Is your enviroment Killing you

"Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be blinded. We are facing a big knowledge gap in evaluating EMF health risk at this stage. This is the reason why there is no satisfactory and generally acceptable EMF standard around the world. I think an international EMF exposure standard might only be established on the principle of science and democracy, on the principle of mutual understanding and to reach unanimity through consultation." - Opening remarks by Professor Huai Chiang at the 3rd International EMF Seminar in China, 13-17 October 2003.

Electric and magnetic fields exist wherever electric current flows - in power lines and cables, residential wiring and electrical appliances. Electric fields arise from electric charges, are measured in volts per metre (V/m) and are shielded by common materials, such as wood and metal. Magnetic fields arise from the motion of electric charges (i.e. a current), are expressed in tesla (T), or more commonly in millitesla (mT) or microtesla (µT). In some countries another unit called the gauss, (G), is commonly used (10,000 G = 1 T). These fields are not shielded by most common materials, and pass easily through them. Both types of fields are strongest close to the source and diminish with distance. Source World Health Organization (WHO)

According to ancient Greek legend there once lived in Attica a bandit named Damastus or Polypemon, who was nicknamed Procrustes, or “The Stretcher”. He was known to entice, by force if necessary, passing members of the public to lie down on his iron bed. If they were too long he would cut off their limbs in order to fit the bed. If they were too short he would place them on a rack and stretch them until they would fit the dimensions of his bed – referred to as the Procrustean bed. Procrustes was eventually slain by his own method (cover image) by Theseus, a legendary king of Athens who, as a young man, had the habit of slaying robbers and monsters whenever he encountered them on his travels.

One of the derived meanings of Procrustean bed is an arbitrary standard to which exact conformity is forced. It was used to refer to Western radiofrequency (RF) human exposure standard setting by Professor V. V. Parin, a member of the USSR Academy of Medicine and quoted in the Foreword of A. S. Presman’s book Electromagnetic Fields and Life (1970).

The Procrustean Approach

The magnetic field? It doesn't affect me I don't have any magnets in my house! Wrong. Magnetism also results from moving charges, and moving charges are called currents. This means that there is a magnetic field present near every electrical wire or appliance in your house. In fact, right now as you are reading this, you are sitting right in the magnetic field from your computer and monitor.

Magnetic fields in Cars
Combine these measurements with the magnetic fields created by the tyres,and one can understand why so many people get car sickness and cronic fatigue while driving Source

Microwave Cooking
Food and water molecules have a positive and negative end similar to the north and south polarity of a magnet. The magnetron in a microwave oven generates an alternating current of more than a billion cycles per second. As this extremely rapid alternating microwave frequency bombards food, it causes the molecules of the food to reverse polarity at the same billions of times per second. This agitation creates molecular “friction”, producing heat – but also tearing apart and deforming the food molecules. (We receive some microwave frequencies from the sun, but it is a direct current which does not create molecular friction.) Source

The Natural enviromental static magneticis the magnetic field from the earth.This is about


Scientific study in a peer-reviewed journals and Govt Websites

World Health Organization
Childhood leukaemia is a comparatively rare disease with a total annual number of new cases estimated to be 49,000 worldwide in 2000. Average magnetic field exposures above 0.3 µT in homes are rare: it is estimated that only between 1% and 4% of children live in such conditions. If the association between magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia is causal, the number of cases worldwide that might be attributable to magnetic field exposure is estimated to range from 100 to 2400 cases per year, based on values for the year 2000, representing 0.2 to 4.95% of the total incidence for that year. Thus, if ELF magnetic fields actually do increase the risk of the disease, when considered in a global context, the impact on public health of ELF EMF exposure would be limited. Source (WHO)

Exposure levels to EMFs from electric appliances around the home are generally in the range of 0.01 - 0.25 7T. For homes near high voltage powerlines however, these levels may be as high as 0.5 - 1 7T. For homes immediately under the high voltage powerline, magnetic field levels of 6 - 10 7T may be found1....................

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Your EMF Environment. Questions and Answers about EMF Electric and Magnetic Fields Associated with the Use of Electric Power.

bathroom, kitchen, living room, laundry room, bedroom, electric blanket, workshop, office Standardized Result 0.1–150 µT................

This paper aims to analyze common magnetic ¯eld exposure situations to children in the home, to determine possibly relevant sources. Part of the data presented here derives from measurements performed in projects in Finland and Italy. In the home, the important sources of children's exposure are electrical systems and devices. In conclusion we can say that it is quite easy to find exposure levels that exceed 0.3{0.4 ¹T in the home. SourceGuess the WHO forgot about apartment blocks


A major new study found that children whose birth address was within 200 meters of an overhead power line had a 70% increased risk of leukemia. Children living 200 to 600 meters away from power lines had a 20% increased risk. This indicates the danger from power lines is appreciably further from the lines than had been identified in previous studies. The study, which was partially funded by the power-line industry, mapped how far each child lived from a high voltage overhead power line.

It compared the children who had cancer with a control group of 29,000 children without cancer, but who lived in comparable districts, Appearing in the June 2005 British Medical Journal, the study concludes there is a statistical link between EMF from power lines and leukemia. The study a collaboration between the Childhood Cancer Research Group at the University of Oxford and National Grid owners, Transco looked at cancer data or children aged up to 15 years old in England and Wales between 1962 and 1995. [Related Press Report]
Related Source

Previously, we have measured the MF exposure, derived from some new devices (e.g., laptops etc). At home however, the important sources of children's exposure are electrical systems and devices. In a detached house, the exposure was measured to be 0.1 ¹T. In apartments, the maximum exposure was usually > 0:4 ¹T (8 apartments), but in those located above the indoor distribution point, the average (max) exposure reached 6.5 ¹T. In the kitchen, the MF levels were measured at 0.3{0.5 ¹T and 2.5{4.2 ¹T in front of the oven and microwave oven respectively. All data was derived from spot measurements obtained using instantaneous RMS meters..

Magnetic Fields generated by domestic appliances
The table below provides examples of magnetic field strengths at particular
distances from appliance surfaces. They are expressed in microtesla (µT).

This graph shows the reading on a personal exposure monitor worn by an adult for one day, with some of the sources of exposure marked. The peak exposure (from the electric drill) was 149 µT; the average exposure was 0.11 µT.

Estimated exposures for 61 job categories ranged from 0.03 to 0.68 µT; the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles were 0.135, 0.17, and 0.23 µT, respectively. By job category, the most highly exposed jobs (>0.23 µT) included bakery worker, cashier, cook and kitchen worker, electronics worker, residential and industrial sewing machine operator, and textile machine operator. By work environment, the most highly exposed job categories were electronics worker in an assembly plant (0.70 µT) and sewing machine operators in a textile factory (0.68 µT) and shoe factory (0.66 µT). These results provide new information on expected levels of exposure in a wide range of jobs commonly held by women. Source

More recent research (4) has identified an interaction between DNA repair genes and low frequency electromagnetic fields in childhood acute leukemia. The interaction was statistically significant in homes within 100 m from electric transformers and power lines and at magnetic fields above 1.7 for exposure above 0.3 µT. Inadequate repair of DNA damage can lead to initiation or progression of disease. This may be one of the mechanisms contributing to childhood leukemia.

Scientific study in a peer-reviewed journals

The publication of a scientific study in a peer-reviewed journal is commonly recognized as a kind of “nobilitation” of the study that confirms its worth. The peer-review process was designed to assure the validity and quality of science that seeks publication. This is not always the case. If and when peer review fails, sloppy science gets published.

"We don't think it is possible that a magnetic field of these low magnitudes could have a causative effect on childhood leukemia," says Gerald Draper at Oxford University

According to a recent analysis published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, about 67 percent of 2047 studies retracted from biomedical and life-science journals (as of May 3, 2012) resulted from scientific misconduct. However, the same PNAS study indicated that about 21 percent of the retractions were attributed to a scientific error. This indicates that failures in peer-review led to the publication of studies that shouldn’t have passed muster. This relatively low number of studies published in error (ca. 436) might be the tip of a larger iceberg, caused by the unwillingness of the editors to take an action.source

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Smart Meters May Emit Radiation

For decades, power companies and official scientific entities such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization have been telling the public that there are almost no credible health risks from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that emanate from power lines, power transformers and every single appliance that runs on electricity.

The UK's National Radiological Protection Board has lowered its maximum recommending expsoure limits by adopting the Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)'s standards for maximum exposure to EMF from power lines. This standard sets the maximum exposure at 1000 mG, which is still a ridiculously high level, given the scientific consensus that there is a statistical link between EMF's greater than 4 mG and increases in the rate of cancer.:(

The official public-health-agency position is that, aside from a small increased risk of childhood leukemia, consumers are perfectly safe no matter how many appliances litter their homes and offices, or how many power lines exist nearby. But a newly completed $8 million, seven-year study by the California Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) Program has something quite different -- and quite alarming -- to say.

Dr. Paul Vailleneuve of the University of Ottawa finds in study published in February 2002 that those who were exposed to a moderate 6mG of magnetic fields increased by a factor of 12 their odds of developing an agressive brain tumor know as glioblastoma multiforme.

Exposure to Electricity May Increase Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease and ALS From Joel M. Moskowitz, PRLog (Press Release) – Feb 25, 2013

PRLog (Press Release) – Feb. 25, 2013 – A review of 42 studies of occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields (MF) and neurodegenerative diseases found “moderately increased risk” for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Recent human population studies from California which showed that EMF exposure at around 1.6µT can cause miscarriage; studies which are currently cited scientifically as being very important findings

The Japanese National Institute for Environmental Studies and the National Cancer Center, in midterm analysis of a joint three-year survey project, have concluded children who are often exposed to such electromagnetic waves, emitted from high-voltage power lines and some household appliances, are on average more than twice as likely to get leukemia than those who are not exposed to EMF.

A study conducted in the Netherlands shows that intermitted power frequency magnetic fields cause more DNA breaks than do steady fields. (August 2002)

A new study, published in Cancer Cell International, presents experimental evidence to show that extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields can have a potentially damaging effect on the process of cell division in (already) radiation-injured cells, which could lead to them becoming cancerous. (August 2002) Source

EMF from Wireless Phones and other appliances can affect the BRAIN and may causeDNA Mutations that cause Birth Defects in the fetus (if the pregnant woman is exposed)

Here you have seen facts showing you that you are surrounded by damaging Electromagnetic fields,,i know its old hat and we're invincible,,but, did you know, Recently, researchers have discovered a link between EMF exposure and the production of melatonin, an important hormone secreted by the pineal gland that regulates the circadian rhythms which govern the sleep/waking cycle. Melatonin also plays a significant role in breast cancer prevention and longevity.

Melatonin suppression occurs at frequencies that are very close to the common household ranges of 50-60 hertz. Night time melatonin production can be reduced when individuals sleep beside cell phones, cordless phone bases or digital clocks. Continual cell phone use can also decrease the pineal gland's production of melatonin. Studies have also shown a direct link between occupations with high magnetic field exposure and the suppression of melatonin.Source

Surprising Effects of Lack of Sleep

1. Sleepiness Causes Accidents
2. Sleep Loss Dumbs You Down
3. Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to Serious Health Problems
Sleep disorders and chronic sleep loss can put you at risk for:
Heart disease
Heart attack
Heart failure
Irregular heartbeat
High blood pressure

4. Lack of Sleep Kills Sex Drive
5. Sleepiness Is Depressing
6. Lack of Sleep Ages Your Skin
7. Sleepiness Makes You Forgetful
8. Losing Sleep Can Make You Gain Weight
9. Lack of Sleep May Increase Risk of Death

"As the Pineal Gland is affected by changes in the Earth's magnetic field, so is our hormone production. In particular, Melatonin, an important Neuro Hormone and oncostatic (cancer surpressing) agent, is not produced in the absence of the Schumann Resonance in outer Space and its production is throttled in the presence of electromagnetic pollution.

So Melatonin seems to have a very close link with the "Optimum Biological Frequency Resonance". It also has been established that the Schumann Resonance is in some way a "window frequencies" for growth hormone release. If we take on board that the natural frequency is gradually being drowned out whilst our biological systems are still tuned into that frequency, then we must look for ways in which we can tune ourselves back into that frequency. It might be our only chance of maintaining a healthy immune system."

The key element is the role of the Schumann Resonance signal that is detected by human brains and is used to synchronize diurnal and ELF brain rhythms.


Trifield Meter 100xe

Trifield ® Meter measures all three types of electromagnetic field: AC magnetic field, AC electric field, and radio (including microwaves). The magnetic and electric detectors are 3-axis, making the meter easier to use than comparable 1-axis meter.

A wide range of mortalities that are associated with Melatonin reduction, are found to be significantly correlated with sunspot number, including cancer, cardiac and neurological mortality. EMR Schumann Resonance paper2.pdf

Schumann Resonator 2 car or home

Sine Wave
Runs two frequencies
I combination of 7.83 and 10.2Hz
Single Frequencie of 7.83Hz
Can be used in your car or in your home/workplace
More powerful than our Previous units

Sacred Harmony Resonator 3
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

Bring a little Miracle into your Life

Zone Alarm

PEMF Frequency 10 Hz – ATP PEMF
7.83 Schumman Resonance
9 Schumman harmonics
Frequency generation Is Automaticaly Triggered by the presence of DNA damaging magnetic fields
Wear around your neck or close to skin
Light weight
Fully rechargable battery and charger included