Everything you wanted to know about CES..
Cranial electro Stimulation

Everything you wanted to know about CES...

Q. What is the history of CES?

A. At least two millennium ago, physicians used electric eels to relieve pain. Experimentation with low intensity electrical stimulation of the brain was first reported by Drs. Leduc and Rouxeau of France in 1902. Research on using what is now referred to as cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) for treatment of anxiety began in the Soviet Union during the 1950's, its primary focus being the treatment of sleep disorders, hence its initial designation as "electrosleep."

East European nations soon picked up CES as a treatment modality and its use spread worldwide. by the late 1960's, animal studies of CES had begun in the United States at the University of Tennessee and what is now the University of Wisconsin Medical school.

These were soon followed by human clinical trials at the University of Texas Medical school in San Antonio and the University of Wisconsin Medical School. More studies have followed. At present, the number of human studies stands at 103. In addition, there are 18 experimental animal studies, all of which attest to the safety of CES.

CES has been an international treatment modality for more than 50 years. Thousands of people worldwide continue to receive its benefits. The most extensive work on CES continues in Russia at the Pavlov Institute in St. Petersburg. But by no means is its use restricted to that part of the world. Current estimates are that there are between 50- 100,000 units in use globally. From a broad reading of published literature, no negative effects or major contraindications have been found from the use of CES to date, either in the U.S. or other parts of the world.

Q. Who could benefit most from the use of CES?

A. First and foremost, those suffering from stress in the form of depression, anxiety, and insomnia who seek an effective non-pharmacologic alternative. Secondly, those suffering from illnesses where stress constitutes a prime symptom.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, stress-related problems account for 80-85% of all visits to medical offices. Research indicates that 80-85% of all diseases are caused by stress which plays a major role in aggravating up to 90% of all illnesses and some part in the development of every disease, from cancer to the common cold.

It has been estimated that 80% of the populace of the United States alone react to life adjustment problems with the "flight" or "fight" anxiety reaction. And that a similar percentage of our hospitals are filled with persons who have channeled anxiety released energies into their bodies resulting in psychogenic illnesses.

Among those illnesses are: substance abuse withdrawal syndrome (alcohol, street drugs, nicotine, prescription drugs), chronic fatigue syndrome including fybromyalgia, pre-menstrual syndrome, attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity, migraine and tension headaches, TMJ dysfunction, chronic pain, pre-competitive and performance anxiety, panic disorders, tic dolereaux, bruxism, stress induced asthma, hives, gastrointestinal disorders, ulcers or gastritis, and irritable bowel syndrome, to name a few.

We would underscore, however, that CES is not a cure for these illnesses and does not represent itself as such. But by successfully addressing the anxiety, depression, and insomnia underlying these disorders, it can play a major role in the healing process.

Q. Is CES then only for the "sick" and the "stressed-out ?"

A. You don't have to be "sick" or "stressed-out" to use CES and realize its benefits. CES is a life-enhancing instrument of potential value to everyone. Its uses are wide ranging. Some people use it as an adjunct to meditation practice each morning. Others during peak stressor moments that hit unexpectedly in the course of a day. Who hasn't experienced those times when we are about to "lose it?" Putting the unit on in these situations even just briefly--perhaps for as little as ten minutes-- can help curb that anxiety and serve as a reminder that one needs to be with oneself in a different way.

CES also represents a significant affirmation that you have the power within to change your mental state and that you are willing to take active steps to create the time and the space to do so.

Many use CES as an assist to their creative work or in high stress situations. CES quiets the mind, making it especially helpful in preparing for examinations or as an accelerated learning tool, such as when memorizing blocks of material. For the athlete readying for competition, it helps create the state of relaxed awareness helping them enter the zone of maximum performance. Each person finds for themselves how to best incorporate CES into their daily routine

Q. Can CES be used as a sleep aid?

A. The 100 Hz CES can be used at bedtime. But .5 Hz CES needs to be employed differently.

Because of the increased alertness resulting almost immediately from its use, some patients may find it difficult to fall asleep immediately after a treatment. Accordingly it is recommended that the .5 Hz CES application be done at least three hours before going to bed. But by no means does that mean that it is contraindicated for insomnia.

One thing CES users often report is an increase in Vivid/Lucid dreaming.

Q. Does CES work for everyone?

A. No. But it is known to be significantly effective for about 95% of the people who use it.

Q. What can I expect ?

A. Most people will experience a relaxation response almost immediately after treatment begins with a CES unit. Immediately after a CES treatment, patients usually report feeling relaxed and sometimes inebriated for the first few minutes. This is a pleasant and very comfortable sensation. After several minutes to hours, the light-headed feelings usually disappear, the relaxed state remains and a profound sense of alertness is achieved.

This relaxed/alert state will usually remain for an average of 12 to 72 hours after the first few treatments. With regular use it is possible for the patient to habituate to this preferred state of consciousness. Some people describe the CES experience as analogous to having a type A mind in a type B body.

Q. What long range changes should I expect?

A. Sleep patterns could begin to normalize within the first day or two, with less and shorter periods of awakening during the night, faster onset of sleep after going to bed, and a greater feeling of being rested upon awakening the following morning. Depression and mood swings become less, as does irrational anger, irritability, and poor impulse control. By the second week, cognitive processing is visibly enhanced. Mental confusion due to stress begins to subside as the ability to focus and concentrate on work becomes easier and more efficient. The ability to recall information and accelerate learning also begins to return to normal pre-stress levels as concentration and memory improve.

Q. What is the suggested length and frequency of treatment?

A. For 100Hz the recommended usage is 30-45 minutes once or twice daily for the first month after which the frequency may be reduced to two or three times weekly once symptoms are reduced or eliminated entirely. The 0.5 Hz unit recommended usage is three times a week for twenty to forty minutes, although there are some who will benefit from a more frequent daily treatment. There are also some who will achieve the full benefits within ten minutes. Some dentists use it instead of nitrous oxide during dental procedures that last for hours .You yourself determine how to best incorporate CES into your daily routine. It can be used on waking in the morning and/or on going to bed at night and/or in response to stress situations. Individuals undergoing psychiatric treatment or rehabilitation for substance abuse often benefit from more frequent and prolonged application.

Those suffering from severe anxiety and extremes of compulsive or addictive behavior may find it necessary to use it more frequently, perhaps several times daily. When symptoms of depression or anxiety have lessened or disappeared, it is still important to have access to the unit as a tool for relapse prevention on an as-needed basis. It is helpful to work in close conjunction with your physician/health care professional to determine the role CES plays in your overall treatment program.

Q. Can you overuse come more sensitively atuned to yourself and better understand your body and its needs.

Along the way, you will intuitively come to know when CES is needed and when it is to be put aside. You alone will become the determinant of use, as regards both frequency and duration.

During its usage, you will experience periods of relative calm and a sense of control. You may even succumb to a bit of self-congratulations. Seemingly, your CES unit appears destined for the bottom of a drawer. Life being what it is, however, just as you are ready to celebrate for successfully negotiating your personal terrain with skill and dignity --- Voila! New challenges appear from nowhere,--a veritable curveball from Hell. CES can help move you through those difficult transitions. Keep it handy. Incorporate it into your daily regimen.

The continuing use of the unit allows for further refinement of stress management skills at newer and higher levels of complexity.

Q. Is CES difficult to use? /How much technical skill does it take?

A. Most CES units are user friendly. After having put on either the electrodes or the earclips and inserted the leadwire into the jack, it's all very simple. CES units either feature an amplitude (turning it to the right increases the amount of current) . Start with a low current and gradually increase it. If the current is too high, the patient may experience a stinging at the electrodes, dizziness or nausea. If any of these symptoms occur, simply reduce the current and the symptoms will immediately subside. After a minute or two, try increasing the current again, but always keep it at a comfortable level. It's ok to feel the current providing it is not uncomfortable.

Q. How does CES work?

A. As is the case with numerous medications, including aspirin, the exact physiological mechanism by which CES works is not fully understood and is still the subject of research study. It is hypothesized that CES acts by direct stimulation of the brain in the hypothalmic area with specific electronic frequencies. Such stimulation causes the brain to manufacture various neurohormones that effect ones moods and emotions as well as ones cognitive capabilities back to a level of pre-stress hoemeostasis. For a more detailed hypothesis see "The Bioelectrical Mechanism" under Research.

Q. How does electromedicine such as CES differ from Western drug medicine?

A. Western drug medicine relies primarily on chemistry to heal and control pain. Microcurrent electrical therapy (MET) is based on the concept that the biophysics underlying the chemistry also plays a significant role in regulating bodily processes. Using waveforms at a level of current similar to the body's own, MET bridges cellular communications helping reestablish the normal electrical flow.

The concept of a bioelectrical control system is common to every form of healing ever developed in recorded history, except for drug medicine. The Chinese named bioelectricity chi; the Japanese called it ki, the Indians referred to it as prana, and the Russians, bioplasma. There are 75 trillion cells in the human body, each one having an electrical potential across its cell membrane, just like a battery. Though acknowledging this fact, Western medicine does not yet fully appreciate the natural healing powers of the body or the bioelectrical systems that control them. .

Q. How is the current transmitted?

A. The unit utilizes earclips electrodes that plugs into jack in the unit. The Brain Tuner (BT-11) employs a stethoscope shaped device that sits beneath the ears. Saturate the felt electrodes with saline solution and then apply them to the superior aspect of the earlobes as close to the jaw as possible.

Q. Under what circumstances is CES best used?

A. CES units is fully portable... This allows you to use it just about anywhere and under a variety of circumstances, except those noted under the contraindications. You can do it at home while watching TV or at the office while doing your paperwork. Though of course you might not care to go out jogging with it on, but then again you might. But CES is more than an aside. It is also a reminder of the need to create inner quiet and reroute your mental traffic. You don't want to contribute to it further by treating CES as yet one more thing to do, squeezed in between other frenetic events in your life. Though you need not interrupt your usual activity for CES, its results are generally enhanced by setting aside a special time for its use alone.

Q. How safe is CES?

A. CES has an unblemished safety record. For a more detailed analysis of that record see "safety" under the research section.

Cranial electrotherapy stimulators are generally limited to less than one milliampere (mA) of current. To put this into perspective, it takes one-half of an ampere to light an ordinary 60 watt light bulb. To truly compare the work done per second by these two different currents, we must multiply the currents by the respective voltages that drive them. The product current x voltage is a measure of the rate of generation of energy, and is referred to as the power output. By definition, when a device outputs 1 ampere of current with a 1 volt driving force, the power output of the device is 1 watt. Therefore for the Alpha-Stim 100, the maximum output is (600/1,000,000)amperes x 9 volts = 0.0054 watts, or about 11,000 times less power than the light bulb. Many people do not even feel this amount of current.

This is current amplitude similar to that in the human body. The sole source of the current is a nine volt battery. Because the current is alternating, it sends bipolar current between the electrodes instead of unidirectional, as would be the case with direct current. Hence there is a net cellular polarization of zero to the user. This is a safety factor of major importance.

The Alpha-theta Stim in particular uses a very broad band of frequencies collectively known as harmonic resonance. This insures that the right frequency will be delivered to reestablish homeostasis within the bioelectrical system. The other frequencies pass harmlessly.

Q. Is CES discomforting?

A. CES is not to be confused with either ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) which uses a much greater amount of electricity to induce traumatic shock, or aversion therapy both of which are based on discomfort. With CES you should experience no discomfort whatsoever. The most that will ever be felt is a mild tingling sensation. If at any time the sensation proves too strong, the amplitude should immediately be reduced by a simple turnoff the knob or twist of the dial.

Research shows CES to operate effectively at both lower and higher levels of stimulation as well as below the sensate threshold. accordingly, the patients may turn the amplitude to the point of sensation; then turn it down slightly below that point leaving it there during the session. You may also increase or decrease the amplitude at will without impairing the efficacy of the treatment. Your own comfort always dictates the setting of the treatment.

Q. What is the relationship between CES and nutrition?

A. There is a synergistic relationship between nutrients and CES. Think of the brain as a car battery, some cells of which may not be fully functioning. To achieve that end one needs both water and the trickle charge--This is analogous to the brain, amino acids and the CES. The brain uses amino acids as the raw materials, the building blocks or precursors with which to build its neurotransmitters. It is necessary for these amino acids to be present in the bloodstream in adequate amounts for the maximum impact/benefit of CES to be realized. These precursors, if present will be taken up and synthesized into neurohormones much more effectively when CES is added. These neurotransmitter precursor amino acids can be taken orally as food supplements.

To experience an even more dramatic impact of CES, it should be done in conjunction with amino acid supplements, especially in those areas in which one is deficient. Ideally, you might first test to determine the nature of the neurotransmitter deficiency and then develop a regimen supplementing your diet with specific amino acids known to be precursors to them.

Q. Are there any contraindications?

A. There are no known contraindications for use of CES. However, there are circumstances in which its safety has not been tested. Accordingly, CES should not be used without on-going clinical supervision by severe depressives and those known to be epileptic, pregnant, or those using implanted electronic devices such as cardiac pacemakers or insulin pumps.

There have, however, been instances where under such supervision CES has been employed successfully and where CES has been shown to reduce both the frequency and severity of seizures.

Because of the feeling of induced relaxation that results while using CES, though, this relaxation response does not in any way impair reaction time, it is recommended that CES not be used while operating dangerous or complex equipment or while driving.

CES treatment may result indirectly in increased blood flow to the brain. Hence its possible contraindication in recent hemorrhagic stroke patients. This same effect can cause brief increased blood flow beneath the electrodes behind the ears. This redness should not be cause for concern. This is an extremely rare occurrence. It is not a burn response and will go away shortly after the CES treatment is finished if it occurs at all.

Perhaps three persons out of one hundred report a slight headache when using CES. This is usually alleviated by simply turning the current down. If the headache should recur during ordinary use, cease using the unit and consult with your health care professional.

As with the use of any medical device, the physician/licensed practitioner should be informed of any medication or neurotransmitter blockers the patient is taking as well as the employment of cardiac pacemakers or other electronic devices as mentioned above.

Q. What research is there as to the safety and effectiveness of CES?

Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) has a growing history of applications in rehabilitation medicine in the United States dating back to early 1970. As a recognized non-drug treatment of anxiety, depression and insomnia, CES gained its first major application in
the field of addiction treatment and rehabilitation. By the mid 1980s research was showing additional important uses of CES in the treatment of closed head injured patients, and in paraplegic and quadriplegic patients. The most recent research is showing CES to be
highly effective in the management of chronic pain patients. It may be elevating the pain threshold due to its stress reducing effects when anxiety and depression are reduced below clinical levels. Modern theorists of a pain neuromatrix in the cerebral cortex may provide an
additional basis for understanding CES mechanisms in the control of pain related disorders.
PMID: 11455071 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

A. There are approximately 1,000 articles on CES therapy many of which are listed in four reviews put out by the Foreign Service Bulletin of the United States Library of Congress. This is in addition to the wealth of physiological and bio-engineering data on electrosleep and electroanesthesia in animals. As of this writing there are more than 100 research studies on CES in humans and 18 experimental animal studies. The efficacy of CES has been clinically confirmed through the use of 28 different psychometric tests. The significance of CES research for treating anxiety has also been reconfirmed through meta-analyses conducted at the University of Tulsa and at the Department of Health Policy and Management , Harvard University School of Public Health. The full body of research can be accessed at this website.

Q. Why haven't I heard more about it?

A. Because of the fundamental bias on behalf of pharmaceuticals in Western medicine and the political and economic power of the Drug cartels and the influence they wield over public policy.

Charles McCusker, Ph.D.
This researcher wants to acknowledge Delbert T. Goates, M.D. who was instrumental in many areas of research during his career, including work with the CES

Expected Results with CES

Although individual levels of improvement may vary, medical research reveals dramatic improvements in mental functioning including:

Deep Relaxation
Improved Memory
Mental Clarity
Mood Elevation
Improved Learning
Sound Sleep
Increased Concentration
Increased Vitality
Reduction of Psychosomatic Conditions
Assisting Substance Abuse Recovery

Our new CESta is a powerful and versatile CES device with 18 preset sessions and 18 blank locations for you to create and store your specialized sessions.

The CESta monitors and adjusts the intensity of the stimulation 1000 times per second to ensure consistent and comfortable stimulation. Throughout the entire session, the CESta will check the electrode connections and automatically make the necessary adjustments. All sessions are pre-timed so your CESta will turn off when your session is complete.

The CESta can also be used for Microcurrent-Electrical Therapy (MET), Transcranial DC Stimulation and/or to make colloidal silver (Each requires the purchase of additional hardware and/or software available from Mind Alive Inc.)

Delivering tiny electrical currents to the brain could help
women with breast cancer head off side effects from chemotherapy.

About CES

Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES) was developed in the Soviet Union in the late 1940s as a treatment for insomnia and has since been used by millions of people all over the world. Most research over the past 25 years has shown that CES reduces anxiety and improves cognition in recovering drug addicts and alcoholics. Pete Townsend, formerly of the band "The Who", found CES was the most effective treatment for his drug addiction recovery.

Research demonstrates that CES produces a mild stimulation in the hypothalamic area of the brain, resulting in balancing neurotransmitter activity (in particular Beta Endorphin and Norepinephrine). The effects achieved are similar to that of a "jogger's high".

CES increases the conversion of amino acids to neurotransmitters. Its particular mode of operation is as a corrective measure for brain dysrhythmia. Brain rhythm influences the development of psychiatric conditions as well as poses as a trigger that induces physical manifestations of illness. Through the positioning of the stimulating electrodes, CES connects the diurnal rhythm of head and heart through the vagus nerve. It thereby functions as an anti-dysrhythmic on a whole-body level.
Eric R. Braverman, M.D


About Microcurrent-Electrical Therapy (MET)

Although electromedicine has been in existence for well over a thousand years, developments in electronics and new research has seen this technology grow at a terrific rate in recent years. The term microcurrent-electrical therapy was coined by Joseph Mercola and Daniel Kirsch in 1995 as a “bio-compatible” technique primarily used for the treatment of pain. According to Patrick DeBoch, MET is very different than traditional TENS because MET produces its benefits in part on a cellular level. MET may replace TENS for pain applications as it has longer lasting effects.

The concept of MET is based, in part, on Arndt’s Law, which states that weak stimuli excite physiological activity, whereas medium-strength stimuli will encourage it and strong stimuli will suppress it.

It is believed that MET delivered at around 500 micro-amps in the 0.5 to 3 Hz range may be most effective for treating pain.

To make colloidal silver with your CESta, you will need the Colloidal Silver Making Kit (patch cord, silver rods, silver rod holder, plastic spacer and sessions). The CESta provides a constant current output with a maximum of 1.5 milliamps. As a result, it offers a very simple procedure to make high quality colloidal silver.

Frequently Asked Questions about
Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES)

Cranial electrostimulation (CES) in patients with probable
Alzheimer's disease.

Department of Clinical Neuropsychology, Vrije Universiteit, Van der Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

In one study, behavioral disorders of patients with vascular dementia reacted positively to cranial electrostimulation (CES).
Scherder EJ, Deijen JB, Vreeswijk SH, Sergeant JA, Swaab DF