Parasites Fungi?
Not Me!

If that's what you're thinking...maybe it's time to look at the facts.

According to the World Health Organization, 3.5 billion people suffer from some type of parasitic infection. Not all of these people live in third world countries; many in the developed world have any number of parasitic infections, some of which are so highly contagious that extremely casual contact with something that has been handled by an infected person can infect another person.

Parasites the silent invasion, what you should know about parasite infestation.

According to Dr. Ross Anderson, parasites are one of the most undiagnosed health challenges in the U.S. -- a statement based on his 20 years of experience with over 20,000 patients.

Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D. states in her book, "The Cure for All Diseases" that all illness comes from only two causes - parasites and pollutants. And that parasites are as rampant as pollutants in today's modern society.

Immature forms of a worm called

How Parasite Infections are Contracted

It is extremely easy to contract a parasite infection. Contaminated water is one source of infection. Improperly washed or undercooked food is a common means of infection. Transmission from pets is another. Contact with another infected person is also a common route of infection. Travel can escalate the risks. Antibiotics pose another problem because they interfere with normal intestinal flora, some which tend to control certain types of infection.

What Kinds of Problems do
Parasites Create in the Body?

One thing is certain -- parasites are not conducive to one's health.

While it's sometimes hard to trace the causes of diseases, evidence has been found that parasites can be the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Diarrhea, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, poor eyesight, organ malfunction, heart attacks, skin problems and many, many other problems. They eventually drain one's vitality and weaken immunity.

How can they do all that?

Because those pesky parasites can migrate to any part of the body - to any organ and/or system, and do a great deal of damage there. And they seem to always exist in partnership with fungal infections - most commonly Candida - a debilitating, systemic yeast infection that affects both males and females (systemic means it lives in the blood and cells of the entire body).

How many parasites can be in the human body?

Helminths (worms) species reported from human hosts by Taxonomic Group:

Acanthocephala 7 species

Nematoda 138 species

Nematomorpha 24 species

Platyhelminthes 173 species

Digenea 113 species

Eucestoda 57 species

Turbellaria 3 species

TOTAL 342 species

Source: Journal of Parasitology 85:379-403 Dr. D.W.T. Crompton (Crompton, D.W.T. [1999] How much human helminthiasis is there in the world?)

Get to know your parasite enemies:

What are the symptoms of parasites?

Listed below are the most common symptoms of parasites. Some of these symptoms may be indicative of other ailments. But these symptoms, as listed in "The Medical Advisor" (Time/Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia) can be a strong indication of parasites. They can include any combination of the following:

chronic diarrhea
chronic diarrhea or/alternating with constipation
intestinal cramps
changes in appetite
fowl-smelling gas
multiple food allergies
loss of appetite
weakness and fatigue
itching around the anus - especially at night (indicating pinworms)
restlessness and difficulty sleeping
sore and aching intestines
weight loss (although not necessarily)
itching on the soles of the feet - sometimes accompanied by a rash
coughing bloody sputum in some cases
fever followed by loss of appetite
palpitations (indicating hookworms)
muscle pain
facial swelling around the eyes (indicating trichinosis)
Wheezing and coughing, followed by vomiting, stomach pain and bloating (suggesting ascariasis or threadworms).

Cancer is a fungus
For about 100 years, the fundamental theory behind cancer has been based on the hypothesis that it is a malfunctioning of the genes. This point of view implies that cancer is intracellular. My point of view however is that cancer is a fungal infection, and therefore an extra cellular phenomenon.

Based on years of scientific and clinical research,
at the centre of every cancer tumour is a common fungus, Candida albicans.


Symptoms of Fungal Exposure (Mycotoxicosis)

Susan Lillard-Roberts

Mold toxicity is often the end result with constant exposure to mold of a toxic substance. A common misconception among allergists who are untrained in this type of toxicity levels in humans, which is technically not their area of expertise unless they have trained specifically in environmental medicine with their background in immunology, is to do general allergen testing. Most tests usually result in an unequivocal result, a 2+ or less. This induces some physicians to order allergy shots, regardless. These shots are absolutely worthless (and could possibly be harmful) to a person who has been heavily exposed to these mycotoxins as they are already in a state of toxicity. If anything, this could exacerbate the problem. Because many doctors are not trained in this field, they may try to "guess" at a diagnosis.

In laymen's terms, molds produce mycotoxins. These substances, although unseen by the naked eye, are ingested and then enter the body through the skin, mucous and airways. Once ingested, mold has the requirements to colonize and spread. In doing this, it can compromise the immune system and damage everyday processes of the body. Mold and yeast are interchangeable only in their dimorphic state, which is often a big misconception, although both are fungi. There has been a theory of a connection between Autism Spectrum Disorder onset and Candida Albicans in the body. New studies are being conducted during the first quarter of 2006. Updates will follow.

Fungi, which include yeasts, moulds, smuts and mushrooms, are responsible for causing four types of mycotic (fungal) disease:

Warn people of deadly fungus symptoms

1. Hypersensitivity - an allergic reaction to moulds and spores;

2. Mycotoxicosis - poisoning by food products contaminated by fungi

3. Mycetismus - the ingestion of preformed toxin (toadstool poisoning)

4. Infection (systemic) - (Mycotoxicosis; the subject below)

The following are a list of the most common symptoms of fungal exposure (bear in mind, people never fit all of below criteria). Most people with some forms of Mycotoxicosis meet at least 8 (recent symptoms) of the following criteria:

Fibromyalgia/mps (and several correlated symptoms)
Respiratory distress, coughing, sneezing, sinusitis
Difficulty swallowing, choking, spitting up (vomiting) mucous
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
Burning in the throat and lungs (similar to acid reflux and often misdiagnosed as such)
Asthmatic signs; wheezing, shortness in breath, coughing, burning in lungs, etc.
Irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, diarrhea, sharp abdominal pains, stomach lesions
Bladder, liver, spleen, or kidney pain
Dark or painful urine
Dirt-like taste in mouth, coated tongue
Food allergies/leaky gut syndrome/altered immunity
Memory loss; brain fog, slurred speech, occasionally leading to dementia
Vision problems
Swollen lymph nodes
Large boils on neck (often a sign of anaphylaxis)
Yellowing of nails, ridges, or white marks under nail
Thyroid irregularities, sometimes leading to complete dysfunction; adrenal problems
Anxiety/depression, heart palpitations - confusion, PTSD
Extreme blood pressure, cholesterol, or triglycerides irregularities
Ringing in ears, balance problems (very common), dizziness, loss of hearing (aspergillus niger)
Chronic fatigue (also included under this classification directional confusion)
Intermittent face flushing; almost always systemic, Called the Mylar Flush (neurological))
Night head sweats, and drooling while sleeping, profuse sweating
Multiple chemical sensitivity; only upon exposure to Stachybotrys and Chaetomium
Nose bleeds (stachybotrys)
Bruising/scarring easily; rash or hives, bloody lesions all over the skin (Often systemic, see images; skin)
Reproductive system complications; infertility, changes in menstrual cycles, miscarriage
Sudden weight changes (Detoxifier genotypes tend to gain weight, non-detoxifier genotypes tend to lose weight)
Hair loss, very brittle nails, temporary loss of fingerprints (in rare cases)
Joint/muscle stiffness and pain
Irregular heart beat/heart attack
Seizures, inadvertent body jerking, twitching, inadvertent facial movements or numbness in face
Hypersensitivity when re-exposed to molds, which can lead to anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis upon re-exposure to mycotoxin producing molds
Death, in extreme cases

Baking Soda and pH Levels

Not an Easy Problem to Solve

The bad news is that Parasites/Fungi are NOT an easy problem to solve. After all, they're very happy with the steady stream of nutrients, accommodations, and warm cozy breading ground their hosts provide. Their survival depends upon robbing you of nutrients. Naturally, they are going to put up a fight if you challenge them! The truth is, they tend to die slowly and cause much distress as they go, no matter what method is used.

According to Dr. S. Scott, an infectious disease expert, as parasites are dying off, they release loads of extra toxins (through their excrement). Wanting to escape the now unfriendly environment, they try to burrow deeper into the intestines, causing sharp pains and cramps. And when they do die, their dead carcasses create a toxic burden that your body has to work extra-hard to eliminate. Obviously, this causes quite a bit of discomfort until the situation is cleared out.

Not only that, parasites harbor their own smaller parasites, germs and infections (protozoa, amoebae, bacteria, viruses, etc). As they are dying, they release the microbes and germs they harbored into your body and bloodstream - giving your body even more to fight off.

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