Stay Smart! and Sharpen your Mind!
Mind Builder Pro
Mind Builder PRO offers hundreds of hours of challenging
tests which will keep your mind fit and develop basic thinking skills,
increase logical and abstract reasoning powers, boost memory and
improve problem solving abilities. Core Mind Builder Pro contains
FOUR brain building software programs ( Core Mind Builder, Core IQ
Builder, Core Career Builder and Core Aptitude Builder) plus multi-level
math-based exercises to boost memory and mental quickness. |

Derived from brain-based research, the extensive databases of questions
designed by top MENSA puzzle editors and test experts can be used both
to assess and to develop critical thinking and general intelligence skills
as well as practical verbal, math and mechanical skills. Choices are
available for test difficulty and controls on test conditions. Use these
brain teasers for a pure mental challenge, or more seriously, get prepared
for formal entrance tests such as the SAT, LSAT and MCAT.
Core Mind Builder Pro contains:
Core Mind Builder – a great challenge to your logical and abstract
reasoning powers; solve a variety of puzzles, conundrums and other tests
of your critical thinking skills.
Core Career Builder – a practical test of verbal , math and other skills
commonly assessed and valued by employers.
Core IQ Builder – test your general intelligence abilities in ways similar
to IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests. Get your IQ and practice with these tests
to broaden your intelligence and improve your IQ test results.
Core Aptitude Builder – explore your personality traits, attitudes and
abilities to point you to careers that are best suited for you; includes math,
verbal and general intelligence tests.
Boost Mental Processing Skills with Math

Good brain function requires an efficient working memory to process
information and the effective retrieval of learned information from long
term memory. Core Mind Builder Pro includes addition and subtraction
exercises that challenge both working memory and long term memory which
will not only keep memory function operating efficiently but will also
support general mental processing capability. A wide range of skill levels
to select from enables an individually suited starting point and an opportunity
to progress. Choose Novice, Intermediate or Advanced Level math drills
and the number ranges you want to practice with! Track your progress
with saved records showing both time and accuracy for your math drills.
Core Mind Builder Pro
Core Mind Builder PRO offers hundreds of hours of challenging tests
which will keep your mind fit and develop basic thinking skills,
increase logical and abstract reasoning powers, boost memory and
improve problem solving abilities. Core Mind Builder Pro contains
FOUR brain building software programs ( Core Mind Builder, Core
IQ Builder, Core Career Builder and Core Aptitude Builder) plus
multi-level math-based exercises to boost memory and mental quickness.
Product #: CMBD-2100 Price: $US39.95

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