Are you being
Poisoned by Parasites?

What's eating on you? Could it be Parasites -
A Constant Battle -

What are parasites?

You have heard of stowaways on ships. They slyly sneak on board, find a secret place where they can live, steal food, and then eventually jump ship. Parasites are much like stowaways. They get on or in a host, move to where they want to be, gain nourishment, warmth, and other amenities, and then they or their offspring leave the host to find another. In a broad sense, a parasitic relationship is defined as one in which one organism (the parasite) lives on or within the other (host), and may cause the host harm.

Verminous intoxication or Poisoning is the result of a worm's waste toxins. It produces symptoms such as dizzy', unclear thinking, high and low blood sugar, hunger pains, poor digestion and allergies.

What exactly is a parasite? A parasite is an organism that lives off the host, the host being you or me. The parasites live a parallel life inside our bodies, feeding off either our own energy, are own cells or the food we eat, and even feeding off the health supplements we use. In recent medical studies, it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite living in their bodies. Some authorities feel that this figure may be as high as 95%.
The immediate question that comes to mind when people are informed of this situation is: How can a parasite possibly live in my body and I don't even know it is there? The answer to this is simple? The purpose of a parasite is to not make itself known. A smart parasite lives without being detected because if it is detected, of course, something is going to be done to eradicate it. If you think parasites are stupid, think again. They are highly intelligent organisms. Not intelligent in the same way humans are, but they are intelligent in their ability to survive and reproduce, which is of course, the purpose of any organism on this planet. It sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? And in
some ways it is, but , it can make life for humans very complicated.

Click to enlarge

So how can a parasite exist in the body without making it's presence known? If you know how to read the body and interpret it's signals, then the presence of a parasite can be determined quite easily. However, if you accept that it is normal to have low energy levels, health challenges, skin rashes, pains, frequent colds, flu and constipation (the list is endless for the things parasites will cause), then you may never question whether you have parasites.

If you were tested by a doctor for parasites, chances are that the results would come back negative. Does this mean that you do not have parasites? Unfortunately, medical testing procedures only catch about 20% of the actual cases of parasites. Over 1,000 species of parasites can live in your body, tests are available for approximately 40 to 50 types. This means that doctors are testing for about 5% of the parasites and missing 80% of those. This brings the ability to clinically find parasites down to 1%.


Once you've established that you do have parasites, taking drugs to get rid of them may not always work. This is because a drug will often drive a parasite from one organ of the body to another.

There are over 1,000 species of parasites, yet today's medical testing procedures only screen to identify about 50! There are two major categories of parasites: large parasites, which are primarily worms, and small parasites. Because of their microscopic size, they can burrow into the muscle, bones, or joints. Some of them may feed off the calcium linings of the bones or even the protein coating on your nerves, which can disrupt the nerve impulses to the brain. Parasites also secrete toxins, generating toxic build-up and stressing the immune system.

"Parasites may consume minerals and food supplements before you do! Who are you feeding first?" - Dr. Ross Anderson, N.D.

The sounds not the best but the pictures tell the story

Do you have any of these Symptoms

chronic diarrhea
chronic diarrhea or/alternating with constipation
intestinal cramps
changes in appetite
fowl-smelling gas
multiple food allergies
loss of appetite
weakness and fatigue
itching around the anus - especially at night (indicating pinworms)


restlessness and difficulty sleeping
sore and aching intestines
weight loss (although not necessarily)
itching on the soles of the feet - sometimes accompanied by a rash
coughing bloody sputum in some cases
fever followed by loss of appetite
palpitations (indicating hookworms)
muscle pain
facial swelling around the eyes (indicating trichinosis).
Wheezing and coughing, followed by vomiting, stomach pain and bloating (suggesting ascariasis or threadworms).

If you have any of these Symptoms, then, perhaps
you MIGHT FIND one of these usefull

We poison ourselves from our own toxic waste and the waste from these creatures (auto intoxication) when this ideal habitat for them is created. Your bodies have to work twice as hard to remove these toxic waste products and usually cannot keep up, leading to an overall feeling of sluggishness and fatigue, or even worse symptoms of disease.

From bacteria to parasites: Understanding the germs that cause infection and Poisoning

Like it or not, everyone is affected by parasites to a lesser or greater extent ... robbing you of essential nutrition ... living, reproducing, dying ... weakening and damaging your body ... creating wastes that burden or even poison your body ... repeating the cycle over and over again with each new generation ... in ever increasing, larger numbers. The benefits of interrupting the cycle and protecting yourself from further invasion are obvious. ;

According to the Mayo Clinic, bacteria, viruses and other infectious organisms live everywhere. You can find them in the air; on food, plants and animals; in the soil and in the water; and on just about every other surface -- including your own body. They range in size from microscopic single-cell organisms to parasitic worms that can grow to several feet in length.

Documentation shows that once worms or microscopic parasites are established in the body, the following harm may occur:

Worms cause physical trauma to the body by perforation of the intestines, the circulatory system, the lungs, the liver and wherever elsewhere they travel. When chyme is released into the perforated intestines it oozes into the lymph system and allergies are the first response by the body.

Worms can erode, damage, or block certain organs. They can lump together and make a ball causing blockage. They can go into the brain, heart and lungs and cause problems that are unbearable.

Parasites rob us of our nutrients and take the best of our vitamins and amino acids. Many people become anemic. Drowsiness after meals is a sign that worms may be present.

Lastly, these scavengers poison us with their toxic waste. This poisoning is a condition called, “verminous intoxication”. In this case, an already weakened body has difficulty disposing of the parasites’ metabolic waste. It can become very serious and difficult to diagnose.

Your immune system protects you against an abundance of these infectious agents, and at times, it's a tough task. Viruses and bacteria are cunning adversaries, constantly seeking new ways to breach your immune system's defenses.

Infectious agents: A multitude of microscopic invaders

Bacteria are one-celled organisms visible only with a microscope. They're so small that if you lined up a thousand of them end to end, they could fit across the end of a pencil eraser. They're shaped like short rods, spheres or spirals. They're usually self-sufficient and multiply by subdivision.

But when infectious bacteria and Parasites enter your body, they can cause illness. They rapidly reproduce, and many produce toxins poisons-- powerful chemicals that damage specific cells in the tissue they've invaded. That's what makes you ill.

Bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic plague, cholera, tuberculosis, and many other illnesses and disease are caused by the small group of known bacteria that negatively affect our bodies. It is well known and documented that these diseases and the bacteria that cause them have mutated dramatically in recent years. The overuse of antibiotics in the past and present has caused these bacteria to mutate and become immune to modern medical remedies.

What is a virus? Virus is the Latin word for poison. Since the beginning of time, people have been plagued with viruses. They seem to come and go causing epidemics and outbreaks that make many people sick and in some instances cause death. A virus is simply a clump of DNA material contained within a protein coating. And, unlike bacteria, they can only become active inside a live host. Silver kills viruses

Monsters Inside Me: The Eye-Eating Parasite : Video : Animal Planet

Lyme Disease

With the Babesiosis Parasite Loose Are Eastern States Safe?
Will Babesiosis challenge Lyme Disease? A new parasite is rising as a rare disease.

With the Babesiosis parasite loose are eastern states safe?

Though the disease has been primarily a disease of the Eastern seaboard (New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts) it has appeared in other states and can be anywhere deer and other animals carry the ticks.

The disease caused by this parasite is most pronounced on people with weakened immune systems. Deaths have occurred most often in people who have had there spleens removed although untreated the disease can be fatal to anyone. More info here



Parasites in the Brain?
Chlamydia pneumoniae
The Heart and Parasites

Are Parasites Making You Fat? or just Slowly Killing You...?


Bob Beck Protocol and Tools
Parasites Fungi? Not Me!

Microscopic protozoans harm more people than any other parasitic disease. The cyst or resting stage of this parasite is very resistant to temperature, dryness and chemicals, which are found everywhere in our environment. People ingest these cysts, which then "hatch" in our bodies. although we are commonly exposed to protozoans, our immune systems usually keep them under control, but people with a weakened immune system or toxic condition cannot fight off these parasites as easily. Protozoans can be found in the intestines, lungs, muscle tissue and the digestive tract, releasing toxins and tissue destroying enzymes. Protozoan infections may be associated with arthritis, asthma, degenerative muscle diseases, Hodgkin's disease, lymphoma, MS., ovarian cysts, psoriasis, cutaneous ulcers, dermatitis and more.

Removing parasites and poisons from vegetables and fruits

If you eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables like I do, you might be concerned with the amount of chemicals and parasites they come with from your local super-market or even a farmer’s market. That’s right- your organic produce you buy may not have as many poisons but still has so many microorganisms that you can’t afford not washing it thoroughly anymore.

To remove all the parasites and poisons from your vegetables and fruits, use this safe but effective way(don’t waste your money buying special products for this)....a simple Water Ozonator should do it

Just put your fruit or vegetables in a bowl
and OZONATE for 15 mins >>>
more info

Monsters inside me Watch the Video

Parasites may do any or all of six things:

Intestinal parasites and organ parasites cause physical damage to the body by perforating the intestines, circulatory system, lungs, liver, other organs and tissue essentially making Swiss cheese of them. Food allergies, for example, may be one of the indications of a parasitic condition of the intestine which allows food to leak into the lymph system, causing an immune response to the leaked material.
Weaken, damage or block certain organs just with their presence.
Lump together into a mass. Parasites may exist in the brain, heart, lungs, other organs, structures and tissue of your body.
Weaken the host by robbing the host of essential nutrients, taking a portion of the nutrients on which the host depends.
Poison the host with their wastes. In the best case, the host does double duty disposing of its waste and that of the parasites. Worse, when the host has difficulty disposing of the parasite’s wastes, a poisoning occurs called verminous intoxication.
Fool the host’s immune system into believing the parasite is part of its body. The parasitic population is allowed grow unaffected by any of the body’s normal defense mechanisms.


Symptoms of intestinal parasites, colon parasites and organ parasites may include:

Constipation: due to worms actually blocking the intestine.
Diarrhea: certain parasites release a hormone like substances that can lead to a watery stool.
Gas and Bloating: Some human parasites that live in the small intestine causing inflammation that produces gas and bloating.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Human parasites can irritate, inflame and coat the lining of the intestines causing symptoms of this disease.
Joint and Muscle Aches and Pains: Parasites can migrate and become enclosed in a sac in joint fluids, worms can do this in muscles as well.

Anemia: Some intestinal worms attach themselves to the lining of the intestines; feeding on the vital nutrients of the host. Worms leach nutrients from the human host. In large enough numbers, they can create enough blood loss to cause a type of iron deficiency

Allergies: Parasites can penetrate the intestinal lining allowing large undigested food particles into the body which can create the immune system response that is often assumed to be an allergy.

Growths - parasites can clump together causing tumors or Cysts.
Parasites are also found in cancer patients. There is some discussion about whether the parasites abound in the body due to a weakened immune system or if they are a factor in the cause of degenerative diseases or both.

Skin Conditions: Intestinal worms can cause hives, rashes, weeping eczema and a whole host of other skin conditions.

A fascinating article.

Dr. David Whitworth, a biochemist at Aberystwyth University who has studied the transmission of infections, told The Huffington Post in an email.

“Flu can be transferred by touch, but so can fecal bacteria and hospital superbugs like MRSA” or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, he said.

Infections like the norovirus spread easily by hand-to-hand contact, and one study conducted by Whitworth and his colleagues found that a single handshake can transfer hundreds of millions of colony-forming units of E. Coli — that is, after volunteers in the study had been exposed to the bacteria.

So, instead of shaking hands, the 2014 research, published in the American Journal of Infection Control, suggested some better alternatives for greetings. The findings revealed that a high-five transmits only half as many germs as many germs as a handshake, while a fist bump transmits only one-twentieth of the germs of a handshake.

“We found that handshakes can transfer many more bacteria than high-fives or fist bumps, so the nature of the contact matters,” Whitworth said. “Contamination also depends on hand hygiene habits.”

A big part of the problem is that many people don’t have very good hand hygiene habits. A whopping 33 percent of Americans don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom.. "


Nervousness: Human parasites create wastes and toxic substances that can be severe irritants to the central nervous system. Restlessness or anxiety are often the symptoms associated with these parasitic wastes.
Sleep Disturbances: Multiple awakenings at night between the hours of 2 and 3 AM are possibly caused by the liver attempts to flush toxic wastes, produced by parasitic infestations, out of the body.
Tooth Grinding and Clenching: This has been observed in patients with known cases of human parasitic infestations.
Chronic Tiredness: fatigue, flu like complaints, apathy, impaired concentration, depression, and memory problems. The human parasites are simply stealing your food and nutrients and overwhelming your body with their wastes.
Immune System Dysfunctions: Human parasites depress the immune system by the continued stimulation of the immune system which over time exhausts your defense system.
Excess Weight, Acne and Others: These can be telltale signs of parasitic invasion including, excessive hunger, asthma, bad taste in the mouth and bad breath, epilepsy, migraines and even heart disease and other degenerative disease.

Verminous intoxication is the result of a worm's waste toxins. It produces symptoms such as dizzy', unclear thinking, high and low blood sugar, hunger pains, poor digestion and allergies.

A MUST WATCH The Cryptosporidium Parasite 01:52

Everyone can be affected by intestinal parasites, colon parasites and even organ parasites; robbing you of essential nutrition, living, reproducing, dying, weakening, and damaging your body, creating wastes that burden or even poison your body, repeating the cycle over and over with each new generation, in increasingly larger numbers.

Skin parasites are under-researched, under-documented and poorly understood. The medical community is slow to respond and not really sure how to treat or even diagnose this affliction. There are many unanswered questions and most Skin Parasite victims feel confused or abandoned. One thing is certain, Skin Parasites are much more common than one may think.

Over 150 different types of colon parasites,
intestinal parasites and organ parasites affect Human wellbeing.

The different ways that bacteria can affect the human body are:

An infection which weakens the immune system and allows other biocontaminants which would normally be under control to affect the human host.
An infection to a healthy immune system that has been transmitted by airborne inhalation. (Tuberculosis and Legionnaires Disease)
A contagious bacterial infection that can be found on any surface where an organism might grow or attach.
By being transmitted from the excrements of rats, squirrels, and birds. Often these bacteria will become airborne by attaching to tiny particles and moisture.
By causing or contributing to hypersensitivity pneumonitis, chronic fatigue, irritability, depression, dermatitis, respiratory infections, asthma, sinus infections, ear infections, skin infections, Legionnaire?s Disease, meningitis, tuberculosis (TB), pneumonia, allergic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, humidifier fever, cold and flu-like symptoms, and many other conditions of compromised health.
By releasing endotoxins that are also infectious agents.

When a person is exposed to these biocontaminants for prolonged periods of time with a weakened immune system, they WILL become infected.

But you can give your immune system a fighting chance by understanding a little bit about the various kinds of microbes, what you can do to avoid infection and under what circumstances you should seek medical care.

Deal with parasites in the spring, after a long winter of close contact with other humans

Why wait? The benefits of dealing with parasites, interrupting their life cycles and protecting yourself from further invasion are obvious

People are still squeamish when it comes to parasites although, the issue has been around for as long as mankind. We can accept our pets or people in third world countries as having parasites, yet we tend to be naive about having parasites ourselves.
Reality is that we are not immune to these critters. For the most part, we do not notice the effects of parasites on our Systems, mostly because we have adapted to them and attributed other issues to their effects Stop Kidding Yourself - Just Get Rid of Them.


Understanding the Bob Beck Parasite Protocol

Parasite Blood Cleansing Tools

As Bob Beck has said, the only thing keeping the devices and procedures mentioned in these pages from working is if a person doesn't use them. Too many times I have listened to people complain repeatedly about their health problems, declaring they are willing to do almost anything to get relief. Yet these same people somehow never quite manage to actually do anything.

Bob Beck Protocol


Totally Solid State Design,
High Quality Capacitors
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute. .
Colloidal Silver Generator
Bob Beck Type blood zapper
Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at 7 pulses per min
1-60 min Timer
Intensity Control
You can hear the magnetic pulser pulse
Doesn't over heat after a short time


Water Ozonator
