Dr. Bob Beck, an acclaimed physicist developed a home
health system that is widely referred to as the Beck
Protocol. There are four steps that he developed for
anyone to use in there home. When he heard that viruses
and other pathogens had been deactivated in a medical
research study by the application of microcurrents of
electricity to blood, his considerable intellect and
ingenuity were aroused. While the medical research suggested
the application of microcurrents similar to dialysis
with the blood flowing out and then back into the body,
Bob Beck developed a system to apply microcurrents to
blood without invading the body. He developed a simple
system for applying these microcurrents by placing electrodes
over the wrist arteries. Good health is possible and
a great place to start is with these four protocols
As Bob Beck has said, the only thing
keeping the devices and procedures mentioned
in these pages from working is if a person doesn't
use them. Too many times I have listened to people
complain repeatedly about their health problems,
declaring they are willing to do almost anything
to get relief. Yet these same people somehow
never quite manage to actually do anything. |
From a physics perspective, the energy foundations of life is based on
Use the Magnetic Pulser as an alternative treatment for sleep.
Magnetic therapy provides a natural and alternative pain treatment.
Many elite athletes around the world are successfully using pulsed electromagnetic
fields as an alternative therapy to peak out their sports performance.
Use the Magnetic Pulsars' pulsed magnetic fields assist in the removal
of waste and toxins in the body.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) prevent and manage stress reactions
in the body.
Electromagnetic therapy is a holistic approach for anti-aging.
Complementary way to relieve pain and inflammation and promote healing.
Dr Beck claims that the combination of using
a pulser and a zapper has enabled him to lose over
50 kg in a year without any change in diet or life-style.
Also at over 70 years of age his hair returned
to its former dark colour. He says that many of
his friends are using both instruments more or
less daily and in the years since doing this, none
of them ever had any cold or other infection. However,
Dr Beck recommends combining the electric treatment
with the use of colloidal silver and oxygen/ozone
therapy. |

Blood Electrification/Purification:
The most important step in taking back your health and
your power is through blood electrification. Research
from Harvard, MIT and Albert Einstein College of Medicine
has shown that microcurrents are known to eliminate all
viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria and pathogens in
blood. Electrical micro-currents are known to eliminate
all viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria and pathogens
in blood.

This treatment disables microbes as they float through
the bloodstream. This is an important part of the protocol.
Dr Bob Beck electrification devices are attached directly
to the bloodstream via the wrists, not the palms of the
hands, as with Dr Clark's zapper (Differences).
The Beck electrification device output is much stronger
and has been measured in the bloodstream, using hypodermic
probes. The slower pulsation of Beck's device is said
to "permit the current to penetrate deeply".

Once the microbes are disabled, they
are harmless and the body
should eventually excrete them.
In a remarkable
discovery at Albert Einstein College of Medicine
The concept has been revealed in many revolutionary
patents and research papers over the past 100 years (going
back to 1890), but these breakthroughs were typically
lost, suppressed, ridiculed by mainstream medicine, etc.
Blood electrification
takes 2 hours daily for about four weeks to get significant
Blood Electrification
#1:How to use Blood Purifier or Blood Electrification
2. Colloidal Silver:
The second step, which we found worked amazingly and
synergistically well, was silver colloids. Pennies-per-gallon,
self-made perfected colloids greatly assist in eliminating
all known pathogens and preventing opportunistic infections.
This has been known for a long time. Home-made, pennies-per-gallon
colloidal silver acts as a "second immune system" according
to Bob Beck. It has been shown in numerous studies to
be the only substance known to eliminate hundreds of
viruses, bacteria, fungus, etc., more than any modern
antibiotic or "miracle drug" yet developed
by the pharmaceutical companies. Uses for Mild Silver
Protien (Colloidal Silver)

This is another treatment that does get to the cells.
Colloidal silver is an antimicrobial nutrient and is
relatively safe for humans, pets and plants. When the
colloidal silver is absorbed by a cell, it will probably
kill the microbe inside the cell, thus allowing the cell
to revert back into a normal healthy cell. It greatly
assists in eliminating pathogens and guards against opportunistic
infections. It can be used anywhere in or on the body.
Colloidal Silver
#3:How to use Colloidal Silver in the Bob Beck protocol
Pulsed Magnetic Fields
(i.e. Magnetic Pulser)
The purpose of this treatment is to disable
microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream,
but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph
system, the stomach area, etc. This is a very important
part of the protocol for wellness,
High-intensity Pulsed Magnetic Fields: The third step is externally applied
magnetic resonance of lymph, spleen, kidney and liver, which helps to
neutralize germinating, latent alien invaders and thus blocks reinfection.
This quickens disease elimination, restores the immune system and supports
detoxification. Detoxification is essential because you are throwing
off millions of dead and dying bugs. Permanent magnets, no matter how
strong, will not nor cannot scavenge pathogens with electromotive force.
It is important to be able to deal with rapid detoxification without
producing tremendous discomfort. One of the worst things you can go through
is detoxification if you are the slightest bit sick. If you go too fast,
and don't detoxify, you have done more harm than good.
of Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy
Dr Beck After considerable experimentation on himself,
friends, acquaintances and a few individuals diagnosed
with AIDS, all reaped some health benefit. Soon, however,
he realized that the blood might be cleared of viruses
or other pathogens but these same pathogens could be
temporarily hiding in the lymph system. To create the
necessary microcurrents in lymph and tissue to neutralize
viruses and other pathogens, he developed a magnetic
pulse generator. Pulsed magnetic fields create microcurrents
in lymph and other tissue. Externally applied magnetic
pulses to the lymphatic system, the spleen, kidney & liver,
help neutralize germinating, latent and incubating parasites
of all types, helping to block re-infection. This speeds
up the elimination of disease, restores the immune system,
and supports detoxification. Permanent magnets, no matter
how strong they are, will not produce the same results
as the pulsed fields of Bob Beck's device, which produces
induced back-emf currents. .
Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy
#2:How to use Pulsed Kilogauss Magnetic Fields (i.e.
Magnetic Pulser)

Parasites and Worms
Ozonated Water: The
fourth step is drinking ozonized water for rapid, safe,
totally natural cell oxygenation without free radical
damage. Totally natural cell oxygenation without free
radical damage. It has been shown in scientific experiments
that there is an inverse relationship between the amount
of oxygen in the blood and the ability of cancer to spread.
In other words, the more oxygen, the less your cancer
is able to spread. Ozone is a superb way to get oxygen
into your body. However, the amount of ozone in ozonated
water is probably not enough to seriously stop the spread
of cancer. But it may slow it down and help the other
protocols do their job.

Ozonated Water
Here is a list of the major benefits of ozonated water:
1) It purifies the blood of some microbes,
2) It is a superb detoxification method (it oxidizes the toxins, thus
neutralizing them),
3) It may kill some cancer cells or the microbes inside the cells,
4) It can stop the spreading of cancer,
5) It may provide energy,
6) It can help the immune
#4: How to use Ozonated Water
It would be best to use the Magnetic Pulser
before using the Blood Electrification equipment. The
reason is that the Magnetic Pulser may break apart colonies
of microbes and release them into the bloodstream where
the Blood Electrification equipment can disable them.
The Blood Electrification treatment should be started
about 15 to 30 minutes after the end of the Magnetic
Pulser. Again, they should NOT be used at the same time.
It would be wise to take the colloidal silver about
15 minutes after finishing the two electromedicine treatments.
The reason is that the electromedicine items will "open
up" the cells and any colloidal silver in the bloodstream
may go inside of non-Diseased cells. This will not create
any kind of danger, but it is best to maximize the amount
of colloidal silver available to go inside of Dis-easedcells
If any serious side-effects are noticed, the treatment
should be stopped immediately and started over again
from the beginning, using a "smaller and slower
buildup" (i.e. the build-up doses should be smaller
and the build-up times should be longer). The reason
for stopping the treatment and starting over has to do
with your key organs, especially your liver and kidney.
of the Order of Taking These Things
Pulsed Magnetic Fields (i.e. Magnetic Pulser)
The purpose of this treatment is to disable microbes that are not
floating around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in
root canals, the lymph system, the stomach area, etc. This is a
very important part of the protocol for wellness. |
