Test Your Thinking Powers with Mind

Mind Builder
Mind Builder is packed with hundreds of professionally designed
brain teasers to improve your creative problem-solving skills and abstract
reasoning powers.
For the committed brain teaser fan, it is undiluted fun with a serious edge.
For the committed mind-improver, it is an endlessly fascinating way to develop
and sharpen your mental abilities.
Build Brain Power!
Choose a difficulty level suited to you, and then increase the challenge as
you become more competent. With a mix of multiple choice and simple text questions,
this program delivers a mind stretching variety of the best brain teasers you
will find.
Stimulating tests designed by top MENSA puzzle editors and test experts will:
Keep your brain fit!
Build your Thinking Powers!
Boost your Memory!
Make you Test Savvy!
By working through these critical thinking tests you will begin to think more
clearly, analyze situations more efficiently and learn to recognize patterns
in seemingly confusing situations. Brain Builder is highly rated as a preparation
program for SAT and other types of entrance exams.
Boost Mental Processing Skills with Math
Good brain function requires an efficient working memory to process information
and the effective retrieval of learned information from long term memory. Core
Mind Builder includes addition exercises that challenge both working memory
and long term memory which will not only keep memory function operating efficiently
but will also support general mental processing capability. Choose Novice,
Intermediate or Advanced Level addition drills and the number ranges you want
to practice with! Track your math skills development with time and accuracy
records that can be accessed in the Administrator area. Track your progress
with saved records showing both time and accuracy for your addition drills.
Core Mind Builder
Core Mind Builder is packed with hundreds of professionally designed brain
teasers to improve your creative problem-solving skills and abstract
reasoning powers. For the committed brain teaser fan, it is undiluted
fun with a serious edge. For the committed mind-improver, it is an endlessly
fascinating way to develop and sharpen your mental abilities. Math-based
addition exercises are also included to build mental quickness and memory
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