Death begins in the colon

The practice of natural colon cleansing dates back to ancient Greece. Today many doctors have noted the pivotal importance of the colon in the body’s health, from the ancients to the moderns. Physicians from ancient Rome and Greece felt that “death begins in the colon.” (Hippocrates) These healers regarded the colon as a life-center of the body – one of its most important organs.

I think my Colons okay!!!
“Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon. Of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal.
” Dr. Kellogg

In the U.S., cleansing the colon -- the large intestine -- became popular in the 1920s and 1930s. But when the theories behind it lost support, it fell out of favor. Recently, though, colon cleansing -- using, for example, teas, enzymes, or colon irrigation -- has experienced resurgence

"Not only does it help jump start a weight loss program, but the additional benefits from detoxifying your body can help increase your energy to help you better master your exercise program and get in the best shape of your life CCN .com noted: “Colon Cleansing helps to tonify the bowel to help produce a better elimination practice for the body. It’s great as a part of an overall wellness program.” USA Today noted “Colon Cleanse can “detoxify” the body from the effects of red meat, sugar, fried foods or alcohol and can be used in weight loss”

The number one cancer among men and women together is colon/rectal cancer.

for those who have reached that certain crest between self-loathing and self esteem where they can no longer endure the condition of their body and are prepared to do whatever it takes to reverse the tide

Basic Colon
The digestive tract can be thought of as a long tube from one end to the other. Food goes in one end; waste exits the other. The tube is divided into sections we know:

Small intestine
Large intestine

The large intestine is also called the colon.

"The view of the colon as a living, breathing, active, vital organ is probably not something you’re going to hear about at your next HMO visit. Corrosive laxatives may bring a day or two of relief, but the underlying condition persists. Antibiotics may kill all the bacteria for awhile, but why were the bad bacteria there in the first place? Rotting food. And what about the friendly bacteria also killed off by the antibiotics? Who’s gonna do their job? No one. "

Constipation Constipation is one of those topics few like to talk about. If you've suffered from this problem, though, you know it can be both painful and frustrating.Its defined medically as fewer than three stools per week and severe constipation as less than one stool per week. Constipation causes a sluggish digestive response, which in turn leaves waste in the system longer. This increases the likelihood that toxins will be released into the bloodstream. It is also a cause of other illnesses and irritations, such as hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Piles-hemorrhoids can be caused by too much straining when doing bowel movements, which is a result of constipation.

In a "perfect world" Every morning you need to have a bowel movement which should be quite long. Later on in the day they'll have another movement, which will be about half the size of the first. These stools should be expelled effortlessly--within seconds after they sit down. If you have to strain or if you have to read a magazine while you wait for a movement, then you are constipated.

Elimination should be effortless, no matter what the person’s age. Producing rabbit pellets with great effort is a sign of serious obstruction, as well as a toxifying lifestyle. People who are educated to eat lots of raw live foods vegitarians and vegans may never experience the buildup of sludge layers.

The sludge that’s stopping up the works is undigested food. Undigested means rotting: putrefying, fermenting, going rancid. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, respectively.

Undigested proteins aren't fermented by yeasts, they putrefy in the gut (are attacked by anaerobic bacteria). Many of the waste products of anaerobic putrefaction are highly toxic and evil smelling; when these toxins are absorbed through the small or large intestines they are very irritating to the mucous membranes, frequently contributing to or causing cancer of the colon. Protein putrefaction may even cause psychotic symptoms in some individuals. Meat eaters often have a very unpleasant body odor even when they are not releasing intestinal gasses. Source

Want to see what that looks like? Leave some meat, some french fries, and some bread out on the counter for a week. A blocked colon can be even worse, because of the time frame involved: in many people the sludge sits in the colon for weeks or even longer. The colon walls are normally very well sealed in order to protect the body against reabsorbing the waste that is about to be eliminated. It’s a sophisticated design, set up to allow water and electrolytes back into the body, but no toxic poisons. . Source "The Doctor within"

I have spent twelve years working in the field of post-mortem diagnosis. I have seen many thousands of dissected cadavers. What Rich is telling you is the absolute truth. Everybody has it in there. We have a way of attaching a hose to the upper intestines and with the aid of powerful chemicals, we literally blow the stuff right out of the intestines. I have seen the heavy ‘beer belly’ and so called fat people lose all that bulk in five minutes. It wasn’t fat. It was the mucoid layer that Rich was talking about. and in that filthy substance we see all sorts of worms, bacteria, fungi, and many unidentifiable things. It is almost unbelievable that people can live with that filth in them. All these people were dead of course, and it wasn’t hard to see why.”, Dr. Richard Anderson Cleanse and Purify (p2-46)

Problem is, our friendly bacteria are constantly being killed off. How?

antibiotics we take
antibiotics given to the animals whose meat we eat
antacids, like Zantac, Tagamet, Prilosec, etc
NSAIDs, like Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, Motrin, etc
other prescription and over the counter medications
white sugar
carbonated drinks
chlorinated water
fluoridated water

The fecal matter that can build up in the colon over time can lead to a variety of health conditions but one of the most common is unexplained weight gain or the inability to remove excess weight. Although it varies according to each individual and lifestyle, the average colon often contains stagnant material in amounts from one to 4 pounds. This buildup is a common cause of excess weight being. Having colonic irrigation, or a colon hydrotherapy, performed will flush the colon of the old fecal matter leading to an immediate weight loss

Essentially what’s happening is that the sludge has built up so much blockage that the inner membranes of the colon develop leaks. Some of the toxic debris is forced through the walls of the colon, along with the water and electrolytes, back into the bloodstream. Hence, the name autointoxication: you’re poisoning yourself.

Once in the bloodstream, the undigested debris, now a foreign irritant, can take up residence in any organ or tissue it finds room. Chronic inflammation begins, and gradually, degeneration of that organ. Here are some of the diseases that such a sequence can cause:

There are three primary reasons for rotting food persisting in the digestive tract:

. We kill our friendly bacteria
. Acidification of the body decreases enzyme production
. Mucoid plaque in the intestinal lining halts peristalsis

Long-term use of conventional toilets have been know to also cause wastes to collect and harden in the lower regions of the colon. You may not notice this fecal stagnation – until one day it manifests as appendicitis or diverticulosis or inflammatory bowel disease or cancer

This list is taken from an article by Leo Galland, MD
who has done extensive research in this area of hyperpermeability.

Chronic Allergies
Kidney disease
Blinding headaches
Colon cancer
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Spastic Colon
Crohn’s Disease
Chronic Colitis
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Regional Ileitis
Esophageal Reflux
Malabsorption Syndrome
Candida albicans
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Multiple Joint Pain Syndrome
Autoimmune Disorders
Candida albicans

.The irony is that to return to a normal state is simplicity itself.
The biggest obstacle seems to be finding that out

Colon Cleanse

Colonic hydrotherapy is a type of colon cleanse that flows a low-pressures stream of water into the colon to flush out the intestinal tract and encourage better overall health. They are usually performed ib clinics for betwwen $80-$200 and can be a little uncomfortable, but provides amazing benefits. For best results, a colonic should be performed at least once a week or some prefer monthly, depending on lifestyle. Home colon flushes are now available see below.

Some of the reported benifits

Makes the digestive system more effective
Maintains regularity and prevents constipation
Increases energy Releasing the toxins from your body is rejuvenating
Increases the body's absorption of vitamins and nutrients A cleansed colon encourages only water, vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, rather than releasing toxins and bacteria through the colon wall

Nothing feels as great and detoxifying as colon cleansing, way back in the day, EVERY hospital room had a machine for it. thanks to the pharmaceutical companies, that's not the case anymore. i've had about 5 colonics this year with my portable unit and feel so much better for it. i couldn't believe the stuff coming out of me. i really recommend you give it a shot. becoming younger by norman walker or raw spirit by matt monarch can give you the breakdown of the science behind it all if you'd like to be educated on the subject before you partake.
.TS New York


Improves concentration Poor diet and ineffective vitamin absorption can cause you to become distracted and lose your concentration
Kick-starts weight loss Slow-moving food produces excess mucous that literally sticks to the intestinal walls, weighing the intestinal tract down with pounds of decaying fecal matter. Colon cleansing has the potential to aid weight loss; some people claim to have lost up to 20 pounds over the course of a month. The average human colon weighs about four pounds empty and can hold up to eight meals' worth of food before digestion finally occurs. A colon cleansing can result in significant weight loss and kick-start your metabolism, as well as refocus your attention on better food choices and whole-body wellness.

The number one cancer among men and women together is colon/rectal cancer.

- Add more fiber to daily diet; food containing fiber

Fiber is commonly classified as soluble (it dissolves in water) or insoluble (it doesn't dissolve):

Soluble fiber. This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like material. It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble fiber is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium.
Insoluble fiber. This type of fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and increases stool bulk, so it can be of benefit to those who struggle with constipation or irregular stools. Whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans and vegetables, such as cauliflower, green beans and potatoes, are good sources of insoluble fiber. mayo clinic

- Increase fluid intake at least 8 cups of water

Decreases risk of colon cancer
All the toxins that you eat, drink, breathe in and absorb through your skin end up being processed by your gastrointestinal system and liver. If they are not forced from your colon and liver as quickly as possible, they can wreak havoc on your body's systems. By releasing stagnant body waste, you reduce the causes and the risk of polyps, cysts and cancerous growths in your colon and gastrointestinal tract.

Increases fertility Fat is estrogen-based, and if too much is present, becoming pregnant becomes more difficult.

Maintains pH balance in the bloodstream Foods that cause colon blockages are acid-forming — particularly high-protein diets without enough fiber.

Improves whole-body well-being Ridding the colon of waste and toxins by releasing layers of colon buildup can lead to feelings of lightness, strength and overall good health.

Q: Are there any contra-indications?

A: Yes, you should not have colon hydrotherapy in any of the following situations:

1) Pregnancy.

2) Cancer of the Colon or GI tract.

3) Congestive heart failure.

4) General debilitations.

5) Carcinoma of the rectum.

Parasites Colonics are reported to be the best remedy to kill and eliminate intestinal parasites. There are several parasites that can infect anyone’s intestinal tract. parasites can infect the human intestinal tract, the most common of which include tapeworms, hookworms, giardia, roundworms, flukes and trichinella. These parasites cause disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal cramping, dizziness, weight loss and dehydration. Intestinal parasites may be eliminated using colon cleansers.

Clearer & brighter skin complexion Resolve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne

Princess Diana said it was the secret of her glowing complexion

Hydration of the body

One of the best things about colonic hydrotherapy is that the benefits of the treatment are very personal . This means that as a user you will know how you feel after the treatment. You won't need to be influenced by anyone else.

Many people report an improvement in symptoms, and choose to use their colonic hydrotherapy unit on a regular basis

Often people add camomile,,Colloidal Silver, and other well known effective herbs...

"Many herbs contain healing antioxidants, compounds, vitamins, and minerals that help prevent and treat colon cancer. All you need to do is add fresh herbs to food or teas and eat them right up.
Some of the best herbs to prevent colon cancer are chickweed, garlic, onions, red clover, nettle, rosemary, ginger, parsley, oregano, turmeric, and basil. All of these herbs naturally help detoxify, cleanse, relieve inflammation, shrink polyps and hemorrhoids, heal anal fissures and fistulas, block cancer cells, and clear mucus from the colon, rectum, and anus making the digestive tract healthier and stronger." Elise Marie

While most of the effects of colon hydrotherapy are beneficial to the body, there can be adverse effects. Most of the time, these negative side effects are temporary and are the body's response to the detoxifying process. Taking probiotics to replenish the "good" bacteria in the colon can help reduce some of the negative effects such as cramping, nausea and bloating. Another benefit of colon hydrotherapy is that, unlike regular colon flushes that rely on herbal formulas, it does not usually lead to dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance because it introduces fluid back into the body during the process.

"Most people already know that Colon Hydrotherapy is a fantastic way to detoxify the body, and improve intestinal health"

Colonics detoxification


Some references used in writing this newsletter


Garrett, Laurie — The Coming Plague— 1996 Penguin New York

Parrilli, G— “Changes in intestinal permeability to lactulose induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy” —Cancer Treat Rep 1982Jun;66(6):1435-1436

Haubrich, WS— “The ebb and flow of gut fluids” — Gastrointest Endosc 1980May;26(s Supple):15-25

Phillips, S— “The gut is a membrane, is a vesicle, is a gut!” — Gut 1987 Jun;28(6):650-2

Dalton, HP— “Etiology of Bacteremia” — Va Med Mon 1071 Dec;98(12):660

Carrel, Alexis, MD— Man, The Unknown— 1939 MacFadden Publications NY

Oak Ridge Associated Universities— “Eco-Update” — Acres USA Apr 1989

Jensen, Bernard — Empty Harvest—Avery, 1990

Jensen, Bernard — Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management 1981

Tilden, JH, MD — Toxemia Explained 1926

Guyton, AC, MD —Textbook of Medical Physiology — 1996 Saunders

Galland, Leo, MD— “Leaky Gut Syndrome: Breaking the Vicious Cycle” — 1995

Martin, Simon— “Intestinal Permeability” — BioMed Newsletter no.11, May 95

Rogers, Sherry MD— Townsend Letter for Doctors– Feb-Mar 1995

Anderson, Richard, ND — Cleanse and Purify — 1998

Yamada, T— Textbook of Gastroenterology– 1991 Lippincott Co.

Forstner, JR “Intestinal Mucins In Health and Disease” Digestion 1978; 17(3) p234

Sipponen, P— “Intestinal Metaplasia With Colonic-Type Sulphomucins in the Gastric Mucosa: Its Association With Gastric Carcinoma” — Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavia 1980;88 p 217

Filipe, M “Transitional Mucosa” — Histopathology 1984 July; 8(4) p707

Jensen, Bernard — Iridology: The Science and Practice of the Healing Arts — vol.II 1982

Anderson, Ross ND— “The Vibrant Health That You Deserve” — video 1995

Lappe, M PhD —- Against the Grain —Common Courage– 1998.