long as there is breath in my body
IF... What if Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) are harmful??? And what if was possible to help protect yourself, your family, and friendsDr. Nancy Wertheimer, who first published the epidemiological study showing a correlation between 60-Hz power lines and the increased incidence of childhood cancer in this country, has also performed similar research on users of electric blankets. She has found that there is a higher incidence of miscarriages among pregnant women who use electric blankets as compared to pregnant women who do not. What if EMFs distrupt sleep? What if electromagnetic fields (EMF) are harmful ??? Is it like Asking "What if thalidomide causes deformities in children"? The drugs Zomax, DES, and thalidiomide were all tested on animals and judged safe, but had devestating consequences for the humans when they used them. Studies show that more than half of prescription drugs drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration between 1976 and 1985 caused side effects that were serious enough to cause the drugs to be withdrawn from the market FDA ON Thalidomide If electromagnetic fields (EMF) are harmful "THEN PERHAPS THESE MAY HELP"
EMF Detection Isnt this interesting The Commission is closely monitoring new developments in scientific research and international regulatory action in the field of EMF. There is for the moment a lack of data concerning long-term effects of low exposure; large-scale epidemiological studies are presently being conducted. In response to growing concerns amongst the general public, specifically
about EMF exposure from mobile phones and transmitter masts, and the
rapid increase in the application of new technologies using radio-frequencies,
the Commission asked in January 2001 the competent scientific committee
to update the existing scientific advice on health risks associated with
the exposure to electromagnetic fields in the light of new evidence on
exposure and research on health effects. The Committee on Toxicology,
Eco-toxicology and the Environment has adopted this opinion(56KB) on
October 30, 2001. |
"Everything in life is vibration"Albert Einstein |
Do Governments Really Believe, There Are No Dangerous Bioeffects From EMF Exposure?
The Ambiguity The people who make up the Federal Government do not agree on EMR Bioeffects, so how can the Federal Government appear to be consistent? Here are some contradictory positions taken by various US Government agencies, or agents. National Academy of Sciences - National Research
Council, report, or press release, -- no danger, Power
Lines and Property Values: Each of us spends about one third of our lives in one small area--the bedroom--where we sleep, where we sometime work and where we often have our sacred space for meditation or relaxation. It is most important that this area be kept as a healthy space. Since each person's long-term sensitivity to electrical and magnetic fields may vary, depending on genetic, immune system, stress, environmental and dietary factors, these are just guidelines. In general, to date, there seems to be tendencies for sensitivities to develop quicker in persons who have weak immune systems from chronic illnesses, allergies or multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS). Surround
yourself with Friendly frequencies Your workplace Repetitious transients and surges (pulse spikes) occur on power lines , but the more influencing transients are created by factors in home and business wiring, water piping (poor grounding/balancing), appliances and equipment. This repetitious long-term exposure may provide a kind of irritation or suppression factor, posing potential hazards to our health. EMF effects have been discovered, at night, reducing brain pineal melatonin hormone production, which affects immune system efficiency, especially in older persons. These effects appear to be caused by the sharp rise and fall of the pulse spikes created by motors and switches (perhaps the electric blanket thermostat switch, for example) turning on and off. That's the reason for 'prudent avoidance' of operating electric blankets and water bed heaters by children and pregnant women. Dr's Wilson and Reiter made these discoveries during the several years ago at Pacific Northwest Laboratory and University of Texas Health Science Center, respectively. This points to a probable irritating or suppressing type of influence which would create symptoms in a variety of confusing ways, due to personal health and immune system factors]. Persons at risk appear to be those having poor health factors and who may be exposed for years in constant proximity to power line components (transformers, sub-stations), appliances (electric blankets, hair dryers), power tools, TV's and computer monitors, and other sources of potentially rapid switching) EMFs. MEASURE
YOUR ENVIROMENT There is screed,s of information out there, for and against the ideas in
this newsletter, one has to wonder seriously if there are dangers in magnetic
fields, personally we measure our environment and try and stay in the researched
safe zone, one can never be to careful, and trusting big business and Governments
to tell the whole truth,well.
Detection Are you at risk??? Ac milligauss meter - model UHS The EXTENDED SENSITIVITY TRIFIELD METER
The meter is sensitive to changes of as little as 0.5% of the strength of the Earth's magnetic field, and the tone will sound whether the field increases or decreases. After the meter detects an event, when the magnetic field then becomes stable for more than about five seconds, the tone will stop and the needle will return to zero. The meter will remain at rest until the field changes again. The threshold level (squelch level) of the tone is adjustable. The user determines the amount of change in the magnetic field required to sound the tone. If the field changes by the threshold amount, the tone will come on at a low pitch. If the amount of change is larger, the tone's pitch will be higher. This meter can also be used to determine if anything is magnetized. For example, if a bed frame is magnetized, the meter can be held vertically and slowly be swept by hand over the bed. Any changes in the direction or strength of the magnetic field will register. A similar process can reveal the presence of magnetic rocks just below the ground. The Natural EM Meter can detect geomagnetic storms caused by unusual
solar activity interacting with the ionosphere (which results in rapid
changes of up to 10% in the Earth's magnetic field), as well as the
electrical activity of ordinary thunderstorms. It will signal the movement
of any distant, strong magnetic sources in the sky, even if the sky
is cloudy or the source dips behind a hill. Ball lightning should in
theory be associated with a strong magnetic field, and magnetization
of metal on the ground has been reported with some sightings of unusual
lights in the sky. Surround yourself with Friendly frequencies "Everything in life is vibration"Albert Einstein |
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Break Can the power of the mind be used for change
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tools for wellness and relaxation
A malfunctioning immune system
can cause allergies The
immune system is important to cancer patients in many ways Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can weaken immunity by causing a drop in the number of white blood cells made in the bone marrow. Apart from bone marrow or stem cell transplants, this effect on the bone marrow is temporary. Some
cells of the immune system can recognise cancer cells as abnormal
and kill them. Unfortunately, this is not enough to get rid of a
cancer altogether. The individual has always
had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. The University of Southern California preformed clinical trials in 1934 with Rife machine technology on 16 terminally ill cancer patients and all 16 were cured within the trial period of 3 to 4 months. It is claimed that the treatment was painless, did not have side effects, did not harm healthy cells and did not include pharmaceutical treatment for the cancers In the Fall of 1990, two researchers, Drs. William Lyman and Steven Kaali, working at Albert Einstein Medical College in New York City made an important discovery. They found that they could inactivate the HIV virus by applying a low voltage current to HIV infected blood in a test tube. They applied a direct current to the electrodes and found that a current flow in the range of 50-100 microamperes (uA) produced the most effective results. Practically all of the HIV viral particles were adversely affected while normal blood cells remained unharmed. The viral particles were not directly destroyed by the electric current, but rather the outer protein coating of the virus was affected in such a way as to prevent the virus from producing reverse transcriptase, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human cells. Oxygen is not something that God reaches out from Heaven and replaces on this planet. Oxygen is primarily provided by photosynthesis from the trees and vegetation. The Amazon forests alone, just one hundred years ago, provided over one third of this planet’s global oxygen. Today, through deforestation and man’s greed, the Amazon basin is struggling to make three-sixteenths of our global oxygen. The ramifications of the former upon life on this planet are severe. Up and coming countries that are frantic to keep up with other commercially affluent countries, are expanding their commercial capabilities each day, consuming more and more energy
Portable Rife/crane system here. For those that have purchased our Rife/crane
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Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.
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DOES SILVER WORK AGAINST CANCER ? The mutation of healthy cells
into cancer cells occur continuously, even in healthy bodies. But
such cancer cells are destroyed by the body's natural immune system
at a rate about the same as they occur, and when the body condition
is stable, there is nothing manifest that a healthy person would
experience as cancer. Some types of Cancer are reported to be caused
by a virus. Like with any virus, upon invading a body tissue cell
it will take over the cells reproductive chemical factory thereby
forcing the cell to replicate the virus instead, the cell will revert
to the primitive state thus enabling the Colloidal Silver to be effective
and kill the cancerous cell. A higher concentration of Colloidal
Silver means more immediate contact with any virus or other pathogen. Standard
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Can the power of the mind be used for change
Thank you
Disclaimer: To comply with FDA requirements we need to inform you the fact that a lot of people have had tremendous results does not guarantee that you will have the same results. Also, if you have a serious medical condition, this use of this technology should not replace any competent medical advice you are currently receiving. Our experiences have been that most people will use this technology while continuing to visit their usual/normal medical professionals A SITE DEDICATED TO TRUTH, PEACE, JUSTICE, LOVE
FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted
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by the copyright owner. Such material is made available for educational
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