The Healing Power of the Mind

“I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think”

Each of us possesses an astounding power to heal ourselves--and it's all in our minds.

There is a dramatic and powerful connection between your mind and body, and between your body and your mind. In fact, it really should not be called a connection because it is just ONE bidirectional system.

The brain is a highly efficient system that is connected to every cell in your body by billions of connections. It is divided into two sides ñ the left, logical side (words, logic, rational thought) and the right creative side (imagination and intuition). Day to day circumstances usually are met in a logical, left brain mode; however by yielding to the right, creative side of the brain we actually restore balance in the brain. This allows access to the mind-body connection to achieve what you want. The right side of the brain automatically steers you to your goal. It totally accepts what you want to accomplish without giving an opinion and acts upon it without judgement. That is why visualization targets the right, creative side of the brain and not the left, logical side.

In a study of 50 people with advanced lung cancer, those judged by their doctors to have high "spiritual faith" responded better to chemotherapy and survived longer. Over 40 per cent were still alive after three years, compared with less than 10 per cent of those judged to have little faith (In Vivo, vol 22, p 577).

Our minds possess the power to heal pain and stress, and to blossom into health and well being. If we apply the mind's healing power, we can heal not only our mental and emotional afflictions, but physical problems also.

You were created with an immune system of cells and organs designed to keep you healthy. These cells fight invaders and the Infinite Intelligence in your body regenerates healthy cells automatically.

Positive thought is essential to producing a positive result. Negative thoughts and emotions lower the immune system, while positive thought and emotions actually boost the immune system. ?

Does what we think really affect our physical health?

Our hypothalamus in our brain is the emotional center and it changes emotions into physical responses. Our thoughts affect our bodies more so than we think. For instance, when something scares us and we feel afraid, adrenaline is produced in our bodies, so the emotion of fear caused that adrenaline to be formed. The mind affected the physical body. Neurotransmitters, which are chemical messenger hormones, carry emotions “back and forth between the mind and body.” Endorphins, which are released when we exercise, are neurotransmitters that act as natural painkillers. So in essence we want our neurotransmitters to be carrying positive, healthy emotions to our body. So Interestingly enough, it has been found that positive thoughts enhance the immune system and negative thoughts wear the immune system down.

Charles R. Collins wrote a book, The ABCs of Life, and opened a practice as a faith healer in Miami in the mid-70s. The basis of his philosophy is shown in a simple experiment, he says.

"Take eight to 10 good-sized carrots," he told the Examiner, and cut off the top, leaving about half an inch of carrot attached to the top. "Be sure to cut any green sprouts coming from the tops. Then place four or five carrot tops in two dishes of water. Mark one dish with a 'plus' sign and the other with a 'minus' sign. Place both dishes on a sunny window sill.

Love (+)

"Several times a day pick up one dish, tell the carrots how beautiful they are and encourage them to grow.

Hate (-)

Do the opposite with the others: curse them, hate them and think negative thoughts toward them.

"Ninety-nine percent of the time, the 'plus' carrots will sprout and flourish while the ‘minus' ones will wither and die."

This simple carrot experiment offers proof, says Collins, of living power of the human Mind.

To test Collins' carrot growing experiment, the National Examiner decided to conduct the experiment in the office. We took six carrot tops and divided them into two groups of three. We gave them equal amounts of water and sunlight under carefully controlled conditions. Our staff treated one group with contempt and the other with positive, loving thought.

To our amazement, the experiment worked! The "bad" carrots turned brown and died while the 'good' ones sprouted rich green shoots! Source

"Brain cells / neurons have long been known to communicate with each other via chemical signals. But in the past, these signals were thought to move only in the paths present between cells. In recent years, however, Candace Pert, Ph.D and other scientists have uncovered another communication system: chemicals that work like free-floating telegrams, sending messages between cells in different parts of the brain, and between the brain and other parts of the body. Some of these substances, such as insulin, have been known for years, but scientists are now discovering that they are produced by the brain, not just by organs like the pancreas.

Edgar Cayce stated, "The spirit is life. Mind is the builder. Physical is the result." Cayce, like many others, believed that what we think is what our body generally becomes.

The idea that the mind and body are engaged in two-way conversation is nothing new. Even the most skeptical doctors will usually acknowledge that sheer will power often pulls patients through life-threatening illnesses or injuries. Now, with the realization that the brain can actually jump start and enhance the body’s immune system, we are in a whole new dimension of possibility."

The true nature of our minds is peaceful, as the depth of the ocean is calm and clear. But when we mentally grasp and emotionally cling to our wants and worries with all our energy, we lose our own enlightened freedom and healing power, only to gain stress and exhaustion, suffering and overexcitement, like the turbulent waves rolling on the surface of the ocean.


Wherever our mind focuses, that area is exchanging more energy . It’s as simple as that. Our thoughts are a continual process of focus and energy transference.

Recent studies show that severe prolonged stress and chronic negative thinking can compromise the immune system. In a series of studies, Drs. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and Ron Glaser of Ohio State University College of Medicine, compared blood tests for immune function of medical students during exams to baseline blood tests done one month prior to finals. A decline was noted in: (1) natural killer T-cells which are responsible for fighting viruses and even attacking different kinds of tumors, including cancer (2) immune cells called Tlymphocytes (3) interferon, a component which supports and boosts immune function. This explains why college students suffering from “exam stress” often become ill.

”..many persons subconsciously don't want healing. They are attached to their conditions and, whether they consciously realize it or not, they enjoy the attention they get through being ill. ... The power of the mind is unbelievable ... She was getting attention through [the arthritis]. The woman was totally healed, and five minutes later she was totally sick again.”
The GRIT, Penn, 5/1977, quoting former psychic healer Charles R. Collins

Can you stop negative thinking, NOW! The science of Psychoneuro-immunology is crediting the ill effects of prolonged stress. Over 80% of illnesses have a root in anxiety, depression, and stress. Chronic stress causes negative changes in the HPA, and the immune system- weakening the body’s resiliance to disease and the ability to regulate hormones. There is a correlation between stress and dementia later in life.

No one really understands how or why a positive attitude helps people recover faster from surgery or cope better with serious diseases — diseases as serious as cancer, heart disease, and AIDS even colds and flu's. But mounting evidence suggests that these effects may have something to do with the mind’s power over the immune system. One recent study, for example, polled healthy first-year law students at the beginning of the school year to find out how optimistic they felt about the upcoming year. By the middle of the first semester, the students who had been confident that they would do well had more and better functioning immune cells than the worried students. (See Suzanne C. Segerstrom, Ph.D., et al., “Optimism is Associated With Mood, Coping, and Immune Change in Response to Stress,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 74, Number 6, June 1998.)

"Stress weakens the immune system and has other serious effects on the brain and body such as cardiovascular problems, and mental illness such as depression.Stress also kills brain cells and lowers your learning abilities or capabilities. Specifically, long periods of stress destroys brain cells in the hippocampus and learning and memory capabilities can be greatly reduced. Another factor is that the brain absorbs information better when it is relaxed, in a positive state of mind, and receptive to the information."

Do you think a Stressed Mind full of negativities and turmoils Can creat harmony in body, mind and soul.

Negative attitudes and beliefs can harm us. 411 cancer patients were told to expect hair loss from a new chemotherapy drug. 30% of those who received a placebo lost their hair anyway! Source

First of all, thinking is "real" medicine, as proven by the placebo effect. When given a sugar pill in place of a prescription drug, an average of aprox 25% of subjects will show a positive response. What causes this response isn't a physical substance but the activity of the mind-body connection. Expectations are powerful. If you think you've been given a drug that will make you better, often that is enough to make you better. Thats positive thinking!!!

You are probably familiar with the concept of cause and effect. All of our thoughts lay down imprints on our mind which has the potential to ripen at some time in the future. These thoughts can be positive, negative or neutral. These thoughts are never lost. The negative ones can ripen at any time in the form of problems or sickness; the positive ones in the form of happiness, health or success.

What we do now determines what will happen to us in the future.

All diseases originates from within, and therefore can only be healed from within. Medicine only facilitates healing but it does not heal. What matters is not the medicine, but rather how you think of it. All disease that manifests in the outer, physical body has arisen from within the conscious or subconscious mind. They are the effects of your thoughts and feelings.

"When I am ill, it is very easy for the mind to become ill too. I tend to have negative thoughts and suffer. These negative thoughts don't restrict themselves to that particular part of the body, but is carried forward to the entire body and the mind too. The mind which has to be the healer, becomes a victim and hence weak. At such times, it is important that my mind is strong creating a positive influence on the body. . "

Every feeling, every emotion and every thought creates a change in our body chemistry at the subatomic level. And it is these quantum changes that create our state of health. Thousands of cells are constantly being renewed within the body in the exact image of your emerging state of being. As we learn and develop throughout life, our cells reflect how we think and feel.

Lets look at a single cell in the body. It will replicate into millions of cells during its lifespan. If the cell is charged with positive energy, it will replicate identical cells. This process is called cellular healing. But if the cell is under-charged with negative energy, it replicates the same, 'negatively charged' cells. And so begins the dis-ease process

The cellular healing process is about creating harmony in body, mindl. If we think positive, our cells have a positive vibration and generate more cells of the same. If we think negatively our cells have an negative vibration and generate more of the same. If we continue in this train of thought, illness develops and persists. If we change our thoughts to positive, the dis-ease cycle is interrupted and with time our body will return to its natural state of balance.

Our lives are filled with many types of days, good, bad, weak and strong. Don’t let the bad or weak ones take anything away from you. Life is still good and you are still strong, Never let a weak moment take away from you all the strong ones you had.” ~ReneeScalfani~

On A Deeper level

The Cellular Memory is the complete blueprint for your existence. It is the energetic expression of you, as you have become. The human body was designed to 'register' each persons life experience, in each and every cell. These experiences that are retained in the body become 'cellular memory' and influence our future actions and reactions. Cellular memory allows us to recall events that we would otherwise have forgotten - our emotional history is recorded in our cells.. The more emotional an experience is for us, the more likely we are to recall it because we become 'emotionally attached' to that event. These emotionally-charged events are particularly powerful in effecting the body's immontional and physical well being

Thoughts that feel good are registered by the body and regenerate the cells with vitality and allow life force to flow freely. On the flip side, negative thoughts are resisted by the body's natural state and cause changes in cells, tissues and organs. Persistent negative thoughts create overwhelming resistance in the body and this resistance is reflected in the body in the form of fatigue, viruses and in extreme cases, cancer and other debilitating diseases.

The question is: In a fast paced world chocked so full of stressful events, how does one achieve balance.

A calm mind can create positivity. harmony and Balance plus good health

Brain hemisphere integration is very important for utilizing the full capacity of the brain. It is wholesome and highly beneficial Importance of Brain Hemisphere Integration. It is a well-known fact that how we think affects every thing we do in life – health, wealth, relationships, and achievements. Successful people are positive thinkers and they have positive states of mind. In contrast, most ordinary people remain grooved in a cycle of negative thinking and beliefs. This, they take as “normal” state of their mind. However, in reality negative thinking and attitudes reflect an unSynchronized mind. This is the status of people whose brains are highly lateralized, ie, dominated by either left or the right brain hemisphere.

On the contrary, people with well-developed mind have their brain hemispheres well integrated operating as an integrated whole unit. This automatically facilitates balanced and clear positive thoughts. A person with synchronized brain hemispheres is unlikely to fall prey to negative thinking, pessimism, or depression.

The good news is: it is possible to rectify hemispheric imbalance. The hemispheres are synchronized when they begin to work together, communicate faster, and resonate at the same frequencies. When this happens, new neural connections form between the two hemispheres, resulting in what is called whole brain functioning.

."Bob Beck Brain Tuner/Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation* invented in the early 1980s. There are later BT's that have been refined. The Brain Tuner balances the left and right brain hemispheres, balances brain chemistry thereby neutralizing addictions and allergies and reduces stress. It neutralizes depression, anxiety and promotes endorphin production. It seems to promote formation of dendrites resulting in a higher IQ. Over thirty years of research all over the world shows that this type of technology can neutralize hard-core alcoholism in appox 5-7 days for most individuals. Most people are no longer addicted after that time. Cocaine, heroin and meth-amphetamines/ect., ect. is cleared in 5-7 days generally speaking. Cigarettes are more difficult to neutralize quickly because research has proven nicotine to be three times more addictive than heroin. Usually within 2-3 weeks nicotine addiction is neutralized."...

Tools to create Hemispheric Synchronization, a calm mind , positivity. harmony/ Balance leading to better health

BT Pro Multi system

Full LED screen

Built in frequencies

Delta Brain Waves
0.5 Hz Anxiety release
1.5 Hz Deep sleep
2.0 Hz Healing Of Nerves

Theta Brain Waves
Deep Theta 5.0 Hz Release Brain fog, retain recall release information faster
7.83 Hz Meditation

Alpha Brain Waves
10 Hz Cell Rejuvenation

More Healing Frequencies

15 Hz Lymph System Circulation
20 Hz Breast lumps
35 Hz Stimulate Clarity of Thought, Mental Function
100.00 Hz Feeling Down
500Hz Chronic depression
1434 Hz White Blood Cell stimulation
1524 Hz Red Blood Cell Stimulation
Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz
Over 700 Natural Harmonic frequencies

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Timer : 5 - 60 mins
Intensity Control
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High Quality Ear clips
Tens pads and lead
LCD Screen
Many more add on options

Latest BT Pro Master Unit (ver 6)

Master unit

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More Amazing Add on Apps options

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Basic option (Master unit) with Bio-feedback app

Frequency Comparison Chart

Fisher Wallace
Alpha Stim
Basic Frequencies

0.5 Hz
1.5 Hz
2.0 Hz Healing Of Nerves
5.0 Hz
7.83 Hz
10 Hz
15 Hz Lymph System Circulation
20 Hz
35 Hz
100.00 Hz
1434 Hz White Blood Cell Production
1524 Hz Red Blood Cell Production
Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz

15 Hz
500 Hz
15,000 Hz


Price $NZ399.95 @ $US258.54 $US699-$US799 $US1195
    while most people believe that the Fisher Wallace Stimulator® is FDA Approved, this is not the case. The Fisher Wallace Stimulator® is only FDA Cleared, which is quite different from approval.  
Power Source: Fully Rechargeable Batteries 2 x AA Batteries 2 x AA Batteries