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Binaural Beats

" What are binaural beats recordings?"

Binaural beat recordings are specially generated sounds, designed to alter your brainwaves - bringing about different states of mind, such as happiness, creativity, or relaxation. They're perfectly safe, non-addictive, and can be used as often as you like.

"Tell me more about how binaural beats work..."

Let's take a few minutes now to discuss the history behind binaural beats... and how they work in more detail.

For a long time, the scientific community has been aware that certain frequencies are associated with certain states of mind. For example, the alpha frequency of 8 to 12Hz is present when individuals are in the "zone", in "superlearning", positive-thinking modes. This frequency can be verified through an electroencephalograph (EEG) reading, and can usually only be obtained through meditation.

So, why don't we just LISTEN to that frequency in an attempt to adopt that state of mind?

We could try, however the ears can only typically hear between 20 and 20,000Hz. Frequencies such as 8Hz simply don't register. But if we COULD somehow manage get the mind to hear those lower frequencies, we'd be able to recreate such states of mind literally on demand.

And that's just what German experimenter H.W. Dove discovered in 1839. He found out that by playing two coherent sounds of similar frequencies into each ear, one could produce a third "binaural beat" at a specific frequency INSIDE the mind... thereby directly influencing the brainwaves and the state of mind.

The Theory of Brainwave Entrainment


Lucid dreams, altered states, deep relaxation, euphoria, increased intuition, awareness, enhanced creativity, accelerated learning, psychic abilities, elimination of insomnia and the symptoms of stress, increased endorphin levels have been attributed to the use of binaural beat audio technology. A technology that permits the control of brainwave frequency patterns allowing the intentional inducement of altered states.


Let’s take an example. Imagine a pure tone of 400Hz is presented to the right ear, and a pure tone of 410Hz is presented to the left ear (using stereo headphones). Inside the head, the difference between the two tones is realized... and a third “binaural beat” of 10Hz is produced. This is equal to the alpha frequency, which brings about light relaxation, “superlearning” and positive thinking
Of course, all of this information would be useless without actually knowing which frequencies induce the desired states of mind.

Thankfully, thanks to much scientific research and many thousands of electroencephalograph reading studies, these frequencies have long been well-known to the community. And here they are:

Delta 1 - 3 Hz Deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions
Theta 4 - 7 Hz Deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus
Alpha 8 - 12 Hz Light relaxation, "superlearning", positive thinking
Beta 13 - 25 Hz Normal state of alertness, stress, anxiety

Of course, further studies have shown that specific types of exposure to certain frequencies is better at assisting different mind states. For example, we know that a 30-minute session at 5 Hz can replace around 2 to 3 hours work of sleep. Insomnia can be assisted with a ten minute dose of between 4 Hz and 6 Hz, then entering frequencies below 3.5 Hz for twenty to thirty minutes, then settling on 2.5 Hz and fading out. Accelerated learning can take place at between 7 Hz and 9 Hz.

These Binaural Beats.are created CDs based on the very latest research studies, utilizing thousands of research hours in a bid to create the best self-development CDs for home use.

All of our CDs are professionally-produced, drawing inspiration and frequencies from the most prestigious research projects. We also integrate the more complex binaural beat effects, such as panning, triangular wave chords, sound "spinning", enveloping, and the "phaser" effect, to produce the most EFFECTIVE RECORDINGS AVAILABLE.

Our CDs are powerful and require NO EFFORT whatsoever. Just sit back and let the binaural beats influence your state of mind. Improve your mood, boost your creativity, get into the "zone" during the day, and get super-relaxed at night.

THAT is what binaural beats are all about. They're the 21st century tool for accessing your genius mindset, a method of tapping into "zones" that would usually take years of meditation and enlightenment. And at, we're extremely proud to be a part of that movement.

Binaural Beat CD's

Power Siesta
Regain three hours lost sleep
in just 30 minutes...

Use the Power Siesta CD for:

Recovering from a late night with little sleep
Feeling refreshed before an evening
A deep rejuvenating "cat nap"
Getting rid of bags under the eyes
Requiring less sleep... great for shift workers!

More Details Here

Length of recording: 2 x 30 minute tracks

Total Relaxation
Feel the stresses of the day just drip away...

Use the Total Relaxation CD for:
Getting the mind into a very relaxed state
Falling asleep, curing insomnia
Reducing stress, overcoming obstacles
Revitalizing the entire body with a deep "cat nap"
Calming your mind prior to an important speaking event