What is
vibrational medicine?
In the hands of a skilled and compassionate practitioner,
vibrational medicine is true body-mind-spirit therapy.
The word vibration, or frequency, refers to the pulsations
of energy that make up and pattern all life and matter.
Albert Einstein's famous equation E = mc2 states that
energy is equivalent to matter with its vibratory rate
greatly speeded up. The energy fields that make up all
living things are interactive. The ability of an energy
field to influence the vibratory rate of another is called
resonance. Vibrational medicine is based on energy resonance.
Energy can be applied in the form of electrical microcurrents,
light, magnetism, sound, energetic remedies and human
touch (or some combination).
Examples of vibrational medical techniques
are acupuncture, homeopathy, gem and flower essences, color
light and laser, healing sound therapies, Rife, MWO ,Reiki
and hands-on healing.
The great benefits of vibrational medicine
in general are lack of negative side effects and the ability
to effectively treat many difficult and challenging mind/body
imbalances that cannot be diagnosed or effectively treated
with Western medicine.
video footage of Royal Rife's Laboratory
video footage of Royal Rife's Laboratory |
Our Purpose:
" To Share the Incredible Potential of Rife Technology for Improved Health"
If you enjoyed the movie, "What the
Bleep Do We Know?" or you're interested in the new
science of healing with energy, you're going to enjoy this
To begin to understand what vibrational energy can really
do for you, it helps to realize that the human body is
really a magnificent quantum physics machine. We are made
up of literally nothing more than vibrating energy. Humans
are made of cells, which are made of atoms, which are made
of particles, and those so-called particles are actually
just vibrating energy. Every atom is just a probability
wave, and most of the stuff we call physical matter is
really made up of completely empty space. We are more empty
space than physical stuff; more vibration than mass. Thus,
we can be strongly impacted -- either positively or negatively
-- by vibrational energy.
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun, for example, helps
support healthy moods, brain function, endocrine system
function and sleep cycles. Sunlight photons also help us
generate vitamin D, which prevents cancer, diabetes, depression
and bone loss. Infrared radiation has been proven to speed
recovery of wounds and injuries, and infrared LED devices
are being tested by NASA to speed the growth of plants
in space.
The universe is so vast it is not comprehensible
by the human mind. It would be like an ant trying
to understand the wonder of the internet. It can't
be done.
The universe humbles us as it should.
energy affects every living system, and
light is only one narrow band of the electromagnetic
spectrum. In the last hundred years or so, many open-minded
medical pioneers have looked for other healing applications
of vibrational energy. This includes people like John
Sarno, an expert in mind-body health, and Richard Gerber,
the author of "Vibrational Medicine." There
is a lot of experimentation being done today in healing
with light, sound, heat and electricity. We already
know for example, that electrical impulses and sound
waves rapidly accelerate the healing of bones. We know
that infrared light in the 600 and 700 nanometer range
accelerates the healing of flesh wounds. We also know
that environmental stress caused by noise (living near
airports) or electrical interference (living near high-voltage
power lines) is detrimental to health. A recent study,
for example, showed that men who frequently use cell
phones show radically reduces sperm counts due to the
side effects of cell phone radiation.
A definition of a "healer" is
someone who was sick and got well,
and a great healer is someone who was very sick and got
well quickly.
Richard Gordon
The "Earth" frequency as a basis for healing
With modern society bombarding us with so much electromagnetic
energy, it seems increasingly obvious that getting more
in tune with the "Earth
energy" is universally healing. People
who leave big, noisy cities and move out to the country
enjoy spectacular health improvements. People who contact
the earth through gardening, outdoors activities or consuming
natural foods are far healthier than those who don't. And
almost everyone agrees that a lush, green forest, humming
with life, is calming and healing to both the mind and
Experiments in 'electro-acupuncture' and Kirlian
photography have led to an energy map of the body
identical to that shown in traditional Chinese medicine.
The meridian system is seen as an interface between
the physical body and the energy body. Applications
of resonant energy to the meridian system promote
healing in a number of dis-eases, by altering the
energy of the 'root system' concerned in the dis-ease.
Much of this work seems to be 'undercover' and information
and the manufacture of equipment for treatments of
this nature is actually suppressed through legislation. |
One explanation behind all this is that the Earth itself
hums at a specific frequency, well below the audible detection
range of human beings, called the Schumann
frequency or Schumann resonance,
which you can read about on Wikipedia. If you multiply
this Shumann resonance by multiples of two, you get higher
harmonics of the same frequency, sort of like a higher
octave on the piano. You can have a low level C note or
a high level C note, and if you play them together, they
are in harmony even though one is an octave higher than
the other.
If you want to help people get in touch with
the frequency of the Earth, the obvious thing to do is
get them vibrating at multiples of the Earth frequency.
Through a process called entrainment, physical objects
absorb the vibrational frequencies of their immediate surroundings.
If you have two tuning forks and you knock one of them
to get it vibrating, you only have to hold it near the
other tuning fork for it to start vibrating, too. The vibration
frequency radiates from the source to all objects around
it, causing those objects to vibrate in harmony with the
source. This is essentially what the
Rife and the MWO machines
do, too: it broadcasts a high energy healing frequency
, entraining your mind, body and even the physical space
around you to a frequency that's more in tune with healthy
This entrainment phenomenon, by the way,
is happening all around us. In fact, the computer you're
reading this one wouldn't work if it wasn't for the resonance
of the CPU timing crystal, and the subsequent "entrainment" of
the CPU cycles. This is a straight physics phenomenon,
not some theoretical woo woo stuff. I observe this happening
all the time. When my dog barks in the house, for example,
she sets off a rather wonderful ringing of peoples crystal
bowl collection, which tones in response to the sound energy
broadcast by the dog. That's entrainment, too.
Rife machine from Altered States
is able to send electromagnetic energy via the Magnacoils
at a high multiple of the Schuman frequency or at
other tunable frequencies that you choose ,. You
can tune it almost any frequency you want within
1-10.000Hz, and that's what makes this machine so
interesting ... the MWO even
higher, .
The etheric body, acupuncture meridians,
chakras and nadis and other multi-dimensional aspects of
the human are described by ancient schools of healing throughout
the world. Western medicine in its reductionist stance,
ignores these aspects because they can't be studied under
a microscope. Only now, at the beginning of the 21st century
are some doctors starting to catch on.
Experiments in high-energy particle physics
and the new field of quantum physics show us that nearly
all matter is energy. In some sense we are made from 'frozen
light'. As beings of energy we are influenced by and can
be treated by energy and modern medicine is all too slowly
realising this.
Medical science, alternative medicine and quantum science
are merging in a few specific places. For example M.R.I.
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) as mentioned previously,
places the patient in a strong magnetic field that passes
waves through the body. The computer creates an image
by analysing changes in the magnetic alignment of the
hydrogen protons in our cells. This is essentially an
'energy imager' but is used only for physical diagnosis.
A key principle behind M.R.I. is that the atoms under study
(hydrogen) are being stimulated by the transfer of energy
of a specific frequency. The energy is only absorbed
by the atom if it is of a particular resonant frequency.
Systems which produce frequencies that resonate with
the biological phenomena being studied have the greatest
chance of successfully imaging indicators of disease.
M.R.I. promises much new diagnostic information about
the body, showing even more detailed cellular pictures
of structure and function. It is still looking at only
physical molecular imaging - a sophisticated application
of a Newtonian philosophy.
Vibrational medicine interfaces with subtle
energy fields that underly the functions of a physical
body. It is based on the idea of resonant frequencies,
similar to a tuned string on a musical instrument resonating
with anything tuned to the same frequency, or an opera
singer smashing a glass by singing at a certain pitch.
Some sciences and philosophies have recognised vibrational
elements as an important part of the universe. It is proving
difficult to link these new sciences with the dogma of
Western medicine. Even as long ago as 1928 Thomas Sugrue
recognised vibrational elements at work in the human body:
from "The Secret" Movie
" The human body is made up of electronic
vibrations, with each atom and elements of the body, each
organ and organism, having its electronic unit of vibration
necessary for the sustenance of, and equilibrium in that
particular organism. Each unit, then, being a cell or a
unit of life in itself has the capacity of reproducing
itself by the first the law as is known as reproduction-division.
When a force in any organ or element of the body becomes
deficient in its ability to reproduce that equilibrium
necessary for the sustenance of physical existence and
its reproduction, that portion becomes deficient in electronic
energy. This may come by injury or disease, received by
external forces. It may come from internal forces through
lack of eliminations produced in the system or by other
agencies to meet its requirements in the body."
Edgar Cayce (1928) from There is a River by Thomas Sugrue.
Vibrational Medicine
Vibrational medicine is one of the most,
if not the most widely studied field of medicine today.
There is now global interest and research in the clinical
applications of Vibrational Medicine. Vibrational Medicine,
of which Homeopathy is a part, has been used by various
systems of medidcine throughout the ages, but because of
its subtle nature, until recently it has been largely ignored
by the mainstream medical establishment. Fortunately, this
is no longer the case. Advancements in modern technology
have made it possible for the unseen/subtle to be seen.
Researchers can now view and measure the body's subtle
energy fields, as well as changes in these fields after
Vibrational Medicine modalities have been applied. With
these findings has come a new surge of global interest,
research, and discoveries in all systems of medicine vibrational
in nature.
Virus attacking cell |
The human body is a multidimensional, vibrational
being with numerous, complex energetic interactions continually
taking place. These complex energetic interactions - a
bioenergetic communication network - emit vibratory information
that precisely specify the activities taking place within
the body, and these vibratory emissions are measurable
with modern equipment. Current research hypothesizes that
every part of the body - mental, physical, and emotional
- form this continuous interconnected bioenergetic communication
network. Each part of the body, even the smallest constinuent,
is a part of this bioenergetic communication network. Vibrational
medicine stimulates this network, and the body's restorative
systems respond without the side-effects associated with
the use of pharmacological substances. Everything living
vibrates at certain frequencies. This is true not only
for molecules, cells, tissues, and organs, but also for
parasites, bacterium, viruses, etc. Imbalances, disorders
and diseases alter the bioenergetic communications network,
and through the use of vibrational medical devices balance
can be restored. Your body can then go to work healing
Healing Systems
In our world, exposure to poor quality air
and water, food preservatives or additives, environmental
pollutants, toxins, parasites, or pharmacological
agents is commonplace and occurs on a daily basis.
This places a great deal of stress upon the body's
immune system. |