"Acidosis, Ph, and ill Health"

Acidosis is a condition in which there is too much acid in the body fluids.

When nutritionists talk about acid- or alkaline-forming foods, they are referring to the condition of the food after ingestion. There are many food substances which are acidic in their natural form that become alkaline when broken down within the body.

Every year the number of prescriptions written for acid-alkaline imbalances continues to increase. Antiacids, alkalizers, specific digestive enzymes, etc. remain popular as household "remedies" for many acute digestive disorders. The temporary relief experienced by these so-called remedies is interpreted by the majority of sufferers as being a cure for the problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. These drugs work in much the same way as a lazy housecleaner sweeps the dust under the rug; that is, covering up the symptom, but not eliminating the cause.

Our bodies are like the rug in that they will only allow the drugs to cover up the problem for so long. Eventually, these acute digestive disorders will become chronic, resulting in a more difficult condition for the body to deal with. So, what was once simply a minor case of acid indigestion or heartburn becomes a major digestive ailment. The stomach, liver, small and large intestines, kidneys and pancreas can all be seriously impaired, both from consumption of an improper diet and from the use of drugs that cover up an overly-acidic diet and the, consequent indigestion.

Almost anyone who has been eating the standard diet of meat, dairy foods and refined and processed foods will suffer in varying degrees from an acid-alkaline imbalance. Add to this fare: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and condiments, and the percentages will rise even higher.

The physicist MANFRED VON ARDENNE ... recently discovered that cancer cells owing to their fermentation, are more acid - inside and on their surface - than normal cells ...

When people encourage you to "alkalize your blood," most of them mean that you should eat plenty of foods that have an alkaline-forming effect on your system. The reason for making this suggestion is that the vast majority of highly processed foods - like white flour products and white sugar - have an acid-forming effect on your system, and if you spend years eating a poor diet that is mainly acid-forming, you will overwork some of the buffering systems mentioned above to a point where you could create undesirable changes in your health.

Keep in mind the following basic concepts:

Organic matter is taken into the body in the form of food.

This organic matter is broken down into simple compounds (monosaccharides, amino acids, lipids etc).

After metabolism, these compounds leave an acidic or alkaline residue in the body.

The simple compounds contain elements such as sulphur, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. These minerals determine the H+ concentration and thus the acidity or alkalinity of the body.
These elements are either acid-forming elements or alkaline-forming elements. The acid-forming substances are sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine, while the alkaline formers are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Within the plant kingdom, the organic acids found in fruits and vegetables are metabolized and eventually become carbon dioxide and water. The alkaline elements such as potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium remain. Although many fruits are acidic in nature, when broken down into their constituent elements, the acids are rendered neutral and the alkaline elements are dominant. Therefore, the end result of the organic breakdown and digestion of fruits and vegetables is alkaline in nature.

"There are many studies from around the world that show that the more protein a society consumes, the more osteoporosis they have. Osteoporosis is definitely an acid disease. The calcium is just leached out of the bones by these metabolic acids. Calcium, or lack thereof, is not the problem, over acidification is. This calcium has to be excreted by the kidneys or in the feces or it will be deposited, somewhere in the body. It can be measured in the urine. It can be deposited in the lining of the arteries, kidney or gallbladder stones can develop.
It can be deposited in the brain causing dementia or arthritic deposits form, on and on...and then the microbes come out of the acidic, hurt, swollen cells to help get rid of the deposits. Inflammation develops, pain, more swelling, blocked arteries. The amount of calcification in the body correlates directly with the onset of 'old age'. Also, all these old micro-organisms are being re-discovered, inside the diseased tissues effected by Chronic Degenerative Disease, cancer, the bacteria Chlamydia pheumoniae being isolated from the arteries in most cases of hardening of the arteries."


THE PH/DIGESTION/ELIMINATION AXIS 1997 by Jim LeBeau Perfect Health Foundation

The pH/digestion/elimination axis is so basic to human health that many highly educated “experts” in nutrition pass it right by as they endlessly complicate and confuse things. Read the following carefully, taken from page 496 of ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY by Anthony and Thibodeau, 10th edition (a college level text) ¼

“enzymes FUNCTION OPTIMALLY AT A SPECIFIC pH and become inactive if this deviates beyond narrow limits”.

“enzymes are vital substances. Without them, the chemical reactions necessary for life could not take place”.


without enzymes we could not live. We could not digest anything, or metabolize anything, or even breathe right. We would die with minutes. without the right pH balance in saliva the enzyme amylase that begins the digestion of starch . . . the enzyme that turns that bite of bread sweeter and sweeter as you chew it . . . cannot work right . . . without the right pH balance of stomach juices (acid) the protein you just swallowed will not get properly broken down and your stomach enzymes will not work right either- without the right pH balance of bile and pancreatic juices (alkaline) where enzymes complete the digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, not one of the millions o workhorse enzymes in those digestive juices can cork right either. all of the above means that all of the best and most nutritious food in the world and the most expensive vitamin pills and supplements won’t get digested and assimilated right if your body pH is off balance . .and it also means that YOU cannot work right either.

It's important to note that on the pH scale, each number represents a tenfold difference from adjacent numbers; in other words, a liquid that has a pH of 6 is ten times more acidic than a liquid that has a pH of 7, and a liquid with a pH of 5 is one hundred times more acidic than pure water. Most carbonated soft drinks (pop) have a pH of about 3, making them about ten thousand times more acidic than pure water. Please remember this the next time you think about drinking a can of pop.


How acid something is determined by measuring its pH. The pH of anything is set on a scale of from 1 to 14. pH 1 is the most acid, like the acid in your car battery. pH 14 is the most basic, like the lye you spray in an oven to clean it. Water is supposed to be neutral at a pH of 7.0. The pH of the blood has to remain exactly 7.40, all the time...exactly.

If the blood's pH rises or falls one tenth of a pH unit you are in intensive care in the hospital where the pH of your blood is monitored very carefully. If it moves two tenths either way it is lethal. How the blood always maintains a constant pH is a very complex matter and one that everything in the body helps to maintain, as everything in the body depends on this sameness.

Strong Acids, Weak Acids and Protein
The strong acids in our bodies are those that are formed by the degradation of protein. These are sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid and nitric acid. These are strong, like the battery acid in your car. Strong acids are strong in contradistinction to weak acids such as vinegar and citrus juices. Weak acids do not ionize (break apart completely) when in solution whereas strong acids do. This is why vinegar does not burn holes in your clothes, or dissolve your bones; it does not break apart completely into an acid and a base part, it remains partly a salt. A salt is formed when an acid and a base combine and neutralized each other.

The Main Reason We Become Acid Is From Over-consumption Of Protein
When protein breaks down in our bodies, it breaks down into the above mentioned strong acids. These three acids must be excreted by the kidneys because they contain sulfur, phosphorus or nitrogen which cannot break down into water and carbon dioxide to be eliminated as the weak acids are. In their passage through the kidneys these strong acids must take a basic mineral with them because in this way they are converted into their neutral salts and don't burn the kidneys on their way out as would happen if these acids were excreted in their free acid form. Sulfuric acid or any of the strong acids are excreted mainly as the salts of sodium, potassium, magnesium or calcium as these are the main basic minerals of the body, the ones that are the most plentiful. The sulfur in sulfuric acid can and does combine with the calcium in your bones for one and is excreted as the corresponding salt which is called calcium sulfate. This salt does not harm the kidneys on its way through them but it does rob the body of the needed basic calcium.

We need protein, obviously, but all we need is 40 grams a day, a training athlete may need 80 grams a day. The average American diet on the other hand contains as much as 200 grams of protein per day, that's bacon and eggs for breakfast, etc.. We all know that the "richer" we became as a civilization and more " advanced", the more meat we eat.

Respiratory rate and breath holding ability are key indicators of the pH of blood. Why? The body uses carbon dioxide levels as a primary way to regulate blood pH. When you dissolve carbon dioxide in the blood, you get carbonic acid. If there is too much carbonic acid, the respiratory center in the brain will send signals to the respiratory muscles that they must breathe to get rid of excess carbon dioxide. Respiratory rate will be rapid - often more than 18. The breath hold time will be short. This is an acidosis situation.

If there is too little carbonic acid, the respiratory center will send out a message to reduce respiration to conserve carbon dioxide. The respiratory rate may drop to less than 12 and the person will be able to hold their breath a long time. This is an alkalosis situation.

A person with an acid imbalance will generally have a resting respiratory rate of 19 or more and if they take a deep breath will only be able to hold it for 40 seconds or less. Why? Since the blood is acid, the brain tells the body to breathe faster to get rid of the acidic carbon dioxide. The same principle applies to breath hold. The brain sends messages to breathe to get rid of excess carbon dioxide. The urine pH may be acid. But if the acidosis is caused by excess potassium in the body, the kidneys will dump potassium (alkaline) and retain hydrogen (acid). So the urine is alkaline while the blood is acid! Source

There is also a daily rhythm to this acid-base, ebb and flow called by Friedrich Sander the Base Flood and Base Tide. The stored acids are mobilized from the connective tissues and Pishinger's Space while we sleep.

The space enclosed by these finer and finer fibers, is called PISHINGER'S SPACE, from the German scientist that described it. Essentially, this is the extracellular space that contains the fluids that bathe and feed each and every cell while carrying away the wastes from those same cells. There is no mention of this organ in American, physiology text books, there is the extracellular space .

These acids reach their maximum (base tide) concentration in this fluid, and thereby the urine, at 2:00 AM, so the urine is the most acid at this time. The acid content of the urine directly reflects the acid content of the fluid in Pishinger's Space, the extracellular fluid compartment of the body.


Your PH

By the time you get up though, in the morning, all the acids consumed and generated the day before should be gone, excreted while you slept, contained in your bladder and ready to be voided when you wake. This first urine should be acid when you get up in the A.M.. The urine pH you should check though is the pH of the urine measured the second time you empty your bladder in the morning as this reflects the pH of the body fluids at that time, in the morning, not the pH of the urine from the night before. Therefore, your A.M. urine, the second voided specimen after you get up, should be back to about neutral, close to pH 7.00 (pH 6.8 to be exact). Because most everyone is acid, this is hardly ever the case. More and more acids accumulate day after day and chronic, degenerative disease develops as the direct result of the pleomorphic changes that take place in the blood as discussed above. Each day we add to the acids not disposed of the day before. On the other hand, this Pishinger's Space, becomes most alkaline around 2:00 PM, the Base Flood, as then the most bicarbonate is being generated by the cover cells of the stomach (see below), after lunch and breakfast have been metabolized, actually. If your urine is not alkaline at 2:00 P.M. you are definitely in an acid condition.


In the normal situation, hydrochloric acid is produced by the cover cells of the stomach. Table salt, sodium chloride, is split into hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate. The production of each molecule of hydrochloric acid is matched by the production of an equivalent molecule of sodium bicarbonate The acid goes into the stomach and and the sodium bicarbonate goes into the blood stream and circulates all around, first flushing out the excess acid in the tissues and especially, freeing the collagen fibers and the colloidal connective tissue organ from the adsorbed acids stored there. Any bicarb that is left over, is picked up by the alkaline glands, the liver, pancreas, etc..

Lemons and Limes One of the interesting facts is that lemons and limes are alkaline forming. Although they are acid by nature, in the body they are alkaline forming because of their mineral content. This makes them ideal for salads and other meal items when you need an acid taste component. You will see in the list that vinegar is rated very acid at (-39) while lemon is alkaline at (+9).

An imbalance happens, of course, if enough alkaline food is not eaten and because the sodium bicarbonate generated by the stomach's cover cells, does not all go to the alkaline glands (pancreas, liver, salivary glands and the alkaline glands in the duodenum). On the way through the body to those glands, some of it gets used up by neutralizing acid residues from the previous meal and ones stored in the connective tissue organ from before.

A list of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods

If there is not enough base left over after a meal, enough base to neutralize and clear the acids stored in the connective tissues,
a relative base deficiency develops which is again, the latent "acidosis". When this happens the liver and pancreas don't end up with enough alkaline juices to ensure proper digestion. Digestion can't proceed without enough of these alkaline juices for the liver and pancreas, etc., so the stomach has to produce more acid, in order to make enough base, ad nauseam, and one can develop stomach ulcers. The ulcer is not
the result of too much acid, on the contrary, it is the result of too little base!

So, in this acid condition we are talking about, we aren't "acidotic" in so many words, rather we are base deficient. This is why 80 or 90 year old, old folks, are shrunk up, little people. They have no mineral stores left. When all the minerals are gone, so are we, our battery runs down.

It is just like a battery. The cells of our body do carry a charge that can be measured as the oxidation/reduction potential of the blood. This energy potential decreases with aging, just as the minerals do. We become more oxidized (so the need for antioxidants). Both things occur because of hyper-proteinization, too much protein.

We aren't acidotic as they say in a hospital, in shock, when things have gone so bad that the very pH of the blood itself begins to change, Code Blue. Rather, in a state of latent "acidosis" we are full of stored acid residues, residues stored in the Pishinger space waiting for a ride out on base minerals that aren't there. This is the latent in latent "acidosis". Blood values have not started to change yet, so the acidosis is stored in the tissues as it were. The tissues are acid but technically this is not an acidosis either as the blood appears normal.
If things get worse, this latent "acidosis" can proceed into what is called a compensated acidosis. This means the blood pH itself still hasn't started to change but other values in the blood have had to change to keep the blood pH the same 7.40 that it is supposed to be. Decompensated acidosis is when the blood pH itself is effected.

CAUSE OF CANCER & pH Herman Aihara, in his book entitled “Acid & Alkaline”, states that:

If the condition of our extra cellular fluids, especially the blood, becomes acidic, our physical condition will first manifest tiredness, proneness to catching colds, etc. When these fluids become more acidic, our condition then manifests pains and suffering such as headaches, chest pains, stomach aches, etc. According to Keiichi Morishita in his Hidden Truth of Cancer, If the Blood develops a more acidic condition, then our body inevitably deposits these excess acidic substances in some area of the body such so that the blood will not be able to maintain an alkaline condition which causes these areas such as the cells to become acidic and lowers in oxygen.

As this tendency continues, such areas increase in acidity and some cells die; then these dead cells themselves turn into acids. However, some other cells may adapt in that environment. In other words, instead of dying - as normal cells do in an acid environment - some cells survive by becoming abnormal cells. These abnormal cells are called malignant cells. Malignant cells do not correspond with brain function nor with our own DNS memory code. Therefore, malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order. This is cancer.

if the pH of the intestines is not right, different bacteria and eventually yeast can grow there, dysbiosis (wrong growth), in place of the bacteria that should be there. This causes its own set of problems.
If the environment of the intestines is not alkaline but acid, dysbiosis (wrong growth) occurs. The gut fills with and supports the growth of the wrong kind of bacteria, fungus, yeast, Candida sp., etc.. These bacteria in turn generate their own acidic, toxic byproducts of metabolism that further aggravate and maintain the already latent "acidotic" condition. When this dys-biosis or wrong growth begins, it begins with fermentation and as fermentation is the process of eating, metabolizing and excreting that bacteria do, alcohol is produced. Fermentation like this can even cause cirrhosis of the liver in patients that have never drunk alcohol in their life. As when making wine, this fermentation process can go 'bad' and begin to rot. Vinegar and other rotten things are produced. This vinegar acid and the other things can cause "heart burn" too, along with the bloating and gas that come with the fermentation process but this kind of heart burn is not from too much acid, hydrochloric acid, it is from not enough.

In this kind of heart burn, that comes an hour or two after you eat, other acids form, acetic acid as in vinegar and other putrefactive acids. These acids cause the "heart" burn. The meal is not digesting well as with a good amount of hydrochloric acid, it is fermenting instead. These rotten things are reabsorbed back into the body and picked up by the blood like anything in the gut. These rotting things in the gut just don't make you feel well. It's why there are constipation headaches, sleepless nights from food eaten too late to digest (nights where undigested food just ferments and rots all night, makes bad dreams). The skin also tries to expel such toxins, pimples, rashes and other skin problems develop.

With this kind of "heart burn" one hurts after eating, right away or an hour or two later, rather than before as with an ulcer. This can burn with reflux up the esophagus, worse while lying down, or it can be just pressure over the whole abdomen from the gas. This gas can actually push the stomach through the diaphragm into the lung cavity, producing a hiatal hernia.

The Symptoms of Being Acid
The acidity, the pH of the body, it's fluids and cells, is the most important homeostatic or balancing act the body has to perform. The acidity of the blood has to remain exactly the same all the time. The fact that we are alkaline beings by design but acid generating beings by function makes this the most basic function the body has to perform, no pun intended, besides and including breathing and pumping one's blood around. As we become more and more acid, accumulate and store more acids in our connective tissues this is what happens;
A. First, there is an increased sense of well being from the "stimulatory" reaction of the bodies regulatory system that operates in high gear to
process the excess acid.
B. The patient therefore believes her or his self to be totally well.
C. This type of person tends to be an over achiever, active, always running.
D. The person is overly ambitious due to the acidic irritation of the nerves.
E. Later, as the process progresses the patient becomes;
1. irritable and difficult to please
2. exhausted, fatigued
3. listless and inability to get anything done
4. constantly finds fault
5. sees only the pessimistic side of life
6. can't sleep restfully
7. wakes tired in the A.M.
8. generalized aches and pains
9. I. loss of appetite or ravenous hunger
10.J. obstipation (difficulty moving bowls) to constipation gallbladder pains and frequent headaches
11.frequent redness of the nose or parts of the nose
12.hardness and pain of the neck and shoulder muscles with pressure, and pain of the back of the head nerves with pressure
13.often coated tongue and halitosis, enlarged tonsils
14.moist hands with poor blood supply, cold hands, pale to white
15.tendency to sweat, tendency to development of skin rashes
16.susceptibility to colds and bronchitis with large mucous secretions as an attempt to rid the body of acid, the excretion and reaction
phases of Homotoxicology
17.women tend to be pale with scant, heavy or irregular periods
18.blood pressure tends to be lower at first
19.The Indicin-Test of the Urine (see below) is usually positive. This is a test for rotten products in the intestine that are reabsorbed by the
blood stream and re-excreted out the urine when the intestines are in a dysbiotic condition, when abnormal bacteria are growing there
because of the latent acidosis
20.shows aging as the sodium is depleted from the body fluids and potassium from muscles causing wasting and weakness, and then
calcium from the bones which is osteoporosis, arthritis and the like.

Testing Your PH :
1. Saliva test upon waking. First thing in the morning right when you get out of bed, lick the end of you ph meter with saliva. Note down that pH number. Do this before brushing your teeth, drinking, smoking, or even thinking of eating any food. This pH should be 6.8.

2. Then test your second urine of the morning. The urine stored in your bladder during the night, that is ready to be eliminated when you get up, should be acid so you don't want to test that. Drain your bladder in the morning, the last time you get up if you get up during the night and then see what that urine pH is. Again, record this number. This number should be the pH of your urine after you got rid of your acid load from the day before. The acids should be gone the second time you go to the bathroom so your urine pH should be around 6.8 also.

3. Eat breakfast, an apple will do, anything, and five minutes after breakfast check your saliva again. Write this number down also. This number should go up from what it was before you ate, the more the better.

4. and 5. Then check your urine pH between meals, i.e. between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. The pH should always be 7.0 to 8.5, a couple of hours after meals.

These five tests show the following:

1. How well your digestive system dealt with what you ate the night before, i.e. the AM urine pH. These numbers may change from day to day depending on what you did eat the night before.
2. How well we treat ourselves in general, i.e. how "strong" the liver is. This is the AM saliva pH. This number shows the overall state of our health, the condition of the alkaline reserve of our bodies which reflects the diet we have eaten over the last months to years. This number stays rather constant and will only change after some work has been done in re-mineralizing the body.

Since the saliva pH is an indicator of intracellular pH, saliva pH readings should never be below the pK of the phosphate buffer
system, 6.8. . The most accurate reading of saliva pH is recorded immediately upon awakening--after sleeping at least five hours and before brushing the teeth. It is during sleep that the body removes waste and is in an anabolic state restoring and replenishing the body.

If the patient has a saliva pH of 5.5 at this time and only 5.6 after eating, you know that this person has no alkaline reserve and that his body is devoid of the minerals necessary to process food properly--his body cannot adequately respond to the physiological crisis of handling food.

3. The pH of your saliva after you eat gives an indication of what the mineral reserves of your body are (the pH number should increase
after you eat). My son just thought of a lemon for a minute and the pH of his saliva went up a whole point. He had enough reserve
minerals, which are basic, to pull into his digestive system to begin the digestive process.

The ideal saliva pH pattern is 6.8 on awakening, 7.0 before eating and 8.5 following breakfast. Besides just thinking of a lemon one can eat one. This is a simple test that can be done at most any time of the day. It too checks the adequacy of the alkaline reserve of the body. When a healthy person with adequate alkaline reserves takes a bite of highly acid lemon, the saliva pH drops sharply for an instant but returns almost immediately to pH 8.5. The more acidic the food that is eaten, the more rapid the response of the alkaline reserve, and the higher the saliva pH should be following a meal.

4. The pH's of the urine between meals should be kept in the basic range, pH 7.0 to 8.5. After one eats, the stomach generates the necessary acid to digest the food. While doing this, it also performs the opposite action, i.e. it makes an equivalent amount of base or stream and delivered to the alkaline glands of the body, the saliva, the pancreas and the liver. The maximum amount of base in the blood and therefore in the urine occurs one to two hours after you eat.

This rhythm of the acid and base flow of the body, is called by Frederick F Sander, the Base-floods and the Base-tides of the Acid-Base household. This information is from, The Acid-Base Household of the Human Organism and its cooperation with the nail circulation and the rhythm of the Liver, Frederick F. Sander, about 1930, translated from the German by Robert Miller, D.C. This book is not yet in
print in English.

Actually the body fluids and therefore the urine is most acid at 2:00 A.M. (pH 5.0 to 6.8) in the morning (the base tide) and most alkaline at 2:00 P.M. (pH 7.0 to 8.5) in the afternoon (base flood)." The ideal pH numbers depend on the time of day. Plotted on a curve it looks like the double hump of the back of a camel. Two times a day the urine should be alkaline and that is the top of the humps and corresponds to 10 A.M. and 2 P.M., the alkaline tide after meals. During the rest of the day the pH should be between 6.6 and 6.8. This is optimal urine. The first urine in the morning should be more acidic because of the decalcification that takes place during the night."
If all the acids are not all flushed out during the night they accumulate, day after day. The cycle of chronic disease begins. It effects different people in different ways; heart disease in one, arthritis, osteoporosis, stones, ulcers, cancer, in others.

If what you are doing to get better isn't working, if you are sick, be it with modern allopathic medicines or any of the alternative, complementary therapies, it is probably because you haven't dealt with this acid problem, first.





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How much water do you need?
The equivalent of 8 cups of water for women and 12 cups of water for men is the minimum amount of fluid recommended daily to replace water losses under conditions of moderate activity, mild temperature and altitude


Drinking From this Water flask Daily will help keep your Body Alkaline


These are Amazing.

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Oxidation Reduction Potential. (ORP)

When your tap water arrives at your home, it will usually be a little over neutral in pH ~ around 7.5.

It will, however, be robbed of its electrical negative charge and will almost always have a 'positive' ORP .
This means it has no antioxidant abilities and cannot assist your body in the fight against oxygen free radicals. On the contrary, it actually robs you of energy as you drink it.

Click to enlarge

The measurement of this positive or negative charge is expressed in millivolts, so an ORP reading on our ORP meter of tap water will most likely depending on your area show around +350 millivolts. After it has been through Ionizing Water filters it will most likely show anything from -150 to -650mv (depending on the amount of soluble minerals in the water and on the original pH of the water).

ORP is a "potential" energy that is stored and ready to be put to work. An analogous way to look at ORP would be to consider pressure. When you blow up a balloon you use energy that creates force. As long as the balloon remains closed, this force is a “stored potential energy” in this case measured as air pressure. When released, this “potential” energy becomes kinetic energy.

Potential electrical energy in liquid can be measured. It is measured with an ORP meter. These meters display extremely slight, and highly variable differences in the electrical properties of water. ORP readings are expressed in millivolts (1/1000 of a single volt). ORP meters range in price from $100 for a handheld “tester” to over $3,000 for more sophisticated laboratory equipment.

ORP measures the presence of oxidizing or [oxidation] reducing agents by their specific electrical charge, thus Oxidation Reduction "Potential". Oxidation in simple terms is what turns an apple brown after it is cut or causes metal to rust. Rust weakens metal and signifies the deterioration of the apple. High pH water has more "reducing" agents (-ORP) and low pH water has more oxidizing agents (+ORP).

In electrical terms, potential energy can be measured. When we use the term "potential" in describing ORP, we are actually talking about electrical potential as expressed in millivolts. This potential is measured in water with an ORP meter. What you measure is the very slight voltage in water. We are actually measuring the presence of oxidizing or reducing agents by their specific electrical charge, thus Oxidation Reduction "Potential". High pH water has more "reducing" agents (-ORP) and low pH water has more oxidizing agents (+ORP).

The ORP of most tap water in the USA is between +150 to +600mv and so is an oxidizing agent. High pH ionized water demonstrates a ORP and so is a reducing agent or “antioxidant”.

Aging or premature aging is a process of oxidation within the body. In other words the body rusts and is damaged by oxidation. The antioxidant molecule has an extra ion and donates it to the free radical effectively neutralizing it which is very important to our health and longevity. This antioxidant effect is also known as Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP).

Air, food and water have an Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) value which can be measured by an ORP meter which is a millivolt measurement of negative and positive electrical values .The higher the negative ORP value the healthier is for us and more powerfully we can neutralize free radicals

The benefits of being well-hydrated:

Have you heard the saying that 8 glasses of water a day helps keep your skin healthy? It's true, but there are other benefits to getting those 8 glasses or more:

Boosts physical and mental endurance.
Helps maintain a pleasant demeanor. Dehydrated adults and children tend to be irritable and/or lethargic.
Helps prevent muscle cramps in your legs, hands, and feet -- and achy stiffness in your joints.
Can prevent headaches. Are you prone to migraines, cluster headaches? Ask yourself how much water you drink in a day. If it isn't at least 48 ounces (preferably more), you might be dehydrated.
Some studies show hydration can decrease the risk of kidney stones and lower the risk of certain cancers by helping the body to flush out toxins.
Helps keep your digestive system working. Fluids soften the stools, making them easier to pass.
Helps prevent urinary tract infections by helping to flush away bacteria.
Helps keep pregnant women from being constipated -- and it can also help the body flush away excess fluid that can lead to bloating and edema (swelling).
Helps nursing women with milk production. If you are having a problem with milk supply, ask yourself how much water you're drinking.
Helps keep your eyes and skin moist and healthy. When the body is dehydrated, it looks for moisture from wherever it can find it -- including the eyes and skin.
Can help asthmatics breathe more efficiently, according to experts. Apparently, dehydration interferes with how well the lungs function (thereby increasing the likelihood of an asthma attack).

If dehydration is the removal of water from an object, then the treatment of dehydration to reverse its effects would logically be rehydration

Effect of inadequate water intake
Too little water can lead to dehydration. If you are dehydrated, your blood is literally thicker, and your body has to work much harder to cause it to circulate. As a result, the brain becomes less active, concentration becomes difficult & your body feels fatigued.

Are you Dehydrated???

Individuals' daily water requirements can vary due to many factors - including amount of exercise performed, total body weight, total lean muscle weight, and the temperature and climate of your locale. Many people wait until they are thirsty before reaching for a bottle of water. However, thirst is a very unreliable measure of the water needs for our bodies. The body can lose up to 2 or more cups of water before thirst strikes. Not getting enough water may result in a faster heart rate, thicker-than-normal blood, lowered endurance capacities, and muscle cramps. Drinking water in regular intervals throughout the day is an important habit to develop.


Beverages containing alcohol and caffeine should not be substituted for water. These types of beverages often have diuretic properties, meaning that it encourages the body to excrete more water. Diuretic substances promote dehydration. Many believe that since these beverages are a liquid substance, there is enough water in them to satisfy their daily water requirements. This is untrue, as the chemical compounds in these beverages cause you to let as much water go (if not more) as you consume it.

Drink to prevent thirst, not to quench it.

While some water is available from the food we eat, the majority of the water we need on a regular basis must be provided by drinking pure water. The consumption of tea, coffee, juice or soft drinks should never be considered water intake. Many of these drinks are so acidic that they end up pulling more water from the cells to neutralize the acidity—making dehydration even worse.

Your body loses water even while sleeping. Drinking a glass of water before going to bed or after waking up will help your body function smoothly.

Water is so essential to the body, that it is a requirement for proper immune system functioning. Whenever you get sick, your body requires more water to help it fight off infection. Fighting a cold or the flu can dehydrate your body quickly.

Common signs of dehydration that are often ignored include dark urine, afternoon fatigue, heartburn, dry skin, acne, headaches and constipation. If these are ignored, more serious problems develop.


The Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration
Symptoms of dehydration usually begin with thirst and progress to more alarming manifestations as the need for water becomes more dire. The initial signs and symptoms of mild dehydration in adults appear when the body has lost about 2% of it's total fluid. These mild dehydration symptoms are often (but not limited to):

Loss of Appetite
Dry Skin
Skin Flushing
Dark Colored Urine
Dry Mouth
fatigue or Weakness
Head Rushes

Increased histamine production in the body from chronic dehydration causes the bronchioles to spasm and constrict. This is an attempt by the body to conserve water. Water is going to be lost through respiration, so the lungs are trying to conserve what it can.

Try this simple test: Gently pinch the skin on the back of your hand between your thumb and forefinger for 5 seconds. Then count how many seconds it takes for the skin to flatten out again. The length of time it takes can be correlated with age, dehydration, and skin health. Generally, those between the ages of 45 and 50 have a return-response time under 5 seconds, but by the age of 60, the amount of time it takes for the skin to return to its original position is double or triple (10-15 seconds), and by the age of 70, the response time is typically 35-50 seconds.

The lack of resiliency in older skin is due to a loss of water. As we age, the thirst mechanism declines and water is lost from many areas of the body. The structure of the water within our bodies also deteriorates with age, making it less efficient and less mobile. The aging process is literally a withering of the tissues throughout the body–visibly reflected in the skin.

If the dehydration is allowed to continue unabated, when the total fluid loss reaches 5% the following effects of dehydration are normally experienced:

Increased heart rate
Increased respiration
Decreased sweating
Decreased urination
Increased body temperature
Extreme fatigue
Muscle cramps
Tingling of the limbs

Be aware that these are not the only symptoms of dehydration that may manifest , these are simply the most common. Symptoms of dehydration will differ from person to person because the body is a complex network and everyone's body is different

During dehydration, the only areas of the body that receive allotments are those where water is absolutely necessary. Blood, brain, kidneys, liver and digestive organs all take priority over the skin and connective tissues; without water, they begin to dry up.