

16 bit Processor for faster more accurate settings

More Amazing Add on Apps

Very durable case

High quality Ear clips

Additional Add on Apps for the Btpro.

Full Descriptions of Apps Options Below !

Mind Wave

Unlocking this App gives you complete frequency sets

Gamma 40 hz 50hz 60 hz 70 hz 80 hz
Beta 14 hz 18hz 20hz 22hz 27hz 28hz 30hz
Alpha 9 hz 10 hz 11 hz 12 hz 13 hz
Theta 4 nz 4.5 hz 5 hz 6 hz 7 hz 7.83 hz 8.0hz
Delta 0.5hz 1 hz 2 hz 3 hz 3.9 hz

Unlock code

Add Mind Wave option

Note: For Btpro Ver 2 and up

The Transend Broadcast App

Send your Theta frequencies
frequencies around your home or office.


Compatible with

Rife Pro all Models
Easy Plug & Play
AA Batteries (not included)

 More information

Instructions for use


Frequencies 0.5 Hz
1.5 Hz
5.00 Hz
7.83 Hz
10 Hz
Plus the Full BT6-BT9-BT11 Frequencies
Rechargable Batteries and charger
High quality ear clips

More Information on the Btplus here


Frequency Comparison Chart

Fisher Wallace
Alpha Stim
Basic Frequencies

0.5 Hz
1.5 Hz
2.0 Hz Healing Of Nerves
5.0 Hz
7.83 Hz
10 Hz
15 Hz Lymph System Circulation
20 Hz
35 Hz
100.00 Hz
1434 Hz White Blood Cell Production
1524 Hz Red Blood Cell Production

Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz


15 Hz
500 Hz
15,000 Hz


Price $NZ399.95 @ $US258.54 $US699-$US799 $US1195
    while most people believe that the Fisher Wallace Stimulator® is FDA Approved, this is not the case. The Fisher Wallace Stimulator® is only FDA Cleared, which is quite different from approval.  
Power Source: Fully Rechargeable Batteries 2 x AA Batteries 2 x AA Batteries



Experiment with these frequencies with your Rife Pro

4.5 Hz – Brings about Shamanic/Tibetan state of consciousness, Tibetan chants.
4.9 Hz – Induce relaxation and deeper sleep
4.9 Hz – Introspection. Relaxation, meditation
5 Hz – Reduces sleep required. Theta replaces need for extensive dreaming
5.35 Hz – Allows relaxing breathing, free and efficient
5.5 Hz – Inner guidance, intuition
6.5 Hz – Centre of Theta frequency. Activates creative frontal lobe
7.5 Hz – Activates creative thought for art, invention, music. Problem solving
7.5 Hz – Ease of overcoming troublesome issues
7.83 Hz – Schumann earth resonance. Grounding, meditative, Leaves you revitalized
3 – 8 Hz – Deep relaxation, meditation. Lucid dreaming
3 – 8 Hz – Increased memory, focus, creativity
4 – 7 Hz – Profound inner peace, emotional healing. Lowers mental fatigue
4 – 7 Hz – Deep meditation, near-sleep brainwaves.

More info on Rife systems here
