Science Finally Validates Rife Machines and Hulda clarks
Royel Rife in his own words
They viewed disease or illness as a battle of vibrations
between the cells of the body versus viruses and bacteria.
If the pathogenic organisms won this vibrational contest,
the cells would become energetically weakened and more
susceptible to disease. According to Lakhovsky, the way
to counter this vibrational attack was to introduce a
broad spectrum of RF (radio frequency) harmonic energies
into the system and then, through the principle of sympathetic
resonance, each cell would pick out exactly the proper
frequency needed to reinforce its own internal vibration
and the healthy cell would be more resistant to vibrational
attack from virus and bacteria.
Tesla argued that by going back to our base physical
components, it can be safely said that the physical body
is built from multitudes of particles held together by
electrical bonds. Electrical forces are what hold atoms
and molecules together. Chemical bonds and reactions
depend on these electrical forces. Therefore, all chemical
reactions are, in essence, reorganizations of electrical
forces, which continue to be vital at body levels, i.e.,
tissues and organs. When this is all taken into account,
a living organism is shown to be an extremely intricate
electrical system (Gibson and Gibson 1987).
Rife machines and
Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement
each other based on the principle that life forms
absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this
principle to strengthen cells within the body
to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this
principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose
of frequency energy.
During illness, the vital force is weak and incapable
of supporting the body and its functions. In health,
however, the opposite occurs: the force is strong and
is able to counteract sickness and decay. What keeps
the immune system running is the energy that feeds it,
the substance of life. The body will not run well, or
will at least run with all sorts of mechanical problems,
when there is no energy to support it.
The Royal Rife machine Story
New Way to Kill Viruses:
Shake Them to DeathBy Michael Schirber, Special to
posted: 05 February 2008 09:27 am ET
Scientists may one day be able to destroy viruses in
the same way that opera singers presumably shatter wine
glasses. New research mathematically determined the frequencies
at which simple viruses could be shaken to death.
Royal Rife knew this truth
70 years ago
Royal Rife focused on refining
his method of destroying viruses. He used the same
to kill them,
which made them visible - resonance. By increasing
the intensity of a frequency with his Rife machine
which resonated naturally with these microbes, Royal
their natural
oscillations until they distorted and disintegrated
from structural stresses. Rife called this frequency
the mortal oscillatory rate, or MOR. Importantly
noted is the fact that mortal oscillator did not
harm the surrounding tissues.
To better understand this principle, think about
how a wine glass can be shattered by an intense
musical note, while other breakables near the
glass are not affected. Every material has a
natural frequency at which it vibrates, called
a resonant frequency. If you put energy into
the substance at its resonant frequency, you
will force it to vibrate or resonate. Some singers
can sing a note equal to the natural resonant
frequency of the wine glass and cause it to shatter.
Since everything else has a different resonant
frequency, nothing but the glass is destroyed.
(Resonance has even caused bridges to collapse.
Marching troops of soldiers will often break
cadence when crossing a bridge to prevent a resonance
"The capsid of a virus is something
like the shell of a turtle," said physicist Otto
Sankey of Arizona State University. "If the shell
can be compromised [by mechanical vibrations], the virus
can be inactivated."
Medical applications of electromagnetic
This concept has been tested
in vitro on malaria parasites and found to
be effective. This may provide a low cost effective
treatment for malaria infection in humans.
The rationale for cancer treatment using low-intensity
EMF is based on two concepts that have been
well established in the literature: (1) low-intensity
non-thermal EMF enhances cytotoxic free radicals
via the iron-mediated Fenton reaction; and
(2) cancer cells have higher amounts of free
iron, thus are more susceptible to the cytotoxic
effects of EMF. Since normal cells contain
minimal amount of free iron, the effect would
be selectively targeting cancer cells. Thus,
no adverse side effect would be expected as
in traditional chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
This concept has also been tested on human
cancer cell and normal cells in vitro and proved
to be feasible.
Recent experimental evidence has shown
that laser pulses tuned to the right frequency can kill
certain viruses. However, locating these so-called resonant
frequencies is a bit of trial and error.
"Experiments must just try a wide
variety of conditions and hope that conditions are found
that can lead to success," Sankey told LiveScience.
To expedite this search, Sankey and his
student Eric Dykeman have developed a way to calculate
the vibrational motion of every atom in a virus shell.
From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies.
After many attempts using
his powerful microscope, Royal Rife finally isolated
and identified what he called the human cancer
virus, and named it BX (Bacillus X) virus.
He then cultured the virus and injected it
into lab animals, which created cancer tumors
in all 400 of them. Later he was able to eliminate
the cancer by using a device he created. This
irradiate device emitted a frequency of electro-magnetic
energy thereby causing the cancer virus to
self-destruct when within that energy field.
Later he used a device that involved direct
more of Royal rifes rife machine research) On November 20, 1931,
forty-four of the nation's most
respected medical authorities honored
Royal Rife with a banquet called "The
End to All Diseases" at the
Pasadena estate of Dr.
Milbank Johnson.
As an example of their technique, the team
modeled the satellite tobacco necrosis virus and found
this small virus resonates strongly around 60 Gigahertz
(where one Gigahertz is a billion cycles per second),
as reported in the Jan. 14 issue of Physical Review Letters.
All objects have resonant frequencies at which they
naturally oscillate. Pluck a guitar string and it will
vibrate at a resonant frequency.
But resonating can get out of control. A famous example
is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which warped and finally
collapsed in 1940 due to a wind that rocked the bridge
back and forth at one of its resonant frequencies.
Viruses are susceptible to the same kind of mechanical
excitation. An experimental group led by K. T. Tsen from
Arizona State University have recently shown that pulses
of laser light can induce destructive vibrations in virus
Low-intensity electric current-induced
effects on human lymphocytes and leukemia cells
Narendra P. Singh and Henry
Department of Bioengineering
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
The purpose of this study is
to investigate whether low-intensity current
affects cells in culture. Two types of human
cells: white blood cells (lymphocytes) and
leukemia cells (molt-4 cells), were studied.
A low-intensity time-varying electric current
(0.14 milliamp) generated by the Clark
Zapper was applied to cell cultures
via two platinum electrodes for 2 hrs at 37o
C. Cell counts were made at different times
after electric current application. Results
show that the current had no significant effect
on human white blood cells up to 24 hrs after
exposure, whereas it significantly inhibited
the growth of leukemia cells. At 24 hrs after
exposure, concentration of leukemia cells exposed
to the electric current was only 58% of that
of non-exposed leukemia cells. These data suggest
that the electric current can selectively inhibit
the growth of leukemia cells and does not significantly
affect normal cells. A manuscript describing
these results is in preparation for publication.
In addition, the same electric current exposure
(0.14 milliamp, 2 hrs at 37oC) was applied
to E. coli bacteria cultures. No significant
effect of the current was observed in E. coli
cultures at 24 hrs after exposure.
Further research should investigate
whether this selective electric current-induced
growth inhibition also occurs in other types
of cancer cells. The critical current parameters
and mechanism of this effect should also be
26/1/18 I was admitted to hospital with pneumonia,
I was immediately put in an induced
coma for 8 days, in that time I was resuscitated
twice. I was also diagnosed with an aggressive
form of leukemia. My weight dropped from 82 kg
to 57 kg. I was released from hospital on 8/2/18
to be told by the doctor that I was going home
to die because I had refused chemotherapy. My
partner was told that I had 2 days to live! I
immediately contacted altered states, whom I
had previously purchased a rife crane machine
from & ordered a multi wave oscillator. Using
the rife crane machine & the mwo along with
a strict diet I was told on 20/4/18 that my blood
test had come back clear of leukemia. Subsequent
tests also show no leukemia in my body. I wish
to thank the team at Altered States for their
advice & help during my recovery. They made
it so easy for me. Thank You.Â
John O'L--------
Central Queensland
"The idea is that the time that the
pulse is on is about a quarter of a period of a vibration," Sankey
said. "Like pushing a child on a swing from rest,
one impulsive push gets the virus shaking."
It is difficult to calculate what sort of push will
kill a virus, since there can be millions of atoms in
its shell structure. A direct computation of each atom's
movements would take several hundred thousand Gigabytes
of computer memory, Sankey explained.
He and Dykeman have found a method to calculate the
resonant frequencies with much less memory.
In practice
The team plans to use their technique to study other,
more complicated viruses. However, it is still a long
way from using this to neutralize the viruses in infected
One challenge is that laser light cannot penetrate the
skin very deeply. But Sankey imagines that a patient
might be hooked up to a dialysis-like machine that cycles
blood through a tube where it can be hit with a laser.
Or perhaps, ultrasound can be used instead of lasers.
These treatments would presumably be safer for patients
than many antiviral drugs that can have terrible side-effects.
Normal cells should not be affected by the virus-killing
lasers or sound waves because they have resonant frequencies
much lower than those of viruses, Sankey said.
Moreover, it is unlikely that viruses will develop resistance
to mechanical shaking, as they do to drugs.
"This is such a new field, and there are so few
experiments, that the science has not yet had sufficient
time to prove itself," Sankey said. "We remain
hopeful but remain skeptical
at the same time
A 47 year old male with extensive
calcific pancreatitis has received so much improvement
in appetite, endurance and improvement in bowel
function that he is to continue treatment 3 times
weekly for several months so that pre and post-treatment
x-ray films of the pancreas may be compared for
possible calcium resorption. It is realized that
calcifications are the result and not the cause
of chronic
is a state of dynamic balance in the body where
illness simply can not exist.
This self evident axiom holds true that "in
perfect balance there can be no disease." The
human body is a magnificent and miraculous machine
that constantly repairs itself from damage, foreign
invaders and mutant cells when it is in balance.
Conversely, when the body is out of balance a host of possible diseases
can and usually do occur.
Superfast Laser Turns
Virus Into Rubble
By Alexis Madrigal 11.01.07 | 12:00 AM
Researchers are using this ultrashort-pulse laser to destroy the protein
shell of viruses. They say the laser frequency will not harm human cells.
Photo: Kong-Thon Tsen A physicist and his biologist son destroyed a common
virus using a superfast pulsing laser, without harming healthy cells.
The discovery could lead to new treatments for viruses like HIV that
have no cure.
"We have demonstrated a technique of using a laser
to excite vibrations on the shield of a virus and damage
it, so that it's no longer functional," said Kong-Thon
Tsen, a professor of physics at Arizona State University. "We're
testing it on HIV and hepatitis right now."
Tsen and his son Shaw-Wei Tsen, a pathology student
at Johns Hopkins University, came up with the idea while
strolling in the park and discussing the need for antiviral
treatments that go beyond vaccinations. Tsen senior has
long experimented with ultrashort-pulse lasers (USPs),
devices increasingly used outside of physics.
Raydiance, a USP laser manufacturer, signed a deal with
the FDA in July to explore laser therapies. As Wired
News reported earlier this year, an FDA official estimated
there could be a hundred medical uses for USP lasers,
from common laser eye treatments to cell-by-cell tumor
In the latest research, Tsen and his son demonstrated
that their laser technique could shatter the protein
shell, or capsid, of the tobacco mosaic virus, leaving
behind only a harmless mucus-like mash of molecules.
The laser shattered the capsid at low energy: 40 times
lower, in fact, than the energy level that harmed human
T-cells. Other types of radiation, like ultraviolet light,
kill microbes on produce, but would damage human cells.
In another biophysics breakthrough, new research
indicates that pulses of visible light from a
laser can be used to destroy viruses in biological
samples, such as blood. According to reports,
the visible light is actually more effective
at disrupting the virus' structure than traditional
eradication methods, such as UV or microwave
irradiation. Those other forms can also trigger
mutations within the viruses, perhaps generating
The virus-deactivating laser works on a
principle called forced resonance. The scientists tune
the laser to the same frequency the virus vibrates on.
Then they crank up the volume. Like a high-pitched sound
shattering glass, the
laser vibrates the virus until it breaks.
Rare Footage of the Royal Rife laboratory
Sadly we have seen this with company logos and stamps all over,
its seems greed has no respect for health,copy it and save it for prosperity
and free thought
excerpt from a massive study conducted by the
Department of Biomedical
Engineering, NovoCure Ltd., Haifa, Israel; B.
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion—Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel; Department
of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute
of Science, Rehovot, Israel; and Elisha Medical
Centre, Haifa, Israel.
Disruption of Cancer Cell Replication
by Alternating Electric Fields
the present study we show for the first time,
to our knowledge, that
very low-intensity (<2 V/cm), intermediate-frequency
(100–300 kHz), alternating electric fields
induced by insulated electrodes have specific
inhibitory effects on dividing cells in culture.
We demonstrate that applying these fields to
cancerous cells leads to proliferation arrest
and cell destruction. When applied to syngeneic
mice tumor models, these tumor treating fields
(TTFields) cause a significant reduction in
tumor growth rate without any significant side
In conclusion, we have demonstrated
that TTFields inhibit both the proliferation
of malignant cells in culture and the growth
of tumors in mice while showing no general
side effects or local histopathological damage.
The mechanism of action of the fields is, at
least in part, dependent on disruption of the
microtubules of the mitotic spindle and the
electric forces resulting from focusing of
the field in the dividing cells. The highly
specific effects of these fields on dividing
cells, together with the relative ease of applying
them, focusing them, and screening from them,
make them an attractive candidate to serve
as a novel treatment modality for cancer.
Viruses can help to cause some
cancers. But this does not mean that these cancers
can be caught like an infection. What happens is that the virus
can cause genetic changes in cells that make them more likely to become
Rous, Peyton
Courtesy of the Rockefeller Archive Center
1911 Peyton Rous (1879-1970) made the startling
discovery that a virus could cause cancer. A farmer
had brought him a hen with a large lump in her
breast. Rous, a pathologist, diagnosed the lump
as a sarcoma—a tumor of cells in the connective
tissue. He first tested whether the tumor could
be transplanted into chickens closely related to
the original one. It could, and with each passing,
the tumor became more aggressive. To find out whether
an infectious agent caused the cancer, Rous prepared
an extract—he minced a sample of the tumor
tissue in saline solution and passed this through
a filter to eliminate bacteria and tumor cells.
Then he injected the extract into healthy chickens. Contrary to his expectations, it produced new tumors!
cancer and the genital wart virus, HPV Primary
liver cancer and the Hepatitis B virus T
cell leukaemia in adults and the Human T cell leukaemia
virus There
will be people with primary liver cancer and with T cell
leukaemia who haven't had the related virus. But infection
may increase their risk
of getting that particular cancer. With cervical cancer,
scientists now believe that everyone with an invasive cervical
cancer will have had
an HPV infection beforehand.
people can be infected with a cancer-causing virus, and
never get cancer. The virus only causes cancer
in certain situations.
Viruses can help to cause some cancers. But this does not mean that these
cancers can be caught like an infection. What happens is that the virus
can cause genetic changes in cells that make them more likely to become
In 2009, sixteen years after
Hulda Clark first published that parasites can
cause cancer, the Queensland Institute of Medical
Research publishes:
Parasite turns cells cancerous
Scientists have found that
the human liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini)
contributes to the development of liver cancer
by secreting granulin, a growth hormone that
is known to cause uncontrolled cell growth.
“It has been known that
certain proteins secreted by O. viverrini cause
cell growth, however the identity of the protein
was unknown. We also knew that the parasite
secreted granulin but we did not know that
it could affect the human cells around it,” said
Dr Loukas.
“This discovery leads
the way to a better understanding of how this
parasite causes such a devastating form of
cancer,” said Dr. Loukas.
It is now thought that the
granulin secreted by the parasite is a major
contributing factor to developing bile duct
How do Rife machines work?
A. There are many different theories behind
Rife machines. Bacteria and virus break a part at certain
frequencies. Electrical stimulation makes the immune
system stronger. The body becomes ill from abnormal electrical
patterns. Rife machines correct the electrical imbalance
in the body. It could be possible that cell regeneration
is produced by certain electrical frequencies. Tumors
or cancers may overheat and die when exposed to Rife
Dr. Robert Thiel did a study using Hulda Clark
Zappers with a remarkable 97.9 % success rate.
Here are a few excerpts from that study:
Bioelectrical Stimulation for People with
Patterns Consistent with Certain Chronic Infections
purpose of this pilot trial was to determine
whether there may be any efficacy to combining
the use of bioelectrical stimulating units
with nutritional interventions for people with
patterns consistent with chronic fungal, bacterial,
viral, or parasitic infections. This trial
was a pretest-posttest, natural control-group
design where subjects were assessed before
and after bioelectrical stimulation was introduced
by the use of a device, most commonly referred
to as a zapper. 140 of 143 (97.9%) participants
reported improvement within 45 days, P<.01;
48.2% improved substantially and 49.7% improved
minimally. Thus, it appears that combining
bioelectrical stimulation with nutritional
interventions may have efficacy and deserves
further study.
are several reasons to believe that there may
be scientific justification for the
use of zappers. First, it needs to be understood
that precisely how the body combats parasitic
infections is not fully known; this may be
because many of the disease causing parasites
have the ability to turn off immune responses.
(Both immune and non-immune responses are involved
in the body’s defenses against pathogens
of all types.) It is possible that the body
produces additional acid, has an IgG response,
or has other actions to deal with intestinal
parasites. Second, it needs to be understood
that both the colon and the small intestine
produce electrical spike bursts. Third, animal
studies support the hypothesis that electrical
stimulation has various effects on the body,
including the inactivation of muscle acetyl
CoA carboxylase and increasing AMP-activated
protein kinase. The inactivation of muscle
acetyl CoA carboxylase may temporarily increase
pyruvic acid or decrease the effectiveness
of normal portions of the immune system. It
has been reported that researchers from the
Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that
passing a current of only 50 microamps can
prevent certain viruses (including HIV) from
Q. What is the difference between the output of a contact
or pad type instrument and the output of the Ray Tube?
A. Contact or pad type instruments deliver frequencies
through contact, while Ray Tube Instruments transmit
frequencies indirectly through the air. Direct contact
is a substantial more powerful and accurate than indirect
contact. The Ray tube is terribly inefficient, and being
an indirect contact devise, requires much more power
at the higher frequencies to deliver it's output.
We have found that pulsed magnetic fife
frequencies go right through the body
we have added this feature to
our option 2-6 units
In closing, I want to thank you for helping to create
a global paradigm shift, of which holistic healing is
one part. Even if you are fortunate to be in good or
excellent health now, it is comforting to know that this
technology is TEMPORARILY
available should you or a loved
one need it in the future. The application of Rife and
of frequency technology is bound to change the way medicine
is practiced.
The more people there are who believe in a way of life
that is different and better than what those in power
are trying to impose on us, the greater the possibility
is for everyone to prosper. I dearly want to see this
paradigm shift happen in my lifetime. And it is nice
to know that you are along for the
Rife, Hulda Clark, Bob Beck, and Lakhovshy Tools
Hulda Clark Super Sweep function Zapper
The New Super sweep function Zapper generates square
wave frequencies with intensity adjustable output.
and allows automatic useof the Hulda Clark Protocols
Solid State Design, High Quality Capacitors Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute.
. Colloidal Silver Generator Bob Beck Type blood zapper Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at
7 pulses per min Doesn't over heat after a short time
Built in Stand
Easy Instructions
120-240 Volts (The correct voltage is sent for
your country)
Pro The latest, powerful Rife frequency Resonator
software technology.
Its Rife/Crane/Hioyland system Rife 13.2" Screen Included IHoyland Type high frequency Generator (0.1-310mhz) Its a Bob Beck Zapper Its a Hulda Clarke Zapper Its a BT9 For Sleep and Depression Its a TENS unit for Aches and pains etc Its a CES (cranial electro stimulation) system
It can be used as a Bob Beck type pulser (options 2-4) Over 700 Presets for hundreds for diseases with a Hulda Clark to Rife Frequency
converter, giving you thousands of more frequencies with a few mouse clicks. TBSW Generator Pro : Similar to binaural beats, but used for theta healing, insomnia,
pain relief and more. The TBSW Generator in Professional has features not available
in our other systems. Export presets to wave audio format for making CDs for your clients or patients Chakra Tools : Align and balance chakras (the human energy centers) Sweep Generator : For assistance in finding your own healing frequencies (great
for emerging diseases like H7N1 bird flu etc...)
More : Ancient Tones -
A Client / Patient Database
machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed
to complement each other based on the principle
that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave
Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen
cells within the body to resist disease while
a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy
microorganisms with an overdose of frequency
What Lakhovsky discovered was simply mind boggling:
He postulated that all living cells (plants,
people, bacteria, parasites, etc.) possess attributes
which normally are associated with electronic
circuits. MWO