Eeman Biocircuits
connect the positive and negative poles of the body,
promoting muscle relaxation and stimulating body function.
on of hands” is an example of a “natural” Eeman
BioCircuit. This healing art involves the circulation
of energy via the hands of the healer. Jinshin
jyutsu and shiatsu practitioners use these Eeman
BioCircuit principles, frequently holding two
points on the clients’ bodies to create
a flow of energy. Randolph Stone, the founder
of polarity therapy, taught his students that
the practitioner should use his hands to create
a bridge between areas where energy needs to
flow more strongly. That’s exactly what
an Eeman BioCircuit does. As a result of the
polarity or ‘pressure’ gradients
that exist naturally in the body on 3 axes: head
to sacrum, right side of body to left, back to
front of body. The natural intelligence of the
body (or ‘energy body’) is always
trying to balance us energetically—biocircuits
very much facilitate this process." |
Biocircuits, or Eeman screens, were discovered
by Leon Ernest Eeman in the early 1920s. After serious
injuries in a plane crash, Eeman was deemed 100 percent
disabled. While hospitalized he recalled Jesus' admonition "Heal
the sick by the laying on of hands." Eeman reasoned
that this healing energy was the subtle energy of the
life force itself. Within two years after his release
from the hospital he developed techniques using these
screens that "restored him to better health than
he had ever known."

Thousands of men and women have testified
to the amazing and subtle efficacy of BioCircuits over
their 90 year history. These simple, safe, non-mechanical
implements enhance the flow of life energy by connecting
different parts of the body with simple linkages of copper
. BioCircuits introduce no external electrical or magnetic
energy to the body, and yet their effects seem nothing
short of miraculous.
Wow I have to talk about
my last session with the Biocircuit. It was really
interesting. My mouth
felt really strange and my lip felt like it was
vibrating it sorted of felt like a current moving
through me,
it flowed through every cell in my body. It just
felt as though everything was open and ,for lack
of a better word,clean. I had energy, not the restless
pentup type, but one that was simply there! That
let me get on with my day and complete what had
to be done without a struggle - so cool!!!!!
Dianne Burr California |
Back in World War I, a young
British pilot named Leon Ernest Eeman crashed just
after take-off, sustaining serious injuries. He
spent time in five different hospitals, and was
finally released, being deemed “100 percent
disabled, permanently unfit for any duty.”

“After a few weeks
in a hospital bed, two things became
clear: that I was in such pain and felt
so ill that I couldn’t live much
longer, and that if I was to recover
I should have to do the job myself, as
none of the treatments I had received
had relieved either the acute head and
spine pains and the unbearable insomnia,
or the war exhaustion brought on by flying
in four different countries, with dysentery
and malaria added for good measure. I
concentrated all I had left in me on
my wish to recover and to do so by my
own means, in view of the failure of
allopathic medicine.
“This wish became
so powerful that one morning, weak though
I was, I wildly struck my bedside table
with my fist and shouted at my orderly
that whatever anybody thought, I would
get completely fit again. To this the
orderly replied, There is one thing about
you, sir, when you go down the sink,
you’ll go down with a joke.
After pondering the way
Jesus was said to heal people just by
laying his hands on them, Eeman developed
a set of copper polarity screens. After
two years of regular use, Eeman reported
that his excruciating pain and insomnia
were completely gone, and he felt in
better health than he had ever known.
(!) Intrigued by the power of the simple
device, he went on to experiment and
successfully treat a wide range of health
problems in many people.
[Quotes and information
are from Biocircuits: Amazing New Tools
For Energy and Health, by Leslie and
Terry Patten. (H.J. Kramer, 1988.)
What was quite
unique about Eeman’s work was
the fact that he developed a method
that relied on no outside presence – neither
another person, nor electricity, nor
any form of medicine. Neither was it
necessary to devote a great deal of
time and effort to master a yogic or
meditative discipline.
Instead, he invented a simple
device by which any person could transmit
energy to his own body by merely lying
down on it. In essence, the device
connects various points of one’s
own body to facilitate the circulation
of one’s own energy. |
you ever found yourself believing that healing
can only come from paying money to a licensed
Thanks for the discussion we had today. It helped
to talk to someone of my experiences while using
the biocircuit.It's really funny because so much
information is right there in the description - bio-
circuit !
To have experienced the movement of MY energy through
my body and to have felt the positive effects afterwards
was awesome
F Butler Kentucky |
Eeman states:
'The relaxation circuit almost invariably produces a
progressive sense of muscular relaxation, warmth, well-being
and drowsiness, often culminating in sleep, slower and
stronger pulse, slower and fuller respiration, with more
complete deflation, progressively longer pauses between
deflations and inflations, and a lowering of the pitch
of the voice.'

It was found that direct contact between the
copper mats and the individual was not necessary in
order to produce the effects noted; clothing and even
cushions did not act as barriers.
Eeman discovered
that by connecting the polarities of the body
with copper wires he could balance the body
and heal many diseases!
For right-handed individuals, a relaxation
circuit is formed if the left hand holds the
handle connecting to the mat under the head,
an the right hand holds the handle connected
with the at under the bottom of the spine.
Average duration of exposure is half an hour.

Likewise for right-handed individuals, if
the handles are switched so that the left hand
holds the handle connecting to the mat under
the bottom of the spine, and the right hand
holds the handle connecting to the mat under
the head, a tension circuit is formed. These
effects are noted even if the individual is
not aware of the specific connections or if
the connections are changed out of range of
his vision and without his knowledge. One of
the reasons for the 10-ft length of connection
wires, is to permit changes of connection without
the subject's knowledge, is to permit changes
of connection without the subject's knowledge,
in order to test the effect of suggestion.
In almost all instances, the reactions are
those appropriate to the circuit rather than
to the suggestion given, if the suggestion
is contrary to the effect of the circuit.
Many case reports covering various types
of ailments are detailed in the book Co-Operative
Healing, . Among the ailments relieved
by these circuits are listed: mental, nervous,
circulatory, respiratory, digestive and eliminative
disorders; headaches, high blood pressure,
rheumatism, lumbago sciatica and many other
conditions. Insomnia appeared particularly
to be relieved.
Just wanted to pass on my ongoing work with
the Biocircuits. I have found that after
a session I am able to enjoy a real sense
of peace and at the same time be energised
and able to take on the day ahead. I love
the simplicity of it - almost a plug and
play experience!
J Kruger Belgium |
Put yourself
in a Relaxation Circuit using your own energies for
increased well being.
Peter Lindemann (from
Borderlands Research) showed in many experiments over
many years that “Biocircuits are an effective medium
for receiving detailed information about the whole body
directly from its energy field and for communicating
healing information to the body purely, directly and
effectively.” Lindemann’s view of life energy
as conscious is fundamental to these experiments, just
as is the fact that it is always the body itself which
heals, and a good practitioner will simply facilitate
that process, helping to remove blockages in the various
energy flows which promote health. Healing is a natural
process, and all vibrational therapies are attempts to
catalyse these natural processes, and accelerate what
the body would do normally anyway.
L E Eeman report .pdf
The intelligence of life works physically
through the DNA, which controls all processes and functions
in the body. When injury occurs, the DNA assesses it,
decides what to do, and does it, using the same information/blueprint
that was used in building the body in the first place.

Accupuncture Meridians use very
Similar Biocircuits
Wow I have to talk about my last session with the
Biocircuit. It was rerally interesting. My mouth
felt really strange and my lip felt like it was vibrating
it sorted of felt like a current moving through me,
it flowed through every cell in my body. It just
felt as though everything was open and ,for lack
of a better word,clean. I had energy, not the restless
pentup type, but one that was simply there! That
let me get on with my day and complete what had to
be done without a struggle - so cool!!!!!
D, Burr California |
To Reap the
most Amazing Health Benifits from Eemann Biocicuits,
Lay Naked in the sun while using, Incredible Recharge Caution
two Adult pictures
The reason that not everyone is perfectly
healthy is that the working of DNA has been compromised
by toxic deposits, poor choices, unresolved emotions,
bad diet and so on—in a word, by toxicity. The
DNA can correct these conditions, but we have to stop
creating them, by lifestyle and habit changes

Double Blind Study of the "Biocircuit," a
Putative Subtle-Energy-Based Relaxation Device.
Julian Isaacs, Ph.D. and Terry Patten
Editorial: Inside Out, Outside
In. Steven L. Fahrion, Ph.D.
Biocircuits are passive devices which are reported to cause relaxation
in users, supposedly by facilitation of bodily subtle energy flow.
A repeated-measures, within-subjects control, double-blind study
was performed to test whether a "relaxation" biocircuit
would produce more relaxation than a placebo-control biocircuit.
The study design controlled for expectation, order effects, first
time effects and ultradian rhythms. Dependent measures included
four physiological variables relating to arousal and relaxation
(frontalis muscle tension, one monopolar channel of EEG monitored
for theta episodes, finger temperature, finger skin conductance)
and a ten-item comparative questionnaire used to rank subjective
experiences relating to relaxation in session. Twelve subjects
completed four sessions each. The first session for all subjects
was used only for familiarization and its data were not analyzed.
Subjects then completed three more sessions each, treatment order
being counterbalanced and randomly assigned across subjects. The
three sessions exposed subjects to a "relaxation" biocircuit,
a placebo-control "dummy" biocircuit and a "tension" biocircuit.
The EEG theta measure showed significantly more theta episodes
associated with the relaxation device than with the placebo-control
(Wilcoxon signed ranks test: p = .025 one-tailed). The frontalis
muscle tension measure showed significantly lower tension levels
associated with the relaxation device than with the placebo-control
(Wilcoxon signed ranks test: p = .01 one tailed). The skin conductivity
and temperature measures did not reach significance in any direction
across any pair of treatments. Five of the ten questionnaire items
comparing the relaxation device with the placebo-control significantly
favored the relaxation device (all by Sign test with a priori probability
of .5); subjective estimate of relaxation (p = .0002); sensations
of warmth (p = .03); non-ordinariness of experience (p = .02);
perceived effectiveness (p = 0.02); perceived benefit (p = 0.02).
No questionnaire items at the 0.05 significance level favored the
placebo control over the relaxation device. The findings of the
study demonstrate the superiority of the relaxation biocircuit
over a placebo-control for producing relaxation under fully controlled
double blind conditions.
Biocicuits/Eeman Screens work to balance
your bodily energy, called chi, prana, life force, etc.
Connecting the meridian points in your hands to the points
at the base of the neck and the bottom of the spine enhances
bodily energy flow.

Harmonizing & Balancing
The copper body screens act like an antenna
to capture and radiate the energy while the copper hand
screens make contact with the meridian points in the
hands. Copper wire, an excellent conductor for this energy,
connects the screens . Connected as illustrated at the
left, the relaxation screens quickly reduce stress and
fatigue, quite your mind, and promote sleep. Although
no medical claims are made or implied, many benefits
have been reported. This is also a great way to relax
for 20 minutes and renew your energy.

What Eeman surmised and later experimentally
determined was that the human body, much like a battery,
has a polarity of energy that can be found along three
axes - head to foot, left to right and front to back.
The energy charge was opposite on the different poles
of each axis. Using familiar terminology, the head was
considered to be positive while the spine negative, the
right positive and the left negative, and the front negative
and the back positive.
Thank you for sending me
my Bio Circuit. I received it but was unable
to use it for a few days. I have found that
it has
been really effective with helping to give me
a period of relaxation. it is something that
I need
so much. Having gone through lots of stressful
events this year I seemed incapable of turning
off and was headed for serious consequences.
Using the circuits over the last two weeks has given
me the oppurtunity to experience a sense of relaxation
M Lindrom Arisona |
There seems to be no end
to the possibilities.
To Reap the most Amazing Health Benifits from
Eemann Biocicuits,Lay Naked in the sun while using,
Recharge Instructions |
Thus, the circuits work
by connecting positive and negative parts of the
body to create a flow of bioenergy within one’s
own body.

To use them, a person simply needs to lie down with
the wire mesh of one circuit under the back of the head
and the mesh of the other under the sacral area of the
spine. The Mesh of the upper circuit under the head is
placed under the left hand, while the mesh under the
right hand holds the lower circuit leading from the sacrum.
Finally, one crosses one legs left over right.
Effects of Conducted Radionic Emissions from Drugs
and Bloods L.E. Eeman
Like a seedling pushing up towards the
warmth and nurturing sunlight, you can use this simple
but amazingly effective tool for healing research, to
balance your energy, increase your psychic awareness,
strengthen your aura, and ‘maybe’ decrease
stress dramatically over a period of time. Some people;
feel results within the first few days of daily use,
and found the effects of stress related symptoms leaving
their lives more and more while using biocircuit. Other’s
use it on long flights to relieve jet lag and muscle
tension more quickly.
These screens are passive devices that facilitate
the flow of subtle bodily energy. A
scientific, double blind study, that measured
muscle tension and skin conductance as well as monitored
EEG, found these screens to be superior for producing
relaxation. |
Eemann Biocircuits use a simple and universal
principle: By externally linking the body's energy centers,
Biocircuits enhance the flow and balance of the body's
natural energy. Biocircuits promote deep physical relaxation
and refreshment. They can also facilitate trance states,
sensitivity to life energy and many extraordinary states,
of consciousness, gently and safely. By harmonizing the
flow of life energy in and around the body, tension and
bodily stress are relieved. As a result, in only 15-30
minutes,you feel muscular tension and knots begin to
relax , respiration becomes deeper and your whole body
feels calm, peaceful and balanced.
If you
are open-minded, I think you’ll find it difficult
to see
why vibrational medicine is still resisted
by anyone.
Instructions Click
“Mesmeromania” and the demise
of Animal Magnetism
The Weltmer Institute ceased operating in 1926. (In
a curious twist of fate, the building that housed
the Institute is now a mortuary.) Medical mesmerism
or ‘magnetic
healing’ as it was known, became such a
threat to allopathic medicine that a major effort was
mounted to discredit it. The term: “Mesmeromania:
insane devotion to mesmerism,” was a standard
medical term until the 1974 edition of Dorland’s
Dictionary. (Fortunately, DSM-V does not continue the
classification with the pejorative: ‘Energymania’ although
the assumption that we who believe are mildly delusional
persists among many.) From then on,
interest in medical mesmerism waned under the continuing
onslaught of medical disapproval and the legal
disenfranchisement of alternative medical practitioners.
When it rose again it had lost its identity
and its association with physics and acquired Eastern,
connotations. ‘Medical mesmerism’ and
animal magnetism’ were replaced by ‘charkas’ and ‘energy’ and
the emphasis on healing shifted from the
specific towards the supportive. The importance of
specific hand placements for specific disorders as
therapeutic essential was superseded by a single imperative – the
intention to heal. The importance of
learning how the process worked in order to give better
treatments reverted to a belief that some ‘cosmic
power’ worked through the healer. In a reversal
of the usual progress of science, physics gave way
superstition and the ship of science moved backwards,
awash in such magical thinking as: “I just put
hands on their body and the energy knows where to go
and what to do” – Hardly the stuff of
L. E. Eeman
But physics was not entirely lost. In 1947 L. E.
Eeman showed the polarity through the arms and through
spine with his as ‘Eeman screens’ which
produce a light mesmeric state trance state.xvi In
so doing he
unknowingly reaffirmed Reichenbach’s discovery
that the qi traveled through copper. Source |
a healing substance into an
Eeman Biocircuit.
Leon Eeman made a great leap whe he realises
that the Biocircuits carry energies and information around
the body,. These movements occurred as a result of the
3 axes of polarity that he found in the body: head to toe,
right side to left, and back to front. These form a kind
of ‘pressure gradient’ rather like a voltage
(potential gradient) does, or water pressure in a plumbing

He reasoned that if a healing substance
were to be placed in line somewhere in the biocircuit ,
its influence and qualities would be carried through
the whole circuit as well. Years of painstaking research
proved him right—and it is all fully documented
in his various books, and in books written by some of
his co-researchers :
‘ Biocircuits—Amazing New Tools
for Energy Health’By Leslie Patten with Terry Patten
‘ Technique of Conscious Evolution’By L E Eeman
‘ Co-operative Healing’ By L. E. Eeman
‘ The
L. E. Eeman Report—The Pioneering Years of Biocircuitry’By Tom
Brown (Borderlands Science)
‘ Biocircuits Video
Further, he found that just one-tenth of
a normal dose of a substance (say, Vitamin C or aspirin)
was as effective as a full dose taken physically, say,
as a capsule or pill. And further, that drawbacks associated
with such normal ingesting of medication did not occur.
For example, taking a capsule or pill means the substance
is exposed to the acidity of the stomach, which can be
detrimental to the effect required.
people have found Collidal silver is amazing in an
What does this mean in practice?
There is massive potential opened up by this dual approach.
First, use of the biocircuit without any
medication inline has many advantages.
Secondly, there seems to be no end to the
possibilities of placing a healing substance in line, amongst
them vitamins, minerals, essential oils, essences of all
kinds, flower remedies, even colours.

Silver Electrodes inside
Third, this is a totally non-invasive way
of delivering healing vibrations—the body will take
what it needs and no more, just as a battery takes just
the current it needs for charging. Most people have a sense
of when ‘enough is enough’ and stop the session.
Fourth, many side-effects due to too much
of a substance in the system, or how it has to be digested
through the mouth and/or the stomach, can be side-stepped.
This is a great advantage for frail or hyper-sensitive
people, and for people who have to take a number of medications
Fifth, even synthetic pharmaceutical drugs
are candidates for use in this way, because less needs
to be used, and the vibrational effect of the drug will
be stronger with less. Thus there will be less toxicity.
A few suggestions
· Use essential oils in-line to deal with any number of health issues—all
the power of aromatherapy is available through this method, which has been rather
sidelined, although it is very powerful, non-invasive and completely natural
· For a headache, a small amount of
paracetamol will usually act immediately.
· For fibromyalgia (chronic fatigue
syndrome) and other low energy states, use of oxygenating
compounds like Stabilised Oxygen or Ozonated water will
have a good effect.
· For everyone taking minerals and
vitamins—get the effect by using a good multivitamin
in the circuit, along with colloidal minerals .
· When morphine had to be administered,
we found that instead of several mg orally, 25 drops only
in-line had an even better effect, in that there was no
constipation side-effect but the pain was still reduced
as required. This was done under the supervision of a doctor
at St Vincent’s Hospice.
· For an energy boost, one lifeforce
tablet in the bottle gave a clear nourishing effect.
· For degenerative disease, the use
of the elements of high ph therapy in the bottle seem to
provide all the benefits of that method without the side-effects.
· Further research
Researchers have found that in some cases of degenerative disease, the occasional
side effect of nausea began to loom large to the point of affecting appetite.
So the biocircuit was used with Cesium Chloride in the circuit, along with
other substances to make up for the reduction in potassium caused by Cesium
and other preparations for oxygenating the body and helping with blood formation.
Hydrazine sulphate was also added to the mix
· Finally, Biocircuits provide a tolerable
way to use Urine Therapy—a small amount of urine
taken in the morning and mixed with water can be placed
in the bottle. Urine therapy has an ancient history going
back thousands of years as a very effective healing approach.
For a fuller treatment, see here.
There seems
to be no end to the possibilities.
To Reap the most Amazing Health Benifits
from Eemann Biocicuits,Lay Naked in the sun while using,
Incredible Recharge Instructions
Most companies
give you one set of screens for $US100-$US150.00,,we
give you all six
Kit of Six Screens
There are 6 screens of 6 inch Cotton
bound squares of fine soft mesh high quality
Australian copper,Joined with High Quality copper


Kit of Six Screens Plus Therapy Vial
There are 6 screens of 6 inch Cotton
bound squares of fine soft mesh high quality
Australian copper,Joined with High Quality copper
Recharge Biocircuits Instructions


Six Lakhovsky Antennas
The New Lakhovsky
Six Lakhovsky Biocircuit

The New Lakhovsky
Six Lakhovsky Biocircuit
While Eeman Biocircuits in themselves are
terrific tools for relaxation, deepening meditation, entering
the Energy Body rapidly, balancing physical and etheric
energies and so on, research by Eeman himself, Peter Lindemann
in the 70s and 80s, Leslie Patten in the 90s and other
researchers (including ourselves ) indicate that there
is huge potential for their use in a simple and powerful
form of vibrational healing. The doggedly materialist nature
of our culture has sidelined this cheap and powerful method
of healing, as it does when alternatives arise that promise
improvements to the status quo.
‘ Biocircuits—Amazing New Tools for Energy Health’ By Leslie
Patten with Terry Patten
‘ Technique of Conscious Evolution’By L E Eeman
‘ Co-operative Healing’ By L. E. Eeman
‘ The L. E. Eeman Report—The Pioneering Years of Biocircuitry’By
Tom Brown (Borderlands Science)
‘ Tools for wellness
While Eeman Biocircuits in themselves are terrific tools
for relaxation, deepening meditation, entering the Energy
Body rapidly, balancing physical and etheric energies
and so on, research by Eeman himself, Peter Lindemann
in the 70s and 80s, Leslie Patten in the 90s and other
researchers (including ourselves ) indicate that there
is huge potential for their use in a simple and powerful
form of vibrational healing. The doggedly materialist
nature of our culture has sidelined this cheap and powerful
method of healing, as it does when alternatives arise
that promise improvements to the status quo.
‘ Biocircuits—Amazing New Tools for Energy Health’ By Leslie
Patten with Terry Patten
‘ Technique of Conscious Evolution’By L E Eeman
‘ Co-operative Healing’ By L. E. Eeman
‘ The L. E. Eeman Report—The Pioneering Years of Biocircuitry’By
Tom Brown (Borderlands Science)
Tools for wellness |